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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Garnier Nutritioniste: Skin Renew Awakening Face Massager

Garnier Nutritioniste: Skin Renew Awakening Face Massager

Garnier Nutritioniste: Skin Renew Awakening Face Massager is another one of Garnier Nutritioniste's handy facial tool and product in one. The daily moisturizer is massaged onto your face with a roller ball, which boosts circulation.

How to Use It

Garnier Nutritioniste: Skin Renew Awakening Face Massager is your daily and nightly face moisturizer. Instead of applying with your fingers, you simply start rolling the massage ball across your face in circular motions. This allows the moisturizer to start to roll onto your face. Garnier recommends massaging for 1 minute, then rubbing in excess moisturizer into your face with your fingers.

What We Loved

  • The massage is heaven. It's funny how such a simple concept can feel so good in the morning. Honestly, we looked forward to putting on our face cream each day.
  • Also, the scent is pleasant and bright, but definitely on the heavy side.
  • Unlike Garnier Nutritioniste's first roller product - Skin Renew Anti-Pull Eye Roller, which leaves a sticky feeling behind, this moisturizer soaked into our skin and left it feeling hydrated without a hint sticky residue left behind.
  • The light, almost watery texture of the moisturizer was a nice change from the sometimes heavy creams we put on our skin.

What We Didn't Love

  • We really wished there was an option - day or night - so that getting our first dose of sunscreen in the morning wouldn't mean using an extra product.
  • One minute doesn't seem like a long time, but when product is getting rolled onto your face, it does provide a lot of moisturizer. More than we typically put on. Yet, if you massage less to get less product, you're getting less of the massage benefits, too.
  • Because of the above mentioned, we felt like we were dousing our skin with moisturizer. And there are two cons to that. First, we're using up too much product, and it is costing us money, and two, it's taking forever to sink in and dry.

Final Thoughts

We honestly do enjoy using this product. Our solution to the abundance of product on our face was to massage for the full minute, because it felt that good, and when the time came to use our fingers to rub in the excess, we'd use a tissue to wipe some away if we thought there was too much. Not very cost effective, right?

It's a tough one for us, because we loved the experience, we loved the product itself, there were just some kinks. You might not mind kinks because it's a drugstore-priced product. But if you don't have time for kinks altogether, just take note.

Finish the Massage the Way it Began

Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques

Finish the Massage the Way it Began

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
Finish the massage by repeating the general strokes from the top of the forehead to the chin, and sweeping your fingers off the chin at the end of each stroke.

Your hands are almost fingertip to fingertip across from each other - with each set of four fingers beginning at the center of the forehead gently stroke down and across following the outside frame of the face.

Slowly, from forehead to temples to cheeks along the jaw, and bringing the fingertips together under the chin, then sweeping the fingers off the face and beginning again at the center of the forehead.

Repeat at least 10 times.

Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques

Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques

A Little Pinch of the Ears

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
Pinch and gently pull all over the ears by taking your thumb and index finger and using them as pincers. Start from the top inside portion of the ear and gently work your way around the contour of your ear.

In Eastern medicine, the ears are connected to the organs of the body, in the same manner that the hands and feet are in reflexology.

Stretching over the Sinuses

Stretching over the Sinuses

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
It is not uncommon to feel stuffed up during a flight, so this part of the massage targets the sinuses on either side of your nose.

Keep your head upright and centered. Use your thumbs for this exercise. You turn your hands outward, palms facing away from you. Place your thumbs at either side of the nose, beside the flares, where you feel a slight depression. Gently push in with your thumbs. You drag your thumbs across the sinuses as outlined by the red lines in the illustration, and maintain an even pressure throughout. Keep your thumbs on the face for the entire motion.

While pulling your thumbs slowly across the maxillary sinuses (named for their location on the face, essentially the cheek bones) you may feel them clear a little or drain. This motion should be done very slowly and take you at least 15 - 20 seconds. Count quietly if you need to. Repeat several times if you wish.

To encourage drainage if one side feels more clogged than the other, gently tilt your head towards the side that feels less full. So if my left maxillary sinus seems more clogged up, I may even repeat this massage stroke after I have already done it on both sides. In this case I would tilt my head slightly down to the right to promote drainage of the left, and would only do the massage stroke along the left side.

Target the Temples

Target the Temples

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
Beyond the curve of your eyebrows, at each side of your face you will feel an indentation, almost like a hole. These are your temples, and where the next bit of pressure will be applied, again with the gentle pressure you used in step 3.

Use your thumbs or your index fingers and simply apply and hold pressure over these two points for at least 30 seconds.

It is no surprise that people often start rubbing their temples when they feel the pressure and discomfort for a headache. In fact, the point along the temples is often used for the treatment of headaches.

Gentle Pressure Between the Eyebrows

Gentle Pressure Between the Eyebrows

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
We continue more specifically by placing your index fingers just above the nose and in between the eyebrows. You can rest your head in your hands as you do this if it is more comfortable for you.

