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Thursday, July 7, 2011



You hair fall can be a sign of an acute hair problem called Alopecia. Find out more about Alopecia, its types, cause, symptoms and treatment.

Rina's life changed the day she started loosing her hair. Each time she combed her hair she lost many strands. She soon visited her family doctor. Despite long term medication she continued losing hair. Finally she visited a well-known dermatologist and she found out that she was suffering from Alopecia. She had to bear pitiful glances of onlookers and sometimes even rude remarks. Her doctor assured her that her hair fall was curable but it would take some time. At that time what she needed the most was support from her family& friends and of course lot of hope.

Alopecia is a term associated with hair loss and baldness. Alopecia is medical term for acute hair loss from the scalp or the body. In severe case of Alopecia one loses hair from head to toe. Although this seems scary the condition is possible to control it.

Types of Alopecia

Hair loss takes place mostly because of ageing, hormonal imbalance or as a natural process to allow the new growth. Alopecia can lead to absence of hair from skin area also. The hair loss could occur in patches or all over. Alopecia is divided into several types which make treating alopecia more specific.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a condition where hair loss occurs in patches. These patches are totally smooth and round in shape. Alopecia Areata takes place when your immune system attacks your hair follicles. Hair follicles are the part of the skin from where hair grows. This type of Alopecia is common among youngsters. Alopecia Areata is hereditary. There are more chances of contracting Alopecia Areata if a close family member is suffering from it.

Alopecia Totalis

Alopecia Totalis is an autoimmune disorder. Total hair loss is the symptom of this type of Alopecia. A person suffering from Alopecia Totalis looses all his scalp hair resulting in total baldness.

Alopecia Universalis

Alopecia Universalis can occur at any age. Alopecia Universalis is the condition where one loses all body hair including eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the scalp. It is an extreme state in all types of Alopecia. There can be an absence of entire body hair including the pubic hair since birth in the case of Alopecia Universalis.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is also referred to as male pattern baldness. There can be a partial or a complete baldness in this situation. This type of hair loss is associated with imbalance of hormones called androgens that play important role in both genders related to hair growth and sex drive.

Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia is a gradual hair loss. Pulling your hair back in tight pony tail, pigtail or braid can put pressure on hair follicles causing hair loss. Hair styles that tighten the hair can cause breaking of hair. Frequent hair treatments that uses chemicals such as ironing and straightening can also lead to Traction Alopecia.

Causes of Alopecia

Emotional or psychological stress, depressions, crash dieting, too tightly pulled hair styles are some of the common causes of hair loss. Side effects of medications such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, medication for heart ailments and blood pressure could cause Alopecia. Other causes of extreme hair loss can be fungal infections, overactive or under active thyroid gland, prolonged fever, child birth and pregnancy.

Common symptoms of Alopecia

If traced earlier there is a scope to cure a hair loss completely. One needs to understand the common symptoms of the hair loss to prevent it. Following listed are the symptoms of Alopecia. If you are experiencing these symptoms immediately talk to your family doctor.

  • Thinning of hair

  • Balding scalp

  • Forming of round visible patches of hair loss

  • Itching of the scalp

  • Having brittle fingernails and toenails

  • Facing rapid hair loss

  • Experiencing gradual shedding of hair

Prevention and Cure of Alopecia

Alopecia can be diagnosed by testing a sample of your scalp skin or by carrying out a blood test. Analysing samples of hair can also identify the problem. A thorough study of your diet pattern, family medical history and hair care regime can detect the acuteness of hair loss.

A dermatologist will recommend a personalised treatment for alopecia. He or she may prescribe drugs to correct hormonal imbalance or any deficiencies. Hair transplants, hair weaving, wigs and head gears are also options to live with incurable hair loss.

Prevention of hair loss is possible. Leading a stress-free lifestyle, intake of balanced and proper food, staying away from chemically treated hair treatments by learning to love you natural hair and following simple hair care tips will surely prevent hair loss.

There is definitely hope for Alopecia sufferers. Being patient and having a positive attitude will help a lot. A person suffering from Alopecia undergoes lot of emotional turmoil and needs to address it. Along with support from loved ones seeking professional help to control the mental stress is of utmost importance. Keep in mind that 'One can lead a normal life with Alopecia'.

Are you aware about Alopecia? Do you suffer from hair loss? What do you do to prevent hair loss? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click her

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