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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mesofirmness (body)

Mesofirmness (body)

Mesocosmetic treatments to firm the body completely. it acts on the loss of firmness in tissues caused by age, pregnancy and weight losing diets. it's exclusive formula strengthens the skin's elasticity over abdomen, inner things and arms and it is a key element in restoring and improving stretch - marks. The figure is redefined, improving the appearance of the skin.

Regorge machine is working with a micro

Regorge machine is working with a micro amber technology and gives you the advantages below:

1) Tightens body and muscle, and detoxifies lymph drainage
2) Burns fat, repairs cell, and reforms skin quality
3) Promotes sleep, and shapes breast after post partum
4) Activates pulse and muscle, and dredges astriction
5) Skin-lift, and removes wrinkle


Το Pandora Luxury Spa Machine είναι ένα πολύμηχάνημα το οποίο σας δίνει την δυνατότητα να κάνετε πολλές διαφορετικές θεραπείες που έχουν ως στόχο το αδυνάτισμα, την χαλάρωση και την ευεξία. Οι λειτουργείες του είναι:

  1. Υπέρυθρη ακτινοβολία

  2. Ατμόλουτρο

  3. Πιεσμένο νερό

  4. Συνδυασμός με Spa θεραπείες επάλειψης όπως φύκια, λάσπη, σοκολάτα, σταφύλια, καφέ κτλ..

  5. Χαλαρωτική θεραπεία με ήχους της φύσης.

Pandora Luxury Spa Machine is a multi machine who gives you the ability to do a lot of deferent treatments for Wellness and Slimming. Treatments are:

  1. Infrared lamb therapy

  2. Steam bath

  3. Water effusion

  4. Combine with wrap treatments like thallasso seaweeds, mud, grape, coffee, chocolate etc.

  5. Nature luxury anti stress treatment




A low-frequency soft-tissue mobilization machine for targeted treatment in localized zones, with clinically proven effectiveness. The ultrasound technology aloud you to achieve fat lose, stabilize your weight, reduce cellular and lose 3 points in the first session.

We plan and design for you a unique place where slimming will become fun

We plan and design for you a unique place where slimming will become fun! here at Deluxe Slimming Salon of Metamorphosis we give you the modern scientific slimming by the help of a huge amount of new treatments and lasts technologies slimming machines that helps you to achieve fat lose, stabilize your weight, reduce cellular, tone your body detoxifies lymph e.t.c. We can give you what you want...achieve your targets as soon as it is possible without pain or sweat!



Mesofiller (face)

Mesocosmetic treatment that softens wrinkles and expression lines, increasing firmness over the face and neck. Its active formulation restores skin and stimulates its vital functions, activating the synthesis of natural components such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Ideal treatment for aged skin or skin aged prematurely by sun radiation.

Mesoslim (body)

Mesocosmetic treatment to remodel the body with reducing and ant cellulite action. Among its characteristics, is the important action which treat four key points that lead to cellulite and "orange peel skin": bad circulation, liquid retention, increased adipose accumulation and loss body balance.

Mesofirmness (body)

Mesocosmetic treatments to firm the body completely. it acts on the loss of firmness in tissues caused by age, pregnancy and weight losing diets. it's exclusive formula strengthens the skin's elasticity over abdomen, inner things and arms and it is a key element in restoring and improving stretch - marks. The figure is redefined, improving the appearance of the skin.

Η Mesoscience by Skeyndor, είναι μια επιστημονική μέθοδος για θεραπείες προσώπου και σώματος που θα σας δώσει εκπληκτικά και ορατά αποτελέσματα από την πρώτη κιόλας φορά χωρίς οποιεσδήποτε παρενέργειες. Παρομοιάζεται ως το φυσικό botox διότι είναι μια εντελώς ανώδυνη, αναίμακτη και ευχάριστη θεραπεία που θα σας μεταμορφώσει ολοκληρωτικά! Η θεραπεία αυτή εκτελείτε με την βοήθεια ενός επιστημονικού μηχανήματος το οποίο περικλείει την τελευταίας τεχνολογίας μέθοδο ηλεκτροθεραπείας δημιουργώντας έτσι μία εικονική βελόνα η οποία αναλαμβάνει να διορθώσει σοβαρά προβλήματα ομορφιάς.

Υπάρχουν 3 διαφορετικά κιτς προϊόντων που χρησιμοποιούνται στην μεσοθεραπεία. Το ένα Mesofiller είναι για πρόσωπο, ενώ τα άλλα δύο το Mesoslim και το Mesofirmness είναι για σώμα.

Mesoscience by Skeyndor is the advanced scientific solution in facial and body treatments that obtains remarkable results in very few sessions without side effects. In other word it's the natural botox!

Mesoscience by Skeyndor is based on professional treatments performed by an exclusive machine with virtual needle that uses the latest generation of meso - electrotherapy techniques which scientifically treat the most common beauty problems.

There are three deferent cosmetic kits that Skeyndor uses in this treatment. one of them, the Mesofiller is for facial treatment and the other 2, Mesoslim and Mesofirmness are for body treatment.

