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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Therapy

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Therapy

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a gentle deep massage that assists the equal distribution of lymph fluid. In doing this, lymphatic drainage treatment helps alleviate numerous other problems...
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Therapy
The lymphatic system is a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that produce and transport lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. Lymph is a clear-to-white fluid made of white blood cells and a fluid from the intestines called chyle, which contains proteins and fats. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped, soft nodules. They are located in clusters in various parts of the body, such as the neck, armpit, groin, and inside the center of the chest and abdomen. The condition termed Lymphedema, also referred to as lymphatic obstruction, is defined by localized fluid retention and tissue swelling, caused by a compromised lymphatic system.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy?

Manual lymphatic drainage therapy is a kind of massage that assists in lymphatic drainage. One method was invented in the early 1930s by massage therapists Dr. Emil and Mrs. Estrid Vodder. The other was the outcome of MD Bruno Chikly's award-winning research on the lymphatic system. Manual lymph drainage can be performed by massage therapists who are specially trained to administer it. The Vodder method uses gentle massage strokes to stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate metabolic waste products, excess fluid and bacteria. In the other method, therapists first discern the existing overall circulation of the lymph flow anywhere in the body. They then use a lymphatic drainage massage technique employing flat hands, and using all the fingers to simulate body-fluid stagnation down alternate pathways for draining.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is an important part of the body’s immune system. It carries nutrients to cells and eliminates metabolic wastes, toxins and excess fluids from the body. There is little difference in both methods and they produce similar effects. Among the many benefits of manual lymphatic drainage therapy are detoxification of the body, plus stimulation of the immune defenses. It is a double-edged sword that can correct some conditions, as well assist in preventative health maintenance. It encourages fluid circulation and cell regeneration. Some of the other significant benefits are:
  • It helps in reducing oedema
  • It may provide ulceration relief
  • It encourages tissue regeneration (e.g., from burns, wounds, stretch marks, and pre & post surgical scarring)
  • It is an effective component of control and
  • It improves radiotherapy skin damage
  • It provides deep relaxation that can aid insomnia, depression, stress
  • It also helps in reducing the symptoms of and
  • It can relieve chronic pain, sprains and strains (sports injuries)
  • It may provide relief of numerous chronic and sub-acute inflammations such as sinusitis, bronchitis, hay-fever and rhinitis.
  • It can aids venous insufficiency
  • It assists in the alleviation of adiposis and cellulite tissue.
If you feel that manual lymphatic drainage therapy will ease any condition you suffer from, first consult your doctor, especially if you have chronic high blood pressure, heart problems or other infections. With your doctors approval, you can find a certified manual lymph drainage (MLD) practitioner. Steps you can take before going in, include avoid using lotions or other skin lubricants to enable maximum friction. Once there, discuss your condition with the therapist who will then decide the frequency of your sessions. These will reduce as your condition improves. After MLD, you may have one of many reactions, so don't be alarmed. Some people may need to pass urine often within a few hours after MLD, due to increase in fluids moved from tissues to the kidneys. Ensure you replenish this lost water. A few others experience nausea or deep aching.

Between sessions, to optimize the effect of the treatment, self-massage is advised. It involves gently rubbing lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin and behind the knees. Some also suggest keeping ones legs elevated for fifteen minutes after self-massage to increase lymph flow. Other suggestions include a little bit of light exercise between sessions, not wearing underwire bras, keeping warm and avoiding sugars and alcohol.

Chinese Massage

Chinese Massage

There are two basic types of traditional Chinese massage: Tui Na and Zhi Ya. Let's take a closer look at the techniques used in each of these Chinese massages.
Chinese Massage
Besides herbal medicine which is greatly popular in China and the rest of the world, massage is one of the therapies that has been around for centuries. In southern China where the weather is warm, the techniques of massage are gentle and slow. On the contrary, in northern China where the weather is cold, the techniques used are firm and vigorous. Traditional Chinese massage is done with clothes on and hence there is no need for essential oils. This was just a brief about Chinese massage. Take a look at the two basic Chinese massage techniques and applications. Read more on

