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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

Given below are some Ayurvedic beauty tips. For hundreds of years, Ayurveda physicians have been using natural and Ayurvedic remedies not only for improving general health and treating diseases but also for enhancing inner and outer beauty. There are a number of natural remedies which have been tried and tested using Ayurveda for beautiful skin and hair. Right from treating dry skin to achieving glowing skin, treating hair fall, dandruff to gray hair, there are Ayurvedic remedies for all problems. Check out the following section which is an useful Ayurvedic guide to beauty care and treatment. Check out the articles below for useful Ayurvedic beauty care tips .

Beauty Tips

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Udvartana Ayurvedic Massage

Udvartana Ayurvedic Massage

UdvartanaUdvartana is deeply penetrating herbal paste lymphatic massage. This full body massage uses a paste prepared from ground grains to cleanse the skin, improve circulation, and help weight loss. It is particularly good for skin care as its powerful exfoliating effect magically conditions the skin. It is almost similar to Abhyanga but more invigorating. Also it uses herbal paste instead of oil. The paste is made with various organic grains, flours, herbs and oils and applied with upward strokes during massage. Udvartana massage is particularly used for people having Kapha dosha.

Udvartana helps to eliminate lymphatic toxins out of the body and also improves sluggish circulation and digestion. It balances Kapha dosha and cleans the skin. It increases the metabolic rate of the body and activates the rasa dhatu (lymph), which in turn enables the vayus (gases) to flow and make the nadi system more efficient.

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Headache Symptoms

Headache Symptoms

Following are the signs that indicate the presence of this ailment:
  • • Headache can be mild, moderate or severe pain that affects the whole head, a part of the head, forehead or the eyes.
  • • Nausea
  • • Difficulty in sleeping
  • • Loss of appetite
  • • Feeling of uneasiness

Headache Causes

According to Ayurveda, there are eleven types of headaches caused due to aggravation of three different doshas. Headaches are also caused by:
  • • sinusitis
  • • Hypertension
  • • Constipation
  • • Over work
  • • Mental stress
  • • Indigestion
  • • Acidity
  • • Sleeplessness
  • • Fever
  • • It may also be present as a symptom of some disease
  • • Excessive consumption of tea, coffee, aspirin or nicotine is also known to contribute to headache
  • • Nervous weakness
  • • Anemia
  • • Deficiency of oxygen in the blood
  • • Sitting too close to the television
  • • Reading with insufficient light
  • • Reading in a moving train or car


  • • Take clove, cinnamon and almond in equal quantities (around 1 teaspoon each) and grind together with a little water to make a paste. Apply paste on the forehead. A paste made of sandalwood powder can also be applied on the forehead.
  • • Mix a quarter teaspoon of clove powder in one teaspoon of cinnamon oil. Apply mixture to the location of pain.
  • • Take a few drops of ghee (clarified butter) on your palm. Mix 3 or 4 pieces of saffron in it, and rub it for two minutes. The saffron does not dissolve in the ghee, but its qualities are absorbed. Remove saffron and put two drops of this ghee in each nostril. · Dosage: Follow procedure twice a day.
  • • Mix 1 tablespoon of milk and half teaspoon of ginger powder and put one or Dosage; two drops in each nostril twice a day.
  • • Wrap a wet cloth around the neck.
  • • Oil massage on the scalp also relieves tension and headache. Sesame oil, almond oil, mustard oil or ghee (clarified butter) can be used for massage.
  • • Heat 1 teaspoon of almond oil. When it cools down, put two drops in each nostril.

Dos and don'ts

  • • Simple cooked vegetables without oil, vegetable juices and soup, fruits like apple, mango, grapes and fruit juices should be taken in ample quantities. Rice, salad and buttermilk are also good.
  • • Some sweets and milk products can be taken moderately with small quantities of nuts.
  • • Hot cow milk is very good to drink.
  • • Avoid fried foods, meat, sour and spicy foods and foods
  • • Yogurt should be avoided, especially at night.
  • • Adequate rest should be taken and exposure to cold, heat and rain should be avoided.
  • • The natural urges (sneezing, passing stool and urine, hunger, thirst, sleep, breathing and yawning etc.) should not be suppressed.
  • • The patient should also try to keep the mind free from anxiety, anger, mental tension and worry.

