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Monday, June 13, 2011

Moisturizers, Facial and Homemade Moisturizers

Moisturizers, Facial and Homemade Moisturizers

Moisturizers provide moisture to the skin. Moisturizers trap moisture below your skin's outer layer and soften skin. This moisture and added softness makes dry or dehydrated skin temporarily feel better. Like other skin care products there is no such thing as a one-formula-fits-all moisturizers. We offer you a moisturizing primer. MoiLanolin, avocado oil, vitamin E oil, jojoba oil are the natural ingredients of a good Moisturizer.

Facial Moisturizers

There is a dizzy array of facial Moisturizers out there: gels, serums, lotions, creams and balms. There lightweight formulas for skin that does not need a lot of hydration and heavy duty Moisturizers formulas for severly dehydrated skins. And there are Moisturizers at all points between some even treatment ingredients designed to temporarily repair damaged skin.

For consumer, the best Moisturizer choice can be confusing. Take the time to choose the Moisturizer that is right for your skin type. There is an enormous array of products to suit your unique needs.

Home made moisturizers

Water melon moisturizer:

Take one slice of water melon, one table spoon of lemon juice and then Squeeze the juice of lemon over the watermelon slice and keep in the fredge for about 15 minutes. Take out the slice and cut it into bits and place it over your face. This will reduce body temperature and moisturizes it.

Avocado moisturizer:

Take one teaspoon honey, 200 gm curd, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, a medium size avocado. Mix honey and the pulp of avocado and make a thick paste of it, then add lemon juice and curd to make stiff cream. Keep in fredge for half an hour. Massage the mixture well on face and neck, leave it on for one night and you will see a luster to your skin

Best Natural homemade Skin Moisturizers for dry, oily and sensitive skin

Best Natural homemade Skin Moisturizers for dry, oily and sensitive skin

Moisturizers prevent loss of moisturizer and dehydration of the skin and speed up the process of skin cell renewal. Moisturizing is a must for every skin type. The quality and amount of moisturizer can vary from person to person. Moisturizers come in various types, balms and creams are the thickest and greasiest; oils and lotions are lighter and more fluid; gels are clear or translucent and the lightest of all.

Need For Skin Moisturizers

Moisturizers are designed to reduce water loss from the epidermis. The skin protects us from the sometimes-harsh external environment ( e.g. microbial invasion and physical injuries), regulates our body temperature, provides sensory input and eliminates waste. They also can protect the barrier to soot and dirt and there is a temporary feeling of smoothness when these are used. Thus, moisturizers can be used preventatively or to help restore the stratum corneum to its more normal function.

Moisturizers fall into two categories: lipids and humectants. Humectants Moisturizers are either absorbed into the skin or stay on the surface of the skin. Lipids Moisturizers blocks moisture from leaving the skin and provide a barrier and allow skin to better restore itself.

Tips for selecting a moisturizer and techniques for skin moisturizing

The ideal skin moisturizing routine should be limited to a 10 minute, twice daily event, using a best suited lotion or cream product. Here are some tips -

  • If you have pimples do not use oily Moisturizer.
  • When purchasing Moisturizer go look for SPF of 15- the Sun Protection Factor.
  • Smooth Application of a moisturizer immediately after bathing prevents water loss from the skin and during winter.
  • If you wear make-up regularly shouuld follow the basic skin care routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing every day twice in morning and evening.
  • Apply Moisturizing cream using fingertips to dot it lightly all over the face.

How to appy Moisturizer on dry an dsensitive skin

Moisturizing should be applied to the skin after bathing as this time skin will absorb moisturizer more easily. Do not rub your face while applying Moisturizer as this can harm dry skin and results wrinkles. Use a moisturizer as a base before applying your foundation. For best results, wait until the moisturizer is dry and then apply foundation. So, know your skin type and don't be afraid to try many products before settling on one. Beauty product reviews say the best way to soften wrinkles is by plumping the skin tissue and swelling it with water. Herbal moisturizers are easy to use, readily absorbable and should never burn or irritate. Elta moisturizer for the face conditions, protects and does not feel too greasy on the skin. Overuse of moisturizer is as bad as not using any. Too much moisturizer can lead to clogged pores and blackheads.

Skin Care Tip Submitted by Bharti

applying chapstick or a moisturizer right at the sign of a cold sore can prevent it from completely forming

Vitamin for Healthy Skin

Vitamin for Healthy Skin

Apart from using makeup for looking good, a healthy diet is also essential. A nutritious, full of vitamins, balanced diet is not only a delicious way to eat - it can work wonders for your skin. A healthy diet means diet contains lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, fibre rich, low in fats and low in added sugar and salts that provides your skin all the required vitamins and minerals for proper functioning.

Vitamins Checklist for Healthy Skin

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for growth and repair of certain skin tissues. Its deficiency can cause dryness, itching and loss of skin elasticity. Foods like carrots, spinach, broccoli and apricots are good sources of vitamin A.

Eating for a Beautiful Healthy Skin

Vitamin B
Vitamin C is need for collagen production to help keep the skin firm. It is found in strawberries, citrus fruits, cabbage and tomatoes.

Vitamin E
It is an anti-oxidant vitamin that neutralizes free radicals - highly reactive molecules that can cause ageing. Vitamin E is found in foods like almonds, hazelnuts and wheat germ.

Vitamin B Complex
This vitamin is necessary to maintain a healthy skin tone and helpful in treatment of stress and acne. Wholegrain cereals including bread are an excellent source of B vitamins and also provide fibre needed by skin to stay healthy.

Zinc works with vitamin A in the making of collagen and elastin which are the fibres that give your skin its strength, elasticity and firmness. Shellfish, wholegrains, milk and cheese are some good sources of zinc.

