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Friday, January 20, 2012

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack

Fuller's earth or Multani Mitti has amazing oil and grease absorption properties and is used extensively for preparation of facial masks and packs. Fuller’s Earth Face Pack revives and restores natural beauty of the skin.

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack For Dry Skin

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack (multani mitti face pack) is a useful remedy to rejuvenate and moisture your skin, while cleansing it of impurities too. To make a natural beauty pack with fuller’s earth, you will need:
  • Fuller’s Earth
  • 1 Teaspoon of Curd
  • 1 Teaspoon of Almond Oil
  • 2 Teaspoon of Rose Water

How to Apply:
  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Apply the paste all over your face, leaving out the sensitive area around your eyes.
  • Leave it on for about 10 minutes or till it dries
  • Clean it off with water.

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack For Oily Skin

You can make a Fuller’s Earth face pack to cure your oily skin conditions effectively. This pack will not only absorb the excess oil and clean blackheads, it will also tighten your skin and reduce pores.

To make this pack you will need:
  • Fuller’s Earth
  • 2 Teaspoon of Rosewater
  • 1 Teaspoon of Lime Juice
How to Apply:
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the homemade beauty pack all over your face leaving out the area around your eyes.
  • Keep the mask for 10 minutes or till it dries.
  • Wash off with water.

Fuller’s Earth Face Pack For Normal Skin

This homemade beauty recipe is specially suited for a normal skin and helps your skin retain its moisture while gently cleaning it. You will need:
  • Fuller’s Earth
  • 2 Teaspoon of Mashed Papaya
  • Rose Water
How to Apply:
  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mask on your face, leaving out the area around your eyes.
  • Let the mask dry and then wash it off with water.
Note: Do not use this face mask if you are allergic to any ingredient.

Egg Face Pack

Egg Face Pack

Craving for that perfect, smooth, wrinkle free skin? Try out the homemade egg face pack. An egg face pack is one of the finest homemade beauty products that can be prepared at home. It is an easy and hassle free option that promises a positive and effective result. An egg face pack uses only natural ingredients that are easily available in any market.

Most of the ingredients included are used for household purposes.

Ingredients required for preparing an egg mask:

  • Egg White
  • Two Spoonfuls of Orange Juice
  • Half Spoon of Lemon Juice
  • A Few Drops of Sweet Almond Oil (by choice)
  • Flour

Method for Preparing Egg Face Pack

  • Stir the egg white, the orange juice, the lemon juice and the almond oil in a cup.
  • Blend the concoction with flour till it becomes a smooth paste.
  • Gently spread the paste all over the face and leave it for half an hour.
  • Wash face with warm water to remove the mask.
This face pack can be used regularly by those who suffer from dry skin. The egg face pack will leave the skin feeling smooth and soft. Those who wish to add almond oil to the paste are advised to try out the pack at the end of the elbow first. If the area shows no adverse reaction even after 48 hours, then it is safe to apply the pack on the face.

For those who suffer from wrinkle problems, a simple egg face pack can be extremely effective. This involves applying the egg white over the face for 15 minutes and then washing it off with lukewarm water. This has proven to be an efficient way to tighten the facial skin and leave it feeling new and glowing. These homemade face packs are truly very useful and hence worth trying out.

Cucumber Honey Toner

Cucumber Honey Toner

This excellent toner can be made with ingredients we commonly use at home. To make a Cucumber-Honey Toner you will need:
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 tsp honey

How to Prepare Cucumber Honey Toner?

  • Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces.
  • Puree the cucumber and sieve through a cheesecloth into a glass bowl.
  • Gently fold in honey to the clear cucumber juice.
  • Store in a refrigerator.

How to Apply Cucumber Honey Toner?

  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • Soak a clean cotton pad in the lotion and apply on your face and neck in sweeping movements.
  • Let it dry.
Cucumber is known for its invigorating properties. It helps to reduce puffiness of our skin while retaining the pH balance.