Chinese Massage: Tui Na

Over 2,000 years now, Tui Na has been used in China as an external treatment for elderly people and infants. But now, it has spread through Korea, Japan, and now the West. A typical Tui Na Chinese massage will start with the therapist taking your internal and external physical strength and well-being evaluation. Based on your current qi and blood flow, the therapist will make a holistic treatment.
  • The masseuse/masseur will apply gentle pressure with their hands and feet on your acupuncture spots.
  • The problem areas will be targeted as your limbs and muscles get mild stretch to increase the blood flow in your entire body.
  • The most important thing you do is drink plenty of water once you get home. Avoid any heavy exercise for couple of days as your body is getting detoxed after the massage.
  • If you're looking to get a Chinese massage to treat any specific aliments and/or deficiencies, ask your therapist as he/she will be trained in herbology as well.
  • Tui Na is a push and grab technique where all the internal disorders and muscle issues can be treated. You can also heal sports-related injuries and joint pains with this type of Chinese massage.
  • As a deep, repetitive massage, Tui Na corrects digestive system, liver, and sleen problems, arthritis, and chronic pains.
Chinese Massage: Zhi Ya

These days you can find many Chinese massage parlors found in your town. Know more about what Zhi Ya massage is all about so that you can incorporate it in your lifestyle and acquire its benefits. It's an ancient art which gives balance to the entire body not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. Zhi Ya utilizes finger pressure on specific parts of the body that helps in relieving fatigue and promotes overall healing. It focuses on pinching and pressing which is a bit similar to Tui Na. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine, Zhi Ya has the same anatomical locations that are used in acupuncture therapy. Although, unlike acupuncture, this type of Chinese massage doesn't employ the use of needles for healing. A massage therapist will put physical pressure on the body by his/her hands, elbow, and/or with different devices on various acupuncture points. The use of fingers and hands can adjust the energy through your entire body, promote longevity, and enhance immune system.

Chinese massage concentrates on opening the body's energy (qi) meridians by manipulating the acupressure points. While getting a Chinese massage, taking your clothes off depends entirely up to you, although it doesn't require you to do so. Lotions and oils are not used in the and it is usually performed on the floor. Last but not the least, do remember to mention your previous medical history to the masseuse whenever you go for any massage therapy.

Neuromuscular Massage

Neuromuscular Massage

Neuromuscular massage is a type of soft tissue massage therapy, which aims in healing pain and disorders, by stimulating the trigger points located in the affected area. To find out the technique of neuromuscular massage therapy and its benefits, read on...
Neuromuscular Massage
Neuromuscular massage is a form of bodywork, which is primarily focused on a specific area called trigger points, rather than massaging a large body portion. In general, fingertips, hands and elbows are used to explore tissues and give direct pressure. At times, pressure is applied with the help of a small therapy device called t-bar. Originated in England, this soft tissue aids in stabilizing Central Nervous System (CNS) to treat health problems. The terms neuromuscular massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) and trigger point myotherapy are used interchangeably.

Neuromuscular Massage: An Overview

According to proponents, neuromuscular massage therapy is effective in treating unusual tingling and numbness of limbs, neck pain, joint pain and repetitive motion injury. A well trained neuromuscular massage therapist work in the localized trigger points to stimulate blood circulation in the ischemic tissues and release pain and spasm. The following information will help you understand more about what is neuromuscular massage, how does it differ from other massage and its several benefits.

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy
The proponents of this massage therapy are of the opinion that, pain in a muscle is due to spasm in a particular portion (not the entire muscle), which then reflects to other areas, leading to painful symptoms. The blood circulation to this affected muscle is decreased, causing lack of oxygen supply and overtime, buildup of lactic acid. This lactic acid deposition causes symptoms of muscle spasms and soreness. Neuromuscular massage therapy is aimed at alleviating muscle stress and healing pain by applying concentrated pressure.

Neuromuscular Massage Techniques
Under neuromuscular therapy, the certified therapist first warms up the soft tissues that require treatment by employing regular This is an essential step before proceeding to actual neuromuscular massage. He/she then finds out the affected tissue or the trigger point, from which the pain has been originated. In some patients, locating trigger points take time, especially if they experience referred pain in other areas that are unrelated to the source of muscle pain.

