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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Treatment for yellow nail syndrome

Treatment for yellow nail syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome requires proper medical attention. Never try to treat the disease by yourself. Proper care and treatment should be given to the respiratory disorders occurring in association with yellow nail syndrome.

Treatment Of Yellow Nail SyndromeDisfiguration caused to the nails due to yellow nail syndrome is often irreversible. In rare cases reversion of nails to normal stage has been reported to be medically possible. The treatment plan includes application of vitamin E solution on the affected area and intake of itraconazone. Intake of vitamin E supplement is also seen recommended by doctors for treating the disease. Zinc supplements are also prescribed to patients suffering from yellow nail syndrome.



Yellow Nail SyndromeYellow nail syndrome is a very rare disorder affecting nails. As the name itself indicates discoloration of nails to yellow is the primary indication of yellow nail syndrome. This discoloration will usually be followed by swelling in different parts of the body, a condition medically known as lymphoedema. This swelling may some times lead to the blockage of one’s lymphatic system.

In some patients it has been reported that yellow nail syndrome even cause collection of fluid in the space around the lungs and in some others bronchiectasis may also appear along with yellow nail syndrome.
Generally men at their middle ages are seen affected by yellow nail syndrome. However in rare occasions, young children are also seen found to be affected by this disease.

The nail growth of a person affected by yellow nail syndrome slows down significantly when compared to other healthy persons. In some cases the nail does not grow at all. The growth rate becomes nil.

Nail Plate Of PatientsThe nail plate of patients affected by yellow nail syndrome gets thickened and the colour of the nail may turn yellow varying from pale yellow to greenish yellow. The edges of the nail plate may even turn dark.

In this kind of disease, the nails tend to remain smooth. However it may have a wavy character with the nail surface remaining uneven.

In acute cases of yellow nail syndrome, the nails may get detached from the nail bed due to the loss of cuticles which hold the nail to the body.

Majority of patients suffering from yellow nail syndrome complain about swelling in their legs. The primary symptom of yellow nail syndrome is the discoloration of the nail rather than the swelling. In some cases swelling may appear even on the hands, face and genitals.

In about 36% of the patients, a condition called pleural effusions occurs. Pleural effusion may appear as a primary symptom of yellow nail syndrome. Respiratory disorders associated with yellow nail syndrome are often found in patients with along history of Bronchitis, acute sinusitis and pneumonia.

Cause Of Yellow Nail SyndromeThe exact cause for yellow nail syndrome is still unknown to the medical world. However the most commonly affected persons are those with a recurrent history of various respiratory complications like chronic bronchiectasis or sinusitis. Persons suffering from internal malignancies, immuno-deficiency syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis are also prone to yellow nail syndrome.



MelanonychiaOften melanonychia is a symptom rather than a disease. It is a condition where brown lines appear on nails. The lines often appear on nails in a length wise direction. As the name denotes, melanonychia is a condition resultant of hyper pigmentation.

As far as persons with black coloured skin are concerned, melanonychia may not be a disease. This is because the level of colouring pigment melanin is found to be more in persons with this skin type. However this is not the case with white skinned persons. As far as these persons are concerned, presence of melanonychia may be a symptom of a form of cancer by name subungual melanoma. Persons with this skin type therefore have to be very cautious in case of detection of melanonychia on their nails. They should immediately seek medical advice to rule out the possibility of malignancy.

Melanin In The Nail PlateScientifically melanonychia can be stated to be caused by deposition of a pigment called melanin in the nail plate. In fact melanin is the pigment that determines the colour of your skin. Depending on the presence of melanin in your skin, the colour of your skin varies from black to white. Persons with more melanin pigment in their skin are black in colour. Now you may also know the reason as to why your hair is black in colour!

Melanonychia may occur due to various reasons. It can be due to the intake of various antibiotic medicines or undergoing a chemotherapy treatment. Drugs prescribed for onychomycosis can also cause melanonychia.

Causes Of MelanonychiaApart from various forms of allopathic treatment, infections caused by various microorganisms and various skin diseases can also precipitate melanonychia.

