If you're over fifty you may want to know how to remove age spots on hands. Most everyone will get them, unless they have been very careful and never been in the sun or used sunscreen on their hands all the time. I don't know anyone who falls into that category.
Age spots are a fact of life. Some people call them sunspots, freckles or just brown spots. No matter what they are called most of us want to know how to remove age spots on hands. If you include yourself in this wish don't despair, there is help.
There are chemical bleaching agents, which I don't recommend, but if you want to go that way they work to a degree. Just be careful. They can harm your health. Some people report they are irritating to their skin. Other reports say they are possible cancer causing. And if you use them too long they actually will do the opposite and cause more brown spots.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have spots than cancer. Even if the verdict isn't in on the potential cancer causing effect of bleaching agent, I'd rather be safe than in a couple years down the road read the reports that it's been confirmed that bleaching agents do in fact remove age spots on hands, but they also cause cancer.
A better ingredient to look for in hand creams and lotions is nutgrass roots.
Most folks consider Nutgrass a weed, but the manufacturers of hand cream to lighten the skin, know there is more to this plant than just a grass that is considered a weed to many farmers. This plant has the ability to reduce skin pigment melanin by up to 40%.
Melanin is the source of the color in the skin, and too much melanin in one place is what causes the brown spots. Unlike most whitening substances nutgrass won't irritate the skin. In fact it does just the opposite and reduces irritation, at the same time it enhances your skin.
Extrapone nutgrass also has anti aging properties to help your skin look younger. If you are fortunate to find this substance in products that contain CynergyTK, wakame, maracuja and babassu you will have a well-rounded skin care product. All of these ingredients work together to help your skin look younger, and provide you with nutrients to nourish and enhance your skin naturally, instead of chemicals that will tear down the nutrients your body makes.
Natural ingredients are the best when looking for creams or lotions that remove age spots on hands. Check out my web site below to find out more about natural skin care products.