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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils into Home & Daily Use

Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils into Home & Daily Use

There are many ways in which essential oils can be used in daily grooming, which has the added benefit of the therapeutic properties of the essential oils. I will outline some of the easiest and most effective techniques, but I urge you to be creative and fill your home with essential oils.
There are numerous ways in which essential oils can be used. I will outline some of the easiest and most effective techniques, but I urge you to be creative and fill your home with essential oils.


Essential oils are simple to use in the bath. Just fill the bath and scatter about six drops of your chosen undiluted oil into the water, agitating it thoroughly. Do not add the essential oil until you have run the bath completely, otherwise the oil will evaporate with the heat of the water and the therapeutic properties will be lost before you climb in! Always disperse the oil - if you inadvertently sit down on neat essential oil of, say, tangerine you will jump up again very quickly! Shut the door to keep the precious aromas in and stay in the bath for at least fifteen minutes to allow the oil to penetrate deeply into your body tissues.

If you desire, you may blend your six drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil. This is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, although carrier oils can leave a greasy ring around the bath. However, special, unscented bath oils, which contain natural dispersing agents, can be purchased. These leave the skin feeling soft but not greasy. Choose any vegetable oil such as sweet almond, wheatgerm, avocado or jojoba. You could mix up enough oil for several baths. Your skin will feel soft, nourished and supple.


Nowadays some people have their own Jacuzzi or hydrotherapy bath. USe the same number of drops as you would in a normal bath, although if it is a large hydrotherapy bath designed for two or three persons then ten drops may be added. Sprinkle in your essential oils after the bath has been filled.


Footbaths and handbaths are highly beneficial in situations where it is impractical to enjoy a full aromatherapy bath perhaps if you are elderly or have a disability. Footbaths, in particular, are incredibly relaxing at the end of a long, hard day. They are excellent for foot conditions such as athlete's foot and pain and swelling in the feet. Handbaths help to relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of arthritis.

Add six drops of essential oil to a bowl of hand-hot water just before you immerse your feet or hands and soak for about ten to fifteen minutes.


A sitz bath is invaluable in cases of cystitis, haemorrhoids, vaginal discharge, stitches after childbirth, and so on. Sprinkle about four to six drops of pure essential oil into a bowl of hand-hot water and sit in the bowl for about ten minutes. If you are fortunate enough to have a bidet then use the same number of drops. Ensure that the essential oil and water are thoroughly mixed.


Compresses can be used for a variety of disorders such as muscular aches and pains, bruises, rheumatic and arthritic pain, headaches and sprains.

You may apply compresses either hot or cold. Alternate hot and cold compresses are invaluable for treating sprains. As a general rule, where there is a fever, acute pain or hot swellings use a cold compress. When treating chronic (long-term) pain use a hot compress.

To make a compress, mix approximately six drops of essential oil into a small bowl of water. Soak any piece of absorbent material such as a flannel, piece of sheeting or towelling in the solution ensuring that as much essential oil as possible is absorbed by your fabric. Squeeze out the compress so it does not drip everywhere and apply to the affected area. Wrap cling film around it or secure with a bandage. Leave for about two hours or even overnight. Where there is a fever replace with a new compress when necessary.


Gargles are particularly beneficial for sore throats, respiratory problems and loss of voice. After dental surgery gargling can help to relieve pains and inflammation, reduce blood flow and speed up the healing process. Gargle twice daily, although if the problem is acute then you can gargle every two hours.

Put two drops of essential oil into half a glass of water. Stir well, gargle and spit it out. Do not swallow. Stir again and repeat. Antiseptic oils such as tea tree, sage, lemon and thyme are excellent for treating sore throats. Roman chamomile, geranium and sandalwood will also soothe inflammation. Myrrh and tea tree combined are invaluable for treating mouth ulcers.


Inhalation of essential oils works upon the body, mind and spirit.

On a physical level there is a strong action on the mucous membranes of the nose, the lungs and the respiratory system in general. Conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, sinusitis and sore throats can all benefit enormously.