Constipation Home Remedies

Constipation Home Remedies

Constipation is both, painful and frustrating. Although all people get constipated at some occasions in their lives, there are many people who suffer from a continuous constipation problem and don't seem to get relief from it. Ayurveda focuses on 'Pachan Shakti' or digestive capability of a person for holistic health. However, when digestion is not proper, it indicates towards improper food habits that are not compatible to the body type of a person. As a constipation relief measure, Ayurveda suggests changes in food habits, certain exercises and herbal and home remedies for constipation. Before moving on to the issue of constipation relief, it is desirable to know all the basics of constipation so that one can get rid of it permanently by treating the root cause of constipation.

What is Constipation?

Medical definition of constipation is “fewer than three bowel movements a week.” Normal bowel movement pattern is one bowel movement per day. However less than 50% of people have this kind of perfect bowel movement. Most of the people have between 3 and 21 bowel movements per day which is quite a normal condition. Lesser than three bowel movements a week means the person is constipated. Constipation also differ in degree of severity- a person may suffer from occasional mild, severe, acute or chronic constipation. Causes of all these types of constipation differ from each other.

Severe constipation- Less than one bowel movement per week. Improper food habits and lack of physical activities may be the causes of severe constipation.

Acute constipation- It is the sudden or recent onset of constipation. A serious medical illness like tumors of the colon may be the cause of acute constipation. It requires urgent medical assistance.

Chronic constipation- It is the constipation that lasts for long durations. Again the food habits and lack of physical exercises can be the causes of chronic constipation.

What are Constipation Symptoms?

Depending upon the severity and type of constipation, the symptoms of constipation might also differ from person to person.
  • • Infrequent stools.
  • • Hard stools
  • • Straining or difficulty in passing stools
  • • Sense of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement.

Acute constipation might show such symptoms as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea and vomiting, and inexplainable weight loss.

Who gets Constipated?

Almost everyone gets constipated at some point in their lives but that is not a real constipation problem. Commonly women, children and adults over 65 years of age get constipated. This does not mean that men or other segments of population do not get constipated. Here is the list of people who can suffer from constipation most or all of the time (if they don't take measures for constipation cure)

People Over 65- As senior people are not able to get proper food, drinks and exercises due to their diminishing digestive capabilities and stamina, they often suffer from constipation. Old age also makes the muscles of the large bowel weak that is one of the causes of constipation.

Pregnant Women- Hormonal changes during pregnancy slow down the intestinal activities which might lead to constipation. Pregnancy constipation is also due to hemorrhoids (swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus) as a result of increased pressure against the bowels.

Frequent Travelers- Travel affects regular habits of eating, sleeping, and normal bowel routines. However, this type of constipation might get over as soon as normal routine is resumed.

New Mothers- Women who just gave birth to a child have a slower digestion and a temporary loss of muscle tone in the abdomen that leads to constipation.

Inactive People- Sedentary lifestyle without any exercise regime can lead to severe constipation over time.

Junk Food Lovers- People having food without fiber, low fiber food and inappropriate quantity of water may get constipated more often.

Certain Patients- Patients having particular types of medication (that cause constipation) can also get constipated for the time being. As soon as they stop those medicines, they are relieved from constipation. Patients who are recovering from surgery may also get constipated due to medications again and also due to inadequate physical activity or use of a bedpan.

What Causes Constipation?

Speaking of bodily mechanism, constipation is caused by the slow passage of digesting food through intestine, particularly in the colon. When food moves through the colon, the colon absorbs water from it and forms the waste products or stool. Stool is pushed towards the rectum through muscle contractions in the colon. By the time stool reaches rectum, it becomes solid as most of the water has been absorbed till then. However, when too much of water is absorbed by the colon than required, it results into constipation. Also when the muscle contractions in colon is slow or weak, constipation is caused as the stool moves through the colon very slowly. There are certain other internal as well as external causes of constipation.