Honey acts as a moisturizer and a natural cleanser. Use this cucumber-honey toner in the morning and at night and watch the difference it makes to your skin.

Cucumber Face Pack

Cucumber Face Pack

Cucumber face pack is one of the most popular homemade face packs that are used by women, the world over.

Cucumber has a soothing and cleansing property that makes it an excellent choice of material while making a face pack. Cucumber also has moisturizing features that leave the skin feeling soft and supple.

Cucumber is readily available in the market and the actual time taken to make the pack is very less. The entire process of making and applying a cucumber pack is extremely easy and hassle free.

Cucumber Face Pack Ingredients

  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar

Cucumber Face Pack Preparation

The process of making the cucumber face pack is as follows:
  • Peel and cut an entire cucumber into small pieces.
  • Put the cucumber in a food processor or a mixer and mash it till the juice can be strained off it.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the mashed cucumber and mix it thoroughly.
  • Keep the concoction in a refrigerator till it will be used.
  • Apply the cucumber mixture all over the face and let it remain for 10 minutes.
  • Wash the paste off using cold water.
The effect of the face pack can be felt almost immediately. The skin will feel smooth and soft. Cucumber pack helps to open the pores in the skin enabling it to breathe. The cooling effect of the cucumber will also leave the skin feeling thoroughly rejuvenated. The pack is also extremely effective as a scrub for other parts of the body.

Coconut Oil Face Pack

Coconut Oil Face Pack

Though we are all familiar with the nutritional qualities of coconut, it is largely unknown that coconut oil is also one of the finest natural skin conditioners. Pure coconut oil can help cure and prevent skin problems associated with aging skin such as extreme dryness, wrinkles, flaking and crows feet.

If you're looking for an easy homemade skincare remedy for any of these problems, you can try using the Coconut Oil Face Pack for effective results.

Recipe for preparing Coconut Oil Face Pack

The only ingredient needed to make a coconut oil face pack is pure coconut oil. Nowadays coconut oil is easily available in the markets and is widely used for cooking and also as hair oil in most Asian countries.

How to Prepare and Apply Coconut Oil Face Pack

  • Take a small portion of the Coconut oil in your palms and rub it gently on your face. The oil will be absorbed into your skin quickly.
  • Use your fingertips to massage the oil in a forward and backward motion.
  • Massage for 15 to 30 minutes daily over a period of 2-3 weeks for positive results.

Benefits of Coconut Oil Face Pack

You will begin noticing a reduction in wrinkles and crows feet on your face in 2 to 3 weeks time. Coconut oil is also helpful in fighting against minor skin infections such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.

Do not use this Face Pack in case you're allergic to Coconut oil.

Clay Mask

Clay Mask

A clay mask is extremely beneficial for those who suffer from skin problems and skin troubles. Clay has a purifying effect on skin. Organic clay can detoxify, filter and lift up impurities from deep pores, helping to clear the skin. Clay is rich in mineral content.

Minerals have a fine absorbing property that attracts impurities and dirt from the skin leaving it blemish free and glowing with health. A clay mask is quite easy to prepare and does not involve long hours of work.

A clay mask is suited for all skin types. The oil absorbing properties of clay makes it extremely suited for people with oily skin and also helps to reduce blackheads and whiteheads in such cases.

The clay mask will have a soothing and calming effect on people who suffer from redness and irritation on facial skin.

Clay Mask Ingredients

To make clay mask, the main ingredient required is the clay. A wide range of blending ingredients can be used along with the clay. One of the most well appreciated combinations is:
  • Half Teaspoon Green Clay (French is preferred)
  • Half Teaspoon Kaolin Clay
  • Half Tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 Tablespoon Rosewater
  • 2 Drops Rose Essential Oil

Clay Mask Preparation

Mix all the ingredients together to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste all over the face and let it dry for around 10 to 15 minutes. The clay mixture can be refrigerated up to 4 weeks for regular use.

