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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wrinkles Treatment & Remedies

Wrinkles Treatment & Remedies

Skin Wrinkle Treatment
It is natural to see wrinkles on the face when you grow old. This is the effect of ageing. Premature ageing and wrinkles can be checked if care is taken when you are young.

Beauty enhancing implants for wrinkles
Polyalkylimide implant injections, called as the cosmetic skin fillers (a mixture of gel and water) are being used by the rich and the famous to fill out their lips and smoothen age lines (wrinkles). However, they are capable of causing severe, immune-related side-effects, even months after treatment, according to a study by Jaume Alijotas-Reig of Vall d'Hebron University, Barcelona, and published in the May 2008 issue of the Journal Archives of Dermatology.

  1. Regular facial is very effective to control wrinkles.
  2. Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look. However, this process is very slow. use face yoga exercises daily to tone up skin.
  3. Start the massage from the neck upwards and end at the forehead.
  4. For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.
  5. For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.
  6. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.
  7. Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. Wrinkles will disappear.
  8. Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.
  9. Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
  10. To prevent wrinkles, apply pure castor oil.
  11. Clean the face. Remove make-up to open the pores of skin. Remove oilyness by lime juice or cleansing milk.
  12. Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyes. Continue massage for 15 minutes.
  13. Wipe off the face with a wet cotton.
  14. Protect yourself from sun by using a pair of sunglasses. It will delay the onset of wrinkles on the sides of the eyes, known as crow's feet.

Signs of Skin Aging (Ageing Symptoms)

Signs of Skin Aging (Ageing Symptoms)

The aging of our skin is due to two broad processes: chronological aging and photo aging.

  1. Chronological aging is due to structural, functional and metabolic changes in the skin. Symptoms of chronological aging are:
    • Dry and Thin Skin
      The top layers lose more moisture due to the aging process. Older skin renews itself every four to six weeks, while young skin renews every three to four weeks. The older skin has a dry and dehydrated appearance.
    • Fine Wrinkles
      Diminished production of collagen leads to fine wrinkles around the eyes, forehead and other sun-exposed areas, facial expression lines and sagging folds over the eyelids, neck, jaw, and arms.
    • Abnormal Blood Vessels.
      Abnormalities develop within small blood vessels supplying nutrients to the skin, particularly over the nose and cheeks.
    • Age Spots
      as a result of a decrease in the number and function of pigment cells in sun-exposed areas.
    • Benign and malignant skin tumors
      due to the deterioration of the skin's immune system.
  2. Photo ageing involves damage to the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin. Overexposure to ultraviolet sunlight is responsible for tanning, wrinkling and sunburn. The ultraviolet light increases the production of proteolytic enzymes that break down collagen that may damage skin. The amount of wrinkles present is highly dependent on the amount of sun exposure, besides genetic factors

Skin Aging (Ageing) Signs & its Causes? Anti Aging Foods & Treatment

Skin Aging (Ageing) Signs & its Causes? Anti Aging Foods & Treatment

The aging is a natural process, no body can prevent it. For some, it can begin at an early age, while for others at a later age. As the skin ages, it loses its elasticity, thereby losing its ability to regain its shape. The signs of aging are lack of skin elasticity and loss of firmness, roughness and dryness of skin. In advanced stage of aging, fine lines and wrinkles appear, not only on face, but also on neck, throat, and hands.

The problems of skin aging should be treated carefully. Read details below the effect of skin aging and the option for anti aging skin care treatment and remedy

Sun Poisoning

Sun Poisoning

What is Sun Poisoning?

Sun poisoning describes a variety of allergic reactions of the skin to the sun. Sunburn, sun poisoning and sun allergy are usually used to describe a hypersensitive reaction to the sun. All are known as photodermatitis in medical terms and are caused by either overexposure to sun's rays (ultraviolet UVA and UVB) alone or in combination to certain cosmetics, chemicals, plants and drugs used on the skin or taken internally which make the skin more sensitive to sun exposure.

Frequent overexposure to ultraviolet rays can develop rashes, scars, itchy skin, dry skin and premature wrinkles; and increases the risk of developing eye cataracts and macular degeneration, leading to blindness. Sunburn early in life increases the risk of developing skin cancer at a later age.

Fair-skin people are more susceptible to the allergies because they have a shortage of protective skin pigmentation. Farmers who handle foods such as celery, carrots, parsnips, figs and limes under sun are susceptible. However, sunburns and sun poisoning can happen to anyone who is exposed to sunlight.