  • • Inadequate intake of water
  • • Low fiber diet
  • • Lack of physical activities or exercise
  • • Having too much of dairy products
  • • Stress
  • • Resisting the urge of bowel movement frequently.
  • • Using laxatives (that soften the stool) too often. Overuse of laxatives may lead to weakening of muscles in the colon responsible for pushing down the stool.
  • • Certain diseases, particularly diseases that affect colon and central nervous system. Some of the examples of diseases that cause constipation include hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, depression, colon cancer, diabetes, scleroderma, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Hirschsprung's disease, Chagas disease, colonic inertia ( where the nerves and/or muscles of the colon do not work normally), pelvic floor dysfunction (where the muscles of the lower pelvis that surround the rectum do not work normally) etc.
  • • Certain medications like narcotic pain medications, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, iron supplements, antacids containing calcium or aluminum etc.
  • • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that is the functional bowel disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea often alternating with periods of constipation.
  • Eating Disorders
  • • Hormonal imbalance like during pregnancy, hypothyroidism, menstrual periods, etc.
  • • Temporary or permanent changes in life such as pregnancy, traveling, old age etc.

How to Identify Constipation Causes?

Diagnosis of constipation generally does not require extensive tests. The medical history of a constipated patient is all to identify the seriousness and causes of the constipation problem. For example

  • • The bowel movements that are difficult to pass, very firm, or are made up of small hard pellets may be constipation, even if they occur every day. This may indicate lack of dietary fiber.
  • • If defecation is painful, there may be anal problems such as a narrowed anal sphincter or an anal fissure.
  • • If patients suffer from small stools, it may be again a lack of fiber in the diet.
  • • If the patient feels straining, it may be pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • • If the patient is on regular or temporary medication, the revelation of the medicines before doctor can clarify whether the constipation cause is medicines or not.

Maintaining a food diary for a week or two can be recommended by the doctor to know if a low fiber diet is the cause of constipation. A small number of patients with constipation who have a more serious medical problem can be directed by physician to get some tests done which may include blood tests if the doctor is doubtful of hormonal imbalance; barium studies or colonoscopy if obstruction of the colon is suspected.

Are you tired of a huge pink

Are you tired of a huge pink dot on the end of your nose. You detest the glimpse of whiteheads sprouting under your bottom lip. You don't like this at all and want toget rid of acne. So lets understand the causes of acne.

Acne may be the scourge of the adolscent years, but it can follow some people into middle age and beyond.” Women can have flare-ups at 25 or 35 years old and even older.

Acne is really a catchall term for a variety of symptoms such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. “It's a condition where the pores of the skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and non inflamed lesions.”

So what's the cause of all the clogging?

“Chocolate doesn't cause acne.” “Dirty hair or skin doesn't cause it. Sex, either too much of it or a lack of it, doesn't cause it either.”

So what does? Heredity- at least for the most part.
“Acne is genetic; it tends to run in families. It is an inherited defect of your pores.”

If both of your parent had acne, three out of four of your brothers and sisters will get it, too. But if your sister is pimple-free while your face is a war zone, be aware that other factors can aggravate an acne outbreak.

“Stress, sun exposure, seasonal changes, and climate can precipitate an acne attack.” Certain types of makeup and taking birth control pills can also cause a breakout.

“Working women are especially vulnerable as they are prone to lots of stress, plus they tend to wear makeup a lot.”
So here's some natural remedies, keeping in mind those who need to get rid of acne, the most.

Change your Makeup
Makeup is the major factor in acne outbreaks. “Oil-based makeup is the problem.” The oil is usually a derivative of fatty acids that are more potent than your own fatty acids. Use a non-oil-based makeup if you are prone to acne.

Read the Labels
Cosmetic products that contain lanolins, iso-propyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulfate, laureth-4, and D & C red dyes should also be avoided as these ingredients are too rich for the skin.

Rinse your Face
“Wash your makeup off thoroughly every night.” “Use a mild soap twice a day and make sure you rinse the soap entirely off your face. Rinsing six or seven times with fresh rose water should do it.”