Apply about the pressure of squeezing a fresh lemon when pushing your index fingers into the spot between your eyebrows. Hold for at least 30 seconds and breathe deeply.

If you were to go directly behind the bone at this point, deep in the center of the skull, you would reach the pineal gland which is often referred to as the third eye in many cultures and is thought to have some influence over your circadian rhythm (the sleep-wake cycle affected by night and day).

In Chinese massage, for example, applying pressure and gently rocking a finger or thumb over this point is believed to calm the mind, and aid with insomnia. Frontal sinuses basically extend over the eyebrows so this is the center point where they almost meet.

Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques

Self Massage of the Face - Face Massage Techniques

Basic Face Massage Techniques – Forehead to Chin

Basic Face Massage Techniques

The red circles are starting and ending points for your fingers. The lines and arrows show the direction for the massage strokes. Where there are simply circles, there is little to no movement from that one area of the face.

Arlene Fleming
Begin the face massage with very general strokes. Take your hands, which were covering your face, and bring the fingers up to your forehead - almost fingertip to fingertip across from each other - with each set of four fingers beginning at the center of the forehead gently stroke down and across following the outside frame of the face.

Your thumbs will naturally start the motion along the sides of the face and slide underneath the chin.

Slowly, from forehead to temples to cheeks along the jaw, and bringing the fingertips together under the chin, then sweeping the fingers off the face and beginning again at the center of the forehead.

Repeat 5 to 10 times.

The Shiseido Facial Massage

The Shiseido Facial Massage

Use your ring and middle fingers to ensure soft, even pressure. Remember to work with light, gentle strokes. Massage slowly and rhythmically, matching your movements to your breathing. Slow down the pace as your massage progresses.

Step 1: Forehead - Tones muscles to prevent the formation of horizontal lines.

Starting at the center of forehead, gradually move fingers across the brow in 6 complete circular motions. Repeat 3 times. Finish by gently pressing the pressure points at the temples for 3 counts. To locate your pressure points, feel for slight depressions between the bones at the temples. Pressure applied should feel pleasant and invigorating, never painful.

Step 2: Nose - Prevents the formation of horizontal lines.

Slide fingers downward along the sides of your nose, starting from the inner hollow of the eye. Use left hand to massage the right side of the nose, and the right hand for the left side. Repeat 3 times on each side of nose.

Step 3: Nostrils - Helps unclog pores and prevent blackheads and blemishes.

Circle back and forth around nostrils, applying extra pressure during the upward stroke. Repeat 6 times.

Step 4: Mouth - Minimizes lines around mouth and sagging at lip corners.

Massage along the lower lip, moving outward and upward to lift the corners of the mouth. Release gently. Repeat 3 times.

Step 5: Cheeks - Helps prevent sagging.

Massage outward from the chin to the earlobe, in 6 circular motions, focusing on the jawline. Glide fingers to corners of the mouth and massage up to the middle of the ear. Glide again to the nostrils and massage to the temples. Glide back to chin and repeat all steps 3 times. Finish by pressing the pressure points at your temples.

Step 6: Eyes - Prevents the formation of wrinkles and sagging under eyes.

Makes eyes look less tired by minimizing dark circles and puffiness. First, press the pressure points just under the brow bone below the inner eyebrows and count to 3. Then glide fingers under brow, around and under the eyes, and back to the starting point in 6 counts. Repeat entire procedure 3 times, moving gently over the eyelid to press at temples on the final count.

Step 7: Neck - Prevents the formation of horizontal lines and sagging.

Helps ease tension and stiffness at the nape. Using the palms of your hands, massage your neck by gently stroking upward from the collar bone to the base of the chin. Alternate hands as you move from the center to either side with 6 strokes out, then 6 strokes back. Glide lightly at the center of the neck and increase pressure as you move outward.

Step 8: Chin - Tones muscles to prevent sagging.

Grasp your chin between your index and middle finger at the jaw, and gently slide your fingers across the length of your jaw, creating a scissor-like motion. Bend index finger and place it under the jaw. Use the side of the index finger and pad of the thumb, massage back to right ear. Repeat with left hand. Repeat entire procedure 6 times.

Step 9: Ears - Regulates the body's overall balance through stimulation of pressure points that send reflexes to other parts of the body.

Massage upward in spiral motions, using the thumb and index fingers, counting to 5. On the 6th count, slide your thumb down the jaw as close to the ear as possible, and back to the earlobe to stimulate the numerous pressure points in this area. Repeat 3 times.

For more information or a demonstration by a Shiseido Beauty Consultant
please visit your Shiseido counter.

Massage Yourself a Face-Lift

Massage Yourself a Face-Lift

You don’t have to pay huge sums of money for a facial massage that will enliven your complexion, tone and condition your skin, relax your facial muscles, improve circulation, break down fatty deposits, release toxins, reduce wrinkles, and leave your skin feeling smoother and more vibrant. All it takes is a tiny bit of know-how.

