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Friday, March 11, 2011

massage oils

Ayurveda : make massage oils from sesame, almond,...

Ayurvedic massage oilsWhy use any massage oils at all ? If the body is rubbed dry, the friction created generates heat and pain, which aggravates the element of vata (wind) and thus disturbs the gasses in the body.

Massage oils eliminate friction and disperse heat evenly through the body. Massage oils are a nutrient for the skin and strengthen the nerve fibers that are connected to the hair follicles. The small amount of massage oils remaining on the skin afterwards, and after the shower or bath that follows, provides resistance to environmental temperatures and pressures. Application of massage oils to the navel before going to sleep cures dryness of the whole body. When massage oils are applied at the junction of spine and skull, they calm the entire nervous system, strengthen memory and improve the eyesight.

Many types of massage oils are used in Ayurvedic massage. For general body massage, mixed formulas of massage oils are widely used in ayurvedic massage, of which some examples :

Massage oils for women and children : To 4 cups of sesame oil, add 2 tablespoons each of almond oil, wheat germ oil and jasmine oil.

Massage oils for men : To 4 cups of sesame oil, add 2 tablespoons of mustard oil, heated with ½ a teaspoon of asafoetida. Filter the mustard oil, then add 3 tablespoons of turmeric (kurkuma) powder and cook until the turmeric turns dark brown. Then add to the sesame oil.

The following massage oils are primarily used to stabilise an aggravated or simply dominant dosha :

Aggravated or dominant dosha Primary massage oils
Vata Sesame
Pitta Coconut
Kapha Mustard or Olive

Individual massage oils may have particular therapeutic use, such as Babuna (Chamomile) oil for relief of muscular pains or coriander oil that removes excess body heat. Some indian formulas for massage oils have becomes particularly popular, such as Bringaraj oil, Brahmi oil and Mahanarayana oil.

Angelica Root Oil

Angelica Root Oil
Angelica  Root Oil
The Angelica root oil offer an attractively clean as well as deep aroma to me. It gives an emotional and spiritual touch at the same time. This essential oil is extremely useful in assisting clients in getting relief from old traumas and also helping them to get well sooner after a shock. Not only this, but also used to clean the auric field as well as aid patients in letting go and moving ahead. Our Angelica root oil is also useful in opening & cleansing of the solar plexus chakra. This oil is one of the main component in our Protection and Purification blend.

Eye Makeup

Eye Makeup

Those who are blessed with almond shaped eyes are really considered to be lucky as they have to be the ideal eyes. So when doing the eyes make up, do the according light and dark changes and give your eyes the almond shape. There are various eye makeup tools to make your eyes more expressive.

Eyeshadow Application Technique

You could easily follow the following steps to apply the Eyeshadow shades in the right manner.
  1. Use a fine, blunt-ended application brush, move it gently to apply the base color to the eye lid from the edge of the nose joint to the outer corners.

  2. If you feel that your eyes needs to be highlighted more, blend in a deeper shade and apply it till the crease line. This will surely give your eyes more prominence.

  3. The brow bone should always be highlighted with a lighter shade. This will make your eyes look wide and open.

  1. Before applying the Eyeshadow on the eye lids, do not forget to test the colors on the back of your hand to verify its intensity. Try using 3-4 colors, but all should be blended well to reveal the actual color. A tip that you can keep in mind - pale tones emphasize your eyes better whereas the deeper shades define your eyes.

Eye Liners Application Technique

Liquid Eye Liner Application Technique

The first step which you should take is – test it at the back of your hand to see the amount of pressure with which you should apply. If you are not an expert, first try steadying your elbow on a flat surface. You have to work from the inside of your eyes to the outer corners and make a fine line which is also even.

Pencil Eyeliner Application Technique

The method is similar to that of applying a liquid eye liner. Pencils would also define your eyes or extend your eyes in the proper manner. Always sharpen it before applying on your eye lids. If it is broken or blunted, the entire effect of shaping up your eyes gets lost.

Mascara Application Technique

To get the best of results, you have to first look down and brush the top eye lashes from the roots in the downward position and then you have to look up and brush the top lashes upwards. You have to do it for the second time to make the look more prominent. Lastly, brush off with a clean dry brush for separating the eye lashes.

8 steps formula to get those expressive eyes

  1. Prepare your eyes with the help of a concealer - Concealer can be used to cover up the dark circles or other blemishes.
  2. Apply eye base powder to your eye lids – Applying a eye base will help you keep the Eyeshadow intact for hours.
  3. Apply the eye shadow – Start off with a light shade and work up till the eye brow. Slowly make the colors deep and do not forget to blend it well.
  4. Follow with eyeliner - Dark eyeshadows will work wonders with eye liners.
  5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter
  6. Highlight your eye brow
  7. Curl the eye lashes
  8. Apply mascara


Massaging Techniques

Massaging Techniques

Kneading & Squeezing

This step involves picking the scalp away from the head and manipulating it in different ways using ones hands or fingers and thumbs.

Percussion Strokes

This step involves the sides or the tips of the fingers applied in a motion similar to playing a drum. This stroke is effective on the other nervous system and the circulatory system.


This step involves using hands, fingers or forearms over the head. It has a soothing effect and is a great way to calm the mind.

Friction Strokes

This step involves a rubbing or chopping motion by applying fingers and heels or sides of the hand. Since This step tends to be vigorous, it warms the head and stimulates blood circulation.

Identify a Hair Condition

Identify a Hair Condition

  • Dry

What is Dry Hair?

Normal Hair contains around 15% moisture at 70% relative humidity.

A drop in this level of moisture leads to drying of hair. When hair is dry it tends to feel rough and unmanageable. Static is easily developed in the hair and it tends to break easily. Dry hair may also be more porous.


  • Dry hair could be your hair type or could have developed due to environmental conditions.
  • Dry hair is often the first sign of under nourished hair pointing to severe hair damage.
  • Use of wrong / harsh products also triggers of dryness of hair.
  • Excessive blow drying or frequent use of heat treatments could also leads to loss of hydration from hair.