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Monday, October 10, 2011

9 Steps to Perfect Manicure

9 Steps to Perfect Manicure

For your hands to look their best, nails need to be clean and well cared for. A regular weekly manicure will help keep them in good condition and should only take about half an hour once you have had some practice. For a manicure you will need the following:

  1. Warm soapy water
  2. Cotton
  3. Orange Sticks
  4. Towel
  5. Nail File or Emery Board f. Nail Scissors
  6. Base Coat
  7. Nail Polish i. Nail Polish Remover

Steps for Manicure At Home

Step 1.
File your nails into shape with an emery boards or a nail file to make a smooth even edge. Work with one-way strokes, starting from the corner and working towards the tip. Use long strokes and never saw at the nail.

Step 2.
Rinse your hands and dry them carefully. Remove old nail polish using an acetone-free remover and cotton.

Step 3.
Soak your nails for three or four minutes in warm soapy water to which a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil have been added. This helps to soften and clean hands at the same time. Dry them carefully. Dig your nails into a soapy sponge to clean under the nail tips.

Step 4.
Gently lift up the skin around the nails with a orange sticks. Take care not to break the skin, which is called the cuticle. Under the cuticle the new nail is growing.

Step 5.
Hang nails are broken bits of dry skin around the nail. They can be very painful and the skin can become infected. Cut the hangnail close to the skin, with sharp nail scissors. Use hand cream to keep the skin supple.

Step 6.
Lay your hand on a flat surface and brush on a base coat to prevent the nails from staining. This also strengthens your nails and allows the polish to be applied more smoothly.

Step 7.
Apply polish, starting with one brushstroke in the middle of the nail and then one on each side.

Step 8.
When dry apply the second coat of color in the same way. Be sure to wait until each coat is quite dry before applying the next.

Step 9.
To avoid chipping, apply a base coat to seal the polish underneath.

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