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Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to use a cream face mask

How to use a cream face mask

While using cream face masks, the consistency of thick cream that it provides helps in providing a youthful look to the skin. However it is not advisable for use on young and oily skins as this face mask has lots of oil in them.

Cream Face MaskThere is no point in using face masks too frequently as it only upsets the balance of the skin. When using face mask, it is necessary that you apply the face mask that you choose on your face, and then wait for some time till it dries out. Within this time, you are sure to find a little tightening in the skin. This is nothing to worry about as it is quite normal with a face mask. On feeling the tightening of the skin, you have to give yourself another few minutes before rinsing your face. You can remove the face mask either using water or using a wash cloth; the choice is yours. Once the face mask is removed, dry your face and then moisturize it as some moisture is lost from the skin through face masks. This is why it is not advised to use face masks too frequently

Tips on using a gel face mask

Tips on using a gel face mask

Get Face MaskWhen using a gel mask, it is important that the skin is cleaned and then allowed to dry. Once it dries in about ten to twenty minutes, you find that you can roll it off, like a second skin. When peeling off these face masks, make it a point to start peeling from the chin and then work upwards. The benefit of this face mask is that not only dead cells get lifted, but even blackheads and facial hairs can be removed. The gel mask can be used on any type of skin ranging from normal to dry skin, and even in combination skins. However the disadvantage of this face mask is that it cannot absorb body oil like the clay mask can.

Different skin types call for different face masks

Different skin types call for different face masks

Clay Face MaskClay face masks are made using fuller’s earth as the main ingredient in it. Then there are orange face masks, gel masks and cream masks. The clay mask is best used to dry the skin. It has to be spread to the skin surface where it helps in absorbing the excess oil and dust particles found in the skin. With this, the skin gets tightened while blood circulation is stimulated. However it is not advised for people with sensitive or dry skin to use a clay mask as it may cause discomfort. It is the people with greasy and harsh skin that benefit the most with clay masks.

How to hydrate yourself using hydrating face masks

How to hydrate yourself using hydrating face masks

As the name implies, the hydrating face mask helps in moisturizing the skin and thus helps in soothing the skin that is moisture starved. With the hydrating face mask, natural oils of the skin are restored and the hydro lipid film of the facial skin restored.

Tips on using Peel off masks

Peel Off MasksThe peel off masks is face masks that are usually gel based. You have to apply this face mask to the face, leave it on for about twenty minutes and then peel off when dry. These face masks are great for tightening the skin as the open pores are closed and the skin, smoothened. When peeling off these facial masks, it is important that it is peeled off from the chin and lifted upwards. These face masks are also efficient in the removal of dead cells, facial hair and blackheads too.

Now we have a classification of face masks based on the skin type it is best suited for.

How to emit radiance using a radiance face masks:

How to emit radiance using a radiance face masks:

Radiance Face MaskThe radiance face masks are face masks that use vitamins and diffusers to add some glow to the dull and lifeless skin you have. This face mask helps in moisturizing and toning facial skin which makes it look smooth and young. After using a radiance face mask, you find that the complexion of the skin becomes luminous and glowing.

A typical radiance face mask is one with a ripped banana, honey and sandalwood powder. Mix the sandalwood powder with the mashed banana and honey to form a thick paste. Apply the face mask and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse with water and notice the glow on your face. With this face mask, you find that it works as a deep cleanser which provides a natural glow to dull and dry skin.

Tips on understanding firming face masks

Tips on understanding firming face masks

Firming Face MasksThe firming face masks are usually available in cream or gel form. They have to be massaged into the contours of the face which are much looser than preferred by you. With the regular use of these face masks, you find that the wobbly flesh on the face gets firmed up. This is the best face mask for older women having skin where its elasticity is lost. With a firming face mask, the skin surface gets refined and tightened.

You can make a great firming face mask using almonds and milk. First you have to soak almonds in milk overnight and then grind the almonds in the same milk the next morning. Make sure you take off most of its brown skin. Grind into a paste; however make sure it does not become too runny because of too much of milk. As almonds are rich in vitamin A, which is a great moisturizer, the skin and milk both work in improving the complexion while naturally cleansing the skin. This helps in tightening the skin and in the removal of wrinkles.

Different types of face masks

The range of face masks available

Different types of face masks

Face masks can be divided based on the effects and benefits of the face mask and can also be classified based on the type of skin type it is most suited for. Here is a compilation fo the different types of face masks found in the market, according to its ingredients.

Mud face masks

Mud Face MasksThe best face masks for oily skin are the mud face masks or clay face masks. This is because the clay face masks tend to fry up shortly on applying it to the face. These detoxifying face masks help in the opening of clogged pores and the removal of blackheads as they tend to absorb the excess sebum found in oily skin. These face masks have to be rinsed off using cold water and then scrubed from the face. With this, the face becomes free of dirt and the circulation in the face is boosted.