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Monday, September 26, 2011

Nail Growth Ideas

Nail Growth Ideas

The speed of nail growth increases if you enjoy a healthy diet. This is not a joke but a proven fact. Illness however, can slow it down.

Enhancing Nail Growth
  • Rub the fingernails of one hand across the nails of the other hand for about 5 minutes each day. This will increase nail growth.
  • Strong cleaning products and the sun can break your nails. Use a sun block cream while going out into the sun. While doing household chores use a pair of gloves. Use a good moisturizer on your hands each night before going to bed.
  • Corners of your nail should not be filed. Filing them will weaken the nail and they will break easily.
  • Food rich in potassium, iron, calcium and vitamin B are especially good for your nails. Almonds, garlic, spinach celery, yogurt, eggs and seafood are good for your nails.
  • Drinking insufficient water can cause your nails to break.
  • If your nails are brittle then do not use perfumes that contain alcohol, as this will further deteriorate the condition of your nails.
  • Use four fingers of the opposite hand and knead each finger from the tip to the bottom of each finger. It will relax your fingers.
  • Almonds contain fatty acids that are good for your nail. Eat 6 almonds a day and your nails will visibly improve.
  • To prevent yourself from biting your nails, make a paste of the gel from one fresh aloe leaf by double boiling it in a pan. Put into a jar and apply this paste on your nails to prevent biting. Ingesting too much of this paste will cause vomiting.
  • To encourage nail growth massage the cuticle and nail with your finger tips.
Some don'ts of good nail growth
  • Don't wash dishes without wearing a pair of rubber gloves.
  • Do not pick at your nail polish, as you will damage the nail.
  • Don't let your nails grow too long as they will break easily.
  • Don't use your nails as tools as this will weaken your nail.
  • Don't go out in public with chipped polish.
  • Remember to moisturize your cuticles every night.
Some Facts about Nail Growth
  1. A healthy toenail takes about a year to grow out completely.
  2. A healthy fingernail takes about six months to grow out completely.
  3. Nails grow faster in the summer.
  4. Men's nails generally grow faster than women's.
  5. Nails grow faster on the hand you use most.

Manicured Hands

Manicured Hands

Our hands do a lot for us and need nurturing in return. A manicure can improve nail and skin condition. In a professional manicure nails are gently shaped then the nail plate cleaned with either non-drying polish removers or special soaks. Art of manicure began 5000 years ago. In India, henna was used for manicure. The term Mehandi, used synonymously for henna, derives from the Sanskrit mehandika. The word "manicure" comes from the Latin manus, meaning, "hand," and cura meaning, "care".

French Manicure
  • Before beginning you should prepare your hands and nails. Clean your hands with some body scrub. Rinse your hand well and dry thoroughly.
  • Then file your nails neatly. While filing move the file in one direction only from the outer corner to the center. Changing the file direction often can damage the nail plate. Use a file that has a fine surface and smoothly glides over the nail.
  • Apply a layer of sweet almond oil to nourish and soften your nails. Wrap a warm towel and leave for about15 minutes. Unwrap and then push your cuticles back using a rubber hoof stick. Rinse hands in warm water to remove oil and dry thoroughly.
  • Apply a coat of base over your nail to strengthen the nail. This leaves a smooth surface to apply nail polish.
  • If you want your nails to look square, paint a straight line across the tip, along the tip of the nail for a rounded appearance. If you want your nails to look pointed, paint from the sides towards the center. While painting your nails place your hand on a flat surface. Keep the ball of the hand you are painting steady by placing in on the same surface. Allow the polish to dry.
  • As a final coat apply a coat of translucent shell-pink polish over the nail to seal the whitened tip and this will complete the look. If you want extra shine and protection apply a clear, glossy topcoat.
A manicure is a beauty treatment for your fingernails and hands. Apart from cleaning, nourishing, softening your hands, a manicure will also include filing and shaping the nails and applying nail polish. A manicurist can also apply jewels on nails, paint pictures or designs on them. You should visit a manicurist who is licensed as he is dealing with the skin of your hand. There is a risk of infection if the tools are not properly cleaned and sanitized as the same tools are used on a number of people.

Diabetic Nail Care

Diabetic Nail Care

People with diabetes often have altered sensation in their feet and therefore if they have cracked nails as well it will lead to decreased ability to feel pain, heat or cold. This can result in injury and a delay in getting care for an injury. An injury can lead to a foot ulcer that can become infected. It often takes a long time for an ulcer to heal. Among diabetics changes often take place in the walls of blood vessels. This change leads to the thickening of the walls that makes the blood vessels stiff. This may lead to decreased circulation in the lower legs and feet. This is important because it reduces the body's ability to heal an injury or fight an infection. Complications of foot injuries can lead to amputation.

It is important to control your blood sugar and blood pressure to maintain your health and prevent complications. Also, the key to maintaining healthy feet is to prevent injury by following a plan to check and care for your feet. The following are some measures to assist you in preventing foot problems.

