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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fast Tips on Getting Rid of Whiteheads

Fast Tips on Getting Rid of Whiteheads

If your face often breaks out, or if you have problems with white heads, there are a few different things that you can do. Getting rid of them can be easy, but you have to be careful. People always tell you not to pick your face. This applies in instances where the puss hasn’t reached the breaking point of your skin.

First before you pick, try using an exfoliate pad, or an exfoliating cleanser on your face. In many cases this will eliminate the white head and wash away the puss that was inside of it. If this doesn’t work, you are going to have to pop it. First wash your hands and make sure that they are clean. Next, gently push around the white head to see if anything leeks out. Don’t press too hard or you will cause swelling and bruising, making it worse. If you can’t get anything to come out, try sterilizing a pin and popping the white head. First press a warm compress on the white head to make it soft. Make sure that you are only poking the white part of the pimple, and not getting an other part of your face. If done properly, the puss will slowly leak out through the hole.

After you have drained the white head, you are going to want to wash your face with an antibacterial face wash, to make sure that it gets cleaned out properly. Pat your face dry with a towel. You may even want to put a little bit of antibiotic onto the mark to make sure that it doesn’t get any dirt, oil, or grease into it. Make sure that you are very careful and you don’t squeeze your face, that will only make it worse. If your pimple has not come to a white head yet, wait before irritating it.

Natural whitehead Removal

Natural whitehead Removal

People everywhere and of every age suffer with whiteheads. They can be difficult to get rid of and cause anxiety. Many products on the market that offer great results yet contain harsh chemicals and can be quite expensive. In addition to drinking plenty of water and using a mild face wash, using a natural an inexpensive facial mask made with honey can reduce whiteheads and improve the overall clarity of the skin.

Using Honey Only

For effective results, first wash your face with warm water and soap. The warm water will open up your pores, allowing the honey to penetrate your skin deep into the pores and remove dirt and oil. Be sure to cover your entire face with the honey, gently massaging your skin.

Allow the honey to absorb into the skin for 10-15 minutes. After the time is up, wash your face with lukewarm water and gently pat dry.

If your skin has many whiteheads, you can massage your problem areas before washing the honey off. Be sure to focus your massaging on areas such as the nose, cheekbones, forehead and other areas that may be prone to whiteheads. While massaging your face the honey may begin to get sticky. If this happens, gently begin to tap your skin. This will open the pores and allow the honey to clean deep into the pores. Wash face with luke warm water when finished.

Honey Combination Masks

Honey does not have to be used alone as a facial mask. It can be combined with other ingredients, such as oatmeal, to reduce whiteheads. Mix 2 Tbs of honey with 1 Tbs of oatmeal and warm in the mircowave. Apply the mixture to your face and leave on there for 15-20 minutes. Rinse face with lukewarm water and gently pat dry.

Mixing 1 Tbs of honey with one egg white also can reduce whiteheads. Apply mixture to the face for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

These whitehead remedies are all natural and made from ingredients you can find in your own home. It does not contain any harsh chemicals that can cause dryness and peeling like other products and is a fraction of the cost. Honey not only helps in riding the face of whiteheads, it also moisturizes and leaves the skin glowing, firm, and radiant.

The Whitehead Blues

The Whitehead Blues

So, you have finally begun a relationship with someone whose attention you have been trying to get for months. Actually, things have taken a sudden turn for the better and you have managed to weasle a short kissing session out of Mr. or Mrs. Right when you notice they aren’t exactly kissing you with the passion you had so hoped would manifest as soon as their lips hit yours. After several well-placed, yet slightly emotionless kisses from “the one,” you come up for some air and notice a huge whitehead has moved in next door to your otherwise attractive nose.

Makes sense, you say to yourself, as the euphoria of your new relationship has no doubt triggered some new hormonal activity, and you forgot to wash your face the night before. Your diet has also gone by the wayside as you have been frequenting more fried food places to be able to spend time with your new catch.

Whiteheads are the result of your body fighting bacteria that has started to build up in your pores. Dirt gets trapped and mixes with the naturally occurring oil in your skin, which is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. The best way to prevent a whitehead is to wash your face twice a day and to make sure that you avoid eating unhealthy foods. Drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest, as this is also important for overall health.

If you are like me and don’t have a lot of energy in the evening, you can use facial cleansing wipes. They actually work very well, as you can see the dirt and makeup on the towlette, and can tell when your face is truly clean. Each person has their own skin type, so be sure to get the facial cleanser that is best for you. Never use anything harsh on your face as it can cause your skin to overproduce oil to replace what was lost, in turn causing more problems.

As you can see, keeping your skin clean, eating and drinking healthily, and getting enough rest can surely benefit you and your love life!