The inhalation of essential oils has a profound effect on the nervous system helping to relieve insomnia, anxiety and stress-related disorders, and lifting depression and negativity.


Add two to four drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl inhaling deeply for one to five minutes. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation. If an asthmatic uses this method then just one drop is adequate. Take care with the hot water if there are small children around.


Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on to a handkerchief, paper towel or tissue and take a few deep breaths. This method is particularly effective for relieving nasal congestion and also for stopping panic attacks. Place the handkerchief in your pocket and you can continue to inhale the aroma throughout the day.


A room spray is a excellent way of purifying the atmosphere. Add 250 ml of water to a plant spray and add 15-20 drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well and spray the room. You can even spray carpets and curtains. Do not spray on to polished surfaces.

Sprays can also be used to relieve irritation and pain as in chicken-pox, shingles, burns and any infectious skin diseases.


Electric vaporisers are sometimes used in clinics and hospital settings since they are considered to be safe. Electric diffusers, which do not use heat, are also becoming popular. However, both vaporisers and diffusers particularly can be rather expensive.

Therefore, for home use, I recommend a clay vaporiser heated by a night light. These are readily available. Put a few teaspoons of water into the loose bowl on top and sprinkle two to six drops of essential oil into it. Light the night light and the oil will diffuse into the air.


Place a few drops of essential oil on to a pillow or your nightwear for relief from insomnia and to encourage easier and deeper breathing. If desired, you could put the drops on to a piece of cotton wool and place it inside the pillow case.


Two drops of essential oil can be sprinkled on to a ceramic or metal ring which fits on to a light bulb. Only apply your oils when the lamp is off and the ring is cool ensuring that you do not get any oil on the light bulb itself or on the fitting, as essential oils are inflammable.


Two to six drops of essential oil can be placed into a ceramic container which fits on to a radiator by means of a magnet.

Alternatively, moisten a cotton-wool ball slightly with water, sprinkle the drops of essential oil on to the ball and place it on t he radiator, or even lodge it by the pipe to avoid staining the paint surface. The heat from the radiator will evaporate the essential oil into the room.


Put one drop of essential oil on each log before lighting the fire. As the logs heat up, the aroma will be released into the room. Cypress, sandalwood and cedarwood are particularly effective.


Massage even without essential oils is a powerful therapy. The combination of pure essential oils and massage is even more potent. Massage is one of the most effective and beneficial treatment techniques. Essential oil constituents pass through the skin and they are taken into the bloodstream and can be carried to all the cells of the body.

Essential oils are not usually applied in an undiluted form to the skin except for emergencies such as burns, cuts or a sting. They must be blended with a suitable carrier oil in the appropriate dilution. When blending essential oil with a base oil, the essential oil content is usually between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. A massage takes between 10 ml and 20 ml of oil. Since a teaspoon holds approximately 5 ml, a treatment will require only two to four teaspoons of base oil. The following guidelines should help you:

- 3 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of carrier oil

- 4-5 drops of essential oil to 15 ml of carrier oil

- 6 drops of essential oil to 20 ml of carrier oil

- 15 drops of essential oil to 50 ml of carrier oil

- 30 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of carrier oil

Remember that if you are mixing up a large quantity (e.g. 100 ml) for daily use, then ensure that you add a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil to prolong the life of your blend.


Add one to two drops of essential oil to the warm wax of a candle, taking care to avoid the wick since essential oils are flammable.


Sometimes you may prefer to apply a cream to a particular area of the body rather than an oil. It is possible to create some wonderful moisturizers for the face, and they make lovely presents. You can also blend your own hand creams and foot creams to alleviate cracked and chapped skin, redness and irritation, infections, chilblains, and so forth. Some aromatherapy suppliers produce a cream without essential oils to which you can add your own. Ensure that it is non-mineral based, organic and lanolin-free for optimum results.
Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot essential oil uses, principal properties, effects and special precautions.

Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Few people are aware about which type of hair oil brings about hair growth. In the following article, we take a look at some essential oils for hair growth.