Sunburn Treatment : Home Remedies

Sunburn Treatment : Home Remedies

Sunburn remedies and cure aim to cool down the affected area, giving relief and prevent peeling of the skin.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  2. Apply cold water pads on the burn. Cold compresses dipped in a solution of some vinegar, ice and water is very beneficial to take the heat out and to cure sunburns.
  3. Apply some mashed tomato mixed with crushed ice on the affected area to treat and get instant relief.
  4. Apply a mixture of 2 teaspoon tomato juice and 4 tablespoon buttermilk. Leave for 1/2 an hour and then wash off.
  5. A thin paste of sandalwood applied to the sunburn area is beneficial.
  6. Apply a mixture of 2 teaspoon olive oil and 2 teaspoon vinegar. Leave for 1/2 an hour and then wash off.
  7. Take vitamin E supplements to reduce itching and speeding up healing of sunburns.
  8. Put preparation H (available from pharmacies) very lightly on the sunburned skin. It will prevent the skin from peeling, and reduce burning and swelling.
  9. Slowly rub slices of fresh cold cucumber over the burns.
  10. Apply the pulp of a stalk of live Aloe Vera over the sunburned area. The aloe vera contains aloectin B, an immune system stimulant, that penetrates into all the three layers of the skin. You can also use the Aloe Vera gel. Note that aloe vera alone will not prevent peeling.
    Take a leaf of aloe vera plant, slit it open at its end, and rub the inside over the burn.
  11. Add some baking soda to cold water and apply. It reduces the burning effect immediately.
  12. Apply a paste of barley, turmeric and yogurt in equal proportions for the treatment of sunburn.
  13. Soak some tea bags in hot water. Take out the bags, let them cool. When they are still warm, place them over the affected area for 1 hour. This is good for the treatment of pain.
  14. Apply a paste of yogurt with barley and turmeric to affected areas for the treatment of sunburn.
  15. Apply some drops of lavender essential oil on the burned area and then spread it with a piece of tissue to cure sunburns.
  16. Put some vinegar on a cotton ball and rub lightly on the burned area.
  17. Remedies of sunburn are similar to sun poisoning remedies.

Symptoms of Sunburn

Symptoms of Sunburn

Sunburn<--Sunburn blister picture

While the UVA rays attack the skin's inner layers, the UVB rays attack the skin's outer layers. The skin of fair complexion people is very sensitive to the sun. A dark skin person can tolerate longer sun exposure before he can have sunburns, whereas the same sun can burn the skin of a fair skin person in 15 minutes.

The symptom of the sunburn can appear from 1 hour to 1 day after exposure to the sun. While some of the symptoms such as red skin, are usually temporary, the skin damage is often permanent. In the case of severe sunburn, blisters are formed. Possible symptoms of sunburn are:

  1. Swelling of the skin, especially in the legs
  2. Skin peeling
  3. Red warm skin
  4. Skin peeling
  5. Blisters (severe sunburn)
  6. Fever, chills, nausea, or rash (severe sunburn)
  7. Premature wrinkles, age spots (frequent sunburn)
  8. Most of the symptoms of sunburn are similar to sun poisoning symptoms.

Frequent mild sunburns make the skin complexion dark.

How to Prevent Sunburns

It is better to prevent the sunburn rather than to treat it. The most effective way to prevent sunburns is to protect your skin from the direct sun, specially between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm when the ultraviolet rays are strong. More on how to prevent sunburns can be found at skin cancer prevention and sunscreen topics. The sunburn treatment are given below.

Don't for Sunburn

  1. Do not burst any blister to get relief. They form a natural protection to help the burned skin to heal faster.
  2. Do not apply any creams, butter, benzocaine, lidocaine, petroleum jelly, baby oil or any other greasy lotions or substance for sunburn treatment. They trap the heat inside and prevent healing. Leave the sunburn exposed to the air for faster healing.
  3. Do not use lotions with lanolin when you are in the sun.
  4. Do not wash burned skin with strong soap.
  5. Prevention of sunburn is similar to sun poisoning prevention.

Sun Cream & Sunscreen Tips

Sun Cream & Sunscreen Tips

The following tips are useful to know how to wear sunscreen.

  1. As the UV rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., avoid going out during this time. The sun's rays are stronger at closer to the tropics i.e. higher altitudes and lower latitudes.
  2. Sunscreen or sun cream should be applied 20-30 minutes before you go out in the sun. It needs the opportunity to penetrate your skin to protect it.
  3. Choose a sunscreen that blocks both UVB and UVA and has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, SPF 30 (better) and SPF 70 for the face. Wear tightly woven clothes, sun glasses and a broad hat.

    Slip, Slap, Slop

    In Australia, the slogan to reduce the effects of sun damage is "Slip, slap, slop".
    Slip on a tee-shirt
    slap on a hat and
    slop on some sun cream.
  4. Apply very liberally to all areas of your body that are exposed.
  5. You should also apply sunscreen mixed with water on lips and hair before going out in sun, otherwise your lips will become chapped and dry and hair brittle.
  6. Re-apply your sunscreen every 2 hours, and even more often if you are swimming or camping. Reapply frequently even if it says water resistant or all-day protection.
  7. You should apply sunscreen even on cloudy days. The UV rays are not blocked by clouds. Note that snow, water and ice all reflect the sun's harmful UV (ultra violet) rays. The reflection of sun's ultraviolet rays from water, pools, oceans, lakes, snow, sand or buildings can intensify the effect. Sunlight can also penetrate water up to several metres deep, so take care while swimming.

Sunscreen Ratings: SPF Significance

Sunscreen Ratings: SPF Significance

Sunscreens are rated by Sun Protection Factor, SPF. SPF indicates the level of protection. The higher the SPF of a sunscreen the greater the level of protection it offers.

SPF is the relative time for developing redness upon exposure to UV radiation of sunscreen applied skin versus skin without the sunscreen. In other words, SPF refers to the amount of time you can stay in the sun without burning. A SPF 15 blocks about 95% of the UV radiation while 98% by SPF 30.

It means that a sunscreen with SPF of 15 will take 15 times more time to develop redness than without it. It means that a sunscreen with SPF 15 will take 15 times more time to develop redness than without it or in other words with SPF 15 you can stay 150 minutes without burning (15 x 10 minutes) in sun if you normally burn in 10 minutes. This means that higher the SPF, better the protection from the sun.