Moisturizers, Facial and Homemade Moisturizers
Moisturizers provide moisture to the skin. Moisturizers trap moisture below your skin's outer layer and soften skin. This moisture and added softness makes dry or dehydrated skin temporarily feel better. Like other skin care products there is no such thing as a one-formula-fits-all moisturizers. We offer you a moisturizing primer. MoiLanolin, avocado oil, vitamin E oil, jojoba oil are the natural ingredients of a good Moisturizer.
Facial Moisturizers
There is a dizzy array of facial Moisturizers out there: gels, serums, lotions, creams and balms. There lightweight formulas for skin that does not need a lot of hydration and heavy duty Moisturizers formulas for severly dehydrated skins. And there are Moisturizers at all points between some even treatment ingredients designed to temporarily repair damaged skin.
For consumer, the best Moisturizer choice can be confusing. Take the time to choose the Moisturizer that is right for your skin type. There is an enormous array of products to suit your unique needs.
Home made moisturizers
Water melon moisturizer:
Take one slice of water melon, one table spoon of lemon juice and then Squeeze the juice of lemon over the watermelon slice and keep in the fredge for about 15 minutes. Take out the slice and cut it into bits and place it over your face. This will reduce body temperature and moisturizes it.
Avocado moisturizer:
Take one teaspoon honey, 200 gm curd, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, a medium size avocado. Mix honey and the pulp of avocado and make a thick paste of it, then add lemon juice and curd to make stiff cream. Keep in fredge for half an hour. Massage the mixture well on face and neck, leave it on for one night and you will see a luster to your skin