Ashton was the best looking guy in the whole college. Blessed with a fair complexion, striking blue eyes, blonde hair and a lean, athletic frame, it was hard for all the girls to keep their hands off him! However, things changed within a matter of a few months. Ashton discovered much to his horror, that his shock of blonde hair had begun thinning. Soon the bald patches became rather noticeable and as the hair began to vanish, so did the flock of pretty girls. That is when Ashton consulted Dr. Hare who was a trichologist specializing in oil therapy for hair growth. Here is what Dr. Hare said.

First of all, in case you have any doubts about the authenticity of hair oils in and hair growth, let me clear that for you. It is absolutely true that there exist certain for hair growth which stimulate the hair follicles and which in turn, boost the hair growth cycle. So, does that mean that any oil will do? Absolutely not. Okay, how about hen? Well, yes, coconut oil is a good in the sense that it is beneficial for maintaining the shine and the overall health of the hair. However, it is not as effective as other 'special' oils, when it comes to hair growth. So what are these 'special' oils? And how do they help in hair growth? Let us find out.

List of Essential Oils for Hair Growth
Here is a list of different oils that contribute towards hair growth.
  • Rosemary: Rosemary oil is not only good for hair growth, but also for soothing itchy skin. It increases the blood circulation to the scalp which encourages hair growth and at the same time, helps in fighting dandruff. However, rosemary oil is usually not recommended for pregnant women as well as for people who are suffering from hypertension.
  • Lavender: Apart from being an anti-bacterial agent, Lavender oil happens to possess several regenerative properties which make it ideal for treating skin and scalp problems such as dandruff, itchiness and hair loss. When used in combination with other essential oils, it is said to produce remarkable results with respect to hair growth.
  • Jojoba: Jojoba oil is probably one of the most popular and well-known oils when it comes to natural hair loss remedies. What makes it so popular is that it can be easily mixed with any other oil (such as coconut oil) and can produce amazing results for people suffering from hair loss due to dry or damaged hair. At the same time, jojoba oil itself serves the purpose of being a good carrier oil in which other essential oils can be mixed. Jojoba oil is often used in combination with rosemary oil in various hair treatment products. The resultant combination of the two oils makes for a very effective hair conditioner.
  • Basil: This is another essential oil for hair treatment and hair growth. It is especially useful for people having oily hair and when used in conjunction with fenugreek, it improves the blood circulation to the hair tissue, which promotes hair growth.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-viral properties, tea tree oil is widely used for treating a number of problems such as flu, warts, cuts and bruises, as well as for treating skin and scalp problems. It is very effective in treating dandruff and when used in conjunction with jojoba oil or any other carrier oil, it makes for an effective hair loss solution.
In addition to the above-mentioned oils, there are a number of other essential and herbal oils which are beneficial for hair growth.
  • cedarwood
  • peppermint
  • chamomile
  • clary sage
  • lemon
  • thyme
  • burdock
  • grapefruit
  • bay
  • carrot root
  • olive
  • arnica
These were some essential oils for hair growth and hair loss prevention. Most of them need to be mixed with a carrier oil such as almond, sesame or jojoba before they can be used. Though all of these essential oils have numerous medicinal benefits, some of them can at times, have certain side-effects. Therefore, it is always advisable that you consult an experienced trichologist before you begin using them.

Best Essential Oils for Hair

Best Essential Oils for Hair

Essential oils have been used since a long time for hair growth and hair care. So if you are looking out for some best essential oils for hair then read this article....
Best Essential Oils for Hair
Hair problems are one of the most common problems encountered by people who are frequently exposed to pollution, dust and unhealthy eating habits. Many people opt for expensive shampoos, soaps and lotions to get rid of this problem. Some of them work, while some don't, while some of them even result in side effects. So what could be the best solution for hair care? The answer is essential oils! Essential oils are believed to be the most effective as well as safest hair care products as they promote hair growth and hair nourishment. In fact, some experts say, that your hair would grow at a faster rate than usual with the use of essential oils. So, here are some of the best essential oils for hair.

