Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils into Home & Daily Use
There are many ways in which essential oils can be used in daily grooming, which has the added benefit of the therapeutic properties of the essential oils. I will outline some of the easiest and most effective techniques, but I urge you to be creative and fill your home with essential oils. There are numerous ways in which essential oils can be used. I will outline some of the easiest and most effective techniques, but I urge you to be creative and fill your home with essential oils.
Essential oils are simple to use in the bath. Just fill the bath and scatter about six drops of your chosen undiluted oil into the water, agitating it thoroughly. Do not add the essential oil until you have run the bath completely, otherwise the oil will evaporate with the heat of the water and the therapeutic properties will be lost before you climb in! Always disperse the oil - if you inadvertently sit down on neat essential oil of, say, tangerine you will jump up again very quickly! Shut the door to keep the precious aromas in and stay in the bath for at least fifteen minutes to allow the oil to penetrate deeply into your body tissues.
If you desire, you may blend your six drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. This is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, although carrier oils can leave a greasy ring around the bath. However, special, unscented bath oils, which contain natural dispersing agents, can be purchased. These leave the skin feeling soft but not greasy. Choose any vegetable oil such as sweet almond, wheatgerm, avocado or jojoba. You could mix up enough oil for several baths. Your skin will feel soft, nourished and supple.
Nowadays some people have their own Jacuzzi or hydrotherapy bath. USe the same number of drops as you would in a normal bath, although if it is a large hydrotherapy bath designed for two or three persons then ten drops may be added. Sprinkle in your essential oils after the bath has been filled.
Footbaths and handbaths are highly beneficial in situations where it is impractical to enjoy a full aromatherapy bath perhaps if you are elderly or have a disability. Footbaths, in particular, are incredibly relaxing at the end of a long, hard day. They are excellent for foot conditions such as athlete's foot and pain and swelling in the feet. Handbaths help to relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.
Add six drops of essential oil to a bowl of hand-hot water just before you immerse your feet or hands and soak for about ten to fifteen minutes.
A sitz bath is invaluable in cases of cystitis, haemorrhoids, vaginal discharge, stitches after childbirth, and so on. Sprinkle about four to six drops of pure essential oil into a bowl of hand-hot water and sit in the bowl for about ten minutes. If you are fortunate enough to have a bidet then use the same number of drops. Ensure that the essential oil and water are thoroughly mixed.
Compresses can be used for a variety of disorders such as muscular aches and pains, bruises, rheumatic and arthritic pain, headaches and sprains.
You may apply compresses either hot or cold. Alternate hot and cold compresses are invaluable for treating sprains. As a general rule, where there is a fever, acute pain or hot swellings use a cold compress. When treating chronic (long-term) pain use a hot compress.
To make a compress, mix approximately six drops of essential oil into a small bowl of water. Soak any piece of absorbent material such as a flannel, piece of sheeting or towelling in the solution ensuring that as much essential oil as possible is absorbed by your fabric. Squeeze out the compress so it does not drip everywhere and apply to the affected area. Wrap cling film around it or secure with a bandage. Leave for about two hours or even overnight. Where there is a fever replace with a new compress when necessary.
Gargles are particularly beneficial for sore throats, respiratory problems and loss of voice. After dental surgery gargling can help to relieve pains and inflammation, reduce blood flow and speed up the healing process. Gargle twice daily, although if the problem is acute then you can gargle every two hours.
Put two drops of essential oil into half a glass of water. Stir well, gargle and spit it out. Do not swallow. Stir again and repeat. Antiseptic oils such as tea tree, sage, lemon and thyme are excellent for treating sore throats. Roman chamomile, geranium and sandalwood will also soothe inflammation. Myrrh and tea tree combined are invaluable for treating mouth ulcers.
Inhalation of essential oils works upon the body, mind and spirit.
On a physical level there is a strong action on the mucous membranes of the nose, the lungs and the respiratory system in general. Conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throats can all benefit enormously.
The inhalation of essential oils has a profound effect on the nervous system helping to relieve insomnia, anxiety and stress-related disorders, and lifting depression and negativity.
Add two to four drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl inhaling deeply for one to five minutes. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation. If an asthmatic uses this method then just one drop is adequate. Take care with the hot water if there are small children around.
Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on to a handkerchief, paper towel or tissue and take a few deep breaths. This method is particularly effective for relieving nasal congestion and also for stopping panic attacks. Place the handkerchief in your pocket and you can continue to inhale the aroma throughout the day.
A room spray is a excellent way of purifying the atmosphere. Add 250 ml of water to a plant spray and add 15-20 drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well and spray the room. You can even spray carpets and curtains. Do not spray on to polished surfaces.
Sprays can also be used to relieve irritation and pain as in chicken-pox, shingles, burns and any infectious skin diseases.
Electric vaporisers are sometimes used in clinics and hospital settings since they are considered to be safe. Electric diffusers, which do not use heat, are also becoming popular. However, both vaporisers and diffusers particularly can be rather expensive.
