Head the crown of the body, if not covered by beautiful thick hair spoils the entire look of a person. So looking after hair or hair care is as important as looking after any other part of the body. Today hair are affected by many factors as environment, pollution, harmful chemicals, lack of proper diet, stress, harmful UV Rays, lack of sleep etc. so even if one gets naturally beautiful hair, one needs to care more about them to maintain them. As one keeps a daily routine to clean the body, hair too should be cleaned the same way. Longer the hair more care they require. As dust and dirt sticks on hair they require more care when it comes to cleaning and it should be in one's daily routine. Like skin hair too is different type as normal, dry and oily and as the skin has different complexion, hair have different texture as straight, curly or wavy. Some people have silky or some have dry coarse hair. Many people suffer from dandruff or premature graying of the hair. So depending on the hair type and keeping in mind the hair problems one suffers, one should maintain their hair care. First of all eating healthy nutritional food rich of iron and protein is must for healthy hair. A balanced diet is good and must for the entire body. While looking after hair one should remember if one uses chemicals on hair in any form as coloring, straightening or getting hair curly which is called perming. Such hair requires advanced care. One should wash hair properly with a good shampoo, which is their hair type as for dry hair a shampoo that is specially made for dry hair should be used. Then rather then drying hair through hair dryer, one should let them dry naturally. If hair is dry and unmanageable, one should always apply a good conditioner on hair and then coat hair with hair serum. Wash the hair thoroughly; no traces of shampoo or conditioner should be left on the hair or scalp. Should not rub hair hard with towel, it damages the texture though should wipe them gently. Should never brush wet hair as hair are their weakest when wet so one can use a wide tooth comb to detangle the wet hair and brush them when they are dry. Do not tie hair very tied as it weakens them. And many people use gel and mousse to set hair on daily basis. They should use such things once in a while occasionally. And whenever they are applied on hair to give a style, they should be washed immediately after coming back home, the same way we remove make up. One should wear a scarf when on hair while going out in sun or in wind as they damage the hair and make them look dull and brittle. Should get the hair trim once in a month otherwise one gets split ends. Trimming hair gives them a finishing look and helps them grow. Oil massage is very useful for the hair. It improves the blood circulation and helps the hair grow so it should be done at least once in a weak. Oil should be left on the scalp overnight and hair should be shampooed the next morning. One can make or purchase readymade homemade hair packs from the market to apply on hair once in a fortnight. Hair masks too should be applied depending on the hair type. As egg is good for dry hair and lemon for oily scalp. Lemon can be used for hair with dandruff too. If one doesn't find it convinient to make hair packs at home one can buy them from the market, but should remember the hair type while buying a hair pack. Coconut and olive oil are very good to use for hair massage but if one wants one can even mix them in equal proportion and use. A mixture of olive oil and castor oil is very useful for dry, falling hair. If one is seriously suffering from hair fall or dandruff, one needs medial treatment. As dandruff can cause major problems to the hair, scalp and the on overall skin as people tend to get pimples and acne on face, back or overall body due to dandruff. So it should not be ignored and oil, shampoos made for dandruff hair should be applied. Falling approximately 100 hairs is normal to a person but if the hair fall is more than that, then one should see a dermatologist. who will find out the cause of hair fall and will tell a cure for it. When going to bed one should leave the hair loose and open, as tied hair are tend to break more and become weak. So if taken proper care with healthy diet one if cannot stop the harm to the hair completely due to UV RAYS, pollution or harmful chemicals, one should at least prevent them for the time being |
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