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Friday, November 11, 2011

Homemade Facial Masks

Homemade Facial Masks

Home made face mask and packs containing natural ingredients are quick and simple to create at home. In the following homemade facial masks for different type of skins i.e. oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, ageing skin, etc are given.

Homemade Facial Mask Recipes

  • Cucumber Face Mask
    Make a paste by mixing one small cucumber and one cup of oatmeal. Mix one tsp of this paste with one tsp of yogurt (for oily skin) or milk malai (for dry skin) and leave for 30 minutes and then rinse.
  • Turmeric Facial Mask
    This is the traditional mask, also used for a bride, seven days in advance of marriage.
    Take in a cup half a cup of besan (gram flour), 2 tsp of turmeric powder, 2 tsp of sandal wood powder, 2 tsp of ghee or almond oil, add some water to make a paste. Apply to face and whole body and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rub with pressure with both palms and fingers to remove all the paste.
  • Honey Facial Mask
    Rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply honey and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
  • Oily Skin Mask
    Mix 1 tsp brewer's yeast with plain yogurt to make a thin mixture. Apply it thoroughly into all the oily areas and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water.
  • Dry Skin Mask
    Mix 1 tsp of butter in 1 tsp of water. Apply it thoroughly into all the dry areas and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water,
  • Banana Mask for wrinkles
    Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy and apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water.
  • Avocado Facial Mask
    Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Apply it thoroughly on face and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water.
  • Oatmeal Facial Mask
    Take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin and rub gently.
  • Facial Mask
    Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply on your face and leave for overnight. Wash your face with warm water.
  • Clay Facial
    Choose the right clay for your skin type. Add plain water or floral waters or try wetting agents such as fruit purees. Make a thick paste of the clay. Apply the mask to your skin and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water and pat dry. Repeat weekly.
  • Multani (Gypsum) Mitti Body Mask
    Make a paste of multani mitti adding water to the mitti powder. Apply to whole body and hair. Take bath after half an hour.
  • Grape Cleanser
    Split 2-3 grapes and rub the flesh over face and neck. Rinse with cool water.
  • Banana Face Pack for Dry Skin
    Mash half cup of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1/4 ripe banana. Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Cucumber Face Pack to get Smooth Skin
    Mash 1 whole cucumber, strain water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Put in a container, keep refrigerated and take out whenever you want to use it. Apply on your face and leave for 10 minutes, then wash with cold water and enjoy the smoothness of your skin.
    You can try it on other parts of body as a scrub.

Itchi Scalp & Dry Flaks

Itchi Scalp & Dry Flaks

Dryness of the scalp can cause the itchi scalp with white powder-like flakes on the head and neck area. Dry weather, water contents, excessive hot water shower, wearing a cap all day and tieing hair in a ponytail can cause an itchy scalp.

Use a mild or gentle shampoo and a leave-in conditioner.

Boil a cup of neem leaves in water, leave it to cool. Wash your head with this water when the water cools to warm.

Home Cure & Remedy of Dandruff

Home Cure & Remedy of Dandruff

For good hair without dandruff, drink at least 2 liter water daily, eat lots of salads, green vegetables, and fresh fruits. Combs must be washed as frequently and hair should be brushed regularly. Dandruff is a scalp condition that can be controlled. Too little oil or too much oil can result in dandruff. Try the following:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons pure vinegar in 6 teaspoons water and apply it on the scalp before going to bed. Tie a towel around the head. Wash your head next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Treat your hair like this once a week for at least three months.
  2. Mix 1 teaspoons lemon juice with 2 teaspoons vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.
  3. Take 1 part almond oil, 1 part pure sulphur powder, 2 parts 'surgical spirit' and 4 parts distilled water or rose water and mix well. Rub on the scalp.
  4. Take 2 cup water, add 4-5 tablespoons dried thyme and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and use the mixture to massage scalp. Keep for half an hour.
  5. Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and wash your hair.
  6. Massage the scalp with almond oil. Dip a towel in boiling water and wrap it around the hair. Repeat it thrice or four times when the towel gets cold.
  7. Make a shampoo by mixing 100g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai, and boil in two liter of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for one month. Dandruff will vanish and your hair will become thick.
  8. Fenugreek seeds are also useful in the removal of dandruff. Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
  9. Wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar. Then cover your head with a towel or a shower cap and leave for about 30-40 minutes. Rinse with plain water. Repeat 2 times a week until your dandruff goes away.
  10. Take a palm full of baking soda and rub it on your wet hair. Wash it off with water. The baking soda should relieve the itching and help in reducing the problem ofdandruff.
  11. Mix 100g witch hazel and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice in 200ml water. Shampoo your hair and apply with cotton to the scalp when the hair are still wet. Repeat several times until the dandruff is treated.
  12. Try a shampoo with selenium sulfide or salicylic acid.
  13. Try Zest soap once a week. It may work for oily hair. It leaves your hair dry, so use conditioner to your hair only but try not to get it on your scalp. It has worked to get rid of dandruff for some people.