In case of the adjacent nerves, associated symptoms such as tingling and numbness are observed. The neuromuscular therapist tries to feel the intensity of numbing sensations manifested in other muscles. Following this, the therapist will apply gentle, yet concentrated pressure lasting for about 30 seconds over the particular area. The lactic acid buildup at the trigger point is dispersed, thus restoring normal blood and oxygen supply to the tissues.

Neuromuscular Massage Benefits
During the session, the patient will feel increased pain sensation in the first few minutes, which will subside gradually. Muscle pain and soreness are neutralized by recurrent application of concentrated pressure over the trigger points. With this, blood flow at the affected bodily areas are restored and the tissues start functioning normally. Other notable neuromuscular massage benefits are trouble free body movements or increased flexibility, restoring body posture and higher stamina. Know more on

In brief, neuromuscular massage cure muscle spasms by giving increased pressure in specialized areas, which are missed out by general It follows the holistic approach of healing pain and disorders, whereby the affected body tissues are stimulated to heal on their own. Although some patients get relief from pain after a single neuromuscular massage session, others may need to go for repeated sessions in order to observe the benefits of neuromuscular therapy.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a type of a soft tissue therapy, which is used for treating somatic dysfunction and the pain and restricted movements which come with it. Scroll down to have a better idea abut this therapy.
Myofascial Release
Body massages have become very common as a form of holistic and alternative healing. Soft tissue blockages are removed by massaging and it imparts a strength to the muscles. Myofascial release is one such type of therapy, which involves relaxing the muscles which are contracted, increasing blood circulation and in general stimulating stretch reflex of muscles. It basically deals with soft tissues, called fascia, which is a part of connecting tissue providing protection and support to most parts of body, muscles too. Seems, interesting, right? So, take a look at what we have here related to myofascial release.

Myofascial Release Techniques

Direct Myofascial Release
One of the , direct myofascial release targets the affected fascia (soft tissue) directly. Knuckles and elbows are used to slowly release the tension developed in the affected soft tissue. The force exerted in this type of massage is a few kilograms or tens of newtons. With the help of stretching of myofascial structures and mobilizing adhesive tissues, this method seeks to alter the myofascial structures. To cut a long story short, according to an expert, a few of the tricks of trade used within this technique are -
  • Sink into the soft tissue.
  • By taking the slack in the tissue, engage the fascia.
  • Identify and come in contact with first layer which has been giving a problem and then move the fascia across the surface. But at the same time stay connected with the layers deep down as well. The norm is to first get the tissue in place and then expect the movement of the tissue.
Indirect Myofascial Release
A gentle stretch is the main feature involved in indirect myofascial release. A slight pressure is exerted on the stiff, painful or injured muscle, that helps the tissue and the muscle to loosen itself. At the same time, it will lead to an increased blood flow as well. The body's ability to heal itself thus, is enhanced, resulting in reduction of pain and overall comfort and well being of that tissue is restored. The key is continuous and sustained pressure for a specific time. The therapist or the chiropractor will feel if the blockage and restriction of tissue has been eliminated. Read more on

Myofascial Release Massage
In the myofascial release therapy, the therapist uses light to moderate traction and twisting strokes to apply sufficient pressure on soft tissues, to attain a full fledged range of the muscle. Patients with problem of sloppy posture, chronic fatigue, severe tension and anxiety and repetitive stress injuries to the muscelo-skeletal system are benefited by this therapy. The done hands on and kneading style strokes are used to release the tension and pain in the tissues. For the full impact of these strokes on the muscle, it takes around a couple of minutes once the myofascial trigger points are identified by the therapist. An important thing here is that the therapist always performs the stretching in the direction of the muscle fibers. The therapy normally lasts for an hour and then most of the patients experience an amazing sense of relief. Preferably, this should be taken from a person who has got myofascial release training. Some of the therapists are so well trained in their work that they can even relieve the tension in a muscle by using just a couple of fingers. The trick they use is to deal with small areas at one go.

At the end, myofascial release is meant to even out muscle tension in the body. That is because, unequal tension may compress muscles and nerves, leading to pain and discomfort and limited movement. Read more on

That was about it! This is where I sign off! Take Care!

