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Saturday, March 19, 2011



Don't shy away from trying something new. Take the plunge. You may be glad you did.

Are you tired of your same old hairstyle Many women have had the same style for years and years, without experimenting or trying something new for the simple reason that they are happy with their present look. If they try a new style, they are afraid that they will mess up something good. If you are one of these women, realize that in the bargain you just may be missing out on a great style that could really look a whole lot better! And, you will never know! And one day, when you are pushing 70 and can do nothing much with your hair, you will look back and wish you had been a little more adventurous.

32-year-old Jasmine would love to cut her hair really short, but remembers the time when she had gone totally short in her teens, and it looked terrible. It is important that you don't base all your decisions on disastrous mistakes made many years ago. This may be surprising, but something which didn't suit you earlier may look smashing now. Similarly, although your present haircut looked great when you first had it ten years ago, it may make you look just a tad above mediocre now.

Somehow, with the passing years, things change, and we cannot count on the same hairstyle to keep us looking as good. Just as we feel great with an updated wardrobe, so also, we will feel great with a new haircut that looks perfect.

Naturally one of the biggest fears women have with experimenting is What if the haircut is a disaster, or What if the hairstylist doesn't give me the look I want.

Carry a photograph

Always carry a photograph of the hairstyle you have in mind, and show it to your hairdresser. It is far better to give the stylist a visual description of what you have in mind, rather than a verbal description.

Be realistic

Be realistic when selecting a style. Just because something looks great in a photograph doesn't mean anything. First, you need to make sure you have the same hair texture. A new haircut will not change your texture. So if your hair is ramrod straight and you like a wavy style, you may be disappointed at the outcome. Oh, your stylist will be able to replicate the waves without a problem, but you may not be able to do the same at home. On the other hand, if you have curly hair but iron it straight all the time anyway, you could opt for a haircut suited to straight hair. Similarly, if you get your hair permed regularly, you could opt for a curly style.

Go to the best

Always, always go to a good, trusted hair stylist, especially when changing your look. You want someone who knows hair, and his job, very well. Save up and go to the best you can afford. Remember, if you can get a great cut at the cost of an outfit, it's worth the expense.

If you are still hesitant about getting a haircut, you could get a fresh new look by simply adding highlights to your hair. Don't go for a colour radically different to yours all at once, or you may find you hate it. Go in for something a little more subtle, yet different enough to be noticeable. Highlights also dry out hair less than all over colour, since a very small portion of your hair is affected.

So, if you have had the same look for years on end, it's time for a change! Go for it, and see the pep it puts in your step!

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