| Worried about hair loss [alopecia] ?... Frustrated with thousands of so called guaranteed products ?... |
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| | | Beautiful Hair with herbal treatment | | | |
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You are not alone… Hair loss afflicts millions of people and most of them are frustrated because they spent a lot for guaranteed products and got no results.
The real fact is that , guaranty is a marketing word which is being used to increase sale of the product. No commercial products is 100% efficient as a cure for each and every type of alopecia because there are so many trigger factors causing alopecia or hair loss. [hereditary, stress, hormones, medicines, irregular food habits, environment etc].
Which product is best for hair loss?.. It is really hard to answer. No product can be 100% perfect cure for all.
Why one product gives excellent result to some one but the same product does not yield any result to other ? ..as per Ayurveda books the answer is Prakriti [basic nature]. Just like human fingerprints each individual has unique basic nature so the treatment and its result may vary from person to person.
Ayurveda is India's traditional, natural system of medicine that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. Ayurveda means the "science of life". World Health Organization [WHO] has recognized Ayurveda as prime alternative therapy. Ayurveda is the ancient Indian medical science, the origin of which can be traced back from Vedas which are the ancient books of knowledge, or science, from India.
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Ayurveda believes in three doshas which are vata, pitta, and kapha. Each person has a unique blend of the three doshas, known as the person’s prakriti [basic nature]. Due to this Ayurvedic treatment is always individualized. In Ayurveda, a disease is viewed as a state of imbalance in one or more of a person’s doshas.
Dr Rohit Shah is a doctor of naturopathy and bachelor of Ayurveda from Gujarat ayurvedic university, one of the best university of Ayurveda medical science on the earth. During his 20 years medical practice he has treated nearly 9000 patients of various types of alopecia and has proved that compared to other therapy ayurvedic herbal treatments are highly effective, harmless and 100% safe for hair loss problems.
'Alopecia' is a medical terminology which is being used for various types of hair loss. There are different types of alopecia like androgenetic alopecia, diffuse alopecia, traction alopecia, cicatricial alopecia etc. But among all, alopecia areata is a highly unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. Perfect etiology of alopecia areata is still not known but medical science believes that the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system (white blood cells), resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage.
Alopecia areata usually starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp and can progress to total scalp hair loss (alopecia totalis) or complete body hair loss (alopecia universalis). Ayurveda has described alopecia areata as indralupt.
Dr Rohit`s alopecia treatment is completely based on Ayurvedic concepts. He designs a custom treatment for every patient after getting full details. The treatment contains herbal oil, herbal powder, herbal gel and herbal paste which are all topical applications and made from fresh herbs. The treatment does not contain any oral medication.
Dr Rohit has also developed some special formula for Hair loss due to Chemotherapy, Poor hair growth in Children, tricotillomania and alopecia areata.
The main advantages of Dr Rohit`s herbal therapy are given as under….
- Based on ancient Ayurveda books.
- No oral treatment. No side effects.
- Highly potential compared to other therapies.
- Applications are easy, convenient, can be used without taking help of others.
- Customized herbal treatment prepared as per the details given by the patient.
The website is working as a successful cyber clinic since 1999 and it is dedicated for alopecia patients who are interested in Ayurvedic and 100% natural treatment but have no facility in their country or home town.
For international patients herbal preparations are sent through post / international courier services which takes 20-22 days to reach the patient. For Indian patients it takes only 7-10 days.
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