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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips


This is how:
. Apply moisturizer before foundation. Wait for ten minutes to allow the skin to absorb it.

. Cover flaws like pigmented patches with a foundation, or concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone.
. Use a creamy foundation diluted with a drop of water for lighter and smoother coverage.
. While choosing foundations go for beige or golden tones avoid pinks.
. Avoid powders if your skin is dry, but apply a soft shade blusher on the cheekbones going outwards and slightly upwards.
. Go for the soft look while applying eye make-up. Avoid eyeliners, use eye shadow or eye pencil to line the upper lids. Draw a line close to the lashes.
. Avoid harsh black eye pencils, go for brown or grey shades instead.
. Mascara helps to brighten eyes. Use a brush to separate the lashes for a natural look.
. Redefine the lip line with a lip pencil and fill in with lipstick, using a lip brush.
. Very dark lip colours, especially blue tones have an aging effect. Very light colours are also a no-no. Go for burgundy, plum, coral, bronze, copper or coffee shades.

How to make an Natural Oatmeal face mask recipe at home

How to make an Natural Oatmeal face mask recipe at home

Exfoliating homemade oatmeal mask recipe

Exfoliating homemade oatmeal mask recipe

As advised in Natural beauty tips , Exfoliating oatmeal mask for your skin mask is wonderful for sloughing off your dried skin. You have to make it by mixing ¾th cup dry oatmeal with approximately 1/3rd cup warm water into a paste. Then you just have to spread it on your face. After that, you can lie down so as have so4/29/08me time to dry it. Later you are supposed to wash off with water, then you can tone and moisturize.

Indian Drugs & medical plants

Indian Drugs & medical plants

Indian Herbal  Medicine  natural plants

Indian Herbal Medicine natural plants

Drugs Plants:
Drugs obtained from various plants were known to the early civilisations. As a matter of fact, the history of the Drug plants is as old as the history of these civilisations. The Chinese were reported to have used drug plants as early as 5,000 to 4,000 BC.Drugs have become indispensable in the life of man.

Drugs plants use of medicinal side:
Mankind has used plants in an attempt to cure diseases and relieve physical suffering. In the present day, medical science has paid great attention to the study of drug plants. The branch of medical science, which deals with the drug plants.

Indian Shikai & medical herbs

Indian Shikai & medical herbs

Indian shikai natural medicine

Indian shikai natural medicine

A Common, prickly, scandent bush; Common in the tropical jungles throughout India; very common in East and Central Karnataka and is planted as a hedge plant.

The pods are largely used by the natives of India externally as a detergent for washing the hair. The nut of the Shikai is commonly used instead of soap.

Indian perfumes sweet smell natural plants

Indian perfumes sweet smell natural plants

Perfumes  herbel medicine

Perfumes herbel medicine

Perfumes have been in vogue since the earliest recorded times. Egyptians, Indians, Romans and Greeks used them for both personal and religious purposes. In ancient times, perfumes were of considerable hygienic as well as aesthetic value, for they acted as true antiseptics and deodorants and masked offensive odour at a time when personal cleanliness was too often over looked. Today perfumes are still in great demand.

The consumption of natural product is increasing in spite of many synthetic substitutes. These synthetic materials are not so lasting as those obtained directly from the plants. The most valuable perfumes are combinations of several essential oils.

Indian kadukkai & madical herbs

Indian kadukkai & madical herbs

Kadukkai herbel medicine

Kadukkai herbel medicine

Indian kadukkai herbel medicine:
A large deciduous tree, common in the plains and lower hills throught India. It belongs to the family "Combretaceae". The fruit of this plant is exported from India, for tanning, as a mordant and also for medicinal use.

Indian indigo & dyeing naturl plants

Indian indigo & dyeing naturl plants

Indigo herbel medicine

Indigo herbel medicine

Indian Indigo herbel medicine:
This plant belongs to the family "Fabaceae". It forms the principal source of the industry and called as the "King of dyestuffs". It was grown in India, China and other eastern countries. The people of Asia had known the dyes for over 4,000 years. The leaves of the plant contain a soluble odourless glycoside, called "Indican"; during fermentation of the leaves indican is hydrolysed to glucose and indoxyl. Indigotin is obtained as a result of oxidation of indoxyl. If the dye is of high quality, it is deep violet-blue and porous.