Essential Oils for Hair Loss

Hair loss is more common than any other problems pertaining to hair. Hair loss is mainly caused due to prolonged illness, nutritional deficiency and fungal infections. Some of the best essential oils for hair loss are:
  • Lavender Essential Oil: This essential oil is found to be effective for hair loss prevention in many people. A regular massage to the scalp for about a week's time results in hair regrowth. Lavender oil can be used independently or can be combined with some other good oil for better results.
  • Burdock Essential Oil: This also has the same effect as the lavender essential oil. Burdock essential oil also stimulates hair growth by improving the blood circulation towards the scalp and by rejuvenating the hair cells.
  • Jojoba Essential Oil: One of the widely recommended and the best oils to stop hair loss caused due to weak and damaged hair. You can apply this oil to dry hair regularly and keep it for about 30-35 minutes to obtain the desired results.
Essential Oils for Dry Hair

Many people suffer from the problem of dry hair. The possible reasons for dry hair are malnutrition, excessive use of shampoos, lotions and dry weather. There are many essential oils which prevent hair from becoming dry and keep your hair shining for a long time. Some of them are:
  • Olive Essential Oil: Application of olive oil along with some other perfumed essential oils is found to be one of the most effective treatments to cure the problem of dry hair and also for promoting hair growth. All you have to do is take some oil, apply it on the scalp and keep it for about 30 minutes. This will nourish the hair and stop it from getting dry.
  • Basil and Peppermint Essential oils: Basil and peppermint are also found to be excellent hair nourishers. The reason behind this is that peppermint and basil, both help in improving the blood circulation towards the root of the hair and thus help in hair growth and nourishment of dry hair.
Essential Oils for Dandruff

Improper hair care, dust settlement on the hair and pollution, all cause the growth of dandruff in the hair. Often, people misunderstand dandruff as only a hair problem, but the fact is that it is a scalp problem. Your scalp develops dandruff continuously which leads to frequent itching in head. Excessive growth of dandruff can further lead to hair loss and hair breakage as dandruff tends to weaken the hair roots. These are some essential oils for dandruff that nourish the scalp and keep it away from dandruff for a long time.
  • Bay Essential Oil: Dandruff can reduce considerably if olive oil and bay essential oil along with some carrier oil are mixed and massaged on the scalp. Keep the oil on the scalp for sometime, around 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with shampoo added with about 2-3 drops of essential oil. Regular use can prevent the growth of dandruff for a long time.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil: Well, here's another good option, the tea tree essential oil. Tea tree is a multipurpose oil, as it leads to hair growth, nourishment of hair and also cleans the dandruff. If you are facing excessive dandruff problems, some drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of olive oil can alleviate the dandruff problem.
So these were some of the best essential oils for hair. For information on some more essential oils good for hair, you can see your local dermatologist. With this you will be able to determine the best essential oil suitable for your hair and also get some useful tips on hair care.

Fragrance Oils Vs Essential Oils

Fragrance Oils Vs Essential Oils

Almost all cosmetics, soaps, cleaning products, etc., have some sort of scent, in it, which is due to the presence of either fragrance oils or essential oils. Read on to know more about the various aspects of fragrance oils vs essential oils.
Fragrance Oils Vs Essential Oils
Most of us may not be able to deny the fact that at least some of the cosmetics, soaps or house cleaning products we choose, are selected solely on the basis of its aroma. Humans are naturally tuned to satisfy their olfactory senses and this tendency is rightly taken care of by the manufacturers of the these products. There are numerous such products, which come in a wide range of fragrances. Do you know the materials, which are used to impart these whole lot of scents? Let us find out.

Scented Products

Fragrances are used in a wide range of products, which include candles, incense sticks, soaps, perfumes, etc. Almost all people are attracted towards scented products, which are the most sought after ones, when compared to products, which lack fragrance. The only exception is those products, which are made for allergic people and are labeled as non-scented, non-colored. However, the market is flooded with thousands of scented products and their popularity is also gaining momentum.