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage

Are you aware of the concept of lymphatic drainage? Lymphatic drainage massage is an alternative healing therapy used to keep the lymphatic system in a good condition. Read on to know more about lymphatic drainage.
Lymphatic Drainage
Are you aware of the importance of a healthy ? Lymphatic system is responsible for maintaining the balance of fluids in our body. The lymphatic system comprises of a network of ducts and vessels which are responsible for the movement of fluids. These vessels and ducts are connected to the which are located throughout the body.

The lymph nodes play a very important role as they filter out various toxins. Whenever there is an attack of germs, the germ-fighting materials are carried over to the cells which are under attack. Now that you are aware of the , you can understand the positive effect of a healthy lymphatic system over the body's immune system.

Whenever the lymphatic system is unable to carry out its functions properly, the toxins are not flushed out of our body. Due to the blockage in the lymphatic system, you might face the problem of swollen lymph nodes. Under such circumstances, the white blood cells count might come down and that might cause several health problems. Since the fluid in the lymphatic system does not have its own pumping mechanism, lymphatic drainage massage therapy or herbal medicines can be used to clear the congestion in the lymphatic system. Read more on

Lymphatic Drainage Herbs

If you are not very keen on getting a lymphatic drainage massage, you can use certain herbs to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. You can use lymphatic drainage herbs such as cleavers, basil, marshmallow root, plantain herb, red clover, yellow dock root, dandelion or seaweed. These herbs will help in removing toxins and draining lymphatic fluids. Most of these herbs are medicinal in nature. Since the lymphatic vessels have a very important function of delivering nutrients, antibodies and other immune constituents to the tissue cells of the body, it is extremely important to make sure that it works well. If you are planning to use these herbs for stimulating your lymphatic system, consult an expert to know which herb is best for you.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

If your lymphatic system is not functioning properly, you have the option of lymphatic drainage therapy to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. You can get the by a professional manual lymph drainage practitioner. This therapy uses light and rhythmical massage techniques to clear the blockage or congestion in the lymphatic system. By gentle and rhythmical pumping techniques, the lymph is encouraged to flow into the capillaries. It also helps in the formation of new lymph drainage pathways.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques are different from other The trained massage therapists use light and rhythmic strokes. It is important to ascertain the right amount of pressure to encourage the excess lymph to flow into the lymph capillaries. You can also learn the lymphatic drainage self massage techniques from the therapist.

The correct amount of pressure, rhythm, direction and order of the strokes is very important for the lymphatic drainage. The strokes must be directed towards the correct node. The correct rhythm is responsible for stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, and that makes the client feel relaxed. If you are planning to go for a lymphatic drainage massage, you must not consume alcohol or have a heavy meal before your session. Since a lot of fluid might be purged from the tissues to the kidneys, you might have to pass urine more frequently, so drink lots of water after the session in order to compensate for the loss of fluids. This therapy is very effective for the treatment of . Read more on
Hope you found the information on lymphatic drainage useful. If you are planning to go for lymphatic drainage, it would be advisable to consult a doctor. Make sure you get the lymphatic drainage massage done from a certified practitioner. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take care!

Rolfing Massage Therapy

Rolfing Massage Therapy

One of the more popular forms of therapeutic massage, the Rolfing massage therapy has been around for quite sometime now. The following article will tell you more about the Rolfing massage therapy and its techniques.
Rolfing Massage Therapy
With more and more importance being given to in the recent times, there are a lot of techniques that have come up to replace the already existing ones. One such technique is the Rolfing massage therapy. The way Rolfing therapy works is that it places importance on the stimulation of the connective tissues of the body. It is used mainly when dealing with pain related to the cervix, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Achilles tendonitis, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). Read more on

What is Rolfing Massage Therapy?

The Rolfing massage technique was generated by Dr. Ida Rolf, a biochemist. It is also known as the Rolfing Structural Integration. The Rolfing massage therapy aims to bring about vertical alignment of certain organs of the body, namely - the pelvis, head, shoulders, legs, and thorax. This it does by using physical manipulation and movement awareness. The Rolfing massage therapy lengthens the body's trunk and lifts the head and chest. Thereby, the person needs to use less energy and can use his muscle power more efficiently. At the end of the Rolfing massage therapy, a person is able to function better and smoother and his entire body structure is gravitationally rebalanced.