The clay mask helps to reduce the activity of bacteria growth in the skin making it less prone to skin infections and irritation. The mask helps to refine the skin texture and makes it look more prominent. Try the clay mask and feel the fresh, vibrant and glowing effect on your skin.

Chamomile Lip Balm

Chamomile Lip Balm

Are you looking for a cure for your dry, chapped lips? Chamomile lip balm will give your lips a healthy look. There are a number of major brands that use chamomile extract in their lip balms. However, you can make your own chamomile lip balm at home. Here's how:

Chamomile Lip Balm Ingredients

  • 1/2 tsp. (dried) Chamomile Flowers
  • 1/2 tsp. Macadamia Nut Oil
  • 1 tsp. Lanolin
  • 1/2 tsp. Jojoba Oil
  • 1/2 tsp. Beeswax (shavings)
  • 1/2 tsp. Cocoa Butter

Preparation of Chamomile Lip Balm

  • Melt the macadamia nut oil, jojoba oil, lanolin and the cocoa butter, in a double-boiler.
  • Add the dried chamomile flowers to the mixture and gently stir the mixture for about 10 minutes.
  • Use a fine strainer or sieve, to strain the mixture and remove the dried chamomile petals. Strain the mixture into a vessel made of Pyrex. A ramekin would be ideal. Clean the double-boiler.
  • Pour the strained mixture into the clean double-boiler and reheat the mixture.
  • While reheating the mixture, add half teaspoons each of lanolin and beeswax.
  • Heat the mixture continuously till it becomes a smooth liquid. There should be no lumps or granules.
  • Pour this mixture into containers made of cobalt or amber. Allow it to cool and solidify.

How to Apply Chamomile Lip Balm

Chamomile lip balm will keep your lips soft, smooth and supple for long. You can even use this to keep your hands soft and supple. This lip balm is very useful for dry or chapped lips. You can carry this lip balm with you, and use it whenever

Butter Face Mask

Butter Face Mask

You may find it difficult to believe, but butter can make just the perfect natural face mask for you, no matter what your skin type is! And you can easily make a homemade butter face mask with natural ingredients commonly used in our kitchens. This natural beauty pack can be prepared in various combinations to suit different skin types. Identify your skin type before preparing a butter face mask.You will need the following ingredients to make the right butter face mask for your specific skin type:
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • One egg yolk (suitable for dry skin)
  • One large strawberry (suitable for normal skin)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice (suitable for oily skin)
  • 1 inch cucumber (to remove dark circles)

How to Prepare:

For Dry and Normal Skin:

  • Blend a large strawberry with the butter.
  • Add the yolk of an egg and mix thoroughly to make an even paste

For Oily Skin:

  • Blend a large strawberry with the butter.
  • Fold in one tablespoon of lime juice.

To Remove Dark Circles:

  • Blend together the strawberry, butter and cucumber to make a smooth paste.

How to Apply:

  • Gently apply the butter mask over your face and neck.
  • Keep it for 10 -15 minutes or till it dries.
  • Gently wash off with cool water and pat dry.
This easy yet affordable beauty tip for your face, can work wonders on your skin. Butter, which is a rich source of Vitamin A, can effectively revive a sunburned or damaged skin, restoring its natural beauty.

Alpha-hydroxy acid in strawberry has anti-aging properties and reduces wrinkles. It helps to gently cleanse your skin and get rid of acne.

The egg yolk helps to moisturize your skin and reduce wrinkles.

Cucumber has similar pH as our skin and therefore helps retain the natural oil of our skin when applied as a mask. It effectively reduces puffiness.

Lemon has great astringent properties and cleans your skin from blackheads and extra oil.

This beauty pack, while being inexpensive, is also made from natural ingredients and is non-toxic.

Note: Do not use this face mask if you are allergic to any ingredient.

