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Tuesday, March 22, 2011



The present fashion demands different types of hair colouring that includes highlighting and using unusual colours as well. Before you opt hair colouring, you should know about its side effects and if possible take precautions and then go for hair colouring. Learn about everything related to hair dye. Read on to know all about this.

Hair is termed as our crowning glory. Women as well as men are changing colour of their hair more often than ever. Is it that they are looking for a perfect colour for their hair or simply want to change the look? May be both reasons are right. But just as there are different colours, there are varieties of brands that claim to be the best.

Before you go for hair colouring, you should be aware of the side effects of hair colouring. Although dyes have their effects on hair, the condition of the hair before colouring also matters a lot.

Side Effects of Hair Colouring are

  • Poor quality - If the quality of the dye is poor it will have adverse effect on the hair of the person. Many people like to save money and do not opt for good quality hair dyes or colours. However it is not essential that the hair colour that is the costliest will not have any side effect on your hair. There are other factors also that matter and other reasons of bad effects of hair colouring.

  • Application not done properly- Nowadays youngsters are going after highlighting their hair. This has very bad impact on the health of the hair. However, applying it properly and with proper precautions can save your hair to a great extent. The looks also get affected if highlighting is not done properly.

  • Over treating - Over treating happens when the colour or the dye is left on hair for longer period of time. Even if a relaxer or perm is left for longer time on the hair for more than it should be left, it affects the hair badly.

  • Under treating - Colouring of hair takes time and the colour has to be left applied on hair for some time period. If the colour is not allowed to set and it is removed or washed before time, it will not be able to cover gray hair. If the intention is to highlight your hair, it will give faded results and you will not get the outcome that you wished.

  • Reactions due to allergy - Hair colour causes allergy to many people. This is why every hair colour company advices to take a patch test before applying the colour to your hair.

  • Bad effects of chemicals - Usually the hair colour that you will buy in the retail shop contains chemicals and since there are varieties of chemical used they have their effects on your hair. The chemicals may have adverse effects on your hair so it is essential that you find out the whereabouts of the dye you are using and then take the patch test so that you know whether it is safe for you or not.

Types of Hair Damage

Short-term hair damage is one that you can overcome as soon as you leave using that brand of hair dye. These are not dangerous and cause damage to your hair that can be rectified. However, there are long-term effects of these hair dyes also. Also, you will see allergic reactions even after you have used it for a long time. It has been observed that people develop and allergy even after a long time in life.

Another type of permanent damage is done to a women's hair when she straightens and colours her hair. Apart from this, overuse of dyes or leaving the dye for longer period of time and so on, also has bad impact on your hair and its health. If you can take precautions, hair dye is good for you.

Are you planning to highlight your hair? Do you know what are the side effects of hair colouring? Are you aware of the precautions that you should take before colouring your hair? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.



Hair is a vital part of one's personality regardless of men or women. Healthy and beautiful hair looks nice on anyone. However rebonding of hair is in fashion these days and people are running after it. Both boys and girls want to have their hair silky, smooth and shiny. Before going for the treatment, read the article know about the side effects of rebonding of hair.

Hair rebonding can give you that silky straight hair that you see in most of the commercials. But before going for it, know about the side effects of it. In many cases it has led to baldness also. A girl who got her hair rebonded felt clumps of hair falling only after a year after the rebonding was carried on. However, each individual may not experience same side-effects of hair rebonding, it may vary from person to person. To know about the side effects you need to first understand the process of hair rebonding.

Process of Hair Rebonding

The coming off of hair in clumps is because in the rebonding process the chemical bonds that are present in your hair are broken and then rearranged to bond back. The work consists of strong chemicals and these are one of the most damaging things that you can do to your hair. Besides this, perming lotion is applied to the hair during rebonding and this helps break down the bonds easily.

There is an electric styling device with two metal plates and the hair is put in between these two plates. The metal plates are heated up and the hair is pulled in between these plates, which straightens it. After the completion of this process, a neutralizer is added to reset the bonds and this stabilizes the hair too.

After this process, the hair is permanently altered and your hair will be changed the way you want it to be. However the treatment and the chemicals lead to hair loss because the hair shafts get weaken easily and break.

Side effects of hair rebonding

  • Hair becomes fragile and needs utmost care after the treatment. You cannot tie your hair for the first month of the treatment nor can you tuck it behind your ears. If you do so the results can be disastrous.

