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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Celtic Tattoos

Celtic Tattoos

Celtic tattoos are mainly popular amongst the people of Celtic origin. Being universal in nature, the Celtic symbols have always been a popular choice to be considered by the tattoo artists. Nowadays, most of the tattoo artists prefer mixing the tribal and Celtic design so as to create a new blended tattoo style, known as tribal Celtic tattoos. Read further to know more about the Celtic tattoo art.

Celtic symbol designing has its origin in the prehistoric times. These designs have been in fashion for thousands of years. People of Celtic origin have a rich cultural heritage that is worth exploring. Since the bygone times, these people have been known for their artistic ability. The Celtic tattoos look simply stunning. They have headed their way in the making of various kinds of stonework, metalwork, jewelry and weapons.

Celtic designs usually comprise of intricate patterns of lines, spirals, and loops that are combined in a very attractive manner. Animal designs are the topmost priority, when it comes to Celtic tattoo styling. Animal Celtic designs are more popularly known as the zoomorphic tattoo designs. Tattoo designs usually incorporate tiger or a lion. There is always a meaning behind every Celtic design, which is usually not very apparent and it is pretty difficult to solve the mystery.

The interlacing between the lines represents association between the physical and spiritual worlds. The ongoing route of the loops symbolize the unending cycle of life, death and rebirth. Celtic designs reveal the personality of the Celtic people, who are usually depicted as courageous warriors. Popular Celtic designs are Celtic knot and the Celtic cross.

Stretch Marks Home Remedy

Stretch Marks Home Remedy

Stretch mark is a skin problem that occurs due to contraction and expansion of the skin. It can victimize anyone, irrespective of caste, sex etc. When it comes to treating stretch marks, most of the people look for natural ways, as they are no side effects associated with them. On the contrary, other methods available are risky and at the same time very expensive. Pregnant women are more prone to stretch marks. Well, in this article, we will provide you with information on the stretch marks home remedy treatment.

Home Remedies for Stretch Mark Removal
  • Vitamin E works wonders in combating stretch marks. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain larger quantities of this vitamin.
  • Regular exercise is a must to get rid of stretch marks. There arises a need to tone the muscles on a continuous basis.
  • Take some olive oil and gently massage your body.
  • Your skin requires moisturizing. Cocoa butter has proved to be beneficial in treating stretch marks.
  • Peanut butter is very effective in curing stretch marks.
  • Apply Aloe Vera gel on the stretch mark affected area, as it is considered to be beneficial in fighting stretch marks.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are one of the most common features that are prevalent at the time of and after pregnancy. There are a couple of things that one can do so as to keep away from the clutches of the stubborn stretch marks. Regular workout helps a great deal to combat with stretch marks. Exercising once in a while won't suffice the purpose. There is a need to maintain a strict discipline and make it a point to workout on a constant basis.

During pregnancy, the tummy starts growing and the ladies tend to gain weight. It is this increase in weight that gives rise to the irritating stretch marks. So, the best way to block the gateway for stretch marks is to ensure that your body is in shape and there are no extra bulges. Read on to know more about stretch marks after pregnancy …

If you don't take good care of your skin during pregnancy, it is likely to lead to the occurrence of stretch marks. During such times, it is of prime importance to moisturize your skin. The best is to go in for cocoa butter. Place it by the side of your bed and keep applying whenever your skin is dry. It is indeed a daunting task to get rid of the pregnancy stretch marks. Even after being treated, they leave an impression on your body. It is very difficult to magically eliminate them, but they can definitely be minimized to quite a certain extent.

Laser Surgery for Stretch Mark Removal

Laser Surgery for Stretch Mark Removal

In the present era, more and more people are falling prey to stretch marks. Well, stretch mark is not an ailment in itself, but becomes a serious cause of concern, as it stands in the way of looking beautiful. In the contemporary times, when people are becoming so conscious about their looks, stretch marks tend to diminish their confidence level.