Stay out of the Sun.
Acne medications may cause adverse reactions to the sun. Minimize exposure to sunlight, infrared heat lamps, and sunscreens.

Scrub that skin.
Cleanse your skin thoroughly every time with some good herbal scrubbers followed by a good toner. These days there are lot of herbal and organic range available, but if you have time then you can try some natural tips like the oatmeal which cleanses pores by absorbing oil and exfoliates the skin. Honey eases application and serves as a skin toner.
Know more about benefits of honey
Soothe your skin.
After cleansing use a good astringent & a toner to soothe your skin. Lemon juice is a natural astringent and mild antibacterial agent. Rose petals, from which rose water is made, also have antibacterial properties. It is a also a skin toner and helps to mitigate the rather harsh, acidic quality of straight lemon juice.
Use natural home remedies acne treatment packs.
  1. Make a thicker paste out of baking soda and water. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Follow up with a light moisturizer.
  2. Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.
  3. Rub garlic on and around pimples.
  4. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night.
  5. Pulverize 1/3 cup uncooked oats and then add ¼ cup of water. When it becomes the consistency of paste, add approximately 1/4 cup honey and mix thoroughly and allow to cool then apply on the pimples for 10-20 minutes. Do not leave it on too long or it will become difficult to remove. You can also try oatmeal, yogurt and sour cream with a few drops of lemon juice. These ingredients are mixed together and applied on affected areas for 15 minutes and then rinsed with water.
  6. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash
  7. Lemon juice and rose water acne treatment. Mix equal parts lemon juice and rose water. Apply directly to skin. You might feel an initial sting from the lemon juice. Rinse after 15-30 minutes. Be careful of exposing your skin to direct sunlight if you have been using lemon juice on your face. Also, though a strong reaction is unlikely, do not continue this treatment if it irritates your skin.
  8. For acne scars, “Tomato is known to remove acne scars”. You can easily get tomatoes from your kitchen and slice it. Apply the tomato slices to your scars. Regular application of tomato slices on your scars can visibly give you excellent results. Another technique frequently used to get rid of acne scars is rubbing ice cubes against the pimples to reduce inflammation and slowly erase the scars.
Try herbs to cure your acne naturally.

Aloevera for Acne
There are hundreds of varieties of aloe that grow all over the world. Most have medicinal properties. However, it is aloe barbadensis that is known as aloe vera, the species with the most value as a natural remedy. Transparent gel from the pulp of the meaty leaves of Aloe vera has been used topically for thousands of years to treat wounds, skin infections, burns, etc. Use aloe vera juice on the pimples daily morning and night or as long as necessary (perhaps five months or longer). It is also a natural antibiotic

Mint for Acne
M. balsamea (peppermint) Peppermint is preferable to spearmint as a medicinal herb because it contains menthol which is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
  • • Take a handful of mint (pudina) leaves and crush them thoroughly with a mortar and pestle.
  • • Rub the leaves and juice on affected skin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  • • Rinse with cold water.
  • • Repeat as often as desired to alleviate pain and inflammation.

Note: Do not continue this acne treatment if it irritates your skin.
Other important antibacterial herbs are:
Punica Granatum

To know more about herbs and their benefits
Acne Diet, some important Do's & Don'ts
  • • Drink six glasses of water every day.
  • • Five daily servings of fresh red/orange/yellow vegetables and fruits.
  • • Each day have one tablespoon of mixed fresh seeds, e.g. pumpkin, sunflower, sesame or ground hemp/linseed. (Learn Health Benefits of Sesame, Rapeseed, Linseed & Groundnut)
  • • Eat plenty of whole grains, root vegetables, lentils and beans. Include some soya, and sprouted seeds.
  • • Limit intake of foods made from wheat, oats, rye, etc. to one or two portions each day.
  • • Yoghurt: Have low-fat, live, organic yoghurt.
  • • Limit vegetable oils to a little olive oil and/or cold pressed sunflower or other oils.
  • • Prefer fish and chicken over red meat and avoid excessive oil.
  • • Switch to organic foods
  • • Switch from dairy products to alternatives like Soya, milk and tofu.
  • • Restrict tea to not more than two cups a day.
  • • Avoid completely or limit your alcohol intake.

