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Monday, October 3, 2011



Nail Fungal InfectionAs the very term indicates fungi causes fungal infections on nails. If left unattended fungal infections get aggravated and can result in acute pain. Appearance of small spots, white or yellow in colour, is the first symptom of a fungal infection. With the spread of fungus into the deeper parts of your nail bed, nail will start to thicken. Discolouration and crumbling of nail are some other common symptoms of nail fungal infections

Wearing sweat shoes continuously for long hours and too much exposure of nails to moisture can be cited as the primary causes for nail fungal infections.

The fungi that create infections to nails are clinically known as dermatophytes. Apart from dermatophytes, yeasts and molds can also cause infections to nails.

These types of fungi live in warm moist conditions and easily get into your skin through minor cuts between your nail and nail bed while in such an environment. Swimming pools and showers are the places where you can see them commonly.

Finger Nails Of Fungal InfectionsCompared to finger nails, toe nails are more prone to fungal infections as the feet often remain in moist conditions as a result of wearing sweaty socks or closed foot wears for long. It is in these conditions that the fungi like to live. Therefore, one should take utmost care to wear cottons socks during summer season thus allowing the feet to breath by wearing sandal or remaining bare footed while at home.

The recurring nature of fungal infections on nails makes it difficult to treat effectively. Medicines are available and effective if detected early.

What makes this disease more complicated is the permanent damage caused to nail and acute pain. Total negligence of this disease may ultimately lead to spreading the infection to other parts of the body.
Diabetes patients are advised to take extra care of nail fungal infection as it may lead to more serious complications than an ordinary person.

Symptoms Of Fungal InfectionIt is advisable to consult a medical practitioner as soon as you detect symptoms of fungal infection on your nail.

Usually doctors adopt the method of scraping debris from under the skin of the patients nail and send it for clinical examination for diagnosing the true cause of infection.

To treat the infection, doctors usually prescribe medicines that help to grow new nails without infection. Antifungal lacquer is available to treat nail fungal infection. This medicine is more like a nail polish and is only for external application. This will be effective only at the beginning of the infection.

Extreme Stages Of Fungal InfectionExtreme stages of fungal infection may require removal of nails. Even if the infected nail is removed, it will grow again. It is however a slow process and utmost care should be taken to see that the new nail does not get infected again. It takes almost a year for the toe nail to grow back to its original stage. Finger nails however grow faster when compared to toe nails.

By take the following precautions you can prevent your self from fungal infections:

  • Avoid walking bare footed in public places.
  • Keep your nails clean and tidy always
  • Use gloves to avoid over exposure to water
  • Never bite your nails. If you have such a habit, drop it immediately.
  • Choose right sized shoes and wear only cotton socks during summer season
  • Avoid wearing artificial nails and nail polish for a long time.
  • Make it a habit to sprinkle anti fungal powder into your shoes before you wear them.
  • Avoid too much trimming of nails and cuticles.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after touching an infected area.

Treatment for Beau’s lines

Treatment for Beau’s lines

Treatment Of Beau's LinesNo specific treatment is available to treat Beau’s lines. Still total neglect of the Beau’s may add to one’s problems. It is better to treat the cause rather than the disease. It is therefore advisable to seek the assistance of a medical practitioner to find out the actual cause behind the problem. If it s due to malnutrition, one has to take enough care to follow a diet as suggested by the doctor to avoid the occurrence of Beau’s lines in future.
Applying antifungal lotions or creams on the affected area will be helpful to avoid the problem. If you are ready take a little care about your nails it is easy to prevent your nails from getting infected by this disease and to overcome this condition.



The linear depressions that usually appear across the finger nails are clinically known as Beau’s lines.

Causes for Beau’s lines:

  1. Injury or damage to nail can lead to Beau’s lines. Injuries to a nail includes crushing of the nail or the nail bed or both, excessive picking or rubbing of the skin under the nail, problems arising out of the long term use of acetone based nail removing lotion and nail colours.
  2. Causes Of Beau's LinesProlonged diseases like pneumonia, syphilis, heart attack, coronary occlusion and hypocalcaemia can also be the reasons behind this nail disorder. This disease has also been detected in cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy as part of their treatment.
  3. The symptoms of Beau’s lines are also found in patients suffering from peripheral vascular diseases and uncontrolled diabetes.
  4. The symptoms of Beau’s lines have been diagnosed in new born babies and normally these signs on infants will disappear after the expiry of first month of their birth.
  5. Some times Beau’s lines may appear on nail as a temporary cessation in the growth of nail due to loss of immunity as a result of prolonged diseases especially the diseases that is followed by severe fever. The beau’s lines on adult man’s nail usually disappear with the normal growth of his nail.
  6. Beau’s lines may also appear on nails as a result of malnutrition. Deficiency of zinc and other essential vitamins can cause this type of nail disorder. One has to improve his regular diet to avoid further formation of Beau’s lines on nails.
  7. A severe stroke that affects the growth of the nail area under the cuticle may create a temporary formation of Beau’s lines on nails.