The Rolfing massage therapy unblocks the bound tissues in the body, which become so after going through scarring and injuries. Once these blocked knots are smoothed over, the effect is that the muscles and bones, (which were bent because of the knot) can now correct, realign and balance themselves, in accordance with gravity.

Let us explain this in more detail: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Correct? Similarly, the body also has the same theme going on for itself. When one muscle contracts, the opposite muscle lengthens. For example, if I bend my knee, then the calf muscles will lengthen. This is how the balance and alignment of the body is maintained and that is actually how it should work. But many a times, there are unnatural actions which take place in the muscular unity of the system. For example, if a person bends while walking, and continues to do that, then he will develop a hump after a certain passage of time. This is because it is working against gravity and overtime will become out of alignment with the body. So the muscles of the back will not be given a chance to relax, and will shorten and lose flexibility. And the body will get a signal that this is the correct posture to follow. This will then lead to muscular dysfunction and loss of energy. And therefore affect overall health. And that is the reason why the Rolfing massage therapy is given so much importance.

The Rolfing massage therapy also works on the 'hot spots' of the body and treats them. Hot spots are the places in which the physical and mental traumas of the body are situated. This technique will identify these places and then realign the muscles in that area, to the correct posture by the application of the Rolfing massage therapy styles. Read more on

Rolfing Massage Therapy Styles

There are 3 stages to how the Rolfing Massage therapy is carried out. They are as follows:

In this, a professional Rolfer will examine the patient's fascia tissues, imbalance in the texture of the tissues, the temperature and quality and to generate an understanding of exactly where the therapy should be administered.

In this stage, the Rolfer will separate the fascia layers which have been strained, injured or scarred and therefore have been pulled out of position.

This is the final stage where the therapist will realign the body and bring it into balance again according to the gravitational field.

For best results, the therapist will carry out 10 sessions of the Rolfing massage therapy. Read more on
Many patients who have been suffering from chronic pain have reported feeling instant relief after going through the Rolfing massage therapy. The Rolfing massage therapy also generates feelings of rejuvenation, improved posture, coordination, regeneration of core strength, a general feeling of lightness, improved breathing and overall physical harmony. With the therapy offering all that, would you really want to give it a miss?

Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage therapy can provide relief from many ailments. However, to get proper treatment you need to select a good therapist.
Therapeutic Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has been used for hundreds of years, to relax the body, rejuvenate the body and get rid of many ailments. There have been special massage techniques devised in ancient China, while there were Ayurvedic massage techniques in India, which were used to maintain health and treat various diseases. One can also find mention of massage therapy in different countries like Egypt, France, Prussia, England, etc. Massage has been used for various reasons, in different parts of the world. If you are thinking of using therapeutic to get rid of a certain ailment, then make sure you choose an experienced massage therapist, and consult your doctor before using therapeutic massage therapy. Here is more information that will help you understand this method of treatment.

All About Therapeutic Massage Therapy

What is Therapeutic Massage Therapy
Therapeutic massage therapy is different from a spa treatment. A relaxation massage generally uses classic techniques. The therapist will apply certain amount of pressure, according to the client's preference and give a relaxing massage. Such a massage can be done at a day spa, or at a resort. Certain treatments like a scrub or a mud pack can also be combined with this relaxing massage.

Therapeutic massage therapy, on the other hand is used to help the patient get rid of a chronic illness. For therapeutic massage the set up can be in a clinic, hospital or a private practice. The patient will be asked questions regarding their health. Once the complaints are noted down, the doctor and the massage therapist will design a therapeutic massage therapy which uses advanced massage techniques, that help to get rid of pain and chronic health related issues. In the beginning, the patient might require many sessions of this which may last a few weeks or months.

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Therapy
One of the is that it greatly helps to get rid of pain. Many pregnant women undergo massage therapy to alleviate discomfort, related with pregnancy. Massage has also been used by athletes to reduce swelling caused due to strained muscles and ligaments. People suffering from migraines or regular can also greatly benefit from massage therapy. To stimulate weak and inactive muscles faster, and help recover from a certain injury or illness, massage therapy can greatly help. Massage therapy has known to promote weight gain in HIV infected infants, and premature babies.

