Hair Fall Control
Hair fall is a common problem of human life. This problem depends on the person. Some people start becoming bald due to hair fall and some just loose little amount of hair. Some most common causes of hair fall are: stress, hormonal imbalance, illness, improper diet, pollution, aging, infections, use of chemicals and exposure to radiations. not a difficult thing. You just need to follow some hair fall control tips that I am going to discuss in this article.
Experts have revealed that hair fall is the result of the use of nutrients present in the bone marrow. Some people also face hair fall due to excessive exposure to sunlight, dust and pollution. Some people suffer from mental illness like depression; insomnia, etc also face hair loss. Just have a look at some hair fall control tips.
Take medicines prescribed by doctor. Medicines can slow down the rate of hair fall and increase hair growth. There is a medicine named minoxidil that is available over the counter without any doctor’s prescription.
Eating balanced diet helps in preventing hair fall. Take diet rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and other essential food nutrients. It also prevents graying of hair.
Wash your hair twice a week. If your hair is oily the avoid oil and conditioners. For oily hair you should use oil only once in two weeks. But if your hair is dry, then use oil thrice a week and conditioner twice a week. Never rub conditioner on the scalp. Just rub it on the strends. It is recommended that you use anti dandruff shampoo.
You can also opt for hair transplant method. This method is bit painful but you will get permanent hair.
There is a great natural hair fall control tip. Take saw palmetto extract each day. This will speed up the hair growth and also grows new hair. Just take 1500 mg per day to get its benefits.
Do a simple scalp message to increase your blood circulation in the scalp. You can go to an expert for a good message.
Just follow the above hair loss control tips to get back your gone hair.
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