The most commonly found symptoms of melanonychia are the following:

  • Discoloration of nails: The most commonly found in symptom of melanonychia is the discoloration of nails due to hyper pigmentation. Brown lines appear on nails. The general colour of the nails may turn yellow.
  • This condition may cause pain in the nails and finger tips.
  • Melanonychia often adversely affects the general health condition of the nails which results in its crumbling.
  • In some patients melanonychia may cause thickening of nails.
  • Apart from the nails, symptoms of melanonychia may appear in other parts of the body also. Abnormalities to one’s eyes can often be associated with melanonychia. Accordingly disorders to cornea and cataract are often seen in patients with melanonychia.
  • Deformities of fingers and astigmatism are often found in patients with melanonychia.
Under developed shoulder blades and abnormal neck bones are also seen in patients with melanonychia.

Treatment for melanonychia

Treatment Of MelanonychiaMelanonychia caused due to intake of antibiotic medicines or other allopathic treatments like chemotherapy can be cured completely. Drugs like doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and hydroxyurea are stated to be excellent in the treatment of melanonychia. In case of appearance of melanonychia, care should be taken to undergo proper medical check up by visiting your doctor to rule out the possibility of subungual melanoma. Malignancy if not treated timely can be life threatening.



Koilonychia, is a commonly found nail disorder. One of the basic causes for this nail disorder is stated to be anemia. In this type of nail disorder the finger nails become thin and abnormal in shape. This nail disorder will make the nails to look strange and awkward by causing an upward growth of nails and thus causing concavities with raised edges to the nails which often resemble a spoon. This type nail disorder is therefore commonly known as spoon nails. Nails in this case will become flattened also.

The nails affected by koilonychia usually appear to be thin and brittle in nature. Once affected with this disease, the nails usually take a long period to return to its original form.

Nails Affected By KoilonychiaApart from anemia, koilonychia can also be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Further it can even be seen associated with the disorders like thyroid dysfunction, musculoskeletal problems, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal disease, nail patella syndrome etc. Excessive use of soap and detergents can also cause this disease. Direct trauma on nails may also be a factor that can ultimately lead to koilonychia.

Along with the reasons mentioned above, the habit of nail biting, picking and rubbing of nails can also be termed as the factors that cause koilonychia.

Koilonychia being a pointer to various complications relating to anemia, the disease demands immediate attention and treatment. Even if the cause behind this nail disorder is a stroke or a trauma, beware that excessive use of cosmetics like nail enamels or nail polish removers can always aggravate the problem.

Whatever be the reason behind koilonychia, do not attempt to treat it yourself. It is always advisable to consult a qualified medial practitioner to avoid complications.

Shape Of Affected NailThe shape of the affected nail will look exactly like a spoon due to its upward growth. In some cases where the nails are not seriously affected by the disease, it may create only a soft wave on nails. Severely affected nails may tend to turn brittle and start to break inside the concavity. The skin surrounding the affected area will usually be dry and cracked.

If the cause koilonychias is trauma, usually a full cycle of nail growth will be needed to get the affected part corrected.

If koilonychia is an out come of anemia only proper diet intended to male up the deficiency of iron in your body and intake of medicines can help you to get rid of it. You will have to consult a doctor soon after you detect the symptoms of this nail disorder. In such cases you will be advised by physician to improve the quality of your regular diet by adding adequate nutrients helpful to increase your hemoglobin count.

Never go for self treatment in such cases as over intake of iron can create serious health problems. Follow the treatment plan and dosage of medicine as prescribed by your doctor to avoid complications. Include plenty of vitamin rich food in your regular diet. Vitamin C will help your body to accelerate iron absorption.



Loosening or separation of finger nails or toe nails from its bed is clinically known as Onycholysis. Unlike fungal infection, Onycholysis does not cause pain. Usually Onycholysis starts affecting the nail tips first and will gradually spread to the bottom of the nail.

OnycholysisTrauma, even minor ones, caused by regular stroke on computer key boards with nails grown long can cause Onycholysis. Aggressive manicure and pedicure, digging the sides of the nails for removing dirt can also be cited as other common causes behind Onycholysis. Prolonged exposure to water and over use of cosmetics like nail polish for long are also considered to be the causes for the above disease.

Apart from this, diseases like psoriasis, thyroid infections, chemical reactions, reactions to certain medicines can also cause Onycholysis.
Onycholysis is primarily considered as a disease affecting adults. This is however not a general rule. Women, especially those who grow their nails long, seem to be more affected by this disease rather than men.

Appearance Of A GapAppearance of a gap between the pink portion of the nail and the white outer edge will be the first sign of Onycholysis. Nails usually become transparent when infected by this disease and it may even cause discolouration to nails to green or yellow colours.