  • • Avoid sugar and sweets
  • • Don't have foods containing white flour, such as bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries and pasta.
  • • Avoid canned, preserved or processed foods.
  • • Don't have fried foods. Boil, steam, bake or lightly grill them instead.
  • • Avoid fatty foods like butter, cream and ice cream.
  • • Don't have processed foods as most of them contain trans-fats.
  • Avoid smoking

Read about Ayurvedic Diets according to Doshas and Ayurveda Body Types

Premature aging skin

Best Anti Aging TreatmentPremature aging skin is one of the challenges before those who want to keep their skin youthful for longer periods of their lives. People, especially women, take many anti aging measures for skin care so that they may delay the process of aging which is represented by loosened skin. Ayurveda has deeply addressed this issue of aging skin. It says that premature aging of the skin is caused due to the aggravation of vata dosha, which naturally increases with age. Dryness of skin is a predominant trait of a Vata dosha body type constitution. Even in other people, Vata causes dryness of the skin when it is vitiated due to seasonal influences. In fact, skin ages due to both- internal as well as external factors. Internal factors may be listed as inability of skin to retain moisture, low levels of elastin production, lesser production of new skin cells etc. External factors include lifestyle choices and surrounding environment such as smoking, prolonged exposure to sun or extreme cold, poor diet, stress, lack of exercise etc. Here are some herbal remedies for skin. They are, in fact, home remedies for skin tightening which include usage of common household materials found in kitchen as well as some common Indian herbs.

  • • Massage face with clarified butter (ghee), almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed. An oil massage is the best remedy for dry skin. Almond and coconut oil are best Ayurvedic remedies for aging skin as they improve complexions, reduce fine lines and wrinkles apart from curing crow's feet. For better absorption, anti-aging oil massages should be done at night.
  • • Ghee or clarified butter contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, and antioxidants that prevent cell damage and fight free radicals. Rub ghee all over your body to get it absorbed in the skin. The best way to get benefits of ghee is to include it in your daily diet. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of ghee while cooking vegetables, dals etc.
  • • Apply fresh Aloe Vera juice to the skin. If you can't get fresh aloe vera, get aloe vera gel from health care shops.
  • Skin TighteningThere are many benefits of honey, one being its anti aging property. Take 1/2 tablespoon of honey and mix it with 1-2 tablespoon of rose water. Apply this mixture on face, neck, and other dry skin area. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Now wash it off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin. This mixture will clean your skin and tone it to give you a glowing complexion with wrinkle free skin.
  • • Take one teaspoon each of egg yolk and honey, and 1-2 teaspoon milk powder. Mix them well to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on face, neck and other dry skin area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
  • • Mix one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon each of honey, olive oil and vitamin E oil to make an anti aging lotion to be used as moisturizing facial mask. Apply it to face and other areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • • Avoid too much of sun exposure as it is one of the main causes of wrinkles. Use umbrella, scarves or any other protective cover when going out in sun.
  • Quit smoking Cigarette smoke ages skin by releasing an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen- vital components of skin.
  • • Get adequate sleep. Sleeping position is also important. Try to sleep on your back, as it prevents wrinkle formation. Sleeping on sides may cause wrinkles on chin and cheek and sleeping with face-down will result in furrowed brow.
  • • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They have anti-oxidants that help fight damage caused by free radicals. They keep skin younger and radiant.
  • • Drink lots of water during the day to provide optimum supply of moisture to the skin.
  • • Do not over-wash your face. Washing face too often removes skin off its natural barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrinkles.
  • Basil herb or Ocimum Sanctum (tulsi) has effective anti-aging and anti-oxidant properties. Follow the traditional Ayurvedic method of boiling fresh tulsi leaves and water until the water reduces to half. Then drink the resulting water. The other ayurvedic way of having basil leaves is to eat the crushed herb when it cools.
  • • Switch to green tea. Green tea has anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, and healing effects on skin which helps in skin rejuvenation.