  • The heat can damage your skin and scalp. In some cases they get burnt also. The damage can be experienced if the chemicals remain for long on the hair or the temperature of the metal plates is very high than required.

  • Maintaining the rebounded hair means regular touch ups at least within 6 months after the treatment.

  • The loss of hair is because toxic chemicals are used in rebonding of hair. This puts you to additional risk of hair loss. Your hair will get weaker every time you go for a touch up.

  • If you do not take proper care and follow the instructions of your hair stylist, it can turn into a disaster also.

  • If the rebonding of the hair is not done with a reputed salon, it might result fizzy and you might end up in a very miserable condition.

Taking care of your hair after rebonding treatment

After treating your hair and getting rebonded, you need to take care of your hair comparatively more than you used to do before. Follow the instructions of your hair stylist and do exactly as she says. Make sure you take precaution of tying and tucking you hair till the time she has asked you to wait.

Choose a shampoo that is specially created for straight hair and always use a conditioner after you shampoo your hair. Make sure you take nutritious diet and special contents like vitamin and calcium that is good for the health of the hair. You need to cover the damages done to your hair due to the rebonding process.

Hair is a very essential part of one's personality. So, before you go for any kind of styling that may damage your hair, think twice. Always choose the renowned hair stylist to treat your hair.

Are you planning to rebond your hair? Do you know the side effects of rebonding of hair? Do you have any idea what precautions should be taken when going for hair rebonding? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.



Dandruff is a common problem these days. You can prevent dandruff from reoccurring by following simple and easy steps. There are few things that you should avoid and some tips to take care of overall health of your hair. Read on to know more about it.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money if you want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. No one likes dandruff in his or her hair. Do not worry; you can prevent dandruff by following few simple and easy tips. The best way to cure or prevent dandruff is to apply natural products.

Dandruff is caused when the dead skin cells on your scalp shed terribly. There is a fungus that has also great role in developing dandruff. This causes white flakes and person feels itching sensation on scalp. The perfect solution to preventing dandruff from reoccurring is to use specialty hair care products that are created and designed to fight dandruff.

Tips to Prevent Dandruff

  • Choose a dandruff fighting shampoo that is mild but contains active ingredients that help get rid of dandruff.

  • Wash your hair regularly. Some people need to shampoo daily while others wash their hair twice or thrice in a week.

  • Make sure you message your scalp gently while shampooing. Do not scrub or rub roughly even if you feel irritation on your scalp.

  • Avoid using styling materials that increase dandruff in your hair. Also keep yourself away from stress as much as possible. Stress also increases dandruff.

  • If applying natural products, give some time in observing the results. Natural treatments take time.

Homemade Dandruff Remedies

Here are some homemade remedies to prevent and get rid of dandruff. Natural and homemade products have slow effects and it might take some time. Here are some tips that might help you.
  • If you mix vinegar and water and apply it on your scalp, you will get good results.

  • Apply lukewarm coconut oil on your scalp with the help of cotton ball and leave it overnight. In the morning apply lemon juice on it. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

  • Mix olive oil with almond oil and then message it gently on your scalp. Leave it for five minutes and then wash your hair.

  • Grind fenugreek seeds soaked overnight into paste and apply. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.

  • Aloe Vera is also great for soothing itchy skin. This is because it has endless medicinal properties. Message with it, leave for 15 minutes and then wash as usual.

Causes of Dandruff

Besides all these remedies, you also need to know the cause of dandruff. Sometimes it happens due to some styling gel or wrong choice of shampoo. You should try to avoid those gels and dyes that produce dandruff in your scalp.

Apart from this it can be the change of weather or lot of stress that causes dandruff in your scalp. You can avoid stress, both emotional and physical. Take proper rest and pay attention to nutritious diet. Follow a healthy lifestyle so that you are free from all these problems.

When treating or trying to prevent dandruff, do not think that it is a disease that has to be treated and it will get cured. Development of dandruff is, in fact, due to a tendency of your scalp. Even if you eradicate it, after sometimes when there is favourable condition for their development, it might reoccur. So, you have to make sure that you follow a regular cleaning routine and take care of the health of your hair and body.

Are you suffering from itchy scalp? Do you feel bad because of having dandruff in your hair? Do you want to get rid of your dandruff? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.