These products can be classified as products scented with fragrance oils and products scented with essential oils. Products, which come under the first category contain fragrance oils, which impart the particular scent in that product, whereas, the second category contains essential oils, which are added for fragrance. It may also happen that both essential oil and fragrance oil are used in a single product. Even though, essential oils have become so popular and are used in a variety of products, most people are still ignorant of the basic difference between essential oils and fragrance oils. We shall now look at the various aspects of fragrance oils vs essential oils.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are pure natural plant essences, that are extracted from various parts of the plants, like, flowers, petals, roots, bark, leaves, stems, etc. For example, essential oil of rose is extracted from its petals, patchouli essential oil is extracted from the leaves of patchouli plant. Essential oils are not oils, in the true sense, but are the natural chemicals found in the plants, which are extracted as aromatic and volatile essences.

There are various methods to extract essential oils, like, CO2 extraction, cold pressing and stem distillation, but, steam distillation is the most important among them. These products are pure and do not contain any color or other ingredients, like carrier oils. Essential oils are highly concentrated and have to be diluted several times before using. The fragrance of essential oils are retained even after diluting several times. These oils are very expensive owing to the fact that large quantities of raw materials are required to make small amounts of essential oils. For example, a drop of rose oil is extracted from thirty petals and 1000 pounds of jasmine flowers are used to make one pound of essential oil. Read more on essential oil uses.

What are Fragrance Oils?

Essential oils are very expensive and some scents do not have any essential oil (like banana). Hence, the chemical compounds in plants were analyzed and were reproduced in the form of synthetic compounds (man-made), which smell like the plant product or the essential oil they represent. Most of the fragrance oils (otherwise known as perfume oils) are made this way and are synthetic in nature.

Fragrance oils can be natural, partly natural and partly artificial or fully artificial. If the product contains essential oil mixed with carrier oils at varying strengths, it can be called natural. The second category contains products, which have both essential oils and artificial fragrances (chemical compounds that mimic essential oils). Those products which contain only synthetic or artificial fragrances can be referred to as fully artificial. Most of the fragrance oils often contain several components, which produce a different fragrance, when blended. Even essential oils can be part of fragrance oils. It has been observed that many perfumes contain more than hundred components. In short, most of the fragrance oils are a mixture of aroma chemicals, some of which can cause fragrance allergies in people.

Fragrance Oils Vs Essential Oils

Studies show that there are around 150 types of essential oils available today, whereas aroma chemicals, which are used to make fragrance oils are more than 500 in number. The basic difference between fragrance oils and essential oils is that while, the latter is purely natural, the former can be considered as partly natural (if it contains essential oil) or fully artificial (if only aroma chemicals are used). The following are some of the differences between essential oils and fragrance oils.
  • Essential oils are natural products, which have therapeutic effects and are used in aromatherapy. Fragrance oils do not have any such health benefits.
  • Essential oils are volatile and their scent dissipates with evaporation, whereas, fragrance oils are not as volatile and retains the fragrance much longer. A drop of pure liquid essential oil, when placed on a paper, will evaporate and leave an oil spot. Fragrance oils do not leave any oil spots on paper.
  • Essential oils have a limitation of fragrance, whereas, no limitation is there for artificial fragrance, which comes in a very wide range, like, baked bread or baby powder fragrance.
  • As compared to the prices of essential oils, most of the fragrance oils are cheaper. Some of the essential oils (like lemon) are cheaper than its fragrance oil counterparts.
  • Fragrance oils may cause skin irritation, as they are chemicals, which are made artificially. But, pure essential oils, in diluted forms (not the contaminated ones) do not cause any side effect, unless you are allergic to it. Essential oils must be used in a proper way to avoid any possible side effects.
Now, you know the difference between fragrance oils and essential oils, you can choose the right one, which is best suited for you. The debate regarding fragrance oils vs essential oils is still going on, as health experts have many speculations about the possible side effects of fragrance oils, which are artificially made chemicals. Even pure essential oils may cause side effects in some people. However, essential oils are safer than fragrance oils. Environmental concerns are attached to both products. While, use of some essential oils, like, sandalwood and rosewood can be considered as environmentally irresponsible, some chemicals used in fragrance oils are also not good for the environment. So, it is very important to choose the right one and use it properly. It is equally important to go for trusted manufacturers, while buying these products.

