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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Essential Oil Treatment

Essential Oil Treatment

Pure essential oils are generally aromatic and good for health too. They are mainly herbal extracts and essences and quite natural in origin. They are highly concentrated and need to be much diluted before using. Each of the essential oils has specific properties, traits and characteristics and one may need only few drops of the oil for the treatment. It takes skills and expertise to use these oils and they must be stored at childproof and pet-proof areas. In specific conditions such as pregnancy, diabetes, skin allergies and epilepsy, take advice from aroma therapist before using them. Here are some tips for using essential oils as therapeutic cure:

  • Pure essential oils are diluted with pure vegetable carrier oil such as almond, grape seed or jojoba oil to apply on skin.
  • Dilute oils with water for full body baths and footbaths.
  • Some essential oils such as angelica, bergamot, lemon and lime can make skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light and thus, skin need special care after treating it with such oils.
  • Essential oils with higher potency level such as fennel, hyssop, sage and wintergreen should be used in smaller doses while milder oils such as rose, lavender and chamomile should be used in comparatively greater quantities.
  • Essential oils should never be ingested and need to be kept away from delicate body parts such as eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Specific health ailments need proper diagnosis and advise from a licensed medical practitioner rather than trying to remedy them with essential oils away.
  • Do not use essential oils in pregnancy and stop using them in case they cause redness, burning, itching or skin irritation.

Deodorants and Liquid Soaps

Deodorants and Liquid Soaps

Deodorants do not stop sweating but neutralize its smell and work like an antiseptic against bacteria. Here are some tips to use deodorants, liquid soaps and shower gels better and how to prepare them at home:

  • Prepare deodorant at home using half cup of baking soda, half cup of cornstarch and few drops of your favorite aromatic essential oil. Take a bit of powder to use and path it with a damp washcloth to counter sweat odor.
  • A long lasting liquid deodorant can be made by blending a quarter cup each witch hazel extract, Aloe Vera gel and mineral water along with 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin and a few drops of antibacterial essential oils.
  • Natural gel deodorant with aloe vera is effective, safe for skin, mild and long lasting and do not contain alcohol.
  • Facial cleansers that are too harsh for your face may work well and mild enough for body skin cleansing and can be used as hand soaps.
  • Use only mildest of face wash and shower gels as too basic or acidic ones can irritate your skin.
  • Different options are available in the market for different skin types and you may research well before choosing the best one for you.

Tips For Better Body Image

Tips For Better Body Image

Body beautiful is often a misleading term. Beauty is not so much about fairness and smoothness of skin as it is about the personality of the person concerned. Our positive qualities often outweigh our size and shape. To look beautiful, it is important that we love it and feel comfortable with it. Negative body image can lead to depression and shyness. It is time that we stop criticizing minute details and start praising the assets, blessings and the gift of God. Instead of turning a recluse every time a pimple appears, women must realize their potential of giving life. Doctors agree that most of the eating disorders in women result from comparing themselves to beauty divas on ramps that flaunt not so healthy picture of being 'slim'.

Judge on the fitness of your body, not according to fads, but by your stamina, endurance, strength and comfort. Develop your own style and stop being a beauty and fashion industry victim. Do exercises that you can enjoy - be it jogging, cycling, gardening or dancing. Indulge in any sport that allows movements, not to lose weight but to strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles and give you a break. Diets are helpful in losing weight but only temporarily, so don't put all your focus on them and work around them to have balanced meal and still have all the essential nutrients and proteins that your body needs.

Some fat on hips and thighs is quiet essential for women and give them that feminine shape, so don't loose your sleep over that. Try to improve your body image by looking at yourself like a young child. Treat body with respect. Stop smoking, taking drugs, eat well and exercise within your comfort level. Do not give in to teasing and peer pressure and remember that much of your looks may depend on the ethnicity, heritage and environment in which you live. Idealized men and women body proportions are good enough for seeing but there is much more in world to look forward to than brooding on how to develop or tone those muscles.