Basil Facial Mask

Basil Facial Mask

If you are sitting at home wondering about the best way to cleanse your facial skin, moisturize and tighten it to hide all those wrinkles without going to a parlor and spending your hard earned money then, we have the perfect solutions for you! Homemade masks and facials are a blessing for people who wish to enjoy a taut and deeply cleansed skin without

worrying about the adverse effects of chemicals from regular use of cosmetic products.

Basil facial mask can be easily prepared using ingredients used in homes all around the world. Basil, the main ingredient in making the mask, is known for its toning, tightening and soothing capabilities. Once you apply and remove the mask, you will immediately feel the difference in your skin and see it glow from within.

Ingredients for Making Basil Facial Mask

The ingredients for Basil Facial Mask are mentioned below:

  • 30 Grams of Chervil Sheets
  • 30 Grams of Basil Sheets
  • 30 Grams of Thyme Sheets
  • 30 Grams of Vervain Sheets

Preparation of Basil Facial Mask

To prepare the basil facial mask, you need to:
  • First, grind and mix the sheets together until you obtain a fine powder base.
  • The powder has to be blended with water to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste all over your face and your neck and leave on till it becomes dry.
  • When you feel the skin tighten under it due to the drying effect, wash the mask off using normal temperature water.
Most of the mentioned ingredients are easily available in the market or the pharmacy stores. The mask itself can be applied easily without much hassle. Try out the basil facial mask to experience a smooth, wrinkle free, and glowing facial complexion that can rival the effect of a professionally done facial from a parlor.

Banana Hair Pack

Banana Hair Pack

Do you have a bunch of ripe, soggy bananas lying in your kitchen that you're about to throw away? Don't! Instead, you can use them to prepare a vitamin-rich homemade Banana Hair Pack to pamper and condition your hair.

Recipe for making Banana Hair Pack

To make a Banana Hair Pack at home, you need the following ingredients:
  • Ripe bananas (the numbers could vary depending upon the length of your hair)
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • 2-5 drops of almond oil
  • 1 Egg Yolk (Incase you have dry hair)

How to prepare a Banana Hair Pack

  • Mix the bananas, honey, egg yolk and almond oil in a blender to make a smooth paste.
  • Moisten your hair with warm water and apply the paste to your hair.
  • Use a shower cap or wrap your hair with a towel to ensure the pack penetrates deep into the roots.
  • Let the pack set for about 25-30 minutes.
  • Wash it off with a regular shampoo.

Benefits of applying Banana Hair Pack

Banana is a rich source of potassium, Vitamin B and Vitamin C and helps to protect our hair from the damages caused by exposure to dirt, pollution and other toxins in the environment. Vitamin B found in bananas is effective in preventing split ends. This simple, homemade hair pack also serves as an excellent treatment for dandruff by retaining moisture in your scalp.


Avoid using the Banana Hair Pack in case you're allergic to any of the ingredients used in the preparation.
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Avocado Cucumber Face Pack

Avocado Cucumber Face Pack

Used extensively in facial creams, masks and cleansers, Avocado has been part of age-old beauty secrets and also finds use in today’s exclusive spas. Primarily grown in the sub tropical and tropical regions, it is today found in all supermarkets. A natural face pack with avocado and cucumber can do wonders to dry skin from without as well as within.

Here’s how you can make a homemade avocado cucumber face pack that improves skin texture and revitalizes the skin as well.

Ingredients for Avocado Cucumber Face Pack.:

  • 2 – 3 tbsp avocado
  • Same amount of pure honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 cucumber mashed

How to Prepare avocado cucumber face pack:

Mix the avocado and honey very well and add egg yolk to it. Blend the mixture well till you get a smooth texture. Now add the mashed cucumber.

How to Apply avocado cucumber face pack:

With your hand apply the mixture prepared evenly on your face. Avoid your eyes and the immediate area around it. Leave the natural face pack on for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how the homemade mask makes your dry, rough skin noticeably softer and suppler.

Note: Do not use this face mask if you are allergic to any ingredient.
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