One of the primary benefits of massage is that it acts as a cleanser pushing along the lymph and hastening the elimination of wastes and toxins in your body. Different oils will help your hands glide smoothly over your skin. It is advisable to use cold-pressed fruit and/or vegetable oils, rather than mass-produced oils. Commercially produced oils are believed to dry the skin and clog the pores.
Massage benefits blood and lymph circulation. Good circulation is vital to good health. Your blood and lymph carry nourishment to millions of cells throughout your body and carry away the waste eliminated from the cells. Massage increases the flow of blood and lymph, encourages better exchange of nutrients at the cellular level, and promotes detoxification.
One of the many benefits of massage is loosening of muscles. Muscles contract around any painful site to protect the area. Many people do not realize how much a tight muscle impacts on vital things such as posture. A tense muscle can throw off the balance in your body. Before long, muscles that were not initially tight begin to tense as they compensate for other parts of the body. It becomes a chain reaction that can spread far from the initial problem spot. If pain is resolved promptly, muscles relax. If pain persists, muscles can become habitually tight. This also goes for tendons and ligaments, if they are too tight, they could be perpetually tightened and be painful.
A massage therapist can identify the source of the problem and start working to ease the problem where it started. Transverse massage separates muscle fibers, undoing or preventing the formations of adhesions. Massage stretches connective tissue, improves its circulation and nutrition so that it breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions, and reduces the danger of fibroids.
Benefits of massage also include relaxation and stress release. People underestimate the benefits of escaping the day for an hour or so to enjoy a massage. Stress and tension put a strain on your immune system and that is the last thing you want to put a strain on.