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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Acne and Your Diet

Acne and Your Diet

The right diet is a key factor in maintaining acne free skin, we all know that what we eat comes out through our pores; we should think and eat, fruits, vegetables, and bucket loads of water, these will give our body the nutrients that we need everyday.

How is your diet and more importantly, how is your complexion? is it oil free, shine free, perfectly hydrated, radiant, smooth, and acne free? Although none of us are perfect, at least it is in our power to make sure our skin looks great at all times. Because let's face it, we all want a great complexion, and that means staying acne free.

What causes acne anyway? Unfortunately most people don't even know. They just go about buying loads and loads of treatments, which unfortunately worsens the situation sometimes. To be acne free, you must first understand your face.

Okay, so you know your skin type; that's a good start. It's now time to find products that work well for you. Just because they say they're for your particular skin type, doesn't mean that they'll do your mug justice. While we all typically understand that pimples erupt due to clogged pores, many of us do not attack this dilemma in the right fashion. So you have dead skin, oil and bacteria; you know that these are the catalysts that initiate acne, but do you know how to deal with them properly? First of all, you don't want to over-cleanse. This will only aggravate and irritate your delicate skin further. The last thing you need is a dry face. This dilemma will actually cause your glands to pump out more oil to compensate. What you need is balance if you want to be acne free. Try a gentle cleanser that's dermatologist recommended. This will wash away the dirt and oil, but not strip the skin's surface. A topical treatment may be necessary to apply after cleansing. It's always prudent to pat the face dry with a clean towel. You don't want to rub and cause further irritation.

A final tip concerning acne free skin relates to having a good night sleep, are we getting enough sleep? We need to ensure that we get enough rest every day which in turn reduces stress and fatigue and which will obviously affects our complexion. A trick I learnt and have passed it on to who-ever would listen is to change pillow cases every night, it may sounds weird, but all I have heard that certain bacteria is left on your pillow case every night when you sleep and that we should wash them every day – try it – you have nothing to loose, and just think – if it even gets rid of 1 acne spot – it will be worth it.

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