Discolouration to nails can also be an indication of a secondary infection. Skin under the nail may start thickening there after, depending on the cause behind the infection.

Normally the process of loosening nails from nail bed due to Onycholysis will not be painful as it is not a disease that affects the matrix.

Usually what makes this disease complicated is the possible accumulation of bacteria and other micro organisms under the bulged part of the nail. If unattended this further infection may lead to permanent deformity of the nails.

The change of the nail colour to green indicates the beginning of bacterial infection and white yeast.

The treatment to be given for Onycholysis is totally dependent on the cause behind the disease. To rule out the possibility of fungal or yeast infection, doctors usually scrap a small portion of debris from the under part of the nail.

Treatment Of OnycholysisReattaching the loosened portion of the nail to nail bed is practically impossible. The infected portion will normally grow out with the growth of the nail and can be safely cut off then. This nail disorder has a tendency to leave a permanent mark on nail by changing its appearance.

Following these tips would be helpful in avoiding further deterioration and recurrence of the disease:

  1. Affected areas of the nails should be kept shortly trimmed and clipped to avoid spreading of infection.
  2. Stop using nail polish and nail polish removers once you get infected by Onycholysis to avoid irritation.
  3. Prevent contact with detergents and other irritating chemicals to avoid complications. It s advisable to use gloves when you us things like that.

One can prevent this disease by taking care of the following things:

  • Keep your fingers dry, clean and healthy
  • Avoid too much contact with water and other chemicals
  • Always keep your nails neatly trimmed

Different types of nail diseases

Different types of nail diseases

  1. Onychia – Inflammation of matrix (the surrounding tissue of a nail) is the symptom called Onychia. Formation of pus in the affected area some times leads to shedding of the nail.
  2. Onychocryptosis – This is commonly known as ingrown nails. Here the nails cut into the sides of the nail bed. In some cases the nail cuts into one side only. In some others both sides may be affected. This situation can be effectively treated by cutting nails properly.
  3. OnychodystrophyOnychodystrophy – This is the most serious nail disorder. Deformation of nails is the main symptom of Onychodystrophy. It may some times be the result of cancer. So discoloration and deformation of any nail demands serious attention. Consult a medical practitioner to rule out the possibilities of cancer.
  4. Onychgryposis – thickening nail is the symptom of Onychgryposis. It may be a result of an injury to the surrounding tissue. Extra ordinary curvature of the nail also comes under this category. Some times it can be a hereditary one. Total neglect of the nail can also be a cause for this. The situation can often be avoided by giving proper care and attention to your nails.
  5. Onycholysis – Loosening of the nail from the nail beds indicates Onycholysis. Reason can be fungal infections or use of cheap nail enhancement products or it can even be the side effect of a drug. Effective treatment plan can be suggested by a doctor upon diagnosing the basic cause for the disease.
  6. Onychomadesis – Falling of nail is called Onychomadesis. Reason can be the injury to matrix bed. Treating the injury to the matrix bed can often solve the problem
  7. OnychomycosisOnychomycosis – Discoloration, thickening, chalkiness and crumbling of nails come under this category of disease. Application of tea tree oil is said to be very effective to Onychomycosis.
  8. Onychoptosis – Shedding of nails is a result of Onychoptosis. The cause may be diseases like syphilis, fever, and trauma or drug reaction. Correct diagnosis and treatment of the root cause can often prevent Onychoptosis.
  9. Paronychia – Bacterial or fungal infection in the areas where skin and nail meets is the reason for Paronychia. Anti fungal/ bacteria medicines are effective cure to this disease.
  10. Koilonychia – Upward curve of the skin may be due to iron deficiency. This disease can be treated by intake of iron supplements under medical guidance.
  11. Subungnanhematoma – Clotting of blood under the nail leads to Subungnanhematoma. Reasons may be undersized shoe, minor trauma or acute injury.

Apart from these scientifically named nail diseases, in day to day life we face some other problems which we can effectively treat our selves without much effort.

  • White spots – It is a commonly seen problem of nail. Minor trauma or knock against some hard object can be the reason for this. Some times it may be hereditary also. Those who work regularly with hands also are seemed to be affected by white spots.

This needs no special treatment. It will grow out with nails.

  • Pitting - Some times this is hereditary. In other cases it can be result of trauma certain illnesses like psoriasis, eczema.