Massage, apart from the above benefits, also helps to maintain general health. It helps to improve your blood circulation and lymph fluid movement. Also, it decreases blood pressure and strengthens immune system, and improves joint flexibility and range-of-motion. Certain massage therapy can greatly help to promote deeper and easier breathing. Massage therapy also helps to improve posture and skin texture.

How to Choose a Massage Therapist
It is important to choose an experienced professional, so that you can get relief from the ailment. Before selecting a therapist, interview various massage therapist before you take an appointment. Ask questions regarding their experience in working with certain conditions, how frequently they recommend their sessions, and if the frequency of the sessions will reduce, as the health improves. Whether the therapist is not experienced in the certain condition, if they have any other massage therapist recommendations. Another way to find a massage therapist, is to visit the AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) and find a therapist who lives in your city.

These was all about therapeutic massage therapy. Massage therapy as an alternative medicine can help you get relief from many chronic health issues, however make sure you consult your physician, before undertaking massage therapy.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage has many benefits and can help to alleviate many ailments. Read on to learn what is therapeutic massage and its benefits.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage have been used for therapeutic purposes since centuries. You can find massage techniques in ancient Chinese medicine and ancient Indian medicine, which were used by practitioners to help alleviate different kinds of ailments. Today, massage has become popular, and spas can be found almost everywhere in the world. However, there is a difference between therapeutic massage and a relaxation massage. Wondering, what is the difference between both? Here are some points that will help you understand the difference between both the types of , and understand therapeutic massage better.

All About Therapeutic Massage

What is Therapeutic Massage Therapy?
A relaxation massage, generally, practiced in spas or resorts, include massage techniques which are classic techniques, that help the client to relax. These kinds of relaxation massages are generally combined with a scrub and a body pack. These kind of treatment is aimed at relaxing and beautifying.

While in a therapeutic massage therapy the goal is to provide relief to the patient from the ailment. Therapeutic massage techniques are aimed at helping to get rid of a chronic illness. It can be done in a clinic or in a hospital. Firstly, questions regarding the person's medical history will be asked, then according to the outcome of the discussion a specific therapeutic massage therapy will be decided. A person might require frequent sessions, in the first few weeks or months.

Therapeutic Massage Benefits
Here is a list of the various benefits of massage therapy which one can get by receiving regular therapeutic massage sessions.
  • The primary benefit of therapeutic massage is pain relief. Whatever is the chronic ailment, a person will get relief from the pain. Many pregnant women use therapeutic massage to alleviate the discomfort and pain associated with pregnancy. Also people who have tension headaches or sprained muscles or ligaments greatly benefit from therapeutic massage.
  • Another benefit of therapeutic massage is that it helps to stimulate weak and inactive muscles, and also help in a faster and complete recovery.
  • Massage therapy also greatly helps to reduce stress and anxiety, and thus, helps to promote a relaxed state of mind and reduces the level of anxiety.
  • Apart from these benefits, massage helps in many other general health benefits like relaxed breathing, joint flexibility, better skin texture, improved blood circulation, improved posture, etc.
How to Select a Therapist?
It is important to select an experienced therapist, when using therapeutic massage to treat the ailment. You can consult your physician, to learn about some good therapist. Look online for therapeutic massage therapist clinics and private practitioners. AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) site has a directory which will help you find a practitioner near your area. And ask them questions regarding their experience in treating the ailment, and the price for each session.

How to Become a Practitioner?
If you wish to become a massage therapist, then you can find a good school which has a certification course can help you pursue massage therapy job. Go online to check out different schools which offer therapeutic massage courses and are in your area. Go to the AMTA site, to learn about the requirements of the course and the certification you need in order to become a practitioner.

This was all about therapeutic massage. If you are suffering from a certain ailment, which you think therapeutic massage can help as an alternative medicine, then consult your physician and find a good practitioner who will help you to get relief from the ailment. And if you are interested in becoming a therapeutic massage practitioner, then apply to a good school, to become a certified therapeutic massage practitioner.