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Saturday, March 26, 2011



Hi, I have a problem with my skin. I have pimples on my back and also have pimple marks. Can you please suggest something to cure my problem?
Thanks and regards,

Every minute our skin sheds millions of dead cells. Instead of simply falling off and giving way to fresh cells underneath, these dead cells hang on, causing innumerable skin problems. The solution to most of these problems lies in exfoliation.

Often, when we apply soap to our bodies, it is not sufficient to remove all the layers of dirt, oil, dead skin cells and sebum blocking our pores. Although it is easy enough to clean the face well with a face wash as we tend to spend a minute or so scrubbing it, the same does not hold true for our entire body. Most of us just layer on the soap and wash it off. While we may spend more time cleaning our hands and stomach with the soap, we tend to neglect our back. This leads us to develop unsightly pimples and boils on the back, and if you live in a warm and humid climate, you will be especially prone to such pimples. Readers often write in and ask me what they can do to cure such skin problems. The answer lies in exfoliation. All you need to do is to scrub your back with a loofah or washcloth when in the shower. Apply soap, scrub your entire body well, concentrating on your back, and wash off. Your soap will also foam up much more, with the result that you will need to use less soap while bathing!

Scrub your entire body, not just the back. Remember to scrub towards the heart, which means up from the legs and stomach, and down from the shoulders.

The benefits of scrubbing are many. Not only does it clean up the skin completely, clearing out pores and enabling your body to pump out toxins more effectively, but it also reduces the likelihood of developing unsightly cellulite. In addition, scrubbing pumps up blood circulation and aids blood flow to the heart.

Treat your body to a wonderful spa-like salt scrub. Salt scrubs are famous for their ability to transform even dry, coarse skin into soft, glowing skin. You will need:
1 cup sea salt
Enough water or oil to form a paste. Oil is preferable to water.

Dampen your entire body and then massage this mixture all over. You should enlist the help of a masseur or your spouse to do this. Once you have applied this mixture on your entire body, take a loofah and start scrubbing in a circular motion, working the mixture into your skin. Work upwards, beginning at the feet. After a half an hour massage, take a shower with warm water, and towel dry. Your skin will feel incredibly soft, and will be glowing with richness! For maximum benefit, do this on a weekly basis, and if that is not possible, do this at least once a month.



We have already seen how often you should exfoliate, depending on your age and skin type. Read more about the benefits of exfoliating your entire body.

Exfoliation isn't just for the face. Regular exfoliating and moisturizing will ensure that your skin looks smooth well into your fifties, but then what about your neck. We have all seen unlined, ageless faces perched atop wrinkled necks. If you don't want this to happen to you, understand the importance of treating your neck with as much care as you treat your face, and start exfoliating and moisturizing it now. Exfoliate your neck at least twice a week. Wet your face before exfoliating, and then gently rub your skin using a circular motion, with clean hands.

Always use products designed only for the face, whether you are exfoliating your face or your neck. Exfoliating scrubs designed for the body will be too harsh for the face and you run the risk of bursting blood vessels. Yes, there is such a thing called over-exfoliation, so ensure that you are very gentle at all times. If you exfoliate daily, rub your skin very gently or, ideally, use an exfoliating face wash.

The enzymes in papaya too are great for exfoliating the skin. Mash a papaya and apply it to your face, avoiding the delicate area under your eyes. Rinse off after fifteen minutes with tepid water.

Every once a month, try this before your shower. Take some granulated salt in a small bowl and mix in enough olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mixture all over your body. Leave on for around ten to fifteen minutes while you complete your other morning rituals. Scrub off in a gentle, circular motion, with the help of a bath sponge, if required. This mask removes dead cells from all over your body, leaving your skin clean, fresh and glowing. After you finish off with your shower, don't forget to apply a generous amount of body cream all over.