Spearmint Oil

Spearmint Oil

Spearmint oil is an essential oil derived from the plant metha spicata, which is a member of the mint family. The oil has found a wide range of applications in human society, for its rich aroma and medicinal properties. Know more about spearmint oil, its uses and benefits.
Spearmint Oil
Spearmint or mentha spicata is a plant of the mint family, that is widely found in Southwest Asia and Europe. It is a herbaceous perennial plant, and like the other members or herbs of the mint family, it is also characterized by a distinct aroma. The plant is basically cultivated to extract its essential oil, which is known as oil of spearmint or spearmint oil. Spearmint essential oil has several important medicinal uses, besides being used as a flavoring agent in a wide range of products.

Spearmint Oil
The aromatic oil of spearmint plant is extracted though steam distillation. To make spearmint oil, the flowering tops of the plant are distilled. The active ingredient of spearmint essential oil is 'cavone'. The other important components of spearmint oil are menthol, limonene and dihydrocarvenol. It is a pale yellow or greenish colored oil, and its aroma is similar but slightly sweeter than that of peppermint oil. Peppermint oil has a strong aroma and contains high concentration of menthol. Spearmint, on the other hand, does not contain such a high level of menthol. Find out more information on peppermint oil uses and peppermint oil benefits.

Spearmint Oil Uses
Spearmint and its oil has found a wide range of applications as a flavoring agent. Spearmint is a culinary herb that is used in a number of cuisines, while its oil has found uses in confectionery and in candy making. Spearmint oil has become an important ingredient in many toothpastes, mouth fresheners, chocolates, chewing gums, shampoos and soaps. Many pharmaceutical products like, balms, inhalers, cough drops also contain spearmint oil. The oil is used in aromatherapy to rejuvenate the body and the mind. In addition to these, the oil of the spearmint plant has been known to mankind for a long time, for its healing properties. It is widely used throughout the world for minor gastrointestinal and respiratory problems.

Spearmint Oil Benefits
Spearmint oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, and has antiseptic, disinfectant, antispasmodic, cephalic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and stimulative properties. Due to its antiseptic and disinfectant properties, spearmint oil can be used to heal minor wounds. It can be effective in healing ulcers, including those of the stomach and intestine. One of the active compounds found in spearmint oil is menthol, which has shown antispasmodic properties. Therefore, it can provide relief in abdominal cramps, cough, muscle cramps and nervous convulsions.

Spearmint oil has soothing or cooling effect on the brain, for which it is used to reduce stress and anxiety, and help the mind to relax. Apart from this, some other conditions, in which the oil can provide relief are, asthma, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cold, congestion, bronchitis, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, dermatitis, and fatigue. For women, the oil has additional benefits, as it can alleviate some common menstrual problems. It can resolve the problems of irregular menstruation, heavy periods and early menopause. In short, the oil facilitate normal menstruation and helps to get relief from the common premenstrual symptoms, like lower abdominal pain and nausea.

To derive all these spearmint oil benefits, it can be added to tea to prepare herbal tea, or taken in a diluted form. Unlike peppermint, spearmint oil is mild, and hence, can be taken by children as well. However, it should be heavily diluted before it is given to children. In addition to all the above mentioned benefits, spearmint oil can also be used as an insecticide. As an insecticide, it can help to control mosquitoes, ants, flies and moth infestation in your home. More about spearmint tea benefits.

Spearmint oil is by and large considered safe, if taken in a diluted form. But still, some minor side effects can be experienced by certain individuals, particularly if they are allergic or sensitive to spearmint. Even pregnant women can also experience some side effects, for which they are usually advised not to take spearmint oil during pregnancy. Therefore, it is of prime importance to consult a physician or health care professional before taking spearmint oil or spearmint extract for medicinal purpose

Sweet Orange Oil

Sweet Orange Oil

Sweet orange oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac and antiseptic properties. All these properties make it beneficial for numerous purposes. The articles presents an overview of sweet orange oil benefits.
Sweet Orange Oil
Sweet orange oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the peel of orange fruits by a cold-pressing technique. It is also obtained as a byproduct of orange juice production. Its botanical name is Citrus sinensis. It has been used extensively as an aromatic component in soaps, detergents, perfumes and a wide range of cosmetics. Let's learn something more on sweet orange oil and its benefits.

