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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reetha Powder

Reetha Powder
Reetha Powder is also known as soap berri powder. It provides natural color and softness to hair as well as it revitalizes hair. It removes extra oil from hair to provide them bouncy look.

Henna Hair Care

Henna Hair Care
Herbal henna hair care is specially made for hair dying. It results hair in red brown shade, natural shining, conditioning and also gives strength to the roots of hair. Herbal henna contains henna and natural herbs like shikakai, amla, bhingraj, brahmi, heded, beheda, ratanjot, etc. Herbal henna is available in 50 gm and 150gm packs. It is also available in 20 kg gunny bag packing with inner polythene liner.

Shikakai Powder

Shikakai Powder
Henna powder mixed with shikakai powder is an ideal dirt buster. Moreover, the combination provides new life to hair strands by strengthening hair roots. It also increases silkiness of hair and keeps the scalp clean and cool.

Nail-Friendly Footwear

Nail-Friendly Footwear

Proper footwear can help keep your feet healthy. Here are tips on choosing shoes to help you put your best foot forward:

  • To keep your feet healthy you will need to own several pairs of shoes. Women who like wearing high heels must have shoes with heels of varying heights. This will help to counteract the effects of raised heels. Heels should never be more than three-quarters of an inch.
  • If you have nail fungus consult your doctor and throw away old sports shoes.
  • Before buying a shoe draw the outline of your foot on a piece of paper. You will get an idea of the actual size of the shoe you should buy.
  • Shoes should be comfortable to wear and wide enough for air circulation. When you buy closed shoes ensure that there is enough space between your longest toe and your toe box. The width of the space should be as much as the width of your thumb.
  • Keeping your feed bare increases the chances of your feet getting injured. So remember to wear shoes whenever you go out. It is best to keep your shoes on even inside your house.
  • Choose shoes according to the activity to be performed. For example, tennis shoes and running shoes look alike but tennis shoes are manufactured in such a way that they provide support for sudden stops and turns.
  • Buy shoes in the latter half of the day and you will get shoes that fir you accurately. By this time your feet are slightly swollen and hence you will get the right fit. When you buy shoes try them on while standing, try on both of them and walk around a little to find out whether it fits you well. Take your socks along to make sure that your shoe fit you comfortably with the socks on.
Proper footwear can help keep your feet healthy. Here are tips on choosing shoes to help you put your best foot forward:

  • To keep your feet healthy you will need to own several pairs of shoes. Women who like wearing high heels must have shoes with heels of varying heights. This will help to counteract the effects of raised heels. Heels should never be more than three-quarters of an inch.
  • If you have nail fungus consult your doctor and throw away old sports shoes.
  • Before buying a shoe draw the outline of your foot on a piece of paper. You will get an idea of the actual size of the shoe you should buy.
  • Shoes should be comfortable to wear and wide enough for air circulation. When you buy closed shoes ensure that there is enough space between your longest toe and your toe box. The width of the space should be as much as the width of your thumb.
  • Keeping your feed bare increases the chances of your feet getting injured. So remember to wear shoes whenever you go out. It is best to keep your shoes on even inside your house.
  • Choose shoes according to the activity to be performed. For example, tennis shoes and running shoes look alike but tennis shoes are manufactured in such a way that they provide support for sudden stops and turns.
  • Buy shoes in the latter half of the day and you will get shoes that fir you accurately. By this time your feet are slightly swollen and hence you will get the right fit. When you buy shoes try them on while standing, try on both of them and walk around a little to find out whether it fits you well. Take your socks along to make sure that your shoe fit you comfortably with the socks on.

Manicured Hands

Manicured Hands

Our hands do a lot for us and need nurturing in return. A manicure can improve nail and skin condition. In a professional manicure nails are gently shaped then the nail plate cleaned with either non-drying polish removers or special soaks. Art of manicure began 5000 years ago. In India, henna was used for manicure. The term Mehandi, used synonymously for henna, derives from the Sanskrit mehandika. The word "manicure" comes from the Latin manus, meaning, "hand," and cura meaning, "care".