Are you coping with hair fall? There are several factors which can be responsible for hair fall. Just washing, conditioning and oiling hair is not enough to prevent hair fall. Read on to know some tips to prevent hair fall. Follow these tips and get ready to fight hair fall problem.

Hema is so engrossed in her day-to-day activities that she did not even realise that she is coping with hair fall problem. She was wondering why she had to cope with hair fall problem as according to her she was taking right care of her hair. But she did not know that there are several factors which can be responsible for hair fall problem.

Many women as well as men cope with the problem of hair fall. However, if proper remedies are followed, hair fall problem can be prevented. Hair fall is caused as we ignore small things which are necessary for taking care of hair. Read on to know some tips for preventing hair fall.

Tips for Preventing Hair Fall

Have a quick look at tips for preventing hair fall

  • Wash your hair at least twice a week.

  • Give head massage to your self before washing your hair. Head massage makes hair strong and helps to prevent hair fall. If possible, take head massage treatment once in while from experts and massage therapists to make your hair strong and beautiful.

  • Use natural conditioners like oil, ghee, curd to condition your hair after washing it. Using these natural hair conditioners before washing your hair can also prove beneficial. Avoiding chemical based conditioners and shampoos can help to prevent hair fall problem.

  • Try to dry your hair naturally and avoid using hair dryer as much as possible. Using hair dryer frequently can make your hair dull and can result in hair fall.

  • Avoid artificial hair beautifying treatments like hair straightening, hair perming or hair ironing. As these treatments involve use of chemical based hair products as well as hair pulling to certain extent, it may damage your hair in turn causing hair fall.

  • Avoid using chemical based products like hair gels and serums which may make your hair look beautiful for the time being but result in hair fall.

  • Avoid colouring your hair with artificial hair colours. You can use herbal hair dye if possible. The contents in hair dyes and hair colours may not suit your hair and result in hair fall. As such, try to find out from hair expert about the hair colour which you should use.

  • Try to use natural remedies to cope with hair problems like dandruff etc.

  • Imbibe a habit of having a balanced diet. Try to consume green vegetable as much as possible. A balanced diet is a key to good health as well as good hair.

  • Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. Water helps to flush out all the toxins from body and helps to deal with problems like hair fall easily.

  • Try to sleep on time and ensure that you sleep for at least eight hours.

  • Practice stress management remedies like meditation and yoga. Stress can also be one of the factors which can cause hair fall. Practicing meditation regularly can help you to cope with stress thereby preventing hair fall.

  • Use scarf for covering your hair whenever you are traveling. Scarf will protect your hair from pollution and help to prevent hair fall.

  • If your hair fall problem is intense, consult doctor.
Follow the above tips to the 'T' and stay away from all causes of hair fall. Make sure that you take proper care of your hair to have long and strong mane. Beautiful hair is after all one of the ornaments of beauty. Therefore, you need to maintain it and take its care like an ornament so that you can prevent problems like hair fall easily.

Are you coping with hair damage and hair fall? What remedies do you follow to cope with hair fall? How to prevent hair fall? To share your experiences, views, and tips,



Do you follow proper hair care remedies? Are you aware of basic hair care fundamentals? Apart from hair care treatments which you avail from beauty parlours, you can do something more for having healthy hair. Read on and know about basic hair care tips to have beautiful hair.

Reshma had very long hair when she was a school going girl. However, she had to cut it short as she was unable to maintain it. But, her desire to have long hair was still alive when she became young. One of her friends suggested her that she should follow proper hair care fundamentals to take proper care of her long hair.

Long and strong hair is one of the ornaments of beauty. We try lot of hair care products on our hair to make it look beautiful. However, we ignore the basic hair care fundamentals. If we follow proper hair care tips, it will be possible for all of us to have long, strong and beautiful hair. Have a quick look at basic hair care tips to have beautiful hair.

  • Oil your hair twice a week. You need to follow the proper process for oiling your hair. When you oil your hair, make sure that it reaches the roots. Try to massage with your fingers whenever you oil your hair. Oiling hair is a must to make it strong and silky. You can use any oil of your choice. Coconut oil or almond oil is considered to be the best for oiling hair.

  • Wash your hair twice a week with good shampoo which suits your hair. You can consult hair expert to find out what suits your hair and scalp type. Make sure that you completely wash-off the oil from your hair.

  • Condition your hair after washing it. Conditioning hair makes it look beautiful and voluminous. Conditioning helps to improve the texture of your hair. Always try to use conditioner of the brand which your shampoo belongs to.

