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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to do Neck Massage at Home

How to do Neck Massage at Home

How to do Neck Massage at home

Neck massage at home using coconut oil or olive oil. One must take deep breathes while taking the neck massage as it helps to attain most of the neck massage benefits.

Neck massage is crucial for reliving the tension and eliminating the stress. It is also important to keep the skin well toned because as we progress towards the growing numbers with the ticking of the biological clock the neck skin begins to sag. The reason being slowly and gradually the skin elasticity reduces and it starts becoming loose. This loose skin sags and takes the form of wrinkles. Therefore along with reducing the stress, neck massage is vital for staying young for a long time.

Next thought after knowing the merits and purpose of neck massage could be how to do neck massage?
Well it can be carried on your own in few simple steps. Prior to starting the neck massage ensure to take deep breathes while massaging so that maximum benefits of the neck massage can be attained. Use coconut oil or olive oil for the massage. Massage therapists recommend mixing little essential oil in coconut oil for the neck massage as it gives deep relaxation along with the toning of skin.

Step 1: Sit Comfortably The first step of the neck massage is to sit comfortably on the chair. This is the self-massage therefore lying down shall not be convenient.

Step 2: Move Head Side to Side
Keep the head in between the palm of both hands. Then move the head from one side to another. Do it very gently without giving any sort of pressure to the head. Carry this out for a minute or two.

Step 3: Massage the Neck
Rest your head on the back of your chair. Get into a comfortable position. Set all four fingers close to one another leaving the thumb away. Take little oil in the fingers and apply it on the neck. Now start moving the fingers from bottom of neck up towards the chin. Move both hands simultaneously one after the other. In between if it feels that fingers are not moving freely from down the neck to up the chin then take little more oil. Entire movement has to be very gentle without any sort of pressure.

Ideally one must spend 5-6 minutes on this step. This step is very important as it tones the neck skin. With this massage the skin is protected from getting sagged as it restores back the skin elasticity.

Step 4: Rub the Nape
The back of the neck is referred as nape. Again set the fingers of any one hand together and take little oil. Apply it on the nape and move it up and down along the back of the neck. Here a more firm hand can be used compared to the front neck massage. Do it for 1-2 minutes. This helps in relieving all the stress and tension. It kind of soothes the person.

In step 3 and step 4, oil is used as it assists in the finger movement and it nourishes the skin. Therefore, take little oil else it can become too sticky and oily. Usually in 2 teaspoon complete neck massage can be completed. Always apply oil first and then do the massage because with massage the oil penetrates inside the skin layer leaving the top skin layer oil free. Practice this neck massage and feel the change!

Anti wrinkle Neck Skin Care Recipes

Anti wrinkle Neck Skin Care Recipes

Anti wrinkle Neck Skin Care Recipes

Secret Neck skin care recipes are especially created to nourish the neck skin and keep it tightened up so that wrinkles do not appear.

The anti-aging neck skin care recipes aims to uphold the neck skin well toned up and free from wrinkles. The aging sign seen prominently on the neck takes away the beauty charm from the lady''''s persona. These beauty care home remedies shall be utilized twice a week with similar diligence as that of facial packs and masks. It also mildly ex-foliates the neck skin thereby assist in keeping the top neck skin layer free from dead cells.

Tone the Neck Skin with Raspberries
Wash 6-7 raspberries with lots of water to ensure it is utterly dirt free. Cut it into small pieces and put in the mixer jar. Take half cucumber and wash it too. Chop it and put in the mixer along with raspberries. Without using any water grind the two together to make fine paste. Collect the prepared mixture in a bowl. Add one teaspoon apple vinegar to this paste and mix well. Clean the neck skin meticulously with cleansing milk then apply the raspberry pack with a flat brush. Allow it to dry, after 20 minutes rinse it off. Raspberry and apple vinegar shall tighten the skin while cucumber would hydrate the skin .

Apple Mask Controls Sagging of Neck Skin
Grate one apple and ¼ musk melon. Mix both together. First clean the neck skin with raw milk, and then apply the prepared mixture. Let the fruits juice get deep inside the neck skin layers and repair the skin cells. It should be left as it is for 20 minutes. Then after first clean it with lukewarm water followed by splashing cold water on the neck. Later pat dry the neck with soft cotton cloth. Apple and melon are excellent for skin as it helps the skin to get the nutrients needed to protect it from sagging.

Almond and Olive Oil Anti-Aging Neck Pack
Take two tablespoon grounded almond powder and three teaspoon extra virgin olive oil. Blend two together to make paste. Apply this paste on the neck as well as nape. Then wrap the entire neck from front and back with a wet cotton cloth for 20 minutes. After this set time is over remove the cloth and clean the neck with lukewarm water first and later with cold water. This is suitable for all skin tones and is quite an effective remedy to tighten the loose neck skin.

If the time permits and in case it is manageable then apply the neck packs after having a good neck massage. Alternatively, use any of these anti-aging neck skin care recipes twice in a week to tighten the skin may be one time with massage while the second time in the week without massage.

Once the skin starts sagging then it shall become slightly difficult to bring it back to the original state. This is the reason why it is better to bring into practice the neck skin care recipes as soon as you enter late twenties. We all have heard the famous proverb ‘stitch in time to save nine'''' that mentions about taking preventive measures before the upheaval occurs. Now time has come to act!

Fall Skin Care Tips

Fall Skin Care Tips

Fall Skin Care in Beauty Tips

Fall Skin Care in Beauty Tips

Maintain healthy and beautiful skin in Fall Season by practicing simple tips. During the days of heavy showers skin needs special attention such as applying the fresh fruit pack, drinking lukewarm water, eating citrus fruits and vegetables, exfoliating the facial skin twice a well and so on.

Fall Season brings in fresh energy. One can feel enthusiastic most of time. Conversely, skin demands more care as it can become oily skin or dry skin depending on the nature of your skin. Here are few tips useful for skin care in rainy season.

What are the Summer Drinks for Shiny and Beautyful Skin


Summer Drinks for Soft and Shiny Skin

Summer Drinks for Soft and Shiny Skin

Summer Drinks for Shiny Skin

Summer Drinks for Shiny Skin

The key to beautiful vibrant skin in summers is drinking lots of liquid in some or the other form. Apart from 2-3 liters of plain water it is highly recommended to drink some herbal and fruit juices that keep the skin well hydrated and glowing. However, all cola drinks and tin/bottle-packed juices must be strictly avoided. Your health is our concern, so we also have natural beauty tips for every problem.

Sip Gooseberry Drink
Soak 4-5 gooseberries (also known as amla) in an earthen pot, cover it with a lid and leave it as it is overnight. Next morning mash it all roughly and strain the juice in a vessel. Mix jaggery as per taste. Drink this once in a day, preferably in the morning. This fruit controls the body heat and improves the skin resistance enabling to fight all odds.

Enjoy Sugarcane Juice this Season
Sugarcane is the cooling seasonal fruit apt for summers. It is best to have it before six in the evening. It keeps the skin hydrated and brings down the body temperature.