Causes of Dandruff

Causes of Dandruff

The skin of the scalp (and also of the whole body) is constantly renews itself by shedding the outer layer of skin cells. Most of the time this shedding is unnoticeable. But when this shedding becomes noticeable on the scalp, it is called dandruff.

Mild dandruff occurs not due to dryness of the scalp but usually is a result of too much oiliness of the skin. If you have large size flakes together with symptoms around your nose, eyebrows, ears, around your navel or genitals, it may be due to seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea. Severe dandruff may be the result of psoriasis of the scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis may be caused by an increased number of a yeast-like organism (pityrosporum ovale) found on healthy scalp in low numbers. Dandruff can occur to anybody at any age. It should not be left untreated.

Zinc and essential fatty acids (pumpkin seeds, nuts, vegetable oils) prevent dandruff.

Dandruff in Hair, Its Cure, Natural Home Remedy, Itchi Dry Scalp

Know details on hair dandruff, its cause and how to get rid of dandruff. Dandruff in hair is the shedding of dead skin on the scalp. Proper hair care can cure dandruff and give you healthy, fabulous, shining, thick, beautiful, gorgeous, long, and dandruff free hair
.Try the natural remedy/treatment for dandrufff and itchi scalp for beautiful hair. Home-made beauty recipes like hair packs, face-packs, facial masks, scrubs, hair care, and dandruff care based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve the skin disorders and detoxify. They help in providing natural oil and moisture to the skin.

Hair Care Recipes : Homemade Hair Masks

Hair Care Recipes : Homemade Hair Masks

  1. Olive Oil Hair Mask or Pack
    Mix 5 tablespoon of olive oil with 2 eggs. Apply throughly to hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes rinse well.
  2. Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask -1
    Mix 2 tablespoon honey with 3 tablespoon olive oil. Apply throughly to hair. Cover hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes shampoo and rinse well.
  3. Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask -2
    After you shampoo your hair, pour 1 cup fresh lemon juice or vinegar through hair and massage and rinse with water. Apply your usual conditioner and wash with water. It will remove all the dirt and your hair will be shine sparkling. Do not repeat this method before 2 weeks.
  4. Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask
    Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. This paste is good for all types of hair problems, viz. dandruffs, falling hair, thinning of hair, baldness, split hair, etc.
    Make a hair pack by mixing one egg yolk, 1 Tbsp lemon juice and 1 Tbsp black gram flour in 1 cup yogurt and apply to your hair. Wash after 4 hours. Whenever possible, try to use an herbal organic shampoo.
  5. Hair Rinse for soft and shiny hair : Herbs for hair rinse
    Mix 1 Tbsp of following herbs with enough boiling water and let it stand for 1/2 an hour. Add 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and mix well. Shampoo your hair. Pour mixture over hair repeatedly. Vinegar will seal the hair cuticle.
    Use the herbs as following:
    For hair general care: rosemary leaves, nettle, burdock root, elder flowers
    For dry hair: chamomile flowers, comfrey root, nettle, elder flowers
    For oily hair: lemon peel, peppermint, lemongrass
  6. To Grow Long Hair
    Grind black pepper and lemon seeds in equal amounts and make a paste in water and apply on your hair and scalp. Wash after 15 minutes with cold water.
  7. For Shining Hair
    Mix juice of one fresh orange, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and a few drops (5-7) of sandalwood oil. Use as an after-shampoo rinse.
    Beat two eggs in a tablespoon of milk and apply on your hair. Rinse your hair after 5-7 minutes to get an instant shining.
    Add a 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your hair.
    Banana mask for shining, strong and voluminous hair
    Peel 2 bananas and puree them in the blender. Pour in a bowl and mix 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Combine all the ingredients. Apply this banana mask on your hair and leave it for about 30 minutes. Wash your hair with lukewarm water.
    You may add 2-3 drops of essential oil to reduce the smell of mayonnaise. Save the left-over mask in an air-tight container and refrigerate it and re-use it later.
  8. For Damaged Hair
    Mash a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse with soda water and then shampoo and condition.
  9. Falling Hair, Hair Loss
    Rub Indian gooseberry (Amla) into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, it will stop hair falling.
    Eat a protein rich diet inluding green leafy vegetables, carrots, mango, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, sprouts, lentils in the daily diet for the hair loss and falling hair.
  10. For Split End Hair
    Split ends in hair are caused when they are damaged by strong shampoo or heat from hair dryer. Following are some cures for split hair.
    1. Make a pack by beating 1 egg yolk in a mixture of 2 Tbsp olive oil and 1 tsp honey. Massage on hair in thoroughly and then wrap head with shower cap for half an hour. Wash.
    2. Massage hair and scalp with warm olive oil and wrap head with shower cap and leave for overnight or for 8-10 hours. Wash.
      You can alternately do the following:
      Take 1/2 cup olive oil in 1/2 cup boiling water in a bottle and put its cap. Shake the bottle vigorsly. Massage thoroughly in hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave for 1/2 hour, then wash. Take care of your hands and head because the water is hot.
    3. A papaya pack is a great natural care of hair split end. Remove the skin and the seeds of a ripe papayaand blend it in a blender. Add to it half a cup of yogurt and apply thoroughly to your scalp and hair. Wash after 30 mintues with warm water.
    4. Grind half a cup of urad dal (black lentil) with 1 Tbsp of fenugreek (methi) seeds to a coarse powder. Add half a cup of yogurt and mix well. Apply generously all over the scalp. apply thoroughly to your scalp and hair. Wash after 2-3 hours with warm water.
    5. Oil your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
    6. It is always better to keep the split end trimmed, otherwise, they may split further up the hair.
  11. Frizzy Hair
    Make an after-shampoo rinse by mixing one tablepsoon of honey to a liter of water. Use it after every hair wash with your usual shampoo.
  12. Greasy Hair
    Greasy hair are mainly due to becoming sebaceous glands overactive. You should avoid too much brushing of hair. Wash your hair frequently with a nourishing shampoo.