Daily Foot Care Guide:
  • Wash your feet every day using mild soap and warm water. Check the water temperature with your hand or elbow before placing your feet in the water.
  • Dry your feet well. Make sure to dry in between the toes.
  • Look at your feet. Check for any cracks, dry skin, cuts, redness, swelling, and change in temperature.
  • Apply lotion to dry or cracked skin and to the soles of your feet. Do not put lotion between toes.
  • If there are any signs of infection such as swelling, redness, drainage, fever, or chills consult your doctor immediately.
  • Keep toenails neatly trimmed. Cut the nails according to the shape of your toes so they are even with the skin on the end of your toes. Avoid cutting down into the corners. Never cut skin at the end of your toes. Make sure you trim your toenails in proper light. Trim toenails only after soaking feet, for example, after a bath or shower. If your toenails are thickened, you may have to have them trimmed by a doctor.
  • Report signs of ingrown toenails: redness, drainage, and swelling.
  • If you have trouble with your eyesight then have someone help you trim your toenails.
  • Do not try to cut off corns or calluses. If you have corns or calluses, inform your doctor during your next visit. Wearing soft socks and well-fitted shoes can prevent corns or calluses.
Suggestions To Prevent Injury
  • Avoid extreme temperatures. Do not let feet remain wet. Protect your feet from sunlight by using a sunscreen.
  • Do not apply heating pad or hot water bottle to feet. Do not cross legs. Avoid smoking as it constricts blood vessels hence reducing blood circulation to your legs and feet.
  • Every time you visit your doctor ask him to check your feet.
  • If you have a problem with your feed consult your doctor immediately.
  • If the level of your blood sugar has increased then consult your doctor immediately and this could be a sign of infection.

A step by step guide to help to achieve a professional looking pedicure in your own home, saving time and money.

A step by step guide to help to achieve a professional looking pedicure in your own home, saving time and money.

Giving yourself a professional looking pedicure at home is a snap if you follow some simple steps. Pedicures can be done alone of course, but they are so much more fun when you invite a group of girlfriends over for a pedicure party. Here are tips to help you achieve salon quality results without the expense.

You need the following materials, which you can find at drug or beauty supply stores.

Pumice stone or dry skin buffer

Toe separators or cotton balls/roll

Emory board

Cuticle remover

Orangewood stick

Color nail polish

Base coat

Top coat

Nail polish remover

Quick dry spray

Nail clippers

Dish pan

Cotton balls


Cuticle nippers, if desired


Nail buffer, if desired

Paper pedicure slippers, if desired.

1. Thoroughly saturate a cotton ball with nail polish remover and use it to remove any old polish you may have on your toenails from you last pedicure. Gently pressing the cotton ball on the nail for a moment before wiping the nail with a circular motion will make it easier to remove the polish.

2. Fill the dishpan with enough warm soapy water to cover your feet. Soak for at least five minutes.

Note: Whenever you are working on one foot, the other foot should be soaking in the warm water.

3. Dry your foot and apply the cuticle remover at the base of each nail. Wait one minute for the remover to soften the cuticle. Use the wedged end of the orangewood stick to push the cuticle back. If desired, carefully snip off the excess cuticle. Repeat this procedure on the other foot.

Note: If you like, you may trim your cuticles with cuticle nippers. I don't recommend this if you aren't experienced at it. Once you start trimming cuticles you have to keep doing it every time you give yourself a pedicure. You may nick yourself in the process and bleed. This will not make for a relaxing pedicure experience!

4. Using the nail clippers, cut off any nails that are too long. Length is a personal preference, but make sure the nail is shorter than the toe. Be careful not to cut the nails too short as this can cause ingrown toenails and can be quite painful. With the emery board, file the nail into a square shape.

5. Use the nail buffer to smooth any roughness or ridges on the surface of the nails.

6. Wet the pumice stone in the dishpan. Rub any areas of dry or flaking skin gently with the pumice stone. Rinse the foot and dry. You may also use skin buffing sponge instead of the pumice stone.

Note: Do not ever use a filing tool that cuts your skin or allow one to be used on your feet. Not only is it unsanitary, but you may cut too deeply, causing pain or even drawing blood.

7. Apply a generous amount of lotion to the foot, massaging it in and taking care to cover all the foot, especially the dry and flaky parts. Massage the lotion up your legs to your knees. Close your eyes and relax for 10 minutes, allowing your skin to soak in the soothing lotion.

8. Saturate a cotton ball with nail polish remover and go back over your toenails, making sure that all lotion residue is removed. This is important, since the polish will not stick to any surface that still has lotion residue on it.

9. Press the toe separators between the toes, so that each toe is not rubbing on the next.

Note: If doing a group pedicure, make sure that each person has their own pair of toe separators, for the sake of hygiene. If toe separators are not available, use cotton balls or a roll of cotton. Be very careful to keep the cotton away from the nails themselves, as cotton fibers will ruin the look of the polish.

