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Friday, September 30, 2011

Do it yourself manicure

Do it yourself manicure

A routine manicure without fail is a must to maintain your nails beautiful and attractive. Doing manicure every now and then may appear to be an expensive affair for you. In fact it is easy to under go a manicure programme at home with the help of a few materials without much effort or money at home.

Following are the steps to be followed while performing manicure at home:

  • Steps Before You Start ManicureBefore you start manicure always remember to remove the existing nail polish from your nails. For that you can use mild nail polish remover. Mixing a few drops of vegetable oil will help you to prevent dryness of nails caused by application of nail polish remover.
  • To do a little exfoliation, you can rub your hands with a mixture of oil and sugar. You can use oils like almond, olive or any other vegetable oils. Wash it off using lukewarm water. Sugar mixed with lemon juice can also be used as a substitute to this.
  • To start with your manicure, take lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of shampoo in a plastic basin. Soak your hands in this water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Take a soft brush and remove all the dirt particles giving special care and attention to the areas around and under the nail.
  • To remove cuticles you can apply cuticle removing creams. After application, simply push off the cuticles using an orange wood stick. Never attempt to cut off cuticles as it may invite serious damage to nails by way of attracting infectious bacteria to this area.
  • Rubbing Of HandsA gentle rubbing of hands with a pumice stone will help you to remove dead cells from your skin.
  • Now take a flat headed dead skin remover and scrub your nails to give them a shiny and smoother look and give your nails and a beautiful shape by removing dead skin from the side of your nails.
  • Wipe off water from your hands using soft towel and pat it dry.
  • After cleaning hands with a towel, apply some quality hand cream on your hands and nails.
  • For complete relaxation of your hands, massage it gently. While massaging, clench your fist and stretch the thumb and fingers of your hands by holding it in the other hand and press all the joints with the thumb. Rub the hand while supporting it by the other to give it a smooth and shiny look.
  • Now apply nail polish on your nails. To give it an even look you have to apply at least two coats of nail polish on the nails. If the shade of your nail polish is very light then go for three coats.

To apply nail polish first dip the brush in to the nail polish bottle and press it lightly against the edge of the bottle’s mouth to remove extra nail polish from the brush. Apply nail polish first in the centre of the nail. Then proceed from root to the end of the nail and then side ways. When the first coat dries up apply the second coat. This time apply the nail polish side ways and then in the middle. After application, leave the hands free to dry the nail polish.

Now you are ready with soft pretty looking hands. Here are some other tips for the better care of your hands.

  • If you have dry skin, apply some quality moisturizing cream lavishly on your hands at bed time and go to sleep with cotton gloves on it.
  • When you get time, apply the mask that you use for your face on your hands also.
  • Dipping your fingers for about fifteen minuets in a bowl of warm olive oil will help you to soften the skin of your fingers and to nourish the cuticles.
  • White vinegar is good for discolored nails. Take a cotton bud, pour two three drops of vinegar on it and rub your nails with it. Thereafter clean your nails by dipping a tooth brush in lemon juice and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Manicure tips

Manicure tips

A manicure which involves thorough cleaning up of hands and finger nails comes under the category of cosmetic beauty treatment. Either Manicure Tipshands or nails alone or both the hands and nails together can be treated by using manicure programme. It involves the process of cleaning, filing, shaping and painting of nails by using nail polish or even applying nail art on it. It may often include the application of artificial nails also.

As the process of manicure involves a risk of infection, it is always advisable to seek the help of a beautician specialized in this field unless you are an expert in doing it.

Seeking the assistance of a specialized beautician to undergo manicure treatment definitely is expensive and so it has always been considered as a luxury by many. But if you are ready to take enough precautions against infections and wounds, you can do it yourself at home without spending much money.