  • Soak your hair with towel or cloth after washing it. Do not use hair dryer unless it is necessary. Using hair dryer frequently can make your hair dull and unhealthy. Avoid tying your hair when it is wet, you may catch cold.

  • Trim your hair once in four months. Trimming will help you prevent split-ends and the growth of your hair will not be affected.

  • Avoid artificial hair beautifying treatments like hair straightening or hair ironing. Hair straightening treatments can make hair weak and result in hair fall. So try to maintain your natural hair.

  • Go for head massage at-least twice or thrice in a year. Ayurvedic head massage proves very beneficial for the health of the hair and it also helps to reduce stress. There are many spas which provide excellent head massage service. You can also give massage to yourself on your own if you do not get time to visit spas or beauty parlours

  • Try to take immediate action if you are coping with dandruff. Dandruff is a common hair problem which is caused due to improper care of hair. Use anti-dandruff shampoo to cope with dandruff. There are many home remedies which you can try to prevent or get rid of dandruff.
Follow the above mentioned tips to the 'T' and get beautiful long mane with an ease. Try to avoid artificial hair beautifying treatments if you wish to maintain beautiful hair throughout your life. Use herbal products and herbal treatments to get best results and get ready to wear the crown of beauty.

How do you take care of your hair? How many times in a week do you wash your hair? Do you know basic hair care tips? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.



Hair fall is one of the biggest problems faced by all the individuals. Hair fall has been a problem for not only for females but also for males. Two critical reasons behind hair loss are inadequate nutrition and hosh-posh and stress of modern lifestyle. Improper sleep, irregular sleep and dirty scalp can also be the results of unnatural hair loss.

Rima loves to give trendy and stylish look to her hair. However, she is worried about the hair loss disorder caused due to use of chemicals. She is very jealous of her friends getting their hair straightened, permed and coloured. But, she is aware that these three practices are the main causes of hair loss in women. She feels very lucky to get the excellent tips about using home remedies for treating hair fall from her grand mom.

Hair loss is a metabolic disorder where the hair starts becoming thinner and later it falls. Papilla is a nipple like structure, which produces hair when the group of cells turns amino acids into keratin. Keratin is a type of protein, of which hair is made and which helps in the growth of hair. The speed of production of these keratin proteins determines the growth of hair. But it is observed to have more hair loss in men then in women. Read on and find more about the causes of hair fall and home remedies for treating hair fall.

Causes of Hair Fall

  • Deficiency of vitamins, proteins and folic acid in regular diet

  • Insufficient nutrition and irregular diet

  • Work stress, worry, anxiety, pressure, tension, trauma and sudden shock

  • Heredity issues

  • Chronic illness

  • Unclean and dirty scalp

  • Poor blood circulation and less hemoglobin

  • High Fever, severe infection and flu

  • Fungus or ringworm infection caused to the scalp

  • Not massaging your scalp for long time

  • Bleaching and hair colouring

  • Tremendous exposure to sun

  • Perming, straightening or ironing hair

  • Use of chemicals

Home Remedies for Hair Fall

There are a lot of ways in which one can prevent hair loss. However, the best and the most effective is the Home Remedies as if it does not work then it will not even have side effects. Home Remedies are as follows:
  • By Rubbing Scalp

    The most efficient home remedy for prevention and treatment of hair loss is by vigorous rubbing of the scalp after washing hair with cold water. One should massage scalp till the time it is heated as it will increase the circulation of blood in the area which is affected and will also help the hair growth. This is one of the good home remedies for curing baldness or hair fall.

  • Using Amla Oil

    Amla oil is said to be a very useful hair tonic for enriching your hair growth. It is made by boiling dry pieces of amla in the coconut oil. Applying a mixture of amla juice and lime juice in the hair before doing shampoo will also help in prevention of hair loss. This remedy also helps to prevent dandruff.

  • With Help of Lettuce

    Lettuce is very useful to stop hair loss. In order to avoid hair fall one needs to take a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice and apply that in the affected area.

  • With Amaranth

    The leaf juice of Amaranth should be applied like hair oil to avoid hair fall, which will help not only to keep the hair soft and silky, but will also help the growth of hair. Amaranth is the best home remedy to treat hair loss.