Aerobics And Body Fitness

Aerobics And Body Fitness

Aerobics plays a key role in healthy living and body fitness. In Aerobics, we consume oxygen for energy and make rhythmic movements in a fixed pattern that are generally of low-intensity. It helps us to strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop muscles, enhance our endurance capability, strength and stamina and burn off fat naturally. Here is some information about aerobic exercises that you can use:

  • Exercise videos in the market can help you in doing aerobics at home. They are inexpensive and you may only need a good pair of shoes, a set of dumbbell and step as the equipments and tools you need.
  • Regular aerobics exercise ensures leveled heart pumping and a sweaty workout.
  • Aerobic exercises differ for children, pregnant women and elderlies and you have options ranging from low-impact to high-impact step aerobics to kickboxing and specialist videos.
  • Aerobic training on a regular basis results in an increase in blood cells in the body, greater and easier transport of oxygen to the muscles and organs, increase in the level and activity of the enzymes and fat burning capabilities of the muscle fibers.
  • While doing aerobics, you need to dress comfortably that keeps you dry and cool, women must wear a sports bra, sneakers that fit well, are comfortable and well cushioned and you may also like to buy high-tech devices with automatic heart rate monitor.
  • Popular forms of aerobic workouts include biking, cross-country skiing, dancing, jumping rope, running, swimming, playing basketball, roller-skating and brisk walking.
  • Common stationary aerobic exercise equipment includes cycles, treadmills, stair-steppers and rowing machines.

Neem Benefits for Skin, Health and Hair

Neem Benefits for Skin, Health and Hair

Neem benefits Neem benefits are so widely known that these does not need any kind of introduction. Neem with botanical name Azadirachta indica is a very popular herb in India and because of its medicinal and other beneficial properties it is now known across the world. Owing to its exceptional beneficial properties, neem has important place in ayurveda.

In India, neem is considered as a "Sacred Tree" and "Panacea for all Diseases" and can be found anywhere. Antifungal, antidiabetic, antiviral, antibacterial, sedative, blood purification, spermicidal and contraceptive are few to name in the benefits and neem uses. Each part of the tree whether leaf, twig, root or bark is beneficial in one or other form. Here neem benefits for skin, health and hair are discussed in detail.

Neem Benefits for Skin

Neem is very beneficial to the skin as it makes the skin healthy, flawless and cure the skin diseases. It is actually the blood purification property of the neem that keeps you skin flawless. It is good for skin care.

Neem Benefits for Skin
Neem Benefits for Skin
  • • Neem oil as well as neem leaves are excellent for dry skin. These cure the dryness of the skin.
  • Neem cures eczema and this has been proved through researches as well. The affected area can be treated with neem leaf extracts. This gives relief to the patients. Itching and redness of the eczema can be treated by applying neem oil and by using shampoo and soap containing neem extract. In a severe condition of eczema, neem creams can also be used.
  • • Acne is another very common skin problem that are more common in girls than boys. So curing acne is another neem benefit. It also lessen the associated inflammation.
  • • Dry skin, itchy skin, dandruff, wrinkles and itchy scalps can also be cured easily with neem.

Neem Benefits for Health

  • • Neem is highly recommended to cure diabetes. Take 1 kg of fresh neem leaf and 1 kg of lemon. Wash this thoroughly and boil it in two liters of water till the liquid remains to the half of original amount. Sieve to get the liquid and store it in a dry bottle. Consume one cup of it daily. Use this method for one month and then skip two weeks. Again start it. It cures the diabetes from roots.
  • • Neem also cures arthritis and studies have shown that using neem for a loner period of time in the form of neem seed, leaf or bark naturally cure the arthritis. It also reduces the pain and swelling in joints. Check out other home remedies for arthritis.
  • • Neem benefits for health also lies in the fact that it cures blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood clots.
  • • Any kind of prolonged dental problem can be cured with neem, which is one more neem benefit for health. In India most of the people in villages use neem twigs instead of toothbrush to clean their teeth in the morning. This keeps the gums free from all kinds of germs and infections. It also prevents cavities. If you are not getting neem twig then switch to neem toothpaste.
  • • Take neem bath to get rid of harmful germs on your body. For this add neem leaf to the water and take bath in that water.
  • • Neem increases the immune system and get rid off foreign diseases.
  • • It purifies and thicken the blood.
  • • Cure intestinal worms with neem that is another neem benefit for health.
  • • Taste of the mouth and problem of constipation, indigestion and acidity can also be cured with the neem.