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Hair Care Myths

Hair Care Myths

  1. There are many advises about hair care that appear to be sound and worth to try, but actually they are nothing but myths. Following are some hair care tips taht are supposed to be true but are only myths.
  2. Myth: Trim your hair to frequently to grow them faster and denser. Whether you trim your hair or not, they grow half an inch every 4 weeks. Trimming split hair ends improves the look of your hair.
  3. Myth: Stress is the main cause of hair loss
    We daily lose about 100 hairs daily even in the absense of stress. However, you may lose more than this, if you are very stressed.
  4. Myth: Plucking out grey hair will grow more grey haid
    Plucking grey hair may damage hair follicles and lead to infection on the scalp. But there is no connection between plucking and greying hair.

General Hair Care Tips

General Hair Care Tips

hair care

Hairspray Hazards

Scientists in London, as reported in The Daily Telegraph (November 2008) found that women who come into contact with the hairspray products containing chemicals called phthalates during the first three months of pregnancy increased the chances of having a son with hypospadias, a genital deformity causing the urinary opening to be shifted beneath the penis. The study showed that taking folic supplements reduces the risk.

An increased risk was only seen in women whose jobs led to high exposure to hairspray chemicals, such as beauty therapists, hairdressers, research chemists and workers in hair product factory. Pregnancy diet

Proper hair care can give you fabulous, shining, thick, beautiful, gorgeous, and dandruff free hair.

  1. Oiling hair regularly will prevent various hair problems.
  2. Trim the split-ends of the hair regularly.
  3. Do not over brush your hair.
  4. Brush your hair regularly with a good quality hairbrush/comb. Use a broad toothed comb brush on wet hair. Wash your brush or comb regualrly with soap or shampoo.
  5. Avoid the use of other's comb. Always clean your comb.
  6. Do not use very hot air for drying wet hair. Avoid over-exposure to the sun.
  7. If you color your hair, try to organic dyes such as henna(mehndi)or coffee and avoid non-organic dyes like peroxides.
  8. Vitamins for healthy hair
    You can try some specific vitamins to keep your hair healthy as given below.
    1. The B-Complex vitamins and Antioxidants for healthy hair. A deficiency in vitamins B2, B6 or biotin may cause hair loss. Inositol helps hair growth.
    2. Vitamin C and E help circulation in scalp.
    3. Sulfur is good for hair growth.
    4. Beta Carotene for shining hair.

