How To Body Scrubs & Salt Scrubs - - How to Make Your Own Homemade Salt Scrub
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Make your own homemade salt scrub like ones you can buy in stores
Here's How:
- For this body scrub, use whatever salt you have in the house: Sea, epsom or basic table salt. I like to use Turbinado sugar (packaged as "Sugar in the Raw" in stores). Sugar can be gentler on the skin. If you have super sensitive skin, go with dark brown sugar.
- Choose an oil. You can use baby oil or any of the following: organic extra virgin coconut oil (my absolute favorite, which you can buy at a health food store), almond oil, safflower, vegetable. Skip the olive oil, it stinks.
- You want 1 part salt to 1 part oil. Place anywhere from a few tablespoons to a cup of salt in a container. Place equal amount oil. Mix with a spoon. Don't freak out if the salt settles to the bottom. It's virtually impossible to keep it mixed.
- If you want your salt scrub to smell divine, put 5 drops of an essential oil into your mixture. Mix with spoon.
- Now onto the bath itself. I find scrubs work best on dry skin. Step into a bath tub and put on loofah mitts. I like the mitts that you get in health food stores. They really scrub your skin good. If you don't have a bath mitt, don't worry, you can use your hands.
- Take a spoonful of the mixture into your loofah and then rub the mixture all over your body in a circular motion. Rub harder on tougher areas such as the bottom of your feet, elbows and knees. Avoid your neck and face. If you feel the salt is too harsh on your skin, rinse off the loofah and then spoon only the oil onto the loofah.
- Once entire body is scrubbed well, rinse thoroughly
- Pat skin dry. You should be good and cleansed. The salt (or sugar) should have exfoliated your skin nicely with the help of the loofah and the oil should leave skin soft and moisturized. You shouldn't even need to follow the bath with a moisturizer.
- The only bad part about this scrub is the oil can build up on the bathtub bottom. Make sure to clean it up so the next person who gets in doesn't slip.
What You Need:
- salt or sugar
- oil (I prefer organic extra virgin coconut oil, but you can use baby oil)
- a bowl
- essential oils if you choose
- a spoon
- loofah mitt (or you can use your hands)