10. Brush 1 coat of the base coat over each nail. Allow it to dry for one minute.

11. Apply 2 coats of the nail color. Allow it to dry for 5 minutes.

12. Apply the top coat. Allow it to dry for 1 minute, then spray your nails with the quick dry spray.

If possible allow a half hour for the nails to dry completely. If you don't have that much time, carefully remove the toe separators and slip your feet into open toed shoes. Be very careful that the wet nails don't touch the shoes or other toes. You may want to use the paper "sandals" that are available at beauty supply stores to preserve your polish until it is dry.

This entire procedure should take about an hour. After your nails are dry, you can look down often and admire your handiwork. Your pedicure should last about 2 weeks, or even longer if you apply more coats of the topcoat.

Pedicure Tips

Follow thesePedicure Tips

for the perfect, at-home pedicure that will last from one to two weeks

Nothing ruins a good pair of sandals or open-toe shoes like unkempt feet. For a pretty, polished look, give your feet a makeover by following these at-home pedicure tips.

Pedicure tips for the perfect pedicure

Follow these 10 pedicure tips, and your feet will thank you for it.

  • Pedicure tip 1. Remove polish from toenails.
  • Pedicure tip 2. Fill tub or footbath with warm-not hot-water. Add your favorite bath salts and one tablespoon of olive oil. The salts soften dry skin and calluses, and the olive oil moisturizes the skin. Soak feet for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Pedicure tip 3. Gently rub an exfoliating body scrub on the bottoms of your feet. Rinse your feet with cool water. Rub your heels and the balls of your feet with a pumice stone to remove dead skin and soften-not remove-corns and calluses. Don't use a callus razor, an instrument used for shaving dry skin from the feet. Removing corns and calluses in this manner can lead to serious foot infections.
  • Pedicure tip 4. Thoroughly dry your feet with a clean towel.
  • Pedicure tip 5. Trim toenails, cutting them straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Gently push back cuticles with an orange stick. Don't cut your cuticles, just gently push them back. Cuticles are necessary to prevent bacteria from entering the skin.
  • Pedicure tip 6. Moisturize your entire foot-including your cuticles and in between your toes-with a good foot cream. Massage cream into skin.
  • Pedicure tip 7. Apply a clear polish to your toenails. Wait a few minutes until the polish is dry.
  • Pedicure tip 8. Apply a color polish to your toenails. For more intense color, repeat.
  • Pedicure tip 9. Apply a clear polish to help prevent chipping.
  • Pedicure tip 10. Clean up stray color with a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover.

Allow toenails to dry for at least 30 minutes-several hours when possible-to prevent smudging.

Pedicure tips that will make your pedicure last

If you have followed the pedicure tips above, the results should last one to two weeks. A final tip: To keep color fresh and chip-free, apply a single coat of polish two to three days after the initial application. Remember to keep feet smooth and pretty by applying a daily moisturizer.

Fish spa, emu farming, organic market

Fish spa, emu farming, organic market

Krishi Mela being held at GKVK campus witnessed more than one lakh people on day one. The annual farming expo had about 540 stalls showcasing the latest in agricultural technology, methodologies, organic produce from across the State.

Fish  spa, emu farming, organic market and more at Krishi MelaFish spa, emu farming, organic market and more at Krishi Mela

Krishi Mela 2010, the annual farming
expo, was inaugurated at the Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK) in Bangalore on Thursday. The latest in agriculture technology, methodologies, crop strains, organic produce from across the state will be showcased in nearly 400 stalls. "Visitors will be taken on an educational tour around the 1,300-acre campus and shown the varieties of crops being cultivated on campus. They will also be introduced to the latest experiments the university is conducting," said Dr L Ramakrishna Rao, a senior professor at the university.

"This year, we are exhibiting four varieties of hybrid crops. Special attention will also be given to organic farming. There will be an information cell where farmers can get details on all aspects including credit schemes that they can avail," said Dr K Narayana Gowda, vice-chancellor, University of Agricultural Sciences.
Among other attractions are the integrated farming system that allows for poultry farming, fish rearing, rabbit rearing, growing flowering crops, vegetables, cereals pulses, and timber-yielding trees in a single hectare of land. Two agriculturists each (one man and a woman) from 17 districts will be recognized and honored for their outstanding work. The Corp and MH Marigowda awards will also be given away during the occasion.

Also this year's edition of Krishi Mela will showcase, among other things, the fish varieties that are used for fish pedicure, a phenomenon that is gaining popularity among beauty therapists and spa-goers. The fish pedicure involves placing the feet in a tank filled with fish that eat the dead tissue, leaving the feet softened. The pavilion would also showcase emu farming, as the rearing of this big bird variety is becoming popular among farmers. According to Dr. Seenappa, 10 to 12 big emu farms, having 100 to 200 birds each, have come up in areas around Bangalore. Each bird would fetch about Rs. 40,000, he noted.

The mela would also present new concepts such as organic waste recycle fish ponds in which a variety of fish would survive by eating plants and its excreta would become food for another variety of fish. Similarly, there is “duck-fish farming” under which the duck survived by eating insects while its excreta would be the main food for the fish.