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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do you have Acne?

Do you have Acne?

Are you one of millions people world-wide that have acne? You are not alone and I know how traumatized you must feel at times. I acknowledge that our appearance has a powerful impact upon our confidence, or lack there of, so if I ask, “How is your skin looking these days”? You would not be in the minority if you are tormented by acne. However, you should never let this skin disorder get the best of you, it is time to stand up tall, and demand your life back. We have so much information, products and resources at our disposal, so there is no reason why we can't strive to be acne free.

While proper skin care and reliable treatments are crucial in getting rid of blemishes, many people overlook the other things. It's not just about your exterior; we have to consider what goes on inside us as well. This brings me to the topic of acne diets. What do you eat?

You may or may not have come across the subject of acne diets. This pertains to what you consume and how it affects your skin. I recall a few winters ago I was sitting in the doctor's office with my wife. She was there for a back pain assessment. I had severely chapped lips at the time and asked her if she had some lip balm in her purse. The doctor looked at me with a smirk and said, "You know, the condition of your lips actually relates to your diet." She informed me that consuming the proper nutrients and fluids on a regular basis would prevent my lips from being chapped. This baffled me but I listened to what she had to say.

However, these days I have adopted a more nutritious diet, drinks lots of water and I now refrain from using lip balm and guess what, don’t have chapped lips anymore. It's really unusual how some things work out because this concept also applies to our skin. Did you know that the food you eat excretes back through your pores? Well, substances from them do, I guess this gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, you are what you eat. This is why acne diets may be important for some individuals, for example, foods high in fat and grease are known for causing breakouts of acne particularly fast foods. Also when it comes to acne diets, foods that are very good for your skin include, fruits and vegetables, organic products, non-processed items, and of course water.

So, in conclusion, the experts highly recommend that anybody suffering with acne should experiment with their diet as research certainly demonstrates that it assists in reducing and/or eliminating acne. Most health shops have dietary program free for you to peruse.

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