Wellness Programs
Natural Weightloss Program
Obesity is a condition arising due to excessive body weight. It is determined by measuring the relation of body weight and height of person, often termed as Body Mass Index (BMI). A person with BMI >= 30 is considered obese. Several factors such as hereditary, diseases, medications, physical inactivity etc. are responsible for it.
Overweight / Obesity increases the chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, sleep disturbances, loss of libido, infertitily and even cancer. At VCC Ayurveda, we offer complete natural solution for obesity and its related morbidity. Its special therapeutic massage with herbal paste oil etc. reduces weight, imparts mobility to joints, improves texture and complexion and stimulates the nerve endings. The most promising effect is proportionate slimming of bulky body and enhance beauty. The treatment is specially made keeping in mind the body constitution, status of natural bio humors like Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The program also aims at sustainable weight loss and prevents rebound weight gain.
Overweight / Obesity increases the chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, sleep disturbances, loss of libido, infertitily and even cancer. At VCC Ayurveda, we offer complete natural solution for obesity and its related morbidity. Its special therapeutic massage with herbal paste oil etc. reduces weight, imparts mobility to joints, improves texture and complexion and stimulates the nerve endings. The most promising effect is proportionate slimming of bulky body and enhance beauty. The treatment is specially made keeping in mind the body constitution, status of natural bio humors like Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The program also aims at sustainable weight loss and prevents rebound weight gain.
Kaya Kalpa Chikitsa
It is a prime treatment for retarding the ageing process and arresting the degeneration of body cells and immunization of the system. The treatment includes intake of special ayurvedic tonics, diet and comprehensive body care programs. The program is either most effective for sex. It prevents you from all ailments, even chronic diseases like cancer etc.. If one undergoes this therapy once a year, the person can live a long and disease free life.
Anti Ageing
This program is specially designed for people undergoing midlife crisis. Menopause, lifestyle disorders, stressful environment cause premature ageing, premature graying of hair, sagging muscles, wrinkled skin, memory loss etc... Anti ageing program provides body confidence and a new, younger look naturally and you can stay young for a long time to come.
Saundarya (Beauty Care)
Saundarya means beauty. In this program we offer special skin treatments for acne, pigmentation, hair fall, dandruff, premature graying of hair, dark circles etc. So come and discover a newer you.
Abhyanga therapy (Relax- detox therapy):
The Ayurvedic body massage therapy reduces stress and revitalizes the body. This treatment is deeply relaxing yet invigorating. It improves the working power of the muscles and favors prompt recovery from the effects of fatigue. The treatment promotes the penetration of oil deep into the tissues so that impurities are loosened and eliminated from the cell structure. Massage therapy has a positive effect on neuromuscular apparatus and on respiratory organs. The process helps in general improvement of metabolic activity of the entire constitution.
Rejuva (Vigor & Vitality)
It is a unique program of VCC, to provide vigor and vitality for either sex. The stressful, busy life drains a person of energy, immunity, strength etc. Rejuva revitalizes and recharges a person to face challenges with confidence and also enhance the sexual health. This therapy includes special rasayanas(herbal tonics) and vajikara (herbal aphrodisiacs).
Kerala Massage Therapy
Massage and external application of oils are necessary for most of us on a regular basis. This soft oil massage has a soothing effect and improves the working power of the muscles and favors prompt recovery from fatigue. The stimulating effect on the cardio vascular, respiratory organs and neuro muscular system is marvellous which relieves you from stress, strain and makes you fit for your next day's hectic schedule.
Post Pregnancy (Delivery) Care
Post delivery period is very crucial in a woman's life. It helps to relieve new mothers in their puerperal period by purifying the uterus. It helps the uterus to shrink to the normal size. The program removes backache, stretch marks and post delivery complications. Specially made herbal tonics provide complete nourishment and detoxification of body and regain total health.
Stress - Strain Management Program
Today, the lifestyle of modern man has led to many health hazards. The stress and strain of day-to-day life is a major factor for many chronic diseases. Lack of exercise, polluted environment and climatically unsuitable menu further drains away energy.
We offer health rejuvenation programme that drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit.
Special Ayurvedic Massage with formulated herbal oils and steam bath to remove stress and strain and enable one to lead a fatigue free life.
We offer health rejuvenation programme that drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body, increasing memory power, improving vigor and vitality and make oneself physically and mentally fit.
Special Ayurvedic Massage with formulated herbal oils and steam bath to remove stress and strain and enable one to lead a fatigue free life.
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