French Manicure
  • Before beginning you should prepare your hands and nails. Clean your hands with some body scrub. Rinse your hand well and dry thoroughly.
  • Then file your nails neatly. While filing move the file in one direction only from the outer corner to the center. Changing the file direction often can damage the nail plate. Use a file that has a fine surface and smoothly glides over the nail.
  • Apply a layer of sweet almond oil to nourish and soften your nails. Wrap a warm towel and leave for about15 minutes. Unwrap and then push your cuticles back using a rubber hoof stick. Rinse hands in warm water to remove oil and dry thoroughly.
  • Apply a coat of base over your nail to strengthen the nail. This leaves a smooth surface to apply nail polish.
  • If you want your nails to look square, paint a straight line across the tip, along the tip of the nail for a rounded appearance. If you want your nails to look pointed, paint from the sides towards the center. While painting your nails place your hand on a flat surface. Keep the ball of the hand you are painting steady by placing in on the same surface. Allow the polish to dry.
  • As a final coat apply a coat of translucent shell-pink polish over the nail to seal the whitened tip and this will complete the look. If you want extra shine and protection apply a clear, glossy topcoat.
A manicure is a beauty treatment for your fingernails and hands. Apart from cleaning, nourishing, softening your hands, a manicure will also include filing and shaping the nails and applying nail polish. A manicurist can also apply jewels on nails, paint pictures or designs on them. You should visit a manicurist who is licensed as he is dealing with the skin of your hand. There is a risk of infection if the tools are not properly cleaned and sanitized as the same tools are used on a number of people.

Diabetic Nail Care

Diabetic Nail Care

People with diabetes often have altered sensation in their feet and therefore if they have cracked nails as well it will lead to decreased ability to feel pain, heat or cold. This can result in injury and a delay in getting care for an injury. An injury can lead to a foot ulcer that can become infected. It often takes a long time for an ulcer to heal. Among diabetics changes often take place in the walls of blood vessels. This change leads to the thickening of the walls that makes the blood vessels stiff. This may lead to decreased circulation in the lower legs and feet. This is important because it reduces the body's ability to heal an injury or fight an infection. Complications of foot injuries can lead to amputation.

It is important to control your blood sugar and blood pressure to maintain your health and prevent complications. Also, the key to maintaining healthy feet is to prevent injury by following a plan to check and care for your feet. The following are some measures to assist you in preventing foot problems.

Daily Foot Care Guide:
  • Wash your feet every day using mild soap and warm water. Check the water temperature with your hand or elbow before placing your feet in the water.
  • Dry your feet well. Make sure to dry in between the toes.
  • Look at your feet. Check for any cracks, dry skin, cuts, redness, swelling, and change in temperature.
  • Apply lotion to dry or cracked skin and to the soles of your feet. Do not put lotion between toes.
  • If there are any signs of infection such as swelling, redness, drainage, fever, or chills consult your doctor immediately.
  • Keep toenails neatly trimmed. Cut the nails according to the shape of your toes so they are even with the skin on the end of your toes. Avoid cutting down into the corners. Never cut skin at the end of your toes. Make sure you trim your toenails in proper light. Trim toenails only after soaking feet, for example, after a bath or shower. If your toenails are thickened, you may have to have them trimmed by a doctor.
  • Report signs of ingrown toenails: redness, drainage, and swelling.
  • If you have trouble with your eyesight then have someone help you trim your toenails.
  • Do not try to cut off corns or calluses. If you have corns or calluses, inform your doctor during your next visit. Wearing soft socks and well-fitted shoes can prevent corns or calluses.
Suggestions To Prevent Injury
  • Avoid extreme temperatures. Do not let feet remain wet. Protect your feet from sunlight by using a sunscreen.
  • Do not apply heating pad or hot water bottle to feet. Do not cross legs. Avoid smoking as it constricts blood vessels hence reducing blood circulation to your legs and feet.
  • Every time you visit your doctor ask him to check your feet.
  • If you have a problem with your feed consult your doctor immediately.
  • If the level of your blood sugar has increased then consult your doctor immediately and this could be a sign of infection.