The rough areas of your elbows and knees, and the soles of the feet also require regular exfoliation to prevent them from turning dry and dark. In order for moisturizer to really penetrate these areas, they need to be clean and free from dead cells. If they are covered with a thick layer of sebum and dead cells, you can apply as much moisturizer as you want, to little avail. These areas require strong exfoliation, and nothing works as well as a pumice stone. Scrub your elbows, knees and feet, concentrating on the heels with a pumice stone daily while bathing, and follow up with moisturizer.

Don't forget to exfoliate your lips too. Lips benefit greatly from exfoliation. As all of us know, lips dry out faster than many other areas of our body, and are constantly peeling and cracking. Exfoliating lips gently, regularly, helps get rid of dead, dry skin, so when you follow up with your favourite lip balm you really see results. The best way to exfoliate lips is to scrub them gently, daily with a soft toothbrush.



Chapped lips, dry hair, split ends, dry, itchy skin� all this and more is often wrought upon us every winter. Here are tips on how to ensure your hair and skin stays soft, supple and well moisturised during these months.


Dry, cracked and chapped lips are a common winter complaint, and severe cases of chapped lips can be very painful, not to mention unattractive. What�s worse is that lipstick makes cracks stand out even more instead of concealing them. However, chapped and peeling lips can be cured within a couple of days. Apply lip balm generously and bush your lips gently with a soft toothbrush until the flakes have dislodged. Apply another coat of lip balm, and skip the lipstick unless it is richly moisturising. Matte lipsticks dry out lips, so steer clear of them. Brushing lips with a toothbrush also plumps them up and makes them look fuller and sexier, so do this every morning before stepping out.

Almond oil makes for a great lip moisturiser. Simply apply some almond oil to lips before turning in for the night. You could also heat grated beeswax and almond oil and mix them together. You could also add Vitamin E oil to this mixture.


Skin often goes dry in the winter, but can return to normal within a week. When you splash water on your face, make sure it�s not hot water as hot water uses up the skin�s moisture. Cold water on the other hand stirs up circulation, temporarily closes large pores and brings a glow to the face, so splash cold water on your face a couple of times a day. However, skip washing your face with a face wash and instead opt for a gentle, cream cleanser. Make sure you use an alcohol-free toner and follow up with a thick moisturiser which contains collagen, lactic acid or urea. It is best to apply moisturiser on damp skin, as this locks in the moisture. Similarly, apply body lotion to your skin immediately after a shower, when your skin is still damp and you have not yet completely wiped it dry. Scrub your face once a week in the winter before applying moisturiser as this removes dead skin from the top and allows the moisturiser to reach the bottom layers of skin.

At times excessively dry skin can start itching. This happens when the skin develops cracks due to dryness, and bacteria and other irritants enter these cracks. These cracks are so fine that they are invisible to the naked eye, so if your face starts itching don�t expect to see a cracked up face in the mirror! Calamine lotions soothe itchy skin, as do aloe vera lotions. If itching is severe you could try applying Benadryl creams, which temporarily control the itching.


Winter is often accompanied by dry hair, an increase in split ends, more static in the hair and more frizzies. Your hair requires not just conditioning but a deep conditioning treatment. For an at-home, do it yourself deep conditioning treatment, try this: Apply conditioner generously to your hair, cover your head with a shower cap and wash off after an hour, or leave on overnight and wash off in the morning. You could also steam your hair after applying the conditioner, and then wash it off after half an hour. Conditioner works better than oil because it is easier for conditioner to penetrate the hair shaft. Oiled hair is most benefited if hair is steamed after applying oil.



You can be beautiful even if you are dark, and unattractive even if you are fair. So why lay such a premium on fair skin.

Why is it so important to be fair

We all know women who are beautiful even if they are not light skinned, and we all know fair skinned girls who are unattractive. Still, all of us spend hours trying to lighten our skin and on wishing that we had lighter skin, and thousands of rupees on products that claim to lighten our skin.

More damaging than the time and money spent, is the inbuilt belief that you are in some manner inferior because you are not 'fair'.