Nail Patella SyndromeNail patella syndrome is a rarely seen genetic disorder. Clinically the disease is known as hereditary osteo – onychodysplasia. Only one in fifty thousand persons is seen affected by nail patella syndrome. In patients affected by nail patella syndrome the knee caps are often absent or underdeveloped. Their nails are also not properly developed and they suffer from a disability to straighten their elbows completely. Acuteness and complexity of nail patella syndrome varies from person to person
Nail patella syndrome patients are also seen suffering from various other types of orthopedic disorders. These may be in the form of dislocated elbows, club foot or abnormal growth of bones.

These patients are more prone to kidney disorders. The most commonly seen kidney disorder in nail patella syndrome is the leakage of protein through urine. In rare cases total kidney failure has also occurred. It is therefore very important for a nail patella syndrome patient to undergo a routine medical check up for early detection of probable kidney failure. The necessary clinical tests should be conducted strictly at least once in a year.

GlaucomaPatients with nail patella syndrome are more likely to develop glaucoma, an eye disorder, at an early stage. Therefore care should be taken by these persons to check for glaucoma through regular checkups.
Other common complications found in association with nail patella syndrome are irritable bowels syndrome, constipation and poor blood circulation to the hands and feet.

As stated in the beginning, nail patella syndrome is a genetical disorder and is hereditary in nature. It is caused by disorder to a gene called LMXIB which is found in chromosome 9. Nail patella syndrome can have no adverse effect on the intelligence of a person. It can however have a bearing on his free mobility. The most commonly seen symptoms of nail patella syndrome are orthopedic disorders and vision complains. Patients suffering from nail patella syndrome often complain about partial or complete lose of side vision. They often have to change their spectacles due to glaring variations in vision. They find it difficult to adjust to sudden light variations. Difficulties in vision often cause severe headaches. Their eyes often appear to be sore or red in colour.



Leuconychia, a totally harmless nail disease, popularly known as white nails is a condition where abnormal white colour appears on nails. This white colour can be total or partial. In some other cases it may even appear in straight lines. The cause for Leuconychia may be hereditary or acquired.

LeoconychiaLeuconychia occurs very rarely on toe nails. When compared toe nails Leuconychia finger nails are more susceptible to Leuconychia. Symptoms of congenial or hereditary Leuconychia can be seen on the nails from child hood it self.

The white spots or lines that appear on nails need not be in a uniform shape or in the same place on all nails.

Tiny bubbles of air trapped under the nails can sometimes lead to this nail disorder. But it need not be as simple as this in all cases. In some cases Leuconychia seems to be associated with liver diseases. It can also be appear due to fungal infection, lymphoma and renal failure.

Patients affected with Hypoalbuminemia are also seen affected by Leuconychia in many cases. Apart from these, psychogenic stresses are also considered to be as a factor that prompts this nail disorder.

Factors For LeoconychiaOther factors that may lead to this type of nail abnormality include leprosy, exposure to extreme cold, hepatic cirrhosis, anemia, hypoproeinemia, onychophagia and occupational trauma.

Many think Leuconychia as a sign of calcium and vitamin deficiency. In fact it has nothing to do with calcium or vitamins and so the intake or vitamins or calcium will not be helpful in curing this nail disorder.

Leuconychia does not require any treatment as such. Normally the white colour that appears on nail would disappear naturally as the nail grows. Applying nail polish can temporarily hide this disease. However wearing nail polish is not a cure to this disease. Further continuous application of nail polish is not advisable as they may trigger various unforeseen allergic reactions to the skin around the nails. It is not good for the health of the nail also.

Deficiency of zinc in the body may cause appearance of white spots on nails. Adding green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains in your regular diet is good to avoid zinc deficiency. Intake of Zinc supplements is also found to be effective in such cases.