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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Face Care Routine

Face Care Routine


Women who wear makeup - see Uma Thurman - should carry out a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing turn back the clock each evening, as well as washing the face in the morning. 5 Minute Makeover Cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during the day.

  • Remove mascara Lashes Unlimited with a cotton bud dipped in eye-dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. To make the job easier keep your hair off your face.
  • Remove the eyeshadow - Artistic Palletes - by gently wiping it off with a pad of clean cotton wool moistened with eye-cleansing lotion.
  • Pour a little face cleansing cream into the palm of one hand and dab it generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks --- using two fingers of the other hand.
  • Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion.
  • Continue massaging the cream up to the forehead, using the fingertips.
  • Gently massage the cream from the eyes to the nose.
  • Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger.
  • Remove the cream from the face with tissue pads in each hand. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead


Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing.

  • Immediately after cleansing apply toner to the forehead and cheeks on a pad of corron wool
  • Apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.
  • Apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.


Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. The face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturisers -- which form a film over the skin -- contain and augment the natural moisture.

  • Using the tips ofthe fingers, dot moisturising cream lightly all over the face.
  • Press the fingers of both hands into the centre of the forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gentlyaround the eyes.
  • Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.
  • Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin.

Also see: Makeup Tips

The Beauty Foods

The Beauty Foods

What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health

Apple Cider Vinegar
Beside having amazing healing properties, apple cider vinegar keeps skin supple. It's heavy concentration of enzymes helps peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.

Maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. What you'll find in is the same as you'll get in Retin A.

To ensure a happy smile, add a slice or two of hard cheeese into your diet. Choose Swiss, cheddar, or gouda to block bacteria in the mouth and prevent cavities.

Citrus Fruits
Hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically, which is why fruits and fruit juices are such an important part of the daily diet.

Keep urinary tract lining healthy.

Helps combat wrinkles and restores tissue.

Nonfat Yogurt
High in calcium, which keeps your smile white and your teeth cavity-free.

Sweet Potatoes Vitamin A is known to be a remarkable anti-wrinkling agent. Sweet potatoes are full of this important vitamin. The pleasing results is clearer, smoother skin.

These "love apples" will keep you loving your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.

Wheat Germ
If you want to get rid of pimples quickly and efficiently, make sure to include two or three tablespoons a day in your diet. Add it to cereal, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

You should choose foods that you enjoy, of course, but you need to include the following:

Three to five servings daily. Try to include one serving of raw, leafy greens.

Have no more than three three ounce servings a day. Cut off all fat. Try to make two servings of turkey or chicken. One serving of fish a day is ideal.

Two to three servings daily. A 1/2 cup of chopped or sliced fruit is a serving. Fruit salad

At least two servings daily. A serving would be eight ounces of milk or yogurt.

Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day.

Beautiful Hair

Beautiful Hair

How to achieve and maintain a healthy head of beautiful hair. Hair SOS

Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair - haute hair - good health, the right attention to cleanliness, and caution when using cosmetic treatments.

1. Adequate Diet

Hair growth depends on an adequate diet. A widespread diet problem which causes loss of hair is iron deficiency Anaemia. The cause is too little iron in blood, brought on by a diet containing too little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also needed to provide vitamin C, which enables the body to absorb iron.

2. Cutting the hair

Although cutting the hair is not essential to its well-being, it is easier to keep the scalp clean if the hair is kept reasonably short. Regular cutting does not make the hair grow strong or faster.

3. How hair can be damaged

Although scalp hair is hardy, and can withstand a lot of abuse, it can be damaged by too much or inexpertly applied perming, dyeing - Blonde to Brunette, bleaching and massage. The amount of beautying the hair can take varies from person to person. Occasionally the scalp is allergic to the dye and becomes inflamed and swollen. To prevent this occuring, the dye should be tested by applying it to a small area on the arm. If a patch of inflammation has developed, the dye must not be used on the hair.

Most people who bleach their hair do so with hydrogen peroxide. If the peroxide is repeatedly applied, it may make the hair brittle. Hair SOS If this happens the hair may turn rough, develop split ends, or become thinned or shortened.

Homemade Hair Spray

Homemade Hair Spray

Homemade Hair Spray

Chop one lemon (or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with 2 cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in the refrigerator.

If it is too sticky, add more water. Add one ounce rubbing alcohol as a preservative and then the spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.

Wrinkle Remover

Wrinkle Remover

Wrinkle Remover

Green Thompson seedless grapes! It has one of the ingredients in those big time expensive wrinkle creams.

All you do is cut a grape in half and gently crush it on your face and neck. Make sure that you get the "crows-feet" and the lines around your mouth. Leave it on for twenty minutes or so and rinse with tepid water and pat dry.

Repeat every day and before you know it... those nasty old lines will be hard to find!

Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. And... eat veggies rich in Vitamin A, such as carrots, celery and spinach.
If you can, get 8 hours of sleep every night.

Skin Sauna

Skin Sauna

Skin Sauna

A good deep cleansing treat is to give your face a sauna. This is especially good for congested skin.

You need to fill a bowl with near boiling water and add four drops of each of the essential oils recomended for your skin type.
NORMAL : Mandarin and Lavender.
OILY : Lemon and Eucalyptus.
DRY : Rose and Camomile.

Place a towel over your head and hold it over the bowl from a distance of about 30cm for a period of around two minutes. This opens the pores and prepares it for a face mask.

You should not use a face sauna if you have sensitive skin, are pregnant or suffer from asthma.

White Nails

White Nails

White Nails

To whiten your nails, try these:

* Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails.

* Soak your nails in water with lemon juice or lemon slices. The lemon acts as an astringent and will strip away stains. Once your hands are dry, you'll only need to put on a couple of coats of a clear topcoat.

White Nails

White Nails

To whiten your nails, try these:

* Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails.

* Soak your nails in water with lemon juice or lemon slices. The lemon acts as an astringent and will strip away stains. Once your hands are dry, you'll only need to put on a couple of coats of a clear topcoat.

Orange Yogurt Mask

Orange Yogurt Mask

Orange Yogurt Mask

Ingredients Needed:
* 1 tsp plain yogurt (I chose Balkan Style)
* the juice of 1/4 of an orange

Stir to mix and then dip fingers into mixture and smooth onto face. The sensation is both cool and relaxing. Leave on for a five minutes and then rinse. If you are feeling sluggish, this is the perfect mask for you.

* Yogurt will cleanse and nourish your skin
* The orange is full of Vitamin C and AHA's.