Dry hair care Tips
hair care using olive oil---massage your hair using olive oil, as it nourishes hair and helps in its growth.
Take edible oil and honey in a ratio of 1:1, mix it well and apply on hair, keep it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. This is an effective hair care for dry hair.
Apply a paste of egg yolk and water and keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off the hair with clean and cold water. This is also very effective hair care for dry hair. This is one of the useful home remedies for hair care.
Regularly massage your hair using hair oil like, coconut oil, castor oil, and olive oil.
Mix egg yolks, vinegar and any hair oil and apply this mixture on scalp, keep it for 10-15 minutes then wash your hair with cold water. This is an effective hair care for dry hair. This nourishes hair and has no side effects and your hair will shine with good health.
For preventing hair loss and getting healthy long hair try the below given home remedies suitable for both male and female.
Juice made from leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca sativa and juices of vegetable spinach are very effective for hair, and provide good hair care when taken as a diet.
You can massage your hair and scalp simply with your hand after your daily bath, as it improves blood circulation and prevents hair loss. Regular massage actuates sebaceous glands and makes your hair strong and shiny.
Good hair care for healthy hair---you can use a natural cleanser made of lime juice and amla powder. Take one tablespoon amla powder and one tablespoon lemon juice mix them and add little water to it to make a thick paste. Use this natural chemical free hair care mixture as a hair cleanser for 2-3 weeks and see the difference in your hair. Your hair will bounce with shine, and good health. You will have no hair loss, and your hair will reflect your inner beauty. This is one of the best home remedies for hair are.
Drink natural and healthy drink made from 1:1:1 ratio of carrot, alfalfa or simsim and leaves of Lactuca sativa. This is good hair care, prevent hair breakage and loss.
For getting long and healthy hair you can massage your hair and scalp using coconut oil. Take 1-2 tablespoon coconut oil depending upon the hair size and mix 2-3 raw amla in it then massage your hair. This is an effective hair care sure to work in any kind of hair.
Make a paste of coriander leaves or margosa leaves then gently apply on hair and keep it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water. This is one of the important home remedies for hair care.
Massage your hair with milk of coconut or warm mustard oil containing henna (mehndi leaves). This improves blood circulation and helps in hair growth.
Take a natural neem leaves and make its thick paste and wash your hair using neem which is natural hair care and fight against any kinds germs and lice in hairs.
Make a natural grinded paste of amaranth leaves which is effective herb and gently apply on hair and scalp and let it dry for 10-15 minutes then rinse of using clean and cold water. One of the useful home remedies for hair care.
Grind black pepper (one teaspoon) and lemon seeds (one teaspoon) and apply this mixture on head and scalp keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse of using clean cold water. This revitalizes hair and is effective hair care for getting long hair