Stretch marks further aggravate the problem by leading to sleepless nights. It is in this scenario that people are resorting to laser surgery as the best means to treat stretch marks. There is a plethora of treatments available for getting rid of stretch marks like various kinds of creams and ointments. People suffering from the problem of stretch marks are in a lookout for fast treatments that can give magical results.

Laser surgery is undoubtedly an expensive option when compared to other traditional methods including the home remedies. It does not guarantee sure shot success, but the success rate is definitely on a rise. In plenty of cases, it has been able to cure stretch marks effectively. Read on to know more about laser stretch mark removal…

Stretch marks occur when there is an interruption in the process of perpetual creation of collagen in the skin. The laser therapy basically focuses on repairing the collagen. It aims to treat the skin lying directly underneath the stretch marks. On one hand, where the laser surgery gives you relief from the tension of having stretch marks on your body, on the other hand, sometimes, it leads to harmful side effects like reddish swollen skin, discoloration of the skin etc.

A treatment that has proved to be effective for one sufferer might not necessarily benefit the other. Thus, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before opting for any treatment. Home remedies that make use of herbs have absolutely no side effects and therefore are totally safe for the skin. So, there is no harm trying them.

Body Building Stretch Marks

Body Building Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are something that people usually escape from, as they tend to mar their whole personality. There are many factors that can be held responsible for giving rise to these ugly marks; one being body building. Weight training increases the body mass, which in turn leads to the generation of stretch marks. If you want to seriously pursue body building, it becomes of utmost importance to take the preventive measures to hamper the entry of stretch marks. Read further to know more about stretch marks caused by body building .

On one hand, body building enables the guys to look their best and on the other hand, it becomes a cause for the occurrence of disgusting marks that truly become an eyesore. Every human body has three layers of skin, namely, hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. These stretch marks make the dermis layer their abode. In the initial stage, these marks usually appear in the shades of pink or brown.

Our skin has enough elasticity to cope with the normal growth of body. However, it is due to the sudden growth spurts that the body tends to lose its elastic potential. This in turn leads to the rupturing of elastic fibres present in the dermis layer, thereby giving rise to the stretch marks. These stretch marks take their own course of time to vanish. Though, plenty of fast stretch mark removal treatments are available, but there is no sure shot guarantee that they will disappear within a certain time frame.

Tongue Piercing

Tongue Piercing

Being fashionable and trendy has become the need of the contemporary times. The most popular fashion of today is tongue piercing. Just for fashion sake, people are ready to endure the pain and sufferings associated with tongue piercing. It is also known as oral piercing. There are plenty of health hazards related with it. In this article, we will provide with some useful piece of information on tongue piercing.

Tongue piercing often leads to the occurrence of swelling, which gives an excessive feeling of discomfort. The swelling usually lasts for a couple of days. To assuage swelling, keep some ice inside your mouth. It will take care of your swelling and also help in lessening the feeling of uncomfort. Wear a longer piece of initial jewelry, so as to prevent the healed piercing from causing harm to teeth and gums. The healing period of tongue piercing is generally between 4-6 weeks. Read on to know about the danger of tongue piercing…

While piercing the tongue, if by chance, a vein gets cut; there is a likelihood of heavy bleeding. Bleeding to a certain extent is considered normal. But, if the piercer is not able to control the situation, there arises a need to contact a medical professional. Gums and teeth have to sometimes bear the brunt of tongue piercing. In case of large size gauge, there is a danger of gum erosion. It can also lead to chipping of teeth.

Aftercare of tongue piercing is much more cumbersome when compared to other kinds of piercing. The pierced area comes in direct contact with almost everything that makes an entry into the mouth, such as food and smoke. It is due to this reason that, most of the tongue piercers advise not to smoke or indulge in oral sex till the pierced area gets completely healed. It is of utmost importance to rinse your mouth properly with an antiseptic mouthwash.