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Thursday, January 5, 2012

About All Ayurveda Oils

About All Ayurveda Oils

Ayurvedic oils have been used in India as a medicine for thousands of years. The Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic is known for its expertise in the preparation and application of Ayurvedic oils. Ayurvedic oils are different from essential oils as the herbs are cooked into the base oil – usually sesame oil.

Types of Ayurvedic Oils - There are hundreds of different Ayurvedic oils prepared with detailed recipes written in the classical texts – Ashtangahridaya, Sahasrayoga, and others. Each oil is formulated with herbs that will address dosha imbalances in the functioning of the body and mind. Below is a list of some of the more commonly used oils in Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic.

  • Dhanwantaram Oil : It is a warming oil used in winter to address high Vata problems such as sensitivity to cold, low back aches, and joint pains.
  • Bala oil ; It is a Tridoshic oil suitable for all doshas. The word “bala” means “strength” so this oil is used for general strengthening of the body.
  • Ksheerbala oil : It is prepared by cooking Bala with milk and sesame oil. It is a cooler oil used in the summer for Vata and Pitta constitutions.
  • Balaashwagandha oil: It is prepared using Bala with Ashwangandha herbs. This is an excellent oil for Vata problems that strengthen the nervous system.
  • Pinda Tailam : It is a cooling oil. It contains one of the most effective Pitta reducing herbs, Manjistha. This oil is red in color because of Manjistha.
  • Mahanarayana Oil : It is an analgesic oil for sore muscles and joints. It is used often in cases of rheumatoid and osteo arthritis.
  • Bhringadi oil : It is the made of many herbs primarily Bhringraj which nourishes the hair follicles.
  • Brahmi Oil: It is enriched with Brahmi, which is a memory booster and rejuvenative herb used for healthy functioning of brain. This oil is often used for shirodhara.

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