Girls with dark complexions grow up wishing that they had lighter skin, and often develop an inferiority complex. Thankfully, for some, this complex vanishes as they grow older and wiser and discover numerous abilities and talents, but sadly, others never seem to be able to let go of the feeling of inadequacy. Not surprisingly though, when you take a look at any matrimonial ad, and the text will in all probability say looking for a convent educated, fair, beautiful girl And considering that our entire culture evolves around marriage, fair women suddenly seem to command a premium.

Any wonder then that a girl with dark skin will want to lighten it

Beauty companies feed off this inbuilt insecurity, and make millions as they sell their fairness creams to women. The ads make it seem so easy if you transform yourself into a fair skinned woman, you will get the job you want, and the man you want. Needless to say, it's not that easy, and no matter what you believe at the moment, the colour of your skin should be the lowest on your list of beautification priorities. Concentrate the time, effort and money that you would on trying to get fair, on something else, and the results would be far more satisfying.

Here are some tips:

It�s a mistaken belief that if you have dark skin, you should not colour your hair light. Nothing is further from the truth. Don't hesitate before adding blonde highlights. They brighten up your complexion, making you look radiant.

Take care of your hair, and ensure it is always well groomed.

If you have frizzy, flyaway hair, style it regularly so it doesn't look messy. 32 year old Hetal doesn't even remember what her hair looks like without blowdrying it, because she is so particular about blowdrying and styling her hair after every wash.

If you don't have the time or patience for blowdrying your hair regularly, get your hair permed. If you are light skinned, you can get away with sporting frizzy hair, but if you are dark, with dark, frizzy hair, colouring it and then blowdrying it straight even if you don't opt for chemical straightening, can make a world of a difference.

White and red suits dark skinned women, so wear these colours often. I know many women whose entire wardrobe consists only of 2-3 colours, because they know what colours suit them, and don't see the need to wear anything else. You could also figure out what colours don't suit you, and stay away from them. There is really no need to possess a top in every colour under the sun. If you have the features, cut your hair short (think Halle Berry). Not everyone can carry off hair this short, but if you can, go for it, as short hair that looks good looks far more effective and attractive than long hair.

Do fairness creams work

They do, to a certain extent. Don't fool yourself into believing that they will make you fair. They will, at the most, lighten your skin slightly, but glowing skin will only come from within. Exercise regularly, and before long your skin will start glowing with health and vitality and a glowing, healthy skin beats light, pale and unhealthy skin any day!



What is acne?

Acne consists of those terrible, red, swollen, pus-filled pimples which are the every woman�s worst nightmare. The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris, usually found on women with oily skin. Acne occurs most often during puberty, because hormonal changes cause a greater secretion of sebum or oil. The oil blocks the pores, causing acne. Almost every woman will experience a few acne pimples at some point in her life.

There are various other factors that could cause acne.

  • Pores clogged by dirt or pollution.
  • An undue amount of stress.
  • Hormonal changes caused by menstruation.
  • Too many soft drinks and too much fried food or chocolates.
  • Do your parents have a pimple problem? Genes could be a factor.
  • Some forms of medication.
  • Dandruff or a greasy scalp. Certain types of products you use in your hair could also irritate your skin, causing acne.

While acne is commonly seen at adolescence, many women get it during pregnancy as well, again due to hormonal changes. However, a few months after delivery the acne subsides as the hormone levels normalize. Surprising as it may sound, many women get acne for the first time in their mid-thirties or forties! This type of acne is called �acne rosacea�.

Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment

The next time you pick up a face wash or pimple cure cream read the list of ingredients to find out if it contains benzoyl peroxide, very effective for fighting acne. Acne is bacteria, growing in a clogged pore, and benzoyl peroxide fights bacteria. Just make sure you smear enough of it, and use it often. Your skin will start clearing up.

Fight acne on your back by making sure you scrub your back with a loofah or rough cloth while showering, after applying soap. Giving your bath a one minute scrub everyday will work wonders. If you exercise, take a shower after your workout. Don�t wait too long, or the sweat will dry up and clog pores, only aggravating the acne. Apply benzoyl peroxide on your back as well.

