Diabetes Testing
The first thing which the doctor performs while testing is the physical examination of the diabetic patient that is based on the medical history and thorough examination of the person.
Then the doctor takes simple blood tests to diagnose the symptoms of the disease. But these tests are not enough to detect the exact disease. Other tests are taken which are specialized for testing diabetes and when the high sugar level is found in the person’s blood or urine then the doctor is confirmed that the patient is having diabetes.
One can notice certain symptoms during diabetes such as weight loss, unusual thirst, excessive urination instead of constant fatigue and good appetite.
Detecting Ketones and High Glucose
Glucose is the main source of providing energy throughout the body. If the level of glucose is found high in the blood or urine then it means that the glucose is not distributed to the body in appropriate manner. The main reason is that when the body produces too little of hormone insulin or the naturally produced insulin is not used by the body properly..
Insulin clears the sugar from the bloodstream and allows it in the cells which are considered as the store house for insulin. In case of diabetic patients, when enough insulin is not produced or not utilized by the body properly, then glucose gets collected in the blood stream.
When the level of glucose is high in the blood then it gets into the kidneys which pass the waste products from the blood to urine. The doctor can measure the level of glucose by conducting various tests using blood and urine specimens. These tests help in identifying the presence of ketones. The fat which is stored in the body break down without insulin and the production of substances such as ketones and acetone are seen.
Types of Tests
Various types of tests are done to detect the type of diabetes and they are:-
Blood Tests
Blood glucose tests are taken to measure the level of glucose in the blood. This test also indicates the presence of ketones and sugar in the blood. One can measure the ketones and glucose in the blood by using the paper or plastic strips.
Urine Tests
One type of urine test is done such as semi quantitative and one can determine the level of sugar or ketone in the urine by taking a tablet and using a plastic or paper strips.
Glycosylated Hemoglobin Test
This type of test is done to measure the level of glucose which is attached to the red blood cells. The concentration of these glycosylated hemoglobin molecules is higher in diabetic patients as compared to non diabetic patients.
Glucose Tolerance Tests
This test includes taking a small portion of blood from the arm.
Steroid Glucose Tolerance Tests
This test quickly shows the positive results and also indicates impaired glucose tolerance if any member of the family has diabetes.