Here are some tips for performing manicure:

    Tips For Manicure
  • Do not forget to remove the nail polish on your nails before you start manicure
  • Collect the tools to be used in manicure before hands. Tools usually include orange stick, nail file, pumice stone, dead cell removers, nail clippers etc.
  • Use only lukewarm water to soak your hands. Using hot water will have a negative impact on your hands.
  • To mix with water use only mild shampoo or liquid soaps
  • Avoid using acetone based polish removers to avoid excessive dryness of your nails.
  • Mixing up of a few drops of vegetable oil with nail polish remover will be helpful to avoid nails and skin from drying.
  • To remove nail polish, especially dark pigmented nail polish got on the side of the nails, use an orange wood stick wrapped by a piece of cotton on the end and soaked in the polish remover.
  • To remove dirt from the side of nails, instead of digging the same with the help of sharp objects, you can opt for diluted hydrogen per oxide readily available in the market for cleaning purposes.
  • Excessive filing is not good for nails.
  • Do not cut off the cuticles. Instead apply quality cuticle removal creams available in the market and softly push it off by using orange wood stick.
  • Pumice stone is good to remove dead skin cells from the hand.
  • When you apply cream on your hand pay special attention to the areas around and under the nail.
  • While you brush your nails, brush it softly in a down ward motion. Finally with the help of an emery board give it a smooth and shiny look.
  • Make sure that your nails are clean and dry before applying polish.
  • Always use a base coat white colouring to your nail.
  • To apply the second coat of nail polish wait till the first coat dries up.
  • Soaking nails in a mixture of lemon juice and water is helpful to remove stains from the nails.
  • Soaking nails in warm olive oil will strengthen the nails.
  • Do not forget to give your hands a rejuvenating massage ever

Fashion trends in nails

Fashion trends in nails

The days of applying a single tone colour suitable for one’s costumes are gone. Over the past few decades, fashion trends on nails have undergone a radical change. This is an era of fascinating nail colours. Creating eye catching designs on nails using materials like nail paints, glittering powders or even stones including precious ones and beads and tattoos are the dominating trends at present.

Mat FinishedAppearance of your nails gives you the ultimate look. Till recently we painted our nails using plain colours in accordance with the costume that we use. To make it more fashionable, what we had was only a nail polish mixed with glitters. Other varieties available were only mat finished or glossy finished nail enamels.

Today the flashiest part of women make up is nail art. Both East and West are after this new trend. To get your nail painted, you can opt for the assistance of a skilled beautician or even you can do it yourself at home with the help of the nail paint kits available in the market. Nail art kits that requires only five seconds to finish nail art are available in the market. It all depends on the design that you choose to apply on your nail. You can go for anything from classic floral designs to abstract paintings. While you choose a design make sure that it suits your style and costume.

Artificial NailArtificial nails can also be used for effective nail painting. If your nails are short or you are suffering from brittle nail problem you can very well opt for nails made of fiber or acrylic. Fiber nails require a simple pasting of the same on your original nail. You can use these nails for one or two months. Fiber nails are suitable for nail art as they are strong and flexible as original nails.

Expense for nail fashion depends on the design you choose. More complicated the design more will be the cost. The procedure for nail fashion is simple. First you can undergo a manicure treatment. This is however not a must. Then shape your nails by filing the sides of your nail. There after apply the desired design on your nail. Then you have to apply a solution to make it stay for a long time.

Both finger and toe nails can be painted like this. To paint nail pens and nail colors specially designed for the purpose are available. Pierced nails are also setting a trend now. Women pierce nails to wear small rings to give a special effect to nails. Some others use decorative stickers to make it beautiful. Even diamonds are being used by specialists to give nails an exclusive look.

The trends in nail fashion are often seasonal. On Valentine’s Day you can see teens and young women wearing small hearts coloured in red colour on their nails. The fashion changes accordingly. These days nail art competitions are becoming more popular.

Nail FashionNow women are the ones seen to be crazy about nail fashion. Usually men who undergo manicure and pedicure opt only for a colorless coat of nail colour to give their nails a finished shiny look.

Before you go after fashion, make sure that what you do suits your over all appearance and occasion. Nails in vibrant colours and abstract designs are only suitable for parties. Never use these designs on formal occasions. As on today black and dark blue are the most popular nail colors among the youth and celebrities. Applying a silver colored nail coating is also considered to be trendy.

It is no doubt that flashy nail fashion is an easy way to catch the attention of others and definitely it will make you stand out in the crowd. So do not hesitate, give it a try.

Manicure procedure

Manicure or treatment of nails and hands has an important role to play in the proper maintenance and beautification of hands and nails. The procedure has got three important functions to perform.

  • Primarily it beautifies the hands and nails.
  • It relaxes the hands and nails.
  • It cures ENT problems.