Mesofiller (face)

Περιποίηση της μεσοαισθητικής για απάλυνση των ρυτίδων και των γραμμών της έκφρασης και για την αύξηση της σφρυγιλότητας του προσώπου του λαιμού και του ντεκολτέ. Τα ενεργά της στοιχεία αποκαθιστούν την κυτταρική επικοινωνία και αναζωογονούν την νέα σύνθεση των στοιχείων που συνθέτουν τα βασικά συστατικά της επιδερμίδας: κολλαγόνο, ελαστίνη και υαλουρονικό οξύ. Ιδανικό για ώριμες επιδερμίδες από τον ήλιο ή την ηλικία.

Mesoslim (body)

Σειρά περιποίησης της μεσοαισθητικής για αδυνάτισμα σώματος που ενισχύει τα τέσσερα κύρια σημεία που μειώνουν την εμφάνιση κυτταρίτιδας και την όψη φλοιού πορτοκαλιού: το ελλιπές μικροσύστημα επιστροφή, ανισόρροπη λιπολυση - λιπογενεση και την δράση της σωματικής συγκέντρωσης.

Mesofirmness (body)

Περιποίηση της μεσοαισθητικής για την σύσφιξη σώματος που δρα κατά της απώλειας σφρυγιλότητας των στρωμάτων της επιδερμίδας που έχει προκληθεί από την ηλικία, εγκυμοσύνες ή δίαιτες αδυνατίσματος. Ενισχύει την ελαστικότητα του δέρματος στην κοιλιά και στα εσωτερικά τμήματα των μηρών και της μασχάλης. Το σχήμα της σιλουέτας επαναπροσδιορίζεται, βελτιώνοντας σοβαρά την όψη της επιδερμίδας.

Applying Lipstick to Enhance your Lip Shape

Applying Lipstick to Enhance your Lip Shape

Applying lipstick with moisturizers and sun protection is one effective way to protect the lips from weather changes. Moisturizing lipsticks have the smallest amount of pigment, because pigment dries your lips.

Today, most lipsticks contain some kind of moisturizer like Vitamin E, collagen, or amino acids, and some even contain sun block.

Lipstick adds the finishing touch to makeup by bringing the other colors you have applied to your face into harmony.

Applying lipstick after drawing a crisp lip outline is an important key in the finishing touch since it helps to keep the color from bleeding.

First; Apply Lipliner (Lip Pencil)...

Before applying lipstick, use a freshly sharpened lip pencil (lip liner) either in the same color as the lipstick or slightly darker color. Avoid colors that are more than one shade darker (or lighter).

Here is the correct sequence to follow when lining your lips and applying lipstick:

1. To make applying lipstick easier, rub a small amount of moisturizer on your lips (some women apply lipstick at the dinner table and even while driving).

lining lips
2. Outline the center edge of your upper lip with lip liner.

3. Move to the center of your bottom lip and draw a short, horizontal line.

4. Now carefully line the corners of your mouth. If your lips are asymmetric, refer to correcting irregularly shaped lips section below.

applying lipliner
5. Connect the lines drawn at the top and bottom center of your lips with the lines drawn at the corners of your mouth.

Then... Apply Lipstick...

applying lipstick
6. Use a small, firm lip brush and begin applying lipstick; this gives you more control over direction and achieves a perfect edge. Relax your jaw so that your mouth is open slightly and brush on color starting in the middle of the upper lip.

7. Blot your lips gently on a tissue, being careful not to smudge or remove too much color. Then brush on a second coat of lip color to create a deeper effect.

8. For a shiny finish, use a clear or tinted lip gloss after applying lipstick. For a matte effect, lightly dust your lips with translucent powder using a powder brush.

Applying Lipstick to Correct Irregularly Shaped Lips...

If you want to correct lips that are irregular or asymmetric in shape and create the illusion of almost perfectly balanced lips, it would be easier to do before you apply color to the lips.

To balance the appearance of your lips while lining (before applying lipstick), first, divide the mouth into sections, and work on one section at a time until all the dotted lines are connected. And be aware that matte colors make lips look thinner while shimmery, glossy colors make your lips look fuller.

Make Thin Lips Look Bigger

thin lips

Use a lip liner to outline your lips just outside their natural edge, making the outline slightly wider on the top and bottom. Then brush on a layer of lip color inside the outline. Spread on a layer of lip gloss on top of your lip color.

Make Full Lips Look Smaller

full lips

Apply foundation or concealer to the edges of your lips to blur the edge. Use a lip liner to outline your lips just inside the lip line, then brush on a layer of matte lip color.

Make Uneven Lips Look Balanced

uneven lips

Enlarge a thin top lip by outlining the upper lip just outside the edge using a lip liner, then outline the lower lip drawing the line on the on the natural edge. Brush on lip color inside the line, applying more color to the thinner half of the lip.

Make Shapeless Lips More Defined

shapeless lips

Outline upper lip with a lip liner to emphasize the "v" in the middle before applying lipstick. Draw the line just outside the lip edge of the bottom lip to make it look fuller. Brush on dark, matte lip colors for even more definition.

Make Uneven Toned Lips Look Even Colored

two tone lips

Cover upper and lower lips with a little foundation. Outline lips with lip liner. Choose the lipstick color, then begin applying lipstick by brushing a darker shade onto the lighter lip and a lighter shade onto the darker lip.

Applying Lip Gloss...

Lip gloss is used to add extra shine after applying lipstick. It can be tinted or colorless and you can use it alone or over lipstick for kissing. Apply only to the center of your lips since it tends to 'bleed' beyond the lip edges. Lip gloss is not recommended for use on mature skins.