Useful Tips for treating whiteheads:

Useful Tips for treating whiteheads:

  • Remember: whiteheads should be extracted by an experienced esthetician or dermatologist.
  • To prevent whiteheads from forming in the first place, you should use a mild facial cleanser that is oil-free and wash your face at least twice a day.
  • Never squeeze or pick at a pimple as doing so may spread the inflammation and leave an ugly red scar behind.
  • Use a face cream or moisturizer containing salicylic acid.
  • Always look for antibacterial skin care and cosmetic products.
  • Use skin care products with benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid or AHAs.
  • It’s essential to keep your skin clean all the time in order to prevent the formation of whiteheads.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin and body hydrated and to remove the toxins from your skin.
  • Always apply a toner after cleansing your face in the morning and in the evening to close the pores.
  • Remember: there is a difference between a blackhead and a whitehead, blackheads are partly blocked pores and the fully blocked pores are called whiteheads.
  • Never try to remove whiteheads at home – this may lead to serious skin infections and permanent scarring.
  • Remember: usually the whiteheads go away by themselves in a few days.
  • Never forget to remove your makeup in the evening; otherwise this may clog the pores resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and rash appearance.
  • Never use harsh facial cleansers, soaps or lotions.
  • Always look for noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic skin care and makeup products.
  • Like the blackheads, the whiteheads can be seen on the areas around the face, especially around the nose, eyes, cheeks and forehead.
  • Never use oil-based makeup precuts as they may contribute to the buildup of oil in the follicles.
  • Always apply moisturizer after washing your face.
  • Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with a mild exfoliator to remove the dead skin cells.
  • Remember: the appearance of your skin is influenced mainly by your skin care routine.
  • Always wear a sunscreen or sunblock with SPF at least 15, even during the winter months to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Avoid touching your face with dirty hands – you can transform bacteria and cause inflammation.
  • Remember: the best way to prevent whiteheads is to keep your skin clean and well moisturized all the time.
  • Regular facials can help prevent whiteheads because they will keep your pores clean.
  • Do a cleansing face mask once or twice a week.



You should never try to remove whiteheads alone at home, never! You should know that whiteheads are different from pimples or blackheads. If you try to squeeze the whitehead you may easily break the skin which will result in permanent, reddish scar.

The best way to prevent the formation of whiteheads is to follow a strict skin care regimen, as follows:

  • Clean your face at least twice a day with skincare products that are appropriate for your skin type. Use a facial cleanser that contain salicylic acid or alpha hydroxyl acids as there ingredients help in unclogging the pores.
  • Exfoliate your skin regularly – twice or three times a week. Apply the exfoliating products all over your face, using light, circular motions concentration on the problem areas of the face forehead, nose and cheeks. Try to find a gentle exfoliator with small particles it will encourage newer, smoother and healthier skin cells to grow, helping to unclog the pores.
  • Even if your skin is oily or mixed you should never forget to apply a moisturizer or a hydrating cream.
  • Once a week steam your face for a few minutes to cleanse your skin in deep. Steaming is very important to loosen debris that may be embedded into the skin. When steaming the face you wide the clogged pores and soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities, the traces of makeup, the dust, the sebaceous secretions as well as the dead skin cells.
  • You can also use a comedone remover (a comedone extractor ) tool – a handy device to help keep pores free of blackheads and blemishes. It will remove all clogged dark bumps with trapped sebum, bacteria and excess oils dislodging pore blockages leaving skin clear and smooth. This tool should be used immediately after steaming the face.

If you have just a small number of whiteheads don’t do anything – leave them the way they are because sometimes whiteheads go away by themselves in a few days.

You should never try to squeeze the whitehead alone; you had better go to the nearest beauty parlor and consult a beautician or a dermatologist.

The cosmetologists are trained to remove whiteheads and the other forms of acne flawlessly. They use special methods and tools to extract the whiteheads without a risk of skin infections and scarring.

  • The first thing the cosmetologist will do is to steam your face – to widen the clogged pores and to soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities. After steaming it will be more easily to remove the comedones /blackheads, whiteheads/ and the little pimples.
  • Then she / he will use a sterilized needle to gently prick the tip of the whitehead with the needle. A gentle pressure will be needed to ease out the pus. Basically this is to most common way used by the dermatologist and the beauticians to remove the whiteheads. The method resembles the way a pimple is popped but a higher degree of attention is needed.

How To Remove And Prevent Whiteheads?

How To Remove And Prevent Whiteheads?

How To Remove And Prevent Whiteheads?  treat whiteheads generalWhiteheads are form of acne and one of the greatest fears of the beauty – a build-up of oils, serum and dead skin that plugs up your pores. Just like the blackheads, the whiteheads can be also seen in both teenagers and adults.

Whiteheads can be shortly defined as: tiny, pearly, white raised spots formed in the skin where skin cells clog and close a hair follicle (the reason why they are also called closed comedones ).

How To Remove And Prevent Whiteheads?  whiteheads general


Many people mistake whiteheads for pimples as they both look alike but there is a difference because whiteheads should be removed very carefully.

