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Monday, December 26, 2011

11 New Ways to Make Time for a Massage with Hot Stones

11 New Ways to Make Time for a Massage with Hot Stones

Discover useful tips to find a little time for you and a relaxing massage with stones!
"I Haven’t Got Time for the Pain" was one of Carly Simon’s biggest hits in the 1970s. Though the song is about emotional pain, it reveals that when faced with a "fight or flight" situation, we often choose the latter. Pain is never fun. Whether it is a bee sting, a broken leg, or a migraine headache, the less time we live in pain, the better. But ironically, in our hectic day-to-day lives, we often neglect to set aside time for activities such as massages with hot stones, to ease the pain in our bodies. However, we must ask ourselves: Do we really lack the time for such relaxing activities, or are we unwilling make the time for them?

Excuses, excuses
We often use time as an excuse for not doing particular activities that we know we should do. But how efficiently are we using the time that we have? Recent studies show that, for example, workers in the U.S. waste an average of roughly two hours every day. So in many cases we need to make time for a massage with hot rocks.

The real time-wasters
A massage’s duration ranges from about 30 minutes, to two hours. Foot and back massages tend to take half and hour, while a full-body therapeutic massage can range from 1-2 hours. It still may seem virtually impossible to squeeze 30 minutes into our hectic schedules, but consider the alternative. Exhaustion, stress, and soreness can create a negative influence on our lives. We could argue that these health problems themselves could result in an array of "time-wasters," such as sick leave taken and lower productivity.

Get organized
The solution is to organize our day in a way that makes time for a massage with hot stones. Taking a small amount of time to get organized and making our daily schedule more compact, is time well spent. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Get enough exercise and sleep. Having enough energy will allow you to complete your tasks more efficiently.

2. Prioritize the tasks you need to complete. Working on (let alone completing) all of your tasks is next to impossible, so determine which ones are the most important.

3. Take time to do the job right the first time. Fixing errors can be time-consuming and a waste of time.

4. Assess how you spend your time. Keep a three-day log of how you spend every minute of the day, and then evaluate it.

5. Avoid doing tasks that are not vital. Before you promise to do additional tasks, consider your goals and a timetable to complete them.

6. Take a class in time management.

7. Delegate work to others. Read through your daily "to-do" list and determine who can help you to get the list done.

8. Do something you loathe, for 10 minutes a day. Ironically, once you get started, you may learn that you can finish the dreaded task!

9. Plan every day. Make a "to-do" list daily, to create more control in your life.

10. Break up huge tasks into manageable chunks. Dedicating a few minutes to each task will ultimately make it easier to complete all of them!

11. Enjoy a break when necessary. This can include a relaxing massage with heated stones. Afterwards, you will feel relaxed and energized.

As the old saying goes, "time is money." Though modern society has made us busier than ever, making our schedules more efficient can create more free time than we thought we had. And that will make the time we invest in a relaxing, rejuvenating hot stones massage--a tiny grain in the hourglass of time. Have no time for the pain!

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