Sweet Orange Oil: General Introduction
The color of sweet orange oil ranges from yellow to orange and it is water-like to touch. Its smell is pleasant, fresh and citrus. Once extracted from the orange fruit, it is safe to be used for about 6 months. In addition to these, the antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, sedative and antidepressant properties of sweet orange oil make it suitable to be used for numerous purposes. Following are some of the important sweet orange oil benefits.

Sweet Orange Oil Benefits
Sweet orange oil has the following benefits.
  • Sweet orange oil provides relief from both internal and external inflammation caused by any factors, like infection, spices, toxin ingestion and the negative effects of antibiotics and other drugs.
  • It is known to have aphrodisiacal properties and is also used on a regular basis to treat maladies such as inability to achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse, lack of sex drive, impotence and erectile dysfunction.
  • It has a number of beauty benefits. It increases the production of collagen, which is necessary for the health of the skin. It reduces puffiness and removes fine lines from the skin.
  • Sweet orange oil discourages the formation of wrinkles, and hence delays aging. It promotes blood flow towards the skin and brings a natural radiance to it.
  • It is antispasmodic in nature and is hence widely used in treating spasms that cause a lot of discomfort, such as convulsions, continuous coughing, muscle cramps and diarrhea.
  • Sweet orange oil benefits for your body also include the promotion of digestion, the easing of constipation and increasing the absorption on vitamin C.
  • It inhibits microbial growth, and thus sterilizes the cuts and wounds. The application of sweet orange oil on the injury, protects it from getting infected with pathogenic bacteria and fungus.
  • Sweet orange oil provides a soothing and refreshing effect on your mind and soul, and reduces restlessness and tension.
  • It relieves fatigue and revitalizes you. It acts as an anti-depressant, especially for women during menstruation and menopause.
  • Other sweet orange oil benefits for mental health include the promotion of creative and positive thinking and supporting right brain functioning.
  • In combination with lavender, sweet orange oil treats sleeping disorders.
  • One of the sweet orange oil benefits is detoxification but acting as a diuretic in the body. As it promotes urination, your body gets rid of an excess of uric acid, salts, chemical pollutants and water.
  • Because of the above reason, it helps you in losing weight if bloating is the underlying cause.
  • Sweet orange oil promotes the secretion of both, the endocrine and exocrine glands in the body. Its consumption has been observed to improve the secretion of milk, production of digestive juices and bile and restoring the periodicity of menstruation.
  • The benefits of sweet orange oil is not restricted only to maintaining your overall wellness. You can use it for house cleaning purposes as well. These include removal of grease and stains from floor, furniture and counter tops.
  • You may use sweet orange oil as a room freshener. Add 3-4 drops of it to a cup of water and spritz it in the air with the help of a spray, to keep away any foul smell from the room.
  • Sweet orange oil, when combined with other essential oils like rosemary and cypress, removes cellulite. Mix 4 drops of each of these oils with a carrier oil, like organic unrefined sweet almond oil. Massage the affected body part with this in circular motions for 5 minutes daily.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile Oil

Don't associate chamomile oil uses with aromatherapy alone, because chamomile oil is extremely beneficial for hair and skin too. Read on, to find more on the chamomile oil benefits.
Chamomile Oil
There are two types of chamomile oil, German chamomile and Roman chamomile. German chamomile oil obtained from Matricaria recutita is also known as blue chamomile. Here's more on the . R oman chamomile oil, also known as garden chamomile or sweet chamomile (due to its sweet smell) is obtained from Anthemis nobilis. These plants are found in the temperate regions of Asia. They are also found in Europe, Australia, Egypt, Italy and North America. They are beautiful flowering plants you can find near the roadside and in the open fields. The word 'Chamomile' is derived from the Greek word chamaimelon. In Greek, Chamai means 'on the ground', and melon means apple, which is because it has an apple like smell. Chamomile oil has been used by Egyptians for its medicinal properties from days of yore. The rich aroma and healing power of chamomile was such that it was used by Egyptians as an offering to the Sun God. Let's look at the chamomile oil benefits.