These simple massage techniques are all-n/atural, as well as non-toxic and non-invasive, and they feel absolutely wonderful. The do-it-yourself way to healthier, more beautiful skin, right here:

Use a simple all-natural lotion or oil to facilitate the movement of your fingers on your skin (olive oil will do beautifully). Be sure to do this massage with clean hands and face, and leave your face damp before you begin. Pull your hair away from your face and have a small bowl of your lotion or oil at hand.

The 3 Basic Techniques:

1. Use the tips of the index, middle, and ring fingers together to exert a deep, local pressure in a tiny circular movement. You should be able to feel the skin rubbing against the small muscles of the face. Lift the fingers and reposition them to travel across the skin.

2. Use the flat pads of the index, middle, and ring fingers together or simply the thumb to travel across the skin–either in a slow, spiraling action, or by simply sliding upward, downward, or outward. For the most part, keep the remainder of your hand resting lightly on your face.

3. Pinching: Use your finger and thumb lightly but with enough strength to stimulate the circulation and cause as light change of skin color. Beware of bruising–pinch lightly on the eyebrows and upper face, more heavily along the jaw.

Basic Massage:

Warm-Up Starting on either side of your nose, pinch along each eyebrow and as far as possible along the temples toward the tops of the ears. Then pinch from the chin, working slowly along the jaw line and up to the base of the ears.

1. Dip the pads of your fingers in the oil and rub your palms together to spread it evenly. Place your fingertips on your jawbone and with light pressure, make a large, sweeping circle from the jaw line up either side of your nose to the center of the forehead, out along the hairline, and down the temples to meet at the jawbone. This gently stimulates energy and spreads the oil.

2. Using Technique 1, start at the chin and travel along the jaw line and then up from the angles of the jaw to the temples.

3. Using Technique 2, begin on each side of the nose, close to the base of the nostrils, moving first under the cheekbones and then up toward the tops of the ears.

4. Placing the tips of the middle fingers at the inner corners of the eyes, slide your fingers upward, pushing against the orbital bone, and then outward, just above the eyebrows, towards the ears.

5. Use Technique 2 to massage the forehead, starting just above the top of the nose, moving up toward the hairline, and then outward until you reach the temples.

6. Using Technique 2, position the pads of all three fingers at the base of the central frown line, just above the top of the nose, and slide them toward the temples.

7. Massage your scalp firmly, as if you were shampooing your hair. Begin at the temples and work downward, behind the ears and towards the base of the skull.

8. Resting your palms on your ears so that the thumbs point downward, massage from your throat to the nape of the neck in a broad, spiraling version of Technique 2.

9. Place one hand, palm down, on each side of your nose. Your fingertips should rest slightly above your eyebrows. With firm, even pressure, slide your hands outward toward the ears.

10. Bring the sequence to an end by repeating the sweeping movement described in step 1.

How to Massage a Face

How to Massage a Face

Barbara Burgess
Barbara Burgess has worked as a freelance writer for over 10 years. She has ghostwritten numerous articles, is currently working on her first children book, and has been writing for Demand Studios since 2008. Barbara studied English at Florence-Darlington Technical College.

A facial massage promotes the feeling of well-being and is one of the oldest massage techniques for general healing. A regular facial massage gives your skin the look of a smoother, firmer, radiant appearance. Learn how to massage the face to increase moisture balance and eliminate toxins and impurities from your skin.



things you'll need:

  • Massage oil
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Soft music
  1. How to Massage a Face

    • 1

      Prepare yourself and surroundings. Purchase or prepare your own massage oil. Thoroughly clean your face and smooth on massage oil. Set the tone of calmness by dimming lights, maybe even putting on some soft relaxing music.

    • 2

      Use your fingers. You will use three fingers to perform a face massage; the three fingers to use are the index, middle, and ring fingers on both hands. Your strokes will move in an upward motion to the extent possible as some areas of the face may require you move in a slightly different direction. However, when possible always move skin against the force of gravity.

    • 3

      Work the forehead. Place your fingers right above your eyebrows; with a gentle circular motion move your fingers across the forehead giving complete coverage. Repeat step four or five times.

    • 4

      Chin up. This time starting at your chin and moving upward in a gentle circular motion using your index and middle fingers. Massage upward towards and around the mouth and top of lips under your nostrils. Repeat motion five times.

    • 5

      Cut the fat. Using your forefinger and middle fingers, position them as if they were a pair of scissors. Starting where your jaw meets your ear, gently grasp the skin in this area between your scissor fingers; work your way down the jaw in a cutting motion. From the end of the jaw, massage back up to the ear using circular motions. Repeat five times. This process helps to reduce the fatty deposits that collect in this area.

    • 6

      Go to the temple. Starting at your chin, massage up to your cheeks using the middle and index fingers. Continue massaging up to the temple, massage in a circular motion. Repeat five times. Your face should feel renewed and relaxed.

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