Neem Benefits for Hair

Neem Benefits for Hair
Neem Benefits for Hair
Neem benefits for hair are numerous and better results are obtained if you massage you head and hair with neem oil and keep it overnight. Healthy hair are the result of healthy scalp. It is not only the oil that is beneficial but you can make the neem leaf paste and extract to treat your hair.
  • • Neem oil is highly beneficial for the dry and itchy scalp.
  • • Dandruff and scalp psoriasis can be cured with neem oil. Know the home remedies for dandruff treatment.
  • • Neem prevents the premature greying of hair and treats lice and hair fall.
  • • Application of neem oil reduces the thinning of hair.
  • • Make the paste o f neem leaves and apply it on hair. This is a very good conditioner.
  • • Boil the neem leaves in water and use this extract to rinse your hair. This will stop the hair fall.

At Home Natural Spa Treatment

At Home Natural Spa Treatment

  • - At Home Natural Spa Treatment
  • 22 December 2010- Natural personal care products and holistic health provide more nutrients to your body, skin and hair, without producing any negative side effects of chemical fillers. While every woman just loves the idea of having a spa treatment, it is not always possible due to exorbitant spa prices or time constraint. But then there are other ways of having a spa treatment in your own home and at very low costs. There are some very easy-to-follow home tips to get the effective and relaxing spa treatment without spa prices. You can try these tips for at home spa treatment and pamper yourself:

    Hot Foot Bath

    For this you need a medium size tub or basin and fill it with warm water. You should see that the tub that you use is big enough to fit both your feet. The water should reach just above your ankles. Add bath salts in it. If you don't have bath salts, you can use 1 tbsp of ginger powder or a few drops of essential oil. Sink your feet into the warm water. Take a book or a magazine or just an ipod and relax for half an hour. Wipe dry your feet and use a good foot cream. A nice hot foot bath will help you ease stress and tiredness and at the same time it helps in stimulating circulation in the feet.

    Home Made Body Scrub

    At Home Spa Make your own body scrub. It is easy and you will enjoy making it. While making the scrub will keep your mind busy, preventing you to think about work and other stressful issues, using the scrub will give you a relaxing feel. You can relax your tense muscles and cleanse and rejuvenate your skin. Follow these 5 easy steps to create your body scrub:
    • Take a bowl.
    • Pour 1 cup of olive oil or almond oil into the bowl.
    • Now mix i cup of sugar or salt with the oil.
    • Add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil. Alternatively you can add 5 to 6 drops of the lime or orange juice into the mixture.
    • Wet your body, scrub your whole body gently with your home made scrub and then take a shower or bath.

    Dead Sea Mud

    Have you heard about the dead sea mud? This is easily available in the market. This is a very traditional beauty treatment. Just before taking bath, you apply the mud all over the body and let it dry. After few minutes, take a shower. The entire mud is highly concentrated with minerals, some of which are specific to the Dead Sea. The mud when applied to the skin allows your skin to stay naturally moisturized. At the same time it increases oxygen flow to skin cells. Another benefit is that it pulls out toxins, opens up pores and purifies the skin. These minerals also have a very cool and relaxing effect. You can also heat this mud and apply only to aching muscles and joints, let it dry and then rinse it off. You can feel the difference immediately.

    Lavender Treatment

    Lavender oil is a natural sedative which when applied to the body, calms the nervous system and reduces stress in the body. Just have a lavender massage at home. This is a popular home spa treatment. Infact to create a proper spa environment, just switch off the lights in the room or make the room dark by pulling the curtains, light some candles, find a comfortable place to stretch out your body and ask your partner or someone to rub this lavender scented massage oil in your body. After the massage, just relax for few minutes and then take a warm, shower bath.

    These are just few simple tips to have a spa treatment at home and you will enjoy it. It is necessary for the well being of your mind and body and to let go off your stress in the comfort of your own home.