Different types of nail diseases
- Onychia – Inflammation of matrix (the surrounding tissue of a nail) is the symptom called Onychia. Formation of pus in the affected area some times leads to shedding of the nail.
- Onychocryptosis – This is commonly known as ingrown nails. Here the nails cut into the sides of the nail bed. In some cases the nail cuts into one side only. In some others both sides may be affected. This situation can be effectively treated by cutting nails properly.
Onychodystrophy – This is the most serious nail disorder. Deformation of nails is the main symptom of Onychodystrophy. It may some times be the result of cancer. So discoloration and deformation of any nail demands serious attention. Consult a medical practitioner to rule out the possibilities of cancer.
- Onychgryposis – thickening nail is the symptom of Onychgryposis. It may be a result of an injury to the surrounding tissue. Extra ordinary curvature of the nail also comes under this category. Some times it can be a hereditary one. Total neglect of the nail can also be a cause for this. The situation can often be avoided by giving proper care and attention to your nails.
- Onycholysis – Loosening of the nail from the nail beds indicates Onycholysis. Reason can be fungal infections or use of cheap nail enhancement products or it can even be the side effect of a drug. Effective treatment plan can be suggested by a doctor upon diagnosing the basic cause for the disease.
- Onychomadesis – Falling of nail is called Onychomadesis. Reason can be the injury to matrix bed. Treating the injury to the matrix bed can often solve the problem
Onychomycosis – Discoloration, thickening, chalkiness and crumbling of nails come under this category of disease. Application of tea tree oil is said to be very effective to Onychomycosis.
- Onychoptosis – Shedding of nails is a result of Onychoptosis. The cause may be diseases like syphilis, fever, and trauma or drug reaction. Correct diagnosis and treatment of the root cause can often prevent Onychoptosis.
- Paronychia – Bacterial or fungal infection in the areas where skin and nail meets is the reason for Paronychia. Anti fungal/ bacteria medicines are effective cure to this disease.
- Koilonychia – Upward curve of the skin may be due to iron deficiency. This disease can be treated by intake of iron supplements under medical guidance.
- Subungnanhematoma – Clotting of blood under the nail leads to Subungnanhematoma. Reasons may be undersized shoe, minor trauma or acute injury.
Apart from these scientifically named nail diseases, in day to day life we face some other problems which we can effectively treat our selves without much effort.
- White spots – It is a commonly seen problem of nail. Minor trauma or knock against some hard object can be the reason for this. Some times it may be hereditary also. Those who work regularly with hands also are seemed to be affected by white spots.
This needs no special treatment. It will grow out with nails.
- Pitting - Some times this is hereditary. In other cases it can be result of trauma certain illnesses like psoriasis, eczema.
Treating the cause may help.
Nail thickness – Diseases like fungal infection and psoriasis are the main cause behind nail thickness. Apart from this, ageing process and trauma can also be cited as reasons for nail thickness.
It can be cured by treating the cause disease.
- Vertical splitting – those who are constantly in contact with water are seemed to be affected by vertical splitting.
Zinc and iron intake is recommended for vertical splitting. Massaging using almond oil is also suggested to be an effective remedy for vertical splitting.
- Separation of nails from nail bed – Over exposure to detergents and over time typing or catching the nail on something could be the reasons for separation of nails.
Using rubber gloves while using detergents, cutting nails according to size and filing it and also intake of iron and zinc helps in curing this type of nail problem.
Other nail problems:
- Black nail – Acute trauma, jamming finger or nails in a door are cited as causes behind black nail. In this case nail may some times fall off.
Hang nail - This is usually a self inflicted problem. Biting and picking at the nails and aggressive self manicuring are usually the causes behind hang nail.
- Fungal nail – Discoloration of the nail is the symptom of fungal infection. It can be yellow, black or green in colour. Diabetes or constant contact with water can be the causes.
- Brittle nail – Organic silica is said to be effective for increasing growth of nail. Intake of essential fatty acid’s vitamins B 12 and B5 will help to remedy brittle nail.
Onchogryphosis or claw nail is a condition which results in severe deformity of nails due to reasons like trauma or permanent shoe pressure. Toe nails are commonly seen to be more affected by this nail disorder. The nails affected by the disease onchogryphosis usually appear to be thickened, curved and claw or hook like in shape.
The nails affected by this nail disorder will show the tendency to grow long in a shapeless manner. Normally shaping, trimming and filing of these nails are not easy due to their unusual thickness and hook like shape. This abnormal shape and condition of the nails affected by Onchogryphosis will also make it a home for bacteria and fungus to grow.
Causes for Onchogryphosis
The primary cause for Onchogryphosis is the damage caused to the cells constituting matrix that makes the nails grow. It is this damaged cells of matrix that cause the nails to grow in abnormal shapes and thickness.
The damage caused to nails by heavy impact against hard surfaces or due to fall of heavy objects on nail results in injury and damage to nail matrix which in turn may prompt Onchogryphosis.
Sports persons, persons who wear tight shoes etc are also prone to Onchogryphosis. Constant pressure exerted by under sized shoes on toe nails may damage the nail matrix which in turn may precipitate Onchogryphosis.
Poor blood circulation to toe tips especially due to diabetes and nutritional deficiency can also lead to this nail disorder.
Chances are there for the symptoms of Onchogryphosis to be misunderstood as that of a fungal infection. This may result in wrong treatment and unnecessary waste of money. Care should therefore be taken to consult a seasoned medical practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment of Onchogryphosis.
Discomfort to nails while wearing shoes is the most commonly seen symptom of Onchogryphosis. Gradually the person suffering from Onchogryphosis will start showing signs of intolerance towards even a minor shock on the nails. In fact it is not the nail but the nail bed that is injured and the causes the discomfort. In some other cases the nails grow like a hook may even cause damage to the adjoining nails and there by cause damage and infection to them also.
The general idea behind any treatment plan for Onchogryphosis is to reduce the abnormal thickness of the nails. Exact treatment plan will however depend upon the gravity of the disease.
The basic treatment to Onchogryphosis involves cutting, filing and trimming of nails to bring it back to a manageable state. It is always advisable to seek the assistance of a qualified doctor or nurse to avoid complications. Some times this process requires special tools due to the extreme thickness of the nails affected by Onchogryphosis.
In extreme situations doctor may advice the patient to remove the nails through a minor surgery. Along with nails, the nail root matrix will also be removed to avoid further production of thick nails by the damaged cells of nail matrix.
Neighboring nails can be prevented from being infected with Onchogryphosis by preventing contact of neighboring nails with infected nails. This can be achieved by keeping a roll of clean cloth or wool between the toes.
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