Manicure TreatmentHowever take note that manicure is not a medical treatment and is generally intended for beautification and relaxation of hands and nails. For optimum results it is advisable that you perform manicure at least once in every fifteen days. Basically the procedures involved in manicure are simple. It can be performed either at home or in a beauty saloon with the assistance of a qualified beautician. There is absolutely no need to pay regular visits to a beauty saloon for performing manicure. However it will be better that you seek the assistance of a qualified beautician once in a while for manicure. This will help you to understand the new trends if any and the latest quality products to be used for manicure.

Following are the procedures normally followed by a beautician in a beauty saloon. At home we often use home made products for performing manicure. However in a beauty saloon often various commercial products manufactured by branded companies are put to use.

  • As the first step nail polish are removed from your nails using nail polish removers.
  • Thereafter the hands are soaked in a bowl of lukewarm water mixed with liquid soap or mild shampoo.
  • After fifteen or twenty minuets the hands are taken from water and brushed by using a hand brush. While brushing hands and nails it should ensured that the brush that is being used on you is a soft one. Special care will be given to the areas surrounding the nails and the areas under the nails.
  • Nail cleansers are then used to clean the nails. Nail cleansers are basically detergents in liquid form. It is applied by mixing it up with water.
  • To remove cuticles, cuticle oil, cream or lotions available in the market are often used. After applying cuticle removing agents on the areas around the nails, cuticles are removed by gently pushing it off with the help of an orange wood stick.
  • Nail bleaches that contain hydrogen per oxide or other organic acids are used for removing stains from the nails.

Orange Wood StickOrange wood stick is used to clean the areas under the free edge of the nail plate. Ensure that your beautician applies only moderate pressure while doing so. Applying pressure in this area may lead to break or tear of nail plate and may ultimately lead to infections.

Pumice stones are used for the purpose of removing dead cells from hands and the areas around the nails. After that your nails are shaped by gently filing them in to the desired shape.

For the purpose of exfoliation a small amount of sloughing lotion is often used. This is good especially for persons with dry skin. Massage your hands by applying the lotion for a few minutes and rinse the lotion from your hands and wipe it off with a clean soft towel.

BufferIf the surface of your nail is uneven, it can be smoothened by using a buffer. A buffer is used in direction of the nail growth so that it does not cause any harm to the various layers of your nail plate. Buffing the surface of the nail will also enhance the beauty of your nail as it will help the nails to shine. Buffing the nails will also help them to remain stain resistant.

Beautician may advise you to undergo a paraffin treatment in case your skin is very dry. In this procedure,

  • First the hands are sanitized thoroughly. This is to ensure that there are no impurities or micro organisms on your hands and nails.
  • Your hands are then massaged gently with oil. The hands are then immersed in to paraffin and taken out.
  • The wax is allowed to dry out and the procedure is continued for quite some time.
  • After this, each hand is covered with a plastic liner and then with terry cloth gloves.
  • After keeping the hands as such for around five minuets, paraffin is removed from your hands.

The hands are then washed thoroughly and patted dry with a soft towel. It will be ensured that your hands and nails do not have the remains of the lotions and oils applied on you. After the entire process nail polish is applied on the nails. At first a thin base coat is applied. After drying, it is followed by a minimum of two coats of nail polish so as to leave your hands smooth and silky.

Nail Hygiene

Nail Hygiene

Nails are designed to protect finger tips and toe tips from damage. Nails being pointers to the general health of an individual; they have an important role to play in medical science also.

Exposure of nails to polluted environment makes it highly prone to infections. We use hands to take food and it is easy to transfer bacteria accumulated under the nails to mouth. So it is essential that everyone should have a minimum awareness regarding nail hygiene.

  • Nail HygieneExcessively long nails trap more bacteria. So always keep your nails short and clean.
  • Make it a regular habit to spend a few minuets a day to care your nails.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after taking food. It would be better if you can use lukewarm water for this.
  • A plain washing is not enough. Wash your hands including wrists vigorously, giving special attention to areas under nails.
  • Always use a mild soap for washing your hands and finger nails. You should follow the same procedure whenever you touch your pets, garbage, after sneezing or coughing etc. After washing, pat your hands and finger nails dry using a soft towel.