These are some of the essentials that your skin needs to keep your skin in healthy tip-top condition. However, the most important element is water. You should drink atleast two litres of water a day to keep your body healthy and skin clear.

Skin Care - Combination Skin Type, home remedies for Combination skinv

Skin Care - Combination Skin Type, home remedies for Combination skin

Combination skin has a greasy area, while surrounding areas are dry. The forehead, cheeks, nose and chin comprise the T-zone, which is almost always oily. The rest of the face is dry. Combination Oily skin is another type that has pores only open in the T-zone and though the texture is oily, the person may have firm, smooth cheeks and forehead. The sebaceous activity does not extend to the cheeks and this kind of oily skin can have areas of dehydrated patches on cheeks and forehead.

Therefore, the combination oily skin type can have a shiny forehead, nose and chin, with tendency for normal skin dry skin around eyes, outer cheek area and neck and still be prone to blackheads and blemishes in the T-zone.

Care Tips for Combination Skin

The weather, our moods, sleeping habits, body chemistry and cosmetics can affect the skin's delicate balance. Flexibility in your skin care regimen is the best way to work with combination skin. Treat dry areas with homemade cold or moisturing creams and greasy patches With regular application of homemade astringents.

Combination Skin Type Checklist

Combination skin is normal with a few dry patches and a few oily patches.
Dryness is usually on the cheeks.
Oiliness is usually on the T-zone.
After a wash some areas feel dry and some smooth.
By the midday the T-zone is shiny.
Often break out in spots in the T-zone.
Most women have combination skin.

Oily Skin Type, home remedies for oily skin

Oily Skin Type, home remedies for oily skin

The subaceous glands are over active. Skin that feels great when you take off for work in the morning but feels greasy by lunch; these are all too familiar scenarios for those of us with oily skin. Oily skin type has over reactive sebaceous glands that make the face shiny, particularly down the central panel-your nose, forehead and chin, also known as the T-zone. The pores of persons with oily skin type are enlarged and prone to blackheads, pimples and Acne problems; thus, oily skin requires has special cleansing needs for keeping pores unclogged and prevent accumulation of dirt on the skin surface.

Steps to control Oily Skin

An oily or greasy skin is prone to pimples and dark shadows. It, therefore requires frequent cleansing, say thrice a day atleast. Use of sulphur soap is beneficial. Also remember to clean your face at night, before retiring, with some good quality cleansing milk. Avoid oily food. If you have an excessively oily skin, take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt. Also take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.

Make sure that all of your makeup, especially your foundation, and sunscreen are water-based. There is no truer friend to oily skin than powder that is oil free and preferably free of fragrance.

Tips for Oily skin care: daily routine techniques:

  • Make a mixture of 1 spoon curd,1 spoon tomato juice, 1 spoon multani mitti, 1 spoon honey and little amount of kapur. Apply this mixture on your face.
  • Oily skin complexion often looks shiny and because excess sebum can mix with makeup an dirt to clog pores, oily skin is vunerable to spots.
  • Oily skin requires more cleansing than other skin types.

Oily Skin Type Checklist

Oily skin feels very greasy.
The texture is often very thick and coarse.
There are large, visible pores.
After a wash it feels fine.
By midday it looks shiny.
Often break out in spots.

Allergy to Mineral Makeup

Allergy to Mineral Makeup

Mineral make-up has been the latest fad in the fashion and beauty industry. Promising a mysterious, ethereal and all natural look this make-up has caught on to the minds of people. The use of organic ingredients is considered to be healthy and natural. Dermatologists recommend mineral-based cosmetics to people with sensitive skin, acne, oily skin and rosacea.

However as the cosmetic industry is self regulated and not controlled or regulated by any outside party which can test the ingredients, the products of those companies that claim to be using minerals but aren't doing so, may show adverse skin effects on the consumers.

Minerals found in the cosmetics

Given below are the following list of ingredients or minerals that are normally found in genuine mineral based cosmetics.

• Inorganic dyes- these dyes have lower risk to cause an allergy than synthetic dyes that are normally found in some cosmetic products.

• Iron oxide - generally found on the label as yellow iron oxide, iron oxide pearl powder, black iron oxide, or brown iron oxide, if used sparingly is not considered to harmful

• Mica - also known as sericite, or 'mica shimmer particle natural earth pigment is often used to give a touch of glimmer to the products.

• Natural sunblock or sunscreen- zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are used to protect the skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun.

Doctors suggest mineral-based make-up products as mineral products are fine granulated powder formations and not typical liquid make-up. Powder based make-up does not get absorbed into the skin unlike the liquid based make-up.

What to keep in mind when buying mineral-based make-up products

When you are out in the market intending to buy a mineral-based cosmetic keep the following vital points in mind:

• There are many companies offering lucrative products that claim to be mineral-based, do not get carried away by their advertisements and marketing strategies.

• Always buy products of those companies that have been in the market for a considerable number of years, have a reputation to protect and are sensitive to the needs of the consumers.

• Though there are plenty of companies that offer reputable, trustworthy mineral products, there is no guarantee that one would not develop allergy after using these cosmetic products.

• It is important to read the product's ingredient list. If there is no list available, consult a salesperson or visit the company's web site for more details.

• Remember if there are fewer ingredients in the product, then it is a better product. The list can contain from as few as 3 to 8 ingredients.

• You need to go with your instinct sometimes. Something akin to your instinct when eating. If your mind says something isn't right you stop yourself from eating. In the same way, if you feel that something isn't right or the ingredients listed look suspicious, go with your instinct and resist the temptation of buying it.

Mineral make-up can help create radiant, glowing skin. To prevent the development of allergy to mineral make up all you need to do is to look through the ingredients list before making the right choice.