The exact cause of whiteheads isn’t still known for sure but most of the dermatologists suggest that the whiteheads are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum (oil) in the pores of the skin. If the skin pore closes up then the bacteria will remain under the skin – it will begin to grow and after a few days a whitehead will be formed.

Whiteheads usually occur on different parts of the face, most commonly around the eyes and on the cheeks. Most of the people also get whiteheads on the chest, neck and forehead. Whiteheads are often accompanied with blackheads, pimples and acne.

Remember how to get rid of blackheads:

Remember how to get rid of blackheads:

  • Violent squeezing must not be used, because it always leads to the formation of little painful boils
  • Never use your fingernails as they can carry dirt and can cause further infection
  • Never prick the pimples, because doing so infects the surrounding area and leaves the scar behind which usually results in dark or red spots.

Brook lime lotion

Leaves of brook lime 30gr.
Mineral/spring water 300ml.
Sodium benzonate ВЅ tsp
Boil the mineral/ spring water and put the brook lime leaves in it. Mix sodium benzonate in it. Mix well. Apply the mixture on the face using cotton. The lotion removes spots, blackheads and little pimples.

Salty deep pore cleanser

4 tsp baking soda
1 cup mineral water
First steam the face. Mix baking soda and one cup of hot water and stir well. Apply to the face and strip until the entire face is covered. Leave the mask on for approximate 10 minutes until it cools off. At the end apply moisturizer. The mask is good for deep cleansing of the pores and helps remove the outer deed skin cells from the face.

Blackheads removal

2 Tbs oatmeal
1tbs honey
Mix the oatmeal and honey together until mixed well. Warm the texture in a microwave. Apply the mask to the face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Remove the mixture and rinse well with lukewarm water. Do the mask on a regular basis to help eliminate pores from getting plugged with debris.

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads and Whiteheads?

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads and Whiteheads?

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads and Whiteheads?  get rid of  blackheads generalThe blackheads are a common problem that affects all skin types, especially those with oily skin. The blackheads and whiteheads usually occur around the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.
The blackheads are caused by hardened masses of sebum, formed in the ducts or the sebaceous glands.

They are direct result of skin pores becoming clogged with sebum and dead skin cells.

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads and Whiteheads?  how to get rid of  whiteheads general

how to get rid of whiteheads

The whiteheads are tiny, pearly, white raised spots. They are caused due to excessive secretion of sebum oil. The whiteheads usually show up as tiny white spots around the eyes. The same lotions, creams and masks are recommended for whiteheads too.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to reduce the pore size, but you can minimize the amount of gunk that is clogged in them.
In order to prevent the appearance of blackheads you should follow a strict skin care regime. Daily skin cleansing is essential. Wash your face at least twice a day using oil and alcohol-free formulas.

Exfoliate three times per week; apply the exfoliator in circular motions to all affected areas, normally the nose, forehead and chin. The exfoliation encourages a newer, smoother skin surface by helping to unclog pores, prevent further breakouts and diminish blemishes and pigmentation spots. A regular old scrubbing will clean your complexion, but it is not enough powerful to banish the blackheads since they are an accumulation of dead skin cells, oil and pigment deep within the pores. If you want, some serious purging you should use a cleanser and a toner that contain salicylic acid every morning and night. Make sure you avoid using overly drying cleansers because they can increase your likelihood of experiencing skin irritations and breakouts.

Daytime protective moisturizers will help the skin maintain its suppleness and moisture.
It’s essential to keep the skin clean and hydrated with appropriate cleansing and care, in order to prevent the formation of blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.

Another alternative for dealing with blackheads and enlarged pores are the pore strips. They pull away oil and the build up dirt from the nose, chin or forehead. The strips much be applied to wet skin for several minutes and then peeled away.

Another thing you can do is to ask your dermatologist to prescribe you some medicines, like Vitamin C and Vitamin A for example. These vitamins will speed up cell turnover and prevent old skin cells from clogging your pores.

The steaming is very important to loosen debris that may be imbedded into the skin. Steaming the face is also a useful technique for people with oily or combination skin. It helps control the blemishes, cleanse the face, open the pores and soften the content of the blackheads.
Boil a pan of water and make sure that you remove the pan from the stove. Stand directly over the steam and drape a small towel over your head for keeping the steam from escaping, because it will be more effective in opening the pores.
After steaming wrap a tissue around each of the fingers and apply gentle pressure each side of the blackheads. A little gentle pressure with a finger on each side of the blackhead will squeeze them out.

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Poses for Yoga Beginners to Try

Poses for Yoga Beginners to Try

A beginner should do poses that are comfortable and not strained or overdone. Practice and work on form that is most important and work at your own pace. A few poses that are ideal for beginners are the fish pose, the twisting pose, backward bend pose, bridge pose, head to knee pose, shoulder stand and the corpse pose.