Never allow your finger nails to grow too long. Chances are more for dirt and micro organisms to accumulate under long finger nails. So keep your finger nails short as far as possible and beauty conscious ladies, who are eager to grow their nails, should take extra care to keep their nails and under areas of their nails clean and infection free.

Before you visit a beauty saloon for manicure or pedicure, ensure that the saloon you are going to visit is clean and hygienic.

  • Emery BoardsUsage or sharing of emery boards, filing instruments, pumice stones used in saloons may invite infections.
  • Make sure that the metal instruments that are being used by your beautician while performing manicure or pedicure are sterilized properly.
  • Even while you are undergoing a pedicure or manicure at home use only sterilized equipments and take care to keep them separately every time.

Never use sharp materials other than manicure equipments to clean the areas under nails. Manicure kits are available in the market. It is better that you purchase a standard one for your use. Be extra cautious while dealing with cuticles. Cutting of cuticles may invite infections. To remove cuticles use only quality cuticle removers. You may gently push it off also instead of cutting it.

You should be extra cautious if you are suffering from hang nail problem. In such a case, never use too much pressure on nails while undergoing a manicure or pedicure.

Hang NailComparing to finger nails, toe nails are more prone to infections. As in the case of finger nails, never allow your toe nails to grow too long. Properly maintain the length of your toe nails by timely shaping them.

  • Give more attention to your feet and toe nails during rainy season. Constant contact of your feet with mud and water may adversely affect the health of your nails and skin.
  • Always use good quality foot wear while walking in rain.
  • Make sure that your foot wear does not absorb water and soak your feet. This can have even more adverse effect on your nails and skin.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly everyday and apply moisturizer to retain its lost moisture.
  • Take care of the area surrounding the nail. Bacteria may get accumulated there.

Athlete FootAnother problem that usually affects the health of toe nails is a condition called athlete’s foot. To get affected by this problem you need not be an athlete. The main cause behind athlete foot is ring worm or fungus. Normally only men over twenty years are seen to be affected by this problem and the reason is wearing of undersized shoes especially in cold weather. Peeling and cracking of the skin is as a result of reduced oxygen to the skin. Itching can also occur.

The persons affected while athlete’s foot should give extra care to their feet while washing. To maintain hygiene they should dry the areas between toes completely.

  • One can avoid this situation by using shoes of correct size. Cotton socks are recommended to them.
  • They are advised to change socks whenever they feel that they are wet.
  • Use sandals or walk barefoot while at home. This will help to ease the pressure on your toe nails and skin caused by the use of foot wears.

Effect of nails

Effect of nails

Effects Of NailsOne cannot ignore the importance and effect of nails in the total outlook of a human being. A beautifully maintained nail attracts every one’s attention. A magnificently dressed up lady with patchy nail polish will create an impression among others that she is not keen in minute aspects of perfection. It will promote to create a negative impression about her among spectators.

The colour and appearance of nails have an impact on your appearance. It makes your dressing complete. One can easily assess the cleanliness of a person by verifying the nails of that person especially the toe nails. A shabbily maintained toe nails full of dirt is a sure sign of shabby character.

Discoloration Of Nails And PatchesApart from the cosmetic value, nails have an important role to play in keeping a man healthy. The discoloration of nails and patches appearing on nails may be an early indication disorders to some internal organs. In short it acts as an indicator of your general health. In fact condition of nails is an effective tool in a physician’s armory to diagnose various diseases.

  • White patches of nails can be a sign of some disorders in the functioning of your liver. A nail appearing half pink and half white in colour attracts attention of a medical practitioner as it may be an indicator of kidney malfunctioning.
  • A red coloured nail bed can be a pointer to disorders relating to one’s heart.
  • The nails of a patient suffering from lung diseases usually appear yellowish in colour. Thickening of nails with yellow colour also acts as an indication to lung disorders.
  • The nail bed of a patient with acute anemia usually seems to be pale in colour.
  • In a diabetic patient, nails will appear yellow in colour with slight blue colour at the base of the nail.
Physiologically the main function of the nail is to protect the tender tips of fingers and toes. Nails are made of hard protein known as keratin. Nail covers the tips of fingers and toes from damaging. It also helps to pick up things.

Nail Structure

Nail Structure

The nails act as a protective cover to the delicate tips of fingers and toes. It is made of hard protein known as keratin.

