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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Split Ends

Split Ends
What we all know as split ends is actually trichoptlosis where the protective cuticle around the hair (especially at the ends) has been damaged or removed. When you have split ends, your hair does not look neat, clean or healthy. The ends either look "fuzzy" or they break off at different lengths along the hair shafts and give your hair a straggly appearance even when freshly washed and groomed.
Let's take a bit of a scientific look at split ends. Each strand of your hair is made up of 3 layers - the cuticle, the cortex, and the medula.
The medula is the core, made up of soft, coin-shaped cells stacked on top of each other.
The cortex surrounds the medula and is made up of spindle shaped cells which determine the color and texture of your hair.
The cuticle is the outer layer that consists of hard, round tubular cells that overlap and act as armour for the softer, more delicate cells that are inside your hair shaft.

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