Therefore, for home use, I recommend a clay vaporiser heated by a night light. These are readily available. Put a few teaspoons of water into the loose bowl on top and sprinkle two to six drops of essential oil into it. Light the night light and the oil will diffuse into the air.
Place a few drops of essential oil on to a pillow or your nightwear for relief from insomnia and to encourage easier and deeper breathing. If desired, you could put the drops on to a piece of cotton wool and place it inside the pillow case.
Two drops of essential oil can be sprinkled on to a ceramic or metal ring which fits on to a light bulb. Only apply your oils when the lamp is off and the ring is cool ensuring that you do not get any oil on the light bulb itself or on the fitting, as essential oils are inflammable.
Two to six drops of essential oil can be placed into a ceramic container which fits on to a radiator by means of a magnet.
Alternatively, moisten a cotton-wool ball slightly with water, sprinkle the drops of essential oil on to the ball and place it on t he radiator, or even lodge it by the pipe to avoid staining the paint surface. The heat from the radiator will evaporate the essential oil into the room.
Put one drop of essential oil on each log before lighting the fire. As the logs heat up, the aroma will be released into the room. Cypress, sandalwood and cedarwood are particularly effective.
Massage even without essential oils is a powerful therapy. The combination of pure essential oils and massage is even more potent. Massage is one of the most effective and beneficial treatment techniques. Essential oil constituents pass through the skin and they are taken into the bloodstream and can be carried to all the cells of the body.
Essential oils are not usually applied in an undiluted form to the skin except for emergencies such as burns, cuts or a sting. They must be blended with a suitable carrier oil in the appropriate dilution. When blending essential oil with a base oil, the essential oil content is usually between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. A massage takes between 10 ml and 20 ml of oil. Since a teaspoon holds approximately 5 ml, a treatment will require only two to four teaspoons of base oil. The following guidelines should help you:
- 3 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of carrier oil
- 4-5 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of carrier oil
- 6 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of carrier oil
- 15 drops of essential oil to 50 ml of carrier oil
- 30 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of carrier oil
Remember that if you are mixing up a large quantity (e.g. 100 ml) for daily use, then ensure that you add a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil to prolong the life of your blend.
Add one to two drops of essential oil to the warm wax of a candle, taking care to avoid the wick since essential oils are flammable.
Sometimes you may prefer to apply a cream to a particular area of the body rather than an oil. It is possible to create some wonderful moisturizers for the face, and they make lovely presents. You can also blend your own hand creams and foot creams to alleviate cracked and chapped skin, redness and irritation, infections, chilblains, and so forth. Some aromatherapy suppliers produce a cream without essential oils to which you can add your own. Ensure that it is non-mineral based, organic and lanolin-free for optimum results.
Essential oils are simple to use in the bath. Just fill the bath and scatter about six drops of your chosen undiluted oil into the water, agitating it thoroughly. Do not add the essential oil until you have run the bath completely, otherwise the oil will evaporate with the heat of the water and the therapeutic properties will be lost before you climb in! Always disperse the oil - if you inadvertently sit down on neat essential oil of, say, tangerine you will jump up again very quickly! Shut the door to keep the precious aromas in and stay in the bath for at least fifteen minutes to allow the oil to penetrate deeply into your body tissues.
If you desire, you may blend your six drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. This is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, although carrier oils can leave a greasy ring around the bath. However, special, unscented bath oils, which contain natural dispersing agents, can be purchased. These leave the skin feeling soft but not greasy. Choose any vegetable oil such as sweet almond, wheatgerm, avocado or jojoba. You could mix up enough oil for several baths. Your skin will feel soft, nourished and supple.
Nowadays some people have their own Jacuzzi or hydrotherapy bath. USe the same number of drops as you would in a normal bath, although if it is a large hydrotherapy bath designed for two or three persons then ten drops may be added. Sprinkle in your essential oils after the bath has been filled.
Footbaths and handbaths are highly beneficial in situations where it is impractical to enjoy a full aromatherapy bath perhaps if you are elderly or have a disability. Footbaths, in particular, are incredibly relaxing at the end of a long, hard day. They are excellent for foot conditions such as athlete's foot and pain and swelling in the feet. Handbaths help to relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.
Add six drops of essential oil to a bowl of hand-hot water just before you immerse your feet or hands and soak for about ten to fifteen minutes.
A sitz bath is invaluable in cases of cystitis, haemorrhoids, vaginal discharge, stitches after childbirth, and so on. Sprinkle about four to six drops of pure essential oil into a bowl of hand-hot water and sit in the bowl for about ten minutes. If you are fortunate enough to have a bidet then use the same number of drops. Ensure that the essential oil and water are thoroughly mixed.
Compresses can be used for a variety of disorders such as muscular aches and pains, bruises, rheumatic and arthritic pain, headaches and sprains.
You may apply compresses either hot or cold. Alternate hot and cold compresses are invaluable for treating sprains. As a general rule, where there is a fever, acute pain or hot swellings use a cold compress. When treating chronic (long-term) pain use a hot compress.