Treating the cause may help.

  • Nail ThicknessNail thickness – Diseases like fungal infection and psoriasis are the main cause behind nail thickness. Apart from this, ageing process and trauma can also be cited as reasons for nail thickness.

It can be cured by treating the cause disease.

  • Vertical splitting – those who are constantly in contact with water are seemed to be affected by vertical splitting.

Zinc and iron intake is recommended for vertical splitting. Massaging using almond oil is also suggested to be an effective remedy for vertical splitting.

  • Separation of nails from nail bed – Over exposure to detergents and over time typing or catching the nail on something could be the reasons for separation of nails.

Using rubber gloves while using detergents, cutting nails according to size and filing it and also intake of iron and zinc helps in curing this type of nail problem.

Other nail problems:

  • Black nail – Acute trauma, jamming finger or nails in a door are cited as causes behind black nail. In this case nail may some times fall off.
  • Fungal NailHang nail - This is usually a self inflicted problem. Biting and picking at the nails and aggressive self manicuring are usually the causes behind hang nail.
  • Fungal nail – Discoloration of the nail is the symptom of fungal infection. It can be yellow, black or green in colour. Diabetes or constant contact with water can be the causes.
  • Brittle nail – Organic silica is said to be effective for increasing growth of nail. Intake of essential fatty acid’s vitamins B 12 and B5 will help to remedy brittle nail.


OnchogryphosisOnchogryphosis or claw nail is a condition which results in severe deformity of nails due to reasons like trauma or permanent shoe pressure. Toe nails are commonly seen to be more affected by this nail disorder. The nails affected by the disease onchogryphosis usually appear to be thickened, curved and claw or hook like in shape.

The nails affected by this nail disorder will show the tendency to grow long in a shapeless manner. Normally shaping, trimming and filing of these nails are not easy due to their unusual thickness and hook like shape. This abnormal shape and condition of the nails affected by Onchogryphosis will also make it a home for bacteria and fungus to grow.

Causes for Onchogryphosis

The primary cause for Onchogryphosis is the damage caused to the cells constituting matrix that makes the nails grow. It is this damaged cells of matrix that cause the nails to grow in abnormal shapes and thickness.
The damage caused to nails by heavy impact against hard surfaces or due to fall of heavy objects on nail results in injury and damage to nail matrix which in turn may prompt Onchogryphosis.

Causes Of Onchogryphosis Sports persons, persons who wear tight shoes etc are also prone to Onchogryphosis. Constant pressure exerted by under sized shoes on toe nails may damage the nail matrix which in turn may precipitate Onchogryphosis.
Poor blood circulation to toe tips especially due to diabetes and nutritional deficiency can also lead to this nail disorder.

Chances are there for the symptoms of Onchogryphosis to be misunderstood as that of a fungal infection. This may result in wrong treatment and unnecessary waste of money. Care should therefore be taken to consult a seasoned medical practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment of Onchogryphosis.


Symptom Of Onchogryphosis Discomfort to nails while wearing shoes is the most commonly seen symptom of Onchogryphosis. Gradually the person suffering from Onchogryphosis will start showing signs of intolerance towards even a minor shock on the nails. In fact it is not the nail but the nail bed that is injured and the causes the discomfort. In some other cases the nails grow like a hook may even cause damage to the adjoining nails and there by cause damage and infection to them also.


The general idea behind any treatment plan for Onchogryphosis is to reduce the abnormal thickness of the nails. Exact treatment plan will however depend upon the gravity of the disease.

Treatment Of Onchogryphosis The basic treatment to Onchogryphosis involves cutting, filing and trimming of nails to bring it back to a manageable state. It is always advisable to seek the assistance of a qualified doctor or nurse to avoid complications. Some times this process requires special tools due to the extreme thickness of the nails affected by Onchogryphosis.

In extreme situations doctor may advice the patient to remove the nails through a minor surgery. Along with nails, the nail root matrix will also be removed to avoid further production of thick nails by the damaged cells of nail matrix.

Neighboring nails can be prevented from being infected with Onchogryphosis by preventing contact of neighboring nails with infected nails. This can be achieved by keeping a roll of clean cloth or wool between the toes.

Digital nail art

Digital nail art

With the introduction of digital nail art, nail art, the latest trend in nail beautification, has become more popular and high tech in nature. The most attractive part of digital nail art is its speed in application.