  • With Mustard and Henna

    One of the safe and well known home remedies for hair loss is the mixture of mustard leaves and henna leaves. One should take both the leaves and then boil them. After boiling the mixture, you should filter it and then apply it on the affected area where you want to grow hair.

  • With Liquorice

    Liquorice paste, which is made by crushing the Liquorice pieces in milk with a bit of saffron, is one more way through which one can prevent hair loss. It is very necessary to know the correct time at which the paste must be applied, to get the correct effect. This paste should be applied on the affected area before going to bed.

  • Via Pigeon Pea

    A paste made up of red gram or pigeon pea will also help in the prevention of baldness. It is very much known for the growth of new hair.

  • With help of Onions

    Onions are very useful to prevent erratic hair fall. The area affected should be massaged with onions in the morning and evening. It should be rubbed on scalp till the time it becomes red after which one should rub it with honey. You should make sure that you prevent your eyes from onion while using this remedy.

    Thus, using home remedies is the best way to cure hair fall. It is the most efficient and easy way to prevent hair fall. You should also try using less of chemical products on your hair which is the first step for preventing hair fall. Good luck for having a shiny think mane of hair for your self with home remedies.

    What causes hair fall? Are you coping with hair fall? Do you know any home remedies for hair fall? To share your experiences, views, and tips,



There are various reasons for hair fall and damage. Know some common causes of hair fall and ways to prevent them.

Everyone has to cope with hair fall at some point of their lives. However the reasons for hair fall in each case is different. Hair fall is caused even when some people take lot of care of their hair. This hair fall problem occurs as people are not able to find the exact cause triggering it. There are a number of reasons for hair fall; here are some of the common reasons.


Diet plays an important role for all the health concerns including hair fall. Not having a balanced diet is one of the main causes for hair fall. Hair fall can also be caused due to certain diet plans followed for losing weight. Thus your diet should provide nutritive value to your body for getting healthy and strong hair.

Hair products

There are certain hair products which may not suit your hair. It can be a shampoo, conditioner, gel or any other product for hair. This is because certain chemicals in these products may not suit your scalp skin. Such chemicals may also cause excessive hair fall and harm your skin. In this case you can always depend on herbal products for your hair.


Increase in pollution day by day is causing major health problems. Pollution makes hair dull and frizzy causing hair loss. Exposure to sunlight for longer time can also cause hair loss. To cope with this problem you should always cover your hair with scarf, hat or cap. Avoid leaving your hair open while traveling if you have long hair. This will help you to keep your hair away from pollution.

Improper hair care

Hair fall can also be caused due not taking proper care of hair. You should always wash your hair regularly using a natural shampoo and conditioner. Oiling hair is most important part of hair care regime. Besides this you should avoid combing on wet hair and try to dry your hair naturally. You should use wide toothed comb and avoid tying hair very tightly.

Ageing process

Hair loss due to ageing process is the most common cause for every one. You should adopt the various techniques like yoga and meditation which slows down the biological ageing process. Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day is very essential to reduce the ageing process.

Imbalance in hormones

There are several reasons due to which hormonal imbalances are caused in human body. In case of women, hair loss is caused after three to six months of delivering a baby. This is as a result of post-pregnancy hormonal changes. It is also caused due to imbalances in thyroid gland. This can be corrected by proper treatment of thyroid diseases. Imbalance in hormones is also caused due to menopause. It can also result due to the imbalance in the hormones known as estrogen and androgens in women.

Medication and drugs

Certain medications and drugs may not suit your body and can affect your hair. There are some medicines which cause side-effects like hair fall. When you see such side-effects you should immediately consult your physician and replace the medicine.

Diseases and sickness

Diseases and sickness make your body weak causing hair fall. Skin diseases like eczema and dermatitis can also cause hair fall. Other diseases like diabetes and lupus are also factors contributing to hair fall.

Beauty treatment

Illustrious beauty treatments like hair colouring, hair straightening, hair styling can cause hair fall. Hair colouring involves harmful chemicals which make hair weak causing hair fall. Excessive hair straightening damages the roots of hair due to pulling. The other hair treatments like perming, curling and frequent blow drying can be harmful for hair.

Excessive stress

Stress is one of the important factors contributing to hair fall. Workload and other personal problems can cause stress. To cope with stress you should have a proper sleep. Eight hours of sleep is necessary to lead healthy life. You should also use stress management techniques like meditation and yoga.

