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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beauty – Desire Or Obsession

Beauty – Desire Or Obsession

Once upon a time good looks used to be the desire of people. But now time has changes and so do the people, and the thinking has changed to an extent that has turned the desire of good look s into an obsession and that is the reason why people do not mind going under the knife to gain beauty, and thus to look younger.


The best example is the Hollywood or even the bollywood where we can find numerous stars who have undergone such treatments. And people do not even mind going through such process at the risk of their lives even. The age of 5o is a time where people do think of such process to undergo so that they can look wonderfully younger. So how would they feel if I am here with some fantastic tips that would make them look of 20s? Okk,,,,,,control your excitement and let us have these tips:

Though some of you might be used to doing workouts, exercises, but still there are many who do not like to workout. But then they should think with a cool mind for at least once that are not the exercises a better option than those of the surgeries? I hope the answer is in affirmative. So, sign up for some yoga, pilates and other exercise that are meant to calm up your mind and that let you at your ease. The main exercises in your regime should be the once which emphasize more on free breathing and relaxation, and while which you can be sure to concentrate on just one single element.

• Spa:
Spas are doing great business today and I think the wonderful services of there is worth this success. It is because almost all of us are living in a stressful life, where there is a dyer need of relaxation and peace of mind. So, spas have evolved in this direction the best of the services. A place where you can get guidance on every matter right from your nutrition to your soul as well. So you can be left with absolutely no genuine reason why you do not get a spa treatment?

• Appreciate:
It so happens with many people at the age of 50 that they feel the worst depressed due to their hectic life, and then they at times also blame their age for this. But remember that age is something beyond control of anyone, no one can stop it form coming. But then what matters is the age of your mind and wishes, yes I mean to say that even a boy at the age of 20 if he thinks in a dull and depressed way is more aged than a man of 50 who lives life in a lively way! So just appreciate that you still, woke up in the morning today, you are still surfing on net, you still have a roof above your head. Learn to appreciate things. And you will find yourself left with no reasons to feel depressed.

I know you might wonder at me speaking things like, doing comparison is good. But remember though this side has a dark side it has with it the brighter side as well, just the difference is which side you choose to adopt. So, just find time to give a look to your yearbooks and find out what deal have you changed? Compare yourself with a person who you admire and find out what edge of their character do you possess.
Believe me once you come to know someone going through the same experience like that of yours, and still looks and feel worst will be helpful to them if you meet them.

• Enjoy:
Now this is the most important factor that one needs to have at every age – enjoyyyy! Do something that you did not planned and that is spontaneous, and what you like doing. You will feel the fun like never before. But do everything considering your health as well.

• Makeup:
Makeup is meant for people of every age so why do you hesitate in trying it at this age? Makeup is very powerful and can do wonders when done up properly. Some makeup essential that you must have is a concealer, and a kohl or liner. But always opt for the good quality makeup as a cheap one can do more harm to your tender
Finally it is most important to feel good about yourself, and do not treat yourself being neglected and underestimated. Everyone has got something special inbuilt in them, and so do you!

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