In normal course nail art is expensive and it also requires a lot of time. Though it can be performed even at home, the assistance of an expert is a must to create complicated and abstract designs on nails.

Considering the cost involved in it, seeking the assistance of an expert nail technician is not always possible. And mainly for this reason, though we like to see our nails get painted beautifully always, we limit it to special occasions. Digital nail art is cheaper compared to manual nail art. The limitation however is the limitation in creativity.

Another advantage of digital nail art is that all nails of your hand can be painted at the same time. You do not have to wait for long to finish work on all the nails.

Beauty tips for toe nails

Beauty tips for toe nails

You can adopt the same steps of manicure for maintaining your toe nails also. While doing pedicure you should give extra attention to remove dirt from the corners of the toe nail. For that you can use a pin nails scrubber.
Nail Art

Nail art, the most modern fashion in the nail beautification can perhaps be termed as the most fascinating part of nail care. Our hands and nails will be exposed to others more frequently than we imagine when we interact with them. It is therefore very important to maintain your finger nails and toe nails clean and beautiful.

Decorating nails using objects like tattoos, stones or even by piercing them for wearing small jewels have become a trend today both in the east and west. For nail art you can use both artificial and original nails. Artificial nails are comparatively stronger and more flexible to adapt all types of nail designs. If you are intending to make a hole on your nail to wear rings or anything ornamental on your nail, it is more advisable to use artificial nails for the purpose. This is because your natural nails may not be able to withstand activities like nail piercing. Further it may even invite the risk of serious infections to your nails and the areas surrounding it. Another advantage of artificial nails is that the colour painted on artificial nails tends to last longer when compared to original nails.

French Manicure NailsA nail beautified by French manicure is more adaptable to nail art. In French manicure nails are maintained long and square shaped. It is easy to paint any design on these nails.

Designing nails require a lot of skill. Nail technicians specialized in this area are available in the fashion world. Simple designs like sticking tattoos or ornamental stickers or even small stones can be done even at home. But if you are looking for an abstract painting to give you an exclusive look suitable for a special occasion it is better to seek the assistance of a nail technician.

Your nail is like canvas for a nail technician. They use objects like gems, glitters, beads made of glass etc. to create art on nails. Even dried flowers and diamonds are used for beautifying nails as the occasion demands. Techniques to be used to paint nails depend upon the design you choose. The tools include nail pencils and air gun brushes. Nail art is more effective on long nails. If you do not have long nails or suffer from nail brittle problem you can go for nail art using artificial nails.

Nail ArtNail technicians usually use brushes with sharp edges to make hand paints on nails. They even use sharp edged objects like toothpicks to make the lines and spots perfect.

Small hearts and stones in different shapes are available in the market to give a final touch to nail art. You can even go for glitters to give your nail a more glamorous look. This glittering shiny look is more suitable for party wears.

Bridal nail art is a specialized branch of nail art. Compared to ordinary ones, bridal nail art is complicated and expensive. Normally stones and diamonds are used in bridal nail art. Brides usually choose delicate designs.
Though not a must, it is advisable to undergo a manicure programme, to give your nails a special effect before you perform nail art on your nails. Piercing nail to wear small rings is yet another trend now prevailing in nail art. Though trendy, it is almost impossible to do this on natural nails. Piercing natural nails may cause chipping of nails and infection to nails. For nail piercing it is better to use artificial nails.

Some other tips for beautiful looking nails

Some other tips for beautiful looking nails

  • Beautiful Looking NailsAllow the nails breathe by not wearing nail polish for three to four days or if possible for one week every month.
  • Caster, coconut and almond oils are good for keeping nails shiny and beautiful. While at home, apply any one of the above oils on the nails and massage gently. After some time remove the excess oil using a soft towel. Do not wash away excess oil.
  • To clean dirt from the side of your nails use diluted hydrogen peroxide instead of digging it out. Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide to the sides of your nail and wait for some time. The dirt will get loosened and will come up so that it can be easily removed by washing in lukewarm water.
  • Lemon juice is good for stain removing. If your nails happened to get stained with some colour or dye, the same can be easily removed by applying lime juice on the nails and wiping it off after some time using a soft towel or tissue paper
  • Whitening tooth paste can be used to enhance the colour of your nails. Apply small quantity of quality whitening tooth paste on you nails using a soft unused brush and wipe it off after some time. A good whitening tooth paste can act as a whitening agent to your nails also.