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Sunday, October 2, 2011



Koilonychia, is a commonly found nail disorder. One of the basic causes for this nail disorder is stated to be anemia. In this type of nail disorder the finger nails become thin and abnormal in shape. This nail disorder will make the nails to look strange and awkward by causing an upward growth of nails and thus causing concavities with raised edges to the nails which often resemble a spoon. This type nail disorder is therefore commonly known as spoon nails. Nails in this case will become flattened also.

The nails affected by koilonychia usually appear to be thin and brittle in nature. Once affected with this disease, the nails usually take a long period to return to its original form.

Nails Affected By KoilonychiaApart from anemia, koilonychia can also be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Further it can even be seen associated with the disorders like thyroid dysfunction, musculoskeletal problems, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal disease, nail patella syndrome etc. Excessive use of soap and detergents can also cause this disease. Direct trauma on nails may also be a factor that can ultimately lead to koilonychia.

Along with the reasons mentioned above, the habit of nail biting, picking and rubbing of nails can also be termed as the factors that cause koilonychia.

Koilonychia being a pointer to various complications relating to anemia, the disease demands immediate attention and treatment. Even if the cause behind this nail disorder is a stroke or a trauma, beware that excessive use of cosmetics like nail enamels or nail polish removers can always aggravate the problem.

Whatever be the reason behind koilonychia, do not attempt to treat it yourself. It is always advisable to consult a qualified medial practitioner to avoid complications.

Shape Of Affected NailThe shape of the affected nail will look exactly like a spoon due to its upward growth. In some cases where the nails are not seriously affected by the disease, it may create only a soft wave on nails. Severely affected nails may tend to turn brittle and start to break inside the concavity. The skin surrounding the affected area will usually be dry and cracked.

If the cause koilonychias is trauma, usually a full cycle of nail growth will be needed to get the affected part corrected.

If koilonychia is an out come of anemia only proper diet intended to male up the deficiency of iron in your body and intake of medicines can help you to get rid of it. You will have to consult a doctor soon after you detect the symptoms of this nail disorder. In such cases you will be advised by physician to improve the quality of your regular diet by adding adequate nutrients helpful to increase your hemoglobin count.

Never go for self treatment in such cases as over intake of iron can create serious health problems. Follow the treatment plan and dosage of medicine as prescribed by your doctor to avoid complications. Include plenty of vitamin rich food in your regular diet. Vitamin C will help your body to accelerate iron absorption.

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