Nails are composed of three important parts, a root, body and an edge. Root is that part of the nail that joins with the skin and is placed underneath the skin. Body of a nail is the centre portion of the nail that constitutes the nail plate. Finally edge is the tip of a nail that often grows beyond the finger tip.

Nail StructureNails grow from the root region. As the nail grows it gradually pushes the edge of the nail beyond the finger tip. When the cells constituting the nail die, it becomes the nail plate; the outer surface of the nail. Chemically analyzed, nail plate consists mainly of a protein called Keratin and calcium.

The nail is held to the skin by the so called the cuticle. It holds the nail from its bottom side and is referred to as the eponychium. Cuticle that holds the nails from side is known as the paronychium and that which holds the nail at its edge is called the hyponychium. Cuticle is in fact a thick layer of skin itself. Nail fold is that portion of cuticle that overgrows on to the base and sides of a nail. The vital role of cuticle in holding the nail to the body is in fact the reason behind the advice not to cut the cuticles for enhanced look of your nails. Always take care to push the cuticles back rather than cutting it for cosmetic purposes.

Nail BedThe underside of the nail that connects the nail to the finger tip is called the nail bed. The upper most portion of the nail bed is scientifically known as lunula which is white in colour. In fact a nail is transparent in nature and it is the lunula that lies beneath the nail plate that gives the nail its white appearance.

A normal and healthy nail will grow by a centimeter in hundred days. Finger nails grow faster when compared to toe nails. Normally a finger nail takes about six months to grow completely. The growth rate of a toe nail is about fifty percent slower and it takes more than a year for a toe nail to grow out completely. Growth rate of nails is dependent on various factors and often varies from person to person depending on the age, climate, activity level and also his hereditary factors.

Like any other external organ in the human body, nails too require constant care and protection. Nails are prone to infections and if left unattended, it can lead to more serious diseases as there is every probability for the bacteria and other infectious micro organisms to enter your body through hand and mouth contact. In the circumstances proper maintenance of nails is a must to protect your general health condition. In fact healthy nails are pointers of good health. Viewed in a cosmetic angle, proper care and maintenance of one’s nail go a long way in enhancing the external appearance of the concerned person.

Nail Care - Caring for Nails - How to get beautiful nails?

Nail Care - Caring for Nails - How to get beautiful nails?

Gorgeous NailWe always wonder why women have gorgeous nails. Imagine the girl who extends a shabby finger in the Church for her boy friend to adorn it with a ring! Well polished, shapely and colourful nails add to the overall appearance of women. Even though nails are waste materials, caring them and keeping them clean and shapely is very important. The size and shape of nails depend on the size of the finger. A thick finger will have a large nail. Nails are to protect the finger tips which are very sensitive. They look beautiful on female hands because they have long fingers compared to men.

Since nails speak out of the general health condition and habits of a person, caring them and keeping them clean and shapely is indispensable. Also, an untidy wet nails can cause infectious diseases too. Spend about one hour a month, you can keep the nails in good condition. First of all modify the bad habits like -

  • Chewing the nail.
  • Avoid using chemicals with bare hands and always use gloves.
  • Do not wet hands for long time. Wet nails may break very soon.
  • While using the computer key board type with the tip of the fingers instead of typing with the nail tips.
  • Do not give pressure on the nails as it will break soon.

Properly maintained nails last for a longer period. Polishing, filing, re-shaping and repair of damaged parts will give life for nails. Since nail polishes and removers are chemicals, use approved brands as it may cause allergic reactions. If you are not able to do it yourself, a beauty parlour is the best place you can visit. They are trained and licensed to use such chemicals. Manicurists always use sterilized equipments.

Some Good Habits

  • Nails will always tell others where you work and what you eat. If you are working in cashew nut factory, confectionery shop or bakery you will always have a coloured nail. Try using a hand gloves.
  • Put your legs in a half tub of warm water with liquid soap for 15-20 minutes. It will remove dirt and will give colour to your foot.
  • Hand gloves can be worn while gardening. This will prevent sand entering into the nail.
  • Trim the nail carefully. Short nails last longer as the chance of breaking is less.
  • Use only branded nail polish always.
  • While using hands, use the ball of the finger and not the nails. You can also use tools instead of hands.