As you know all the reasons for hair fall now, you can figure out what triggers hair fall. However there can be various other factors causing hair fall. Hair fall can also be a part of symptoms of certain disease or just a fear. You should always consult expert before taking action for preventing hair fall. But you can always try natural remedies for it. To have healthy hair all you need is a healthy body and proper hair care regime.

What are common reasons for hair fall? How do you prevent hair fall? How do you cope with excessive hair fall? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.



Know the step by step procedure of conditioning hair and its benefits. Learn to use natural conditioners and chemical conditioners for hair the right way.

Beautiful skin with dry hair can spoil the look of the prettiest face. Hair too needs love and care. Beautiful hair is one of the important symbols of beauty. Taking care of your hair is essential for having shiny and strong hair. Hair care is not a difficult task. Oiling, shampooing and conditioning are three vital essentials of hair care regime. All you need to do is follow this regime using the right hair products.

As your body needs food for getting energy similarly your hair needs conditioning. It is the vital food for your hair to look beautiful. Conditioning is the best way to cope with damaged hair. As increasing pollution makes your hair coarse and dry, conditioning protects hair from it. You may be conditioning your hair but are you doing it the right way. Read on, to find out.

Steps for conditioning hair

Here is a basic step by step procedure of conditioning hair which will make your hair beautiful. Just find out the type (dry, normal, oily) of your hair and pick the conditioner accordingly before you begin conditioning. You want silky not hair that limps.

    1. Find out your hair type and accordingly select a good conditioner and shampoo

    2. Talk to the beautician or hair expert to suggest products suitable for your hair. You can select products according to your hair problems like dandruff, hair fall etc.

    3. Shampoo your hair properly before conditioning

    4. Rinse off the shampoo completely from your hair

    5. Dry your hair using a towel

    6. Apply conditioner to the lengths and ends of your hair and smoothen it out

    7. Use a comb to spread conditioner evenly on your hair.

    8. Wrap a warm towel around your hair or steam your hair with a steamer. Let conditioner stay on your hair for 15 to 20 minutes.

    9. Wash it completely form hair and towel dry your hair
Use conditioner according to the length and thickness of your hair. Avoid using conditioner on scalp if you are not using natural conditioners.

How to use natural conditioners

Natural conditioners are better as they do not cause any harm to your hair. They are easily available at an affordable price and do not have any side-effects. If you want to learn to love your natural hair, you can opt for some natural conditioners mentioned below.

  • Take a little coconut or almond oil on your palm. Rub it all over your hair after hair wash. Do not wash your hair after this

  • Take an egg yolk and beat it well. Add few drops of olive oil and mix it properly. Apply this mixture all over your hair. Wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes

  • Boil an apple and take out the pulp. Apply the apple pulp to your hair strands and rinse it after some time

  • Make a paste using Amla powder, Ritha powder, Bhringaraj powder, Shikakai powder and Henna powder using lukewarm water. Apply this paste and let it stay for 20 to 25 minutes before rinsing it off. Wash you hair without using shampoo for best results

  • Apply curd to your hair and wear a shower cap for sometime. Wash hair after 30 minutes

  • Make a paste using banana pulp and curd. Apply this paste and wash it off after 15 to 20 minutes. Use this paste if you want deep conditioning

  • Take a palm full of Aloe Vera gel rub it on your hair. Wash your hair after some time

Benefits of conditioning hair

If you condition your hair using suitable methods and ingredients your hair will love you for it.
  • Helps get rid of fizzy hair

  • Makes hair soft and shiny

  • Provides adequate moisture to hair

  • Helps repair damaged hair

  • Helps to give good volume to the hair

  • Helps to protect hair from pollution

  • Keeps hair nourished for a longer time

  • Replaces lost natural oils as a result of excessive use of shampoos
There are different conditioners available in the market to suit the specific needs of your hair. There is also a need to switch conditioners. Check if you require any variation in your conditioner brand or type every six moths. Take an expert's guidance to use any chemical based products. Continuous use of chemical based conditioners can be harsh for your hair. It may even result in hair loss.

Ensure you use the best available conditioner for your hair. Going natural can be the safest and best. Following the three vital essentials will keep your hair healthy and beautiful for a long, long time. So, while you oil and shampoo, do not forget to condition your hair!

How do you condition your hair? Do you use natural conditioners for your hair? Have you faced any problems while conditioning your hair? To share your experiences, views, and tips, click here.