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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Massage And Saunas

Massage And Saunas

Massages and Saunas are fast becoming the perfect way to be healthy and fit in a exciting way. Here are some details about massages and saunas.
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Massages have been known to humankind since an eternity. Massages are a sure fire way of relieving stress and pain. The massage is also a good way of ensuring a healthy and fit body. A massage is simply the manipulating of the skin, muscles and tendons, the soft tissues of the body. The person who delivers the massage is known as a masseur.

During a massage, the masseur uses his or her fingers, fists and palms to apply tension to the soft tissues of the human body. The massage can be administered to the connective tissue, muscle, joints, ligaments and the lymphatic vessels of the body. Though massages are mainly used to relieve stress and pain, they can also be used as a catalyst for healing from injury and increase or enhance blood cirrculation.

If the massage is used for the mental or physiological benefits, it is known as therapeutic massage. This kind of massage therapy is generally practiced by massage therapists.

However, other medical practitioners like osteopaths, chiropractors and physical therapists also use this form of therapy.Massages are also helpful for anxiety, pain, labor pain, infant growth, sports related soreness, alcohol withdrawal and cancer symptoms.

Massages can be applied to the entire body or some parts of the body. During a typical massage, the person lies down on a massage table or lies down on a pad on the floor. In some cases, the person sits upright on a massage chair.

There are many kinds of massages in the world. Some of the famous massages are ayurvedic massages, Chinese massages, Roman massages and chair massages. Massages can also be a part of love making. These massages are known as erotic massages. There is a major difference erotic massages and therapeutics massages.

Massages are very beneficial to the health of a person. However, if not done carefully, massages can also harm the body. Before going in for a massage, one should discuss with their doctor if they have a recent injury or an open wound. Further, heart patients should inform the masseur before going in for a massage. Other factors one should keep in mind before going in for a massage are deep vein thrombosis, unhealed fractures or severe osteoporosis.

Apart from massages, saunas are another way to keep healthy and fit. The Finnish first built the sauna in the fifth or eighth century. A sauna is a closed place designed to experience hot or wet sessions. The people in the saunas perspire and therefore lose impure toxins from their bodies.Temperatures in an average sauna today are 160 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.

A common session in the sauna lasts for 10 to 20 minutes. During a session, the heart beat rate almost doubles. Therefore, ten minutes in a sauna is equivalent to a walk or a jog. Saunas also enhance the the working of the blood vessels and therefore increase the blood flow in the body.

This increased blood flow gives the human body important nutrients and promotes cellular activity and growth. The skin capillaries as well as the sweat glands cool down in a sauna, while essential fluids are transferred to the skin during a sauna.

The sauna was considered a holy place in Finland. In fact, women used to give birth in Saunas due to the pure and sterile atmosphere in a sauna, while the bodies of the dead used to be washed in a sauna too.

Saunas are unsafe for people with heart problems. People with stable coronary diseases may be safe in a sauna, but people with uncontrollable heart diseases must stay away from saunas The blood pressure may rise or drastically in a sauna. Also, the sauna is a risk for people with autoimmune diseases.

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