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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a type of a soft tissue therapy, which is used for treating somatic dysfunction and the pain and restricted movements which come with it. Scroll down to have a better idea abut this therapy.
Myofascial Release
Body massages have become very common as a form of holistic and alternative healing. Soft tissue blockages are removed by massaging and it imparts a strength to the muscles. Myofascial release is one such type of therapy, which involves relaxing the muscles which are contracted, increasing blood circulation and in general stimulating stretch reflex of muscles. It basically deals with soft tissues, called fascia, which is a part of connecting tissue providing protection and support to most parts of body, muscles too. Seems, interesting, right? So, take a look at what we have here related to myofascial release.

Myofascial Release Techniques

Direct Myofascial Release
One of the , direct myofascial release targets the affected fascia (soft tissue) directly. Knuckles and elbows are used to slowly release the tension developed in the affected soft tissue. The force exerted in this type of massage is a few kilograms or tens of newtons. With the help of stretching of myofascial structures and mobilizing adhesive tissues, this method seeks to alter the myofascial structures. To cut a long story short, according to an expert, a few of the tricks of trade used within this technique are -
  • Sink into the soft tissue.
  • By taking the slack in the tissue, engage the fascia.
  • Identify and come in contact with first layer which has been giving a problem and then move the fascia across the surface. But at the same time stay connected with the layers deep down as well. The norm is to first get the tissue in place and then expect the movement of the tissue.
Indirect Myofascial Release
A gentle stretch is the main feature involved in indirect myofascial release. A slight pressure is exerted on the stiff, painful or injured muscle, that helps the tissue and the muscle to loosen itself. At the same time, it will lead to an increased blood flow as well. The body's ability to heal itself thus, is enhanced, resulting in reduction of pain and overall comfort and well being of that tissue is restored. The key is continuous and sustained pressure for a specific time. The therapist or the chiropractor will feel if the blockage and restriction of tissue has been eliminated. Read more on

Myofascial Release Massage
In the myofascial release therapy, the therapist uses light to moderate traction and twisting strokes to apply sufficient pressure on soft tissues, to attain a full fledged range of the muscle. Patients with problem of sloppy posture, chronic fatigue, severe tension and anxiety and repetitive stress injuries to the muscelo-skeletal system are benefited by this therapy. The done hands on and kneading style strokes are used to release the tension and pain in the tissues. For the full impact of these strokes on the muscle, it takes around a couple of minutes once the myofascial trigger points are identified by the therapist. An important thing here is that the therapist always performs the stretching in the direction of the muscle fibers. The therapy normally lasts for an hour and then most of the patients experience an amazing sense of relief. Preferably, this should be taken from a person who has got myofascial release training. Some of the therapists are so well trained in their work that they can even relieve the tension in a muscle by using just a couple of fingers. The trick they use is to deal with small areas at one go.

At the end, myofascial release is meant to even out muscle tension in the body. That is because, unequal tension may compress muscles and nerves, leading to pain and discomfort and limited movement. Read more on

That was about it! This is where I sign off! Take Care!

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