To make a compress, mix approximately six drops of essential oil into a small bowl of water. Soak any piece of absorbent material such as a flannel, piece of sheeting or towelling in the solution ensuring that as much essential oil as possible is absorbed by your fabric. Squeeze out the compress so it does not drip everywhere and apply to the affected area. Wrap cling film around it or secure with a bandage. Leave for about two hours or even overnight. Where there is a fever replace with a new compress when necessary.
Gargles are particularly beneficial for sore throats, respiratory problems and loss of voice. After dental surgery gargling can help to relieve pains and inflammation, reduce blood flow and speed up the healing process. Gargle twice daily, although if the problem is acute then you can gargle every two hours.
Put two drops of essential oil into half a glass of water. Stir well, gargle and spit it out. Do not swallow. Stir again and repeat. Antiseptic oils such as tea tree, sage, lemon and thyme are excellent for treating sore throats. Roman chamomile, geranium and sandalwood will also soothe inflammation. Myrrh and tea tree combined are invaluable for treating mouth ulcers.
Inhalation of essential oils works upon the body, mind and spirit.
On a physical level there is a strong action on the mucous membranes of the nose, the lungs and the respiratory system in general. Conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throats can all benefit enormously.
The inhalation of essential oils has a profound effect on the nervous system helping to relieve insomnia, anxiety and stress-related disorders, and lifting depression and negativity.
Add two to four drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl inhaling deeply for one to five minutes. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation. If an asthmatic uses this method then just one drop is adequate. Take care with the hot water if there are small children around.
Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on to a handkerchief, paper towel or tissue and take a few deep breaths. This method is particularly effective for relieving nasal congestion and also for stopping panic attacks. Place the handkerchief in your pocket and you can continue to inhale the aroma throughout the day.
A room spray is a excellent way of purifying the atmosphere. Add 250 ml of water to a plant spray and add 15-20 drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well and spray the room. You can even spray carpets and curtains. Do not spray on to polished surfaces.
Sprays can also be used to relieve irritation and pain as in chicken-pox, shingles, burns and any infectious skin diseases.
Electric vaporisers are sometimes used in clinics and hospital settings since they are considered to be safe. Electric diffusers, which do not use heat, are also becoming popular. However, both vaporisers and diffusers particularly can be rather expensive.
Therefore, for home use, I recommend a clay vaporiser heated by a night light. These are readily available. Put a few teaspoons of water into the loose bowl on top and sprinkle two to six drops of essential oil into it. Light the night light and the oil will diffuse into the air.
Place a few drops of essential oil on to a pillow or your nightwear for relief from insomnia and to encourage easier and deeper breathing. If desired, you could put the drops on to a piece of cotton wool and place it inside the pillow case.
Two drops of essential oil can be sprinkled on to a ceramic or metal ring which fits on to a light bulb. Only apply your oils when the lamp is off and the ring is cool ensuring that you do not get any oil on the light bulb itself or on the fitting, as essential oils are inflammable.
Two to six drops of essential oil can be placed into a ceramic container which fits on to a radiator by means of a magnet.
Alternatively, moisten a cotton-wool ball slightly with water, sprinkle the drops of essential oil on to the ball and place it on t he radiator, or even lodge it by the pipe to avoid staining the paint surface. The heat from the radiator will evaporate the essential oil into the room.
Put one drop of essential oil on each log before lighting the fire. As the logs heat up, the aroma will be released into the room. Cypress, sandalwood and cedarwood are particularly effective.
Massage even without essential oils is a powerful therapy. The combination of pure essential oils and massage is even more potent. Massage is one of the most effective and beneficial treatment techniques. Essential oil constituents pass through the skin and they are taken into the bloodstream and can be carried to all the cells of the body.
Essential oils are not usually applied in an undiluted form to the skin except for emergencies such as burns, cuts or a sting. They must be blended with a suitable carrier oil in the appropriate dilution. When blending essential oil with a base oil, the essential oil content is usually between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. A massage takes between 10 ml and 20 ml of oil. Since a teaspoon holds approximately 5 ml, a treatment will require only two to four teaspoons of base oil. The following guidelines should help you:
- 3 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of carrier oil
- 4-5 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of carrier oil
- 6 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of carrier oil
- 15 drops of essential oil to 50 ml of carrier oil
- 30 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of carrier oil
Remember that if you are mixing up a large quantity (e.g. 100 ml) for daily use, then ensure that you add a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil to prolong the life of your blend.
Add one to two drops of essential oil to the warm wax of a candle, taking care to avoid the wick since essential oils are flammable.
Sometimes you may prefer to apply a cream to a particular area of the body rather than an oil. It is possible to create some wonderful moisturizers for the face, and they make lovely presents. You can also blend your own hand creams and foot creams to alleviate cracked and chapped skin, redness and irritation, infections, chilblains, and so forth. Some aromatherapy suppliers produce a cream without essential oils to which you can add your own. Ensure that it is non-mineral based, organic and lanolin-free for optimum results.
Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot essential oil uses, principal properties, effects and special precautions.
Bergamot essential oil uses, principal properties, effects and special precautions.