We offer a wide variety of natural rose petals, specializing in freeze dried rose petals. Rose petals are 100% natural and bio-degradable as well as won't wilt, stain and slip under normal conditions. As appropriate for every occasion, the beautiful rose petal is supplied for weddings and several other events. Whether you are decorating for a casual get-together or seeking extra decorations to supplement the wedding flowers, our collection of rose petals in a myriad of colours certainly exceed the aspirations.
Looking stylish and fashionable at the cost of health is a sign of insanity. Whatever you choose to go in for, make sure you have made yourself fully aware of its harmful effects. Evaluate the pros and cons associated with it and then take a conscious decision, so that you don't repent later. Lip piercing is not an easy process and usually infection accompanies it. It is during the healing period that pierced area demands your attention and care.
Swelling is a common feature, when it comes to lip piercing. To mitigate swelling, a larger ring or a stud is pushed into the pierced area. When the swelling vanishes, you can wear the jewelry of your choice. Lip piercing can prove to be very hazardous for your teeth and gums, if the right initial jewelry is not worn. You should take care that the lip ring does not touch the gums. Refrain from smoking and anything that comes in direct contact with the pierced area.
Taking into consideration the danger of lip piercing, aftercare is of utmost importance. One of the best ways to avoid infection from taking place is to apply homemade saline solution on the pierced area. For preparing this solution, all you need to do is to mix together 1/8 tsp sea salt and 1 cup of warm water. After having your meal, rinse your mouth using this saline solution.