Home Remedies for Warts

Home Remedies for Warts

What are Common Warts?

The warts commonly seen on the skin are small, benign (harmless) growths caused by a viral infection. The culprit is one of the HPVs (human papillomaviruses) that can be spread from person to person or be acquired through contact with a contaminated surface. They can also travel from one part of the body to another. These may occur in any part of the skin or mucous membranes but most commonly appear on hands and feet (planter warts).

Home Remedies for Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an awesome cure for warts that has been well documented and widely used all over the world. The procedure is really simple and not very lengthy. Just soak a cotton ball in vinegar, squeeze excessive vinegar and cover the wart. Use a bandage to keep it in place over night. Vinegar may be slightly stinging at the beginning but this is going to settle after some time. Repeat it every night till the wart falls off. Continue the treatment until the root is dead. This usually does not take more than ten days for most stubborn lesions. Alternatively, you can keep on wearing the bandage continuously, changing it two to three times a day. This may speed up the process so that a wart can be removed within two to three days. If you do not have ACV you can use white vinegar to get the same results. Similarly if you do not have a band aid you can use a cotton cloth to tie up.

Castor Oil to Cure warts

Apply castor oil directly to the wart with a cotton ball and tie with a band age, it will be gone within a week or so. You can use any band age to tie, however a duct tape will work better as it prevents any air from entering. You can boost the curing tndancy of castor oil by steeping a few cloves of garlic in castor oil.
garlic to cure warts
Garlic is a well known herbal remedy for many skin conditions including warts

Garlic as a remedy for warts

Fresh garlic is acidic and well known for its healing properties. You can use garlic in multiple ways to cure warts.
  • Apply some garlic juice to warts twice a day and cover it with some bandage.
  • Directly apply crushed garlic to the warts. Crushed garlic is also used to treat other skin conditions like nail fungus, acne, boils, dandruff and many others.
  • Place a cut clove of garlic and tie with a band aid.
Usually the culprit is gone with in a week or two. Read more on garlic as a skin remedy.

Banana Peel-Remedy for Warts

Cut a banana peel about the size of the wart and cover the growth with inner side of the peel. Now use some bandage or cotton cloth to keep it in place. In case of planter warts wear a socks to keep every thing in place. Repeat every night till your wart is gone. Another remedy for warts is to put banana leaves on the lesions every night.

Use Duct Tape to Cure Warts

Tie the duct tape on the moles for over night. Repeat it every night before going to bed. Every time the tape is removed it will draw some dead skin with it and finally the whole growth is gone. Preferably combine this with another remedy to accelerate the cure.

Milk weed- another way to cure warts

Apply the milk that oozes out from the milk weed tree on every wart for several times a day until you get the required results. This may take about two to three weeks. The fluids coming out from these herbs contain certain proteolytic enzymes that not only soften the warts but also inhibit the causative viruses. This is an old remedy for warts.

Dandelion OR Bloodroot

These herbs contain the resins that have anti viral properties. You can tear the stems or leaves to get milky white juice, apply this liquid on all warts. Now cover the foot with band aid or duct tape. Repeat twice a day till you become warts free. Bloodroot is also a well known remedy for skin tags as well.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of an Australian shrub. It is non irritating, aromatic essential oil with powerful antiseptic and antifungal properties, making it one of most useful medicinal oil. it is widely used to cure skin problems like acne, insect bites, burns and others. As tea tree is very popular for its healing characteristics, it is also one of the fastest and most effective . Again applying the oil twice daily will remove the warts within days.
aloe Vera a cure for warts
Aloe Vera gel or fresh pulp can be used to cure warts easily

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is an all time popular herb as herbal remedy for many systemic as well as skin diseases. Among the skin problems it is widely used to cure cane, burns, eczema and many others. It is a well known cure for warts. For planter or common warts just apply the aloe gel or fresh lump of an aloe leaf on the moles. Or you can gently rub a sliced leaf directly on the lesion. Repeat the proceedure twice a day till the growth sheds off.

Raw Potato to cure warts

Raw potato is another home remedy for warts. Peel off a potato and mash it, now rub this mashed potato on the lesion two to three times a day till it is gone after few days.
No mater which method you try, the key to getting rid of warts is to keep treating. If you don't remove the entire wart to the core it will come back.