Definition of nails and the need for nails

Broadly, nails can be defined as the protective caps of your finger and toe tips. As hands and feet are the most commonly used organs in a human body, fingers and toes are more prone to injuries and shocks. Nails are the nature’s boon to mankind to prevent the fingers and toes from direct injuries and shocks.

Nail PlateThe finger tips and toe tips are highly sensitive areas as these areas are rich in nerve endings. Therefore an injury to the tips of the toe or a finger can be very painful and at the same time serious. A nail, which in fact is a type of skin itself, cover and protect these delicate parts of the human body.

The outmost layer of a nail which is called the nail plate consists of dead cells and is therefore immune to mild shocks and injuries. The main ingredients of a nail plate are keratin, a fibrous protein, and calcium. It is therefore very hard in nature which makes it an ideal protective layer for finger and toe tips.

The nail plate rests on the nail bed. Nail bed is another thick layer of the skin. However it consists of living cells and it holds the nail to your body. Nails are transparent in nature and increased blood circulation through the nail bed gives it a pink shade. Therefore finger and toe nails which are pink in colour and without any deformity are termed to be the signs of good health. A protein rich diet will help you maintain strong and healthy nails.

Toe NailsNails can help in protection and helps in being a part of healthy and disease free person. The uses of nails are:

  • Apart from providing protection to your finger and toe tips, nails help you to grip objects more firmly and efficiently. Toe nails protect you from banging your toes against hard objects.
  • Nails also play an important role in diagnosing various diseases at its initial stages. The change in colour, texture, and appearance of nails often denotes abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs and can go a long way in identifying such abnormalities at the threshold. Even life threatening disease like cancer can be detected by closely monitoring the changes occurring to one’s nails. Needless to mention timely detection of cancer is crucial in its cure.
  • The change in colour, texture and appearance of nails may be hereditary or due to other simple reasons. Therefore there is no need to panic on simple identification of some abnormalities regarding your nails. Consult a qualified physician in case of nail deformities and he will be able to guide you and diagnose serious troubles if any and suggest a treatment plan accordingly.
  • Apart form biological importance; nails have an important role to play in the outward appearance of the person. A person with clean, healthy finger and toe nails creates an impression among others to be upright, punctual, gentle and energetic. Personal cleanliness of a person can often be correctly assessed by verifying the cleanliness of his toe nails. Among women, beautiful long nails are considered to be signs of beauty and glamour from time immemorial.

Tips on French Manicure - Giving yourself a French manicure

Tips on French Manicure - Giving yourself a French manicure

A French manicure is a great way to show off your beautiful nails and enjoy your time at the manicurist. You can always trust a nail technician to give you a French manicure that you will be proud of.

If you prefer to give your own manicures and desire to learn how to give yourself a French manicure you can follow the easy steps below.

1. First before applying nail polish clean your hands and nails thoroughly with an exfoliate scrub. If you do not have an exfoliate scrub you can add just a tad of salt to hand lotions. Be sure to rinse and dry your hands and nails well.

2. Next, you will need to file your nails. Always remember to file your nails from the corner to the center of each nail. Do not file straight across than can cause your nails to become weak. File in one direction only. Finding the right type of nail for filing can be found at your local beauty supply store. The coarse side of the nail file is for filing while the fine side is for finishing.

3. Using a hand moisturizer is the next step. Many nail technicians can give you the best ideas for moisturizers. Some people prefer to use olive or almond oil. You will now need to either soak your nails so soften your cuticles or you can also wrap them in a warm towel. Now, gently push back your cuticle using a cuticle stick. Do not cut your cuticles. Thoroughly rinse your hands with warm water and remember to dry completely.

4. Your next step in getting a French manicure is to apply one clear base coat completely over your nail. Let the base dry. This base coat will help strengthen and protect your nail.

5. To achieve the square look for your French manicure, paint a straight line across the tips of all of your fingernails. If you prefer a rounded look, follow the curve of your nail. If you want a pointed look paint each side of your nail to the center. You may find sticky strips to help you get a straight line when polishing. Let the polish dry.

6. The final step in your French manicure is to apply a coat of translucent pink polish over your entire nail; this will seal the tip that you just polished white and will finish the look. Let dry.

That’s it. You are ready to go. Enjoy your new French manicure. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Send them using the form at the bottom of the page.