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle is one thing that decides majority of women's health. Most of the women experience painful monthly menses. A painless and problem free menstrual cycle depends on the proper functioning of the endocrine glands to stimulate hormone secretion. With a healthy lifestyle and food habits, one can experience a healthy menstrual cycle. However, if menstrual problems persist, Ayurveda has a cure in the form of many Indian herbs and home remedies that can give relief to the suffering women.

Herbs for Treating Menstrual Problems

Asafetida increases the secretion of progesterone, the female hormone, facilitating smooth menstruation. It should be fried in ghee and mixed with goat’s milk and a spoonful of honey. Having this mixture for about a month reduces pain during menses.

Henna has a very cooling effect. The suppositories of its leaves are placed in the vagina of the women who have problem of excessive flow during menstruation.

Ginger is very effective for cold climates. The lower temperatures often cause painful and irregular menses. Ginger is infused with sugar and this preparation is administered to the women experiencing difficult menstruation.

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is known to be a good stimulant of uterus. As such, it is often administered to the women experiencing painful menstruation.

Valerian or Valeriana Wallichii is used for stimulation of menstrual blood flow apart from being used for treating many other diseases.

Castor oil
If a woman experiences congestive pain during her menstrual cycle, she can get relief by taking castor oil before her periods are due.

Many women suffer due to heavy menstruation. They can take ashwagandha tonic for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.

The tonic liquorice is also useful for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.

Shilajit- A Herbal Aphrodisiac

Shilajit, in Sanskrit language, means "conqueror of mountains”. Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabinum) known as Shilajitu in Ayurveda is a kind of resin that trickles down from the Himalayan Mountains. It contains a fine mixture of several metals like gold, sliver, iron, etc. and about 85 types of different minerals. Shilajit, with all its minerals and other natural contents is considered to be the master herb that has many health benefits.

Shilajit- A Herbal Aphrodisiac

Shilajit, sometimes written as shilajeet, is considered to be a natural aphrodisiac that has the capacity of increasing sexual power of men. It has a superfine rejuvenatory effect that makes the body healthy and free from diseases. Ayurveda recommends shilajit for all types of sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, pre-mature ejaculation, thin semen, reduction in sperm count & discharge of semen in urine. Sometimes referred to as Indian Viagra, this herbal aphrodisiac increases the libido and virility of men. It is also used to treat menstrual problems in women. Traditionally shilajit is used with pure milk to enhance energy, sexual power and even spiritual power.

Shilajit- Other Health Benefits

As the name of Shilajit goes (conquerer of mountains), it conquers almost all the diseases of human body. Some of the shilajit benefits have been described here.

Anti Aging: Several minerals in natural ionic form in shilajit can be simply absorbed by the body cells and maintain the body's energy metabolism. fulvic acid found in shilajit penetrates the cell walls and transport minerals into the cells and thus acts as an excellent anti aging herb that works for reversing and arresting the aging process. Shilajit makes the body strong and lustrous making it an excellent anti aging herb.

Arthritis: The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Shilajit assist in reducing and relieving joint inflammation and pain thus providing relief to arthritis patients.

Diabetes: Shilajit has been traditionally used by Ayurveda to maintain the blood sugar levels and thus treating diabetes.

Anemia: With all its rich mineral contents, shilajit is used extensively to treat anemia. It is a rich source of trace minerals and also contains iron. The fulvic acids in shilajit help carry the iron into the body making it biologically available for creating red blood cells that are essential elements to prevent anemia.

Urinary Infections: Shilajit is also recommended by Ayurveda for treating urinary infections and other urine related problems like burning sensation while urinating, incontinence of urine due to enlarged prostate or stone in the kidney or bladder.

Apart from all the above mentioned benefits, Shilajit improves memory and also the capability of managing stress. When administered to treat injuries, Shilajit reduces the recovery time in muscle, bone and nerve injuries. It also strengthens the immune system and cures chronic fatigue. It is used to cure nervous disorders and sexual dissatisfaction. Shilajit is rightly called the master herb that enhances strength and stamina, acts as aphrodisiac for enhancing sexual power and also provides stress relief.