Benzoyl peroxide is drying, so if your face or back feels very dry, realize that this is normal. Once your face is clean, you can reduce the amount of cream you apply, and your skin will gradually return to normal.

Other Treatment Options

Antibiotics: Acne can usually be treated by antibiotics. Some antibiotics for acne are very strong, and have severe side effects. The hair may start falling, or the woman may even experience difficulty during childbirth. Never, ever take any acne medication that has been prescribed for another person.

The pill: Some birth control pills can also help treat acne. This is because the hormones in the pill can stabilize the hormones that are causing the oily sebum, which causes acne.

Lazer: Lazer treatments are also effective in treating acne, but this is an expensive option. However, acne medication could also make a rather large hole in your pocket as well!

Irritation: Avoid any form of irritation to your skin. Don�t pick at it or touch it too much, avoid scrubbing it with a harsh cloth, keep hair away from your face and never use substandard makeup.



I am just 24 years old, and have started developing wrinkles on my forehead. Can you please suggest a solution?
- Greeshma

Prevention is no doubt better than cure. Of course, with something like wrinkles, you need to fight a constant prevention battle as they just keep on increasing. Our foreheads, eyes and areas around the mouth are the most susceptible to developing wrinkles. While a laugh line here and there looks charming, a wrinkle on the forehead looks less so, not the least because the permanent frown makes you look like an eternal grouch. So here's what you can do to prevent the premature formation of wrinkles and to essentially delay the process.


We've said it once, and we're saying it again: wear sunglasses before stepping out in the sun. Sunglasses protect your eyes from UV radiation, look cool, and, as if that wasn't enough reason to wear them, they also prevent you from scrunching up your eyes and forehead in the sun. You may not realize this, but if you happen to be out in the afternoon without a pair of shades, you accelerate the development of wrinkles on your forehead.


Moisturise your face regularly, even if you have an oily complexion. While applying moisturizer to your forehead, run your hands outward to the sides of your head from the center of your forehead. Do this for a minute, thus giving your forehead a gentle massage and relaxing any tense muscles.


Often when we are concentrating on a particular task, we tend to frown without realizing it, be it working on the computer, reading a book or newspaper, or even cooking. Discourage yourself from frowning involuntarily by applying a thin tape, horizontally, on your forehead, between your brows, for the duration of the task that causes you to frown.


Thanks to advances in medicine, cures that do not involve surgery, are not so hard to come by.

Wrinkle reducing creams

The market is flooded with a plethora of creams that claim to reduce and even diminish fine wrinkles. Many of these creams work by plumping out the skin and temporarily reducing wrinkles. Thus, these have temporary effects. In fact, due to this plumping out effect, applying wrinkle reducing creams under your eyes is not recommended. When the skin here gets plumped out, it gets stretched more than needed, and this could even speed up the development of wrinkles in this area. Thus your regular facial moisturizer is too heavy for the delicate undereye area. Thus while applying your nightly cream, avoid direct application to the area just ender your eyes. The undereye area will absorb a small amount of cream, which is sufficient. You could also invest in undereye cream, which is just light enough for this area.


Creams containing Retinol, which is essentially Vitamin A, do reduce wrinkles as they work by rejuvenating cells at the lower layers of skin. As Retinol can also be drying and some creams containing Retinol may be too strong, it is safest to apply these creams once in two days, and to alternate with a regular moisturizer. Apply the Retinol cream to your forehead and around your mouth, and rub outwards and upwards with a gentle motion.


Getting rid of frown lines can take years of your face. While this once meant cosmetic surgery, women now have a better option. All it takes is one quick injection during your lunch break, and poof! That large frown line is history. Botox is in fact used to combat only frown lines, and a treatment is so quick, that it can be done over lunch break. However, the effects are temporary, and a Botox injection needs to be given every few months, with a gap of at least three months. Side effects such as headache, nausea, face pain and others have been known to occur.