Time Required: 60 – 120 mins
1. Soak Feet
In pedicure bowl, mix foot soak in a generous amount of lukewarm water as per foot soak instructions. Place feet in bowl for up to 10 minutes.
2. Remove any existing polish from nails on both feet. (If necessary.)
- Remove right foot from pedicure bath. Cut nails using nail clipper.
Note: cutting nails too short can damage the nail. Avoid cutting nails with too sharp of a downward curve at the edge / sides of the nail, where the nail meets the side of your finger, as this may result in ingrown/ hangnails. Ouch.
- Using a nail file, file nails so that there are no sharp edges left by nail clipper, so that nail edge is smooth.
4. Clean the edges of the nail plate
- Using orange stick or nail pusher, GENTLY clean bottom of the nail bed, where it connects to the finger.
- GENTLY push back the cuticle using orange stick/ nail pusher.
Dead skin cells of the cuticle collect here, as well as residue from hand lotion, environmental dirt, etc. It is important not to scrape the nail bed in this area too roughly, as grave, possibly permanent, damage may be done to the nail bed.
- OPTIONAL – Cuticles may be clipped at this stage, but it is important to clip ONLY the dead, and not the living, tissue. If you are unsure of what is dead and what is living tissue, skip this stage altogether, as clipping live tissue can result in cuts, bleeding and damage to the cuticle.
5. Buff nails and clean under free edge
- Using a white nail buffer, GENTLY buff nails (no more than 10 strokes per nail).
Buffing to smooth the nail bed. Overzealous buffing however, will result in thinning and possible damage to the nail plate, which is a common occurrence in professional manicures. The amount of buffing that ought to be done will depend on the condition of the nail. It is important to note that, depending on the depth of the ridges of the nail, it may not be possible to smoothen out all ridges, without removing the entire nail bed.
- Using orange stick, clean under free edge (the area at the top of the nail where gook collects when you use your nails to scratch… something) of any residual nail that may have collected here during the filing/ buffing stage.
6. Apply cuticle oil to cuticles
- Critical step to well manicured nails.
7. Apply callus softener and wrap foot
- Optional, if applicable, apply callus softener to any calluses/ hardened areas on soles of feet, and wrap foot in a towel.
Repeat steps 3 – 7 on left foot.
- Starting with right foot, remove towel and smooth calluses/ hardened areas on soles of feet with a back and forth motion using foot file. Repeat on left foot. And please, never use a razor blade.
9. Apply and remove scrub
- Starting with right foot, apply foot scrub for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with clean water from small bowl into the pedicure bowl. Repeat on left foot.
OPTIONAL – Apply foot mask
To right foot, avoiding the tips of the toes, and wrap in a towel. Repeat on left foot and let both feet stand for 5-10 minutes.
Rinse mask from right foot using clean water from bowl. Repeat on left foot.
10. Massage feet
- Massage hydrating foot lotion to right foot, including legs. Pay special attention to heels. Repeat on left foot.
- If necessary, apply heel balm to cracked heels, on right and left foot.
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