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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bring Out the Goddess in You!

Bring Out the Goddess in You!

All women are goddesses within, and all women have special gifts and talents they bring to this...

Mita Bhan

Mita Bhan
Mita Bhan is a US Certified Psychic Tarot Reader and Holistic Healing Practitioner based in DLF City, India

Image courtesy: © Thinkstockphotos/Getty images

Woman was born beautiful, strong and possessing the ability to create, nurture and feel. All women are goddesses within, and all women have special gifts and talents they bring to this planet. Allow the ancient mysteries of the Goddess Tarot to reveal your innate strength and give you a glimpse into the month ahead.

The ancient Greek goddess Juno appears in your reading to remind you that at heart you are braver than you think and one of your strengths is the way you protect your loved ones, your property and your ideas with incomparable passion and force. Allow this protective instinct to blossom further. Align yourself with a cause you believe in and stand up for any form of injustice in your world. March promises a time to teach and learn from those around you. Highly beneficial for those keen on further studies, whatever you choose to learn now, will bring you unimaginable rewards in the days ahead.

Your Lucky Colour: Navy Blue/Indigo

Movement, force and the unshakeable belief in yourself is what makes Rhihannon, the British goddess, your key strength this month. Do not allow worries about the future to get you off balance. Maintain your focus on your goals and refuse to listen to your critics, and the fearful voice inside you that's scared of failing. Nothing can go wrong when you know your inner talents. A great month for career advancement, recognition and making substantial progress in your world. Don't allow your fears of losing a special someone to get the better of you.

Your Lucky Colour: Gold

Venus, the Goddess of Love, reminds you yet again of your infinite capacity to give love not just to those you care for, but to the world at large. You possess infinite powers when you give unconditionally and do the work that you truly love. People sense your commitment and see your good heart. A month to share and cherish all your loved ones. If you've held yourself back from saying I love you, this may be the month where Destiny compels you to pour out your heart. A lovely month for starting a relationship or rekindling one that may have gotten a little stale with time.

Your Lucky Colour: Pink

Radiance that can only come from the Sun. Zorya, the trinity of goddesses who aid the Sun god welcome you with good news, celebrations and joie de vivre. Spend more time outdoors; explore your creative side. Children will be a source of true joy in the coming weeks. And you may discover a hidden talent within you. A month of illumination and if single, the possible entry of a magnetic man into your life. Music and dance will be exceptionally healing.

Your Lucky Colour: Orange

With Laxshmi, the goddess of abundance, smiling down on you, expect good fortune not just materially but also in terms of happiness and good health. If recuperating, your healing is swift and sure. If waiting for a payment, things will work out in your favour in March. A fertile month for those seeking to be mothers, just remember not to go overboard with the splurging. Abundance is good but best in balance.

Your Lucky Colour: Leaf Green

When Chango, the Chinese goddess of the Moon appears it usually foretells a time for you to retreat, take a break and think about what's truly important and essential. You may have overextended yourself lately, or worked too hard and March may be the month for you to slow down a little, for a short while and reconnect with yourself. Sometimes being wife, mother, sister, daughter can get too much. How about reconnecting with your inner self? A wonderful time to seek alternative healing, learn meditation or just head to the spa for some me-time.

Your Lucky Colour: Pearl

Yemana, the Goddess of the Sea reminds you to find balance in your life. If it's been all work and no play perhaps it's time to reprioritise your schedule. If others have been too demanding of you, go within to find the courage to say 'no' firmly and clearly to them. Separate what is truly important from the trivial. Allow the power of water to cleanse, purify and strengthen your purpose. Let March be a passive month, of planning, organising and restructuring. Things need to be changed, and you need to take charge again the way only you know how.

Your Lucky Colour: Aquamarine

When the Sumerian Goddess of the Heavens, Eanna appears, you know you're on the right track. With your innate ability to focus on your goals, nobody can stop you. Dreams get realized, goals accomplished and so much more. Make March productive. Decide in advance what you need to do and don't allow anything or anyone to stop you. This is your month for getting things done. And with your sense of determination, who knows you may just walk away with accolades.

Your Lucky Colour: Silver

Athena, the Greek Goddess of Justice, appears as a signifier in your spread this month, bringing you luck and what is owed to you. Legal matters get sorted, negotiations run smoothly, and anything owed to you will be returned. Your natural leadership abilities shine and you have the ability to motivate and inspire others. Set an example in success. March is your month to shine. And if something is troubling you, take the advice of the Gods – stay detached and don't allow your emotions to get the better of you. Now's not the time to give up, but to continue on with a strong sense of objectivity.

Your Lucky Colour: Red

Allow the wisdom of Nyai Loro Kidul, the Sumatran Goddess to remind you to separate illusions from reality. Temptations may surround you or you may feel the negative effects of other people's envy. Just don't let it get to you. Stay calm under pressure. And refuse to get carried away by "get rich quick" schemes and "lose 20kgs in a month" scams. Rise above the petty politics of the work place. And remember to take frequent reality checks. Things may not be quite what they seem.

Your Lucky Colour: Turquoise

The storm has subsided and the worst is over for now, proclaims the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. Start believing in yourself, and realise that you've been given power to master any challenge that comes your way. Now is not the time to fear the future, instead look ahead with confidence and hope. A long-cherished dream may come true in March, and if you were considering taking a risk in the weeks ahead, go for it. A change in career may be in the offing. But first you need to open your mind and believe you have what it takes.

Your Lucky Colour: Purple

When Gaia appears in a reading, she reminds us of the importance of living in harmony with ourselves and with those around us. Awaken the nature lover in you with her energies this month. Spend more time near rivers, seas or mountains. March foretells travel, expansion and hope. A job opportunity may come your way which could broaden your horizons significantly. Singles could get engaged and if still looking for Mr Right, who knows he may be just around the corner this month.

Your Lucky Colour: Orange

Power to women! All month long, iDiva will feature unconventional women who are stereotype-busters in their own right. From interviews with women with unusual careers to success stories of enterprising homemakers, we raise our glasses to ordinary women who have done something extraordinary with their lives! What's more, we bring you life lessons from women icons in different fields, career mantras you've never considered and more to go out there and be all you were meant to be and more...

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