Exfoliation-A Natural skin treatment
For our skin to remain clear, smooth and translucent, the surface layer need to be kept free of any superfluous cells and its excretory activities able to continue unimpeded. That is why we exfoliate to buff away the dead cells which otherwise might clog our pores and dull our complexion.There is an added incentive though. The act of removing this redundant top layer appears to stimulate cell reproduction lower down in the epidermis an increasing concern as our skin begins to age. The danger, however, is that we do a lot more than is required to lift the unwanted dead cells, in the hope of bringing fresh cells to the surface faster. Instead, we undermine the barrier function of our skin and may even succeed in damaging the underlying tissue, with darker pigmentation marks and broken capillaries to show for it.
While it is important to curb any tendency towards heavy-handedness (think ‘stroking’ rather than ‘scouring’), any skin will benefit from gentle exfoliation once a week to refine the texture and clear the pores. In addition, the massaging action flushes the skin with fresh blood and oxygen. Do not restrict your efforts to your face and neck. Callused feet, rough knees and parched elbows can be transformed by regular exfoliation, as can neglected hands and nails. Even areas of skin that appear to be smooth will attain a new height of silkiness once you have sloughed off the top layer of old skin.
- For a physical exfoliate or scrub, choose between a shop bought product or a home-made preparation using a natural exfoliate such as oatmeal.
- Apply the paste to damp skin and rub very lightly using circular movements.
- Moisturize your skin well afterward.
- Newly exfoliated skin is more vulnerable to sun damage, so apply a sun block if you are going out in the sun.
- Dead skin cells which remain after bathing can be dislodged by rubbing your body lightly with a wet face cloth. You may prefer to use a mildly abrasive facial cleansing sponge or a soft muslin cloth to exfoliate your face.
- Moisturizing creams and tones (or clarifying lotions) containing AHAs exfoliate without extra effort by dissolving the glue which holds dead skin cells together. However, there is a risk of irritation with sensitive skins and multiuse of AHA products.