Chamomile Oil Benefits for Health: Chamomile oil has sedating properties. Its sweet aroma makes you peaceful, calm and rejuvenates your mood. Chamomile oil is used to treat excessive stress and nervousness. It has the properties of a pain killer, hence is used to cure headache and toothache. Ancient Egyptians used chamomile oil, to treat fever and common cold. Chamomile is effective for stomach problems like diarrhea, gastrointestinal troubles, gallstones and constipation. Chamomile oil benefits digestion and helps in relieving gas from the alimentary tract. Chamomile oil restricts the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, which is why it is used as an antiseptic. Chamomile oil can be used as a mouth wash to cure throat infections and dental problems. Chamomile oil reduces muscle contractions. And hence, it is used extensively in 's more on the

Chamomile Oil for Hair: Chamomile is one of the most important ingredients in shampoos and conditioners. Chamomile helps protect hair from the harsh external environment. Chamomile oil cures oily scalp which causes . Though it takes time to produce the desired effect, chamomile is better than the chemical bleach used for lightening hair. Chamomile revitalizes the hair, while also strengthening its roots. Replace toxic, chemical products with chamomile oil; it will be beneficial in the longer run. Applying chamomile oil to hair, makes insomniacs sleep peacefully.

Chamomile Oil for Skin: Soaps made from harmful chemicals damage our skin. Chamomile is a natural skin enhancer. Chamomile is widely used in sun screen lotions and make-up removers. Chamomile oil benefits in removing wrinkles and treating skin diseases. By balancing the oil production of the skin, it helps reduce acne, also providing a natural glow to the skin. Chamomile oil repairs skin tissues and helps in cell regeneration which combats skin redness and skin It acts as a cooling agent on burns, boils, rashes, wounds, and ulcers. Chamomile oil tightens our skin by strengthening the tissues.

Chamomile Oil for Aromatherapy: Chamomile oil aids emotional, mental and physical well being, which is the prime function of . Chamomile oil is extensively used in aromatherapy because of its sweet, fruity smell which rejuvenates, freshens and relaxes your mind. It is helpful for people with arthritis as it cures joint pains. Chamomile is one of the few oils that can cure you externally as well as internally. Mix chamomile oil in water while bathing; it will help relieve muscle pain. Chamomile oil can also help you cure bowel disorders, migraines and depression.

Chamomile Oil for Babies: Use chamomile oil, instead of harmful chemicals and toxin induced products, for babies. Sleeplessness, a major problem affecting babies can be cured by chamomile oil. Add drops of chamomile oil with rose or jasmine oil to water, while bathing babies. It helps calm their senses and helps the baby sleep well. Chamomile oil restricts allergies and bacterial growth in babies. Regular massage of chamomile on the scalp reduces impatience and hyper anxiety in babies. Chamomile oil is effective against skin infections and rashes caused due to diapers, burns and boils. It also helps relieve teething problems in babies. It can also help moisturize the baby's sensitive skin. Moreover babies love the sweet, fruity smell of chamomile.

Chamomile Oil Side Effects: Side effects of chamomile oil are rare. It is advisable to avoid the use of chamomile oil during pregnancy, as it stimulates contraction of the uterus. Avoid using chamomile oil in large quantities. Do not use chamomile oil if you are allergic to plants like ragweed and daises. People on medicines that prevent blood clotting should consult a doctor before using chamomile oil. Read more on the

In this era of chemicals and toxins, it is surprising to see what wonders natural chamomile oil can do to your health. Alter your lifestyle and go natural; use chamomile oil and fill your senses with its charismatic aroma. It will give you